What's with this subreddit and users who come here solely to cause problems?

11  2017-05-09 by [deleted]



How do you know users are shills?

If you check their post history, it's usually nothing but them disagreeing with people and telling people they're wrong. They're usually relatively new accounts or old accounts with barely anything posted (until they started shilling).

There's a lot of signs.

How do you know?

You made a fairly strong statement that implies anyone contradicting is paid to do so.

Can you cite evidence or are you making shit up?

It's how they go about disagreeing with someone.


"You're a moron lmao, you actually believe this!?"


"I don't agree with you, and here is why..."

Check out the user you responded to. They have been doing exactly what you are talking about in your post. They are doing it to you right now.

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That post is true. White countries are being peacfully invaded because of forced mass-immigration.

In 50 years, those countries will no longer be white countries. The white people will be replaced. Pointing this out gets you called a racist. White people aren't allowed to have homelands.

Well how about using logic on this one, not trying to attack you. I'm just not following your definition of shilling? ya know

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2 day old account. Doing exactly the same as the other account commenting here. Posting old posts. If its not the same person they have the same MO.

Why do you care so much about the color of a fellow human's skin? Is that what defines them to you?

So what's the solution? Don't let non-whites into America?

Absolutely not. I do think America is a melting pot, and I think under the right circumstances we could really make this thing work.

But with the corrupt corporate media constantly agitating the diverse population and purposely trying to get them all angry at one another, it's creating a chaotic and unsafe society.

Not only that, but they also brainwash us to not give a shit about anything except ourselves and things that really don't matter.

Life isn't immutable. Things change all the time and I feel like we're being irresponsible as a nation, We put emotion before logic all the time now. Immigration is a big thing. Some countries are a lot different than others. It's not as easy to integrate on a giant scale like that without being very careful.

I agree that we should allow logic should be more valued than emotion. But, understanding that, there areas and parts of the country where discrimination is rampant. Should these cases be ignored as we find out about it?

How should we handle cases like this one: Florida police accused of racial profiling after stopping man 258 times, charging him with trespassing at work

Basic incivility means a paid poster?

I'm asking how do you know?

Being a jerk on the internet is hardly suspicious in itself, right?

You were uncivil to me before an edit, I'm not accusing you of anything.

Been tangling with them today. Check my history for a good laugh!

Yup exactly.

Also a few posts in a location sub, a sports sub, a comedic sub, and one or 2 misc interest.

You mean it's not like any other sub?

It already happened to all the major subs. r/conspiracy is fittingly one of the last to fall

You're one of the dudes that does exactly what he's describing! Look at your comment history. Look at your karma. Look at how long you been here.

Glad I'm not the only one that sees this.

Please seek professional help. There's hotlines you can call. You can dial 911 if you feel its an emergency (probably a good idea). Just trying to help.

  • soonerchad, a hypocrite, living a lie, proof below


Well lets have a look at your account that's 7 days old. Look at almost every single comment you make. You're full of shit.

All over the place. We've disagreed once or twice, but this guy is a new level of argumentative, for what seems nothing more than the sake of argument itself

Having an attitude doesn't make you able to invalidate other users' credibility. The down vote brigade ended before and people saw things for what they were. I come here to read about interesting topics and shit stirrers like yourself detract from the constructive conversation.

Having an attitude doesn't make you able to invalidate other users' credibility.

Calling out users such as yourself for the same account age fallacy does invalidate your credibility, internet stranger.


stop acting and we'll stop treating you like an actor

Here we see the rare, bring up something in the past to use arguement

That MagnumSunshine shill is the owner at least 3 new low effort disruption sockpuppets imho.

Removed. Rule 10.

Yeah I said everything you're claiming. Now look at the other comments in that post. You're full of shit.

Just downvote and move on. ☺

I'm a troublemaker. Trying to build consensus.

People should learn to disagree without having to insult the other persons intelligence...

Being wrong is not the most terrible thing in the world, so long as you don't directly hurt or harm anyone in the process.

Theres a group of people doing this. Idk if its a group from 4chan, paid shills, or a group from somwhere else, but theres a group that just started trolling here over the last 5 or 6 days.

The paranoia..............

You have a year old account and you JUST NOW learned how to reply properly.

I wish I was a "paid poster". I just do this because I feel we can be better, and this sub could do some good.


I feel like if we are going to take a real meaningful interest in discerning truth... Than we need to use some actual discernment.

