Benjamin Netanyahu is an alt-right leader. Closed borders, strict immigration, racial superiority, and the list goes on...

88  2017-05-09 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Here is a list of Alt-Right characteristics. It's funny how close Bibi follows these. A lot of Americas strongest allies are these far right ideologist. Why do we use a term to praise some and demonize others.


Removed. Rule 12.

I guess "Netanyahu" is a taboo world. I've made so many posts just like this and hit front page a lot. Pretty fucking lame to show how it's biased in the west and praised in the middle East. That's a conspiracy with in the media. But I'll just not talk about him...

It's a fine post if you'd flesh it out, and I actually agree with you on your assessment, but rule 12 proscribes posts without content or context, which yours lacked.

If you want to put something in the text box for this post, message me and I'll reapprove it happily.

I will put a list of alt right characteristics

Okay, I approved it. Just try to add those to the self.text when you can. Not trying to be a hard-ass here, just trying to keep the post quality up to a certain level.

r/Showerthoughts won't let me post this there.

In other news, the sun will rise again tomorrow.

Oy vey! Delete this post you anti-semite!

Shut it down!

Aside that he promotes the reverse of what he does in his country to anywhere other than his country of the devil.

If you look at the original nazis, Hitler typed his manifesto on a typewriter provided by a Jew banker, there were 150,000 Jews in the German army, some high ranking officers. Face it, Jews are nazis.

It's obvious, but the (((people))) who control our media will never say this.

But why did you settle on the term "alt-right" specifically?

Bc the news said lepen was alt-right for wanting all the things Israel is doing. And I was like, well shit Bibi is alt-right as fuck.

We know why. He is trying to attach evil Netanyahu to Trump and his supporters. Who the fuck legitimately even says "alt-right".

Just keep trying to divide us

Don't you want Jesus to return? John Hagee says we have to support the 'state without borders' and its perfect leader.

I don't know what's worse, people who make that crap up or the people who believe it..

Racial superiority

No such thing exists anywhere on this planet. We are all completely and totally mixed. Especially Jews. Anyone clinging to such ideas is delusional.

You don't think there are still pure 100% Mongolians?

To a certain point yes, but if you go back enough there is always some different origin, for everyone.

I'm not a believer in the "out of Africa" theory, so maybe this is where our disagreement comes from

Oh im not a fan of it either, I just think that we have ancestors from all around the world.

I'd only say that's true if you lived near a place that traded, or were conquered at some point by a different race. The world was not globalized in the slightest, so the only mixing would be the occasional traders (who would only mix with low class citizens)

You forgot about the majority of invasions through different wars and also people who were kidnapped and brought in other countries as slaves, like the romans did and the vikings. This is what I mean when someone makes claims about "pure" races, no such thing exists. Believing that you race is pure by a lineage of thousands of years is statistically extremely unlikely.

And it's currently working out great for Israel

Don't forget Standardized Socialist Single Payer Health Care for jews. Non jews get the shitty beds.

Nothing wrong with strict immigration and closed borders.