Bullshitting about unsupported theories is a waste of everyone's time. So if I see bull shit I try to point it out.


We are back to the crusades I see.

Can I quit my job?

There's at least one shill in every thread of someone seeking knowledge. Keep dropping truth bombs, they deserve to learn too even if their comments are paid counters

I guess this sub is really "r/conspiracies as perceived by white male Christians afraid of a future that doesn't favor them"

Hey, no harm no foul. I got the address wrong is all. Back to work ya all. Sorry for intruding.

What world do you live in where people are HAPPY they're becoming a minority in their own countries? What world do you live in where a group of people who once made up 90% of the nation, and now make up less than 60% of the nation are HAPPY they're numbers and dwindling and their country will pretty soon resemble something completely different than what it used to?

Go to Islam and try to systemically change their demographics and culture. Watch what happens.

This is America, land of the melting pot. We pride ourselves on being welcoming to different cultures and beliefs.

Once someone becomes a citizen in this country, they are American, no matter what race they are.

Didn't say it should be solely white people in America. But there is a concerted effort to purposely dwindle their numbers down to where they can no longer have an impact on the direction the country heads in.

Once someone becomes a citizen, they have the same equal say as every other American.

I just take issue with comments like this, because I married an immigrant and brought her here to the states to live here. We're going to have mixed racial babies living in this country, and it's weird to hear others imply I'm "dwindling our numbers".

This country isn't about race, it is about Americans and the ideal of America.

I don't give a damn what race/sex/religion/orientation anyone is. I do care about the core ideals they have.

Okay, I hope you enjoy living in a country where people of other races outnumber you 5-1.

You see unlike Hollywood's false image of multicultralism, it never actually ends well. It ends in Civil war, which is exactly what the elites want so they can swoop in and "save us" with the NWO.

So the color of a person's skin dictates who they are? Is the earth flat too?

How have blacks and Hispanics and others been able to live here so long being minorities? According to your logic they would all be dead or something.

Where are all of these thriving, safe, countries with African and Hispanic majorities? Most seem to be violent shitholes. Now once again, that is a verifiable fact, but I will be called a racist for pointing it out.

Well, one could get into the US/Russia/China involvement in those countries, or how those countries aren't the ones threatening world peace.

But that isn't what is being talked about here. You are comparing countries and governments to the color of fellow humans. Which of those countries you mentioned started ww1/ww2? And China isn't a white nation and they seem to be doing pretty good overall.

You are lumping people together based on one thing. Color. And that is just stupid and based on pure ignorance.

Asians nations thrive. I never said they didn't.

This. This. This. But we are all the true God's children. Therefore all shall return to their original melanated bodies :)

Theres 3 of the people doing this shit posting here now. Probably the same douchebag using 3 accounts. Thats why the accounts are so new.

Dude. I'm an atheist. Your Christianity threatens me the same as Islam.

Christianity is a bigger threat because most the people in power in the US are Christians. And a good many of them want us to have laws based on their particular belief (right wing conservatives are generally the equivalent of the imams/etc in the ME that run muslim countries).

Christians in this country have started wars, prayed for the troops to be 'successful', worked with the wealthy to keep the poor down, pushed to remove aid to the sick/poor/elderly all while pushing to get more for our military and to expand our wars/empire.

We have attacked many muslim countries either through war or drones or proxy wars.

Wtf does this have to do with the OP?

Who was I replying to?

It's what will be the down fall of what you hold dear.

You want to outbreed the enemy? Is that the answer?

Where will I get my Schwarma?

Your govt is screwing you harder than ISiS could ever dream of.

This is really about white nationalism.

Removed. Spamming this post. First warning.

Dude, if you want to contribute, that's fine, but posting a dozen half-line responses is not.

Why do you think we are in the Middle East?

To be honest, I'm just tired of being called a shill just because I disagree with something.

I try to be civil as possible here, but some act downright hostile to me because they think I'm being paid to be here.

You were taken by a myth.


I'm not concerned with Reddit etiquette. I can't spend all day trying to get karma and reinforcing cognitive dissonance. Some people actually have jobs and contribute.

It has plenty to do with it.

Group think. Wake up. You are being tooled.

Well this exploded in a really weird way...

We have a lot of contrarians here!

It's just human nature. Some people are compelled to react to certain things, just because there are rules doesn't mean everyone follows them. Throw im a dash of conflicting ideas and cognitive dissonance and you got yourself a shit salad.

Wtf does this have to do with the OP?