I don't wanna be an asshole but can some of you guys explain to me why you think the election was hacked?

3  2017-05-10 by goemon45

I just don't understand it doesn't make any sense to me, even obama said it was impossible


by who?

did you google, even a little? Something like "election hacked theories'? If so, which theory do you find the most likely? or least likely?

He's right ya know 👆

could be. But his post has all opinion and no fact - so I was trying to help him work it to the surface so the thread isn't deleted.

I was saying you was right.

I'll admit that I was a trump supporter only because I thought he could help the economy and Hillary is a proven liar I couldn't vote for her

yes, lots of people chose the lesser of 2 evils this election.

It's calling hacking a political party's emails and engaging in a propaganda in the age of high speed internet. Literally no one but retards have said someone hacked voter machines. You didn't hear that from anybody, you made that up because you don't have critical thinking in regards to what hacking an election means

did you see how easy it was to hack those Dibold machines? To the point where the auditors could not tell there was any adjustments. I would think the possibility of a hack should be alarming in and of itself.

I'm sure it could be done but we'd detect foreign cyber invasions. So if it is easy and someone did then the vote was rigged for Trump. All you needed to do was hit less than 10 states that were super close.

no, the boxes aren't networked. They are programmed via a card, which is the vector the proof of hack concept was verified. It is on youtube, if you search for dibold voter machine hacked. I think I might be typoing the dibold name. hmm.

So for it to be foreign, it would have to be them penetrated the ranks of whomever maintains the integrity of the voting boxes. So possible but more likely a domestic hacking.

That's why I was saying if that could happen then the votes were rigged for Trump to win via electoral college by our own domestic agencies. I didn't mean that foreign parties could hack into, I meant that our domestic agencies could hack and ofc why would they tell us.

there was a good amount of chatter back then about the internal domestic agencies being divided. There was talk of coup and counter-coup. There was talk of gnostic illuminati vs khazarian mafia. There is lots of talk, but so much is obscured to us.

Gosh, that was pretty harsh to OP. Not very nice of you.

Seriously though I'm sick of this troglodyte thinking.

I'm tired of it too. But OP started off by saying he wasn't trying to be an asshole. He seemed genuine in his lack of understanding.

I guess because I have a child that "needs clarification" at times, it doesn't bother me. I realize that not all people grasp things at the same time. :-)

Tru... but I never made such claims ;)

I know. It's okay. :-)

Speaking of propaganda war:

Feds believe Russians hacked Florida election-systems vendor

http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/12/politics/florida-election- hack/index.html

I'm sorry I just thought the narritive was that the election was literally hacked. I just made this post because I wanted facts and sources. Feel free to keep being a prick tho

It wasn't hacked. No one hacked into the voting machine to change votes.

According to the yougov/economist poll more then 50% Democrats surveyed thought that Russia hacked the vote tallies.


Propaganda is paying off.

Link to the PDF of the whole poll:


That's sad that they believe it. It shows that they aren't listening.

I would frame it as a result of listening only. The phrase, Intelligence officials believe Russia hacked the election is deliberate. If I was a person not following these debates the inference that voting tallies were rigged would come naturally.

Yes, you are right. It is the fault of the MSM for wording it that way. But they know that many people will not do research on their own and will just believe it. Sad.

Propaganda is an interesting choice of words. DNC voter databases were hacked. Public and private addresse systems were merged and built into a targeting system that aimed propaganda at susceptible people based on psychological profiles developed by Cambridge Analytica.

Those same databases were also used to identify voters for purge lists in competitive states. That particular tactic wasn't unique to this pst election.

Look up the trace dns and ip evidence white hats are posting on twitter. Russian fingerprints ALL over these efforts. Even Wikipedia all of a sudden added a server in Russia. Self identified conservative and liberal hackers have been very busy posting the evidence.

Putin overplayed his hand this time. There will be severe sanctions against Russia after the dust settles and dozens of Americans in jail.

DNC voter databases were hacked. Public and private addresse systems were merged and built into a targeting system that aimed propaganda at susceptible people based on psychological profiles developed by Cambridge Analytica.

Is the innuendo here that Cambridge Analytica used data obtained from the DNC voter databases? How about this you provide evidence that the Russians hacked DNC voter databases!

Look up the trace dns and ip evidence white hats are posting on twitter. Russian fingerprints ALL over these efforts.

Really...ip evidence? Please provide evidence that it was Russian intelligence.

There will be severe sanctions against Russia after the dust settles and dozens of Americans in jail.

What makes you think that Americans will be in jail. The Russian sanctions are obvious. As long as Russia is compromising American hegemony, the Trilaterals will try to contain it. Ergo they are insane!

Americans will be in jail because they broke the law. It's all been recorded by foreign intel agencies in at least 7 countries.

Re: the ip and Dns data, Give me about an hour and I'll post the proof that's out there. PITA but I've been meaning to start a doc to archive all the proof, theories, etc for awhile. There has been some really quality work done on this and people should and will be recognized.

Thanks for the prodding to get it done.

BTW, it's all private citizens posting their work. They can only see so deep into the grid. The Feds have a much neater case made. They can see all the way down. Remember, the internet as we know it is a creation of the defense department.

The best way to read the evidence is in the twitter threads that were posted. MSM sure wasn't covering it. But that's going to take a lot longer than I thought. I'm not even sure if I can collect it in a way that is presentable. I'll post more summaries/blogs if I can find them. In the meantime, here is a post from one of the analysts/white hats on the summary of the work of several people on data sharing:

target list collaboration

Here's a pretty good summary of the proof that wikileaks was compromised. The author is connected to some pretty heavy tech assets.

wiki Russia host summary

None of this is a secret.

Their servers are hosted in Netherlands, Norway and Russia.

The wikileaks.org domain uses a Round Robin DNS, a load distribution technique that makes use of multiple web servers.


Mir Telematiki Ltd is a Hostkey brandname.


No, not a secret. But if it isn't a problem, or to put it another way, if it isn't a risk to have a server in Russia, then why not have a server in the US? Why not have one in the U.K.?

I'm leaving the technical argument about whether or not SSL keys on that server are relevant to the hackers.

twitter feed of analysis

Yes it's Louise but some of the people in that thread know what they're talking about.

Regardless, physical access to the servers makes all kinds of snooping much easier.

Their previous hosting provided was raided.


A server in Russia is out of reach of western law enforcement agencies.

A lot of people are probably counting on that.

I'll post inks to twitter for some others to follow. It's going to take awhile to dig through their threads but it's worth it.

Quoted, credentialed, serious dude. Especially prolific on Snowden and NSA. Jester

Cambridge Analytica, I used it on my profiles.

It said I was a young, liberal woman. Maybe the web version I used is just not as advanced as the evil billionaire package.

What do you mean by 'hack' ? this word is bandied about when they actually mean medled, tampered, or interfered with. Was our election influenced by forces outside the US who had their own motives as to who they wanted in power? I would say most definitely 'yes, it was'.

Not hacked imo but fraud was in play. There was supposedly dead people voting, there was ballots being destroyed or taken away, and I couldve sworn you can vote without an ID in California. James okeefe covered it, but fact check me on that.

george soros has ties to voting machines that produce suspicious results around the world.

No, not a secret. But if it isn't a problem, or to put it another way, if it isn't a risk to have a server in Russia, then why not have a server in the US? Why not have one in the U.K.?

I'm leaving the technical argument about whether or not SSL keys on that server are relevant to the hackers.

twitter feed of analysis

Yes it's Louise but some of the people in that thread know what they're talking about.

Regardless, physical access to the servers makes all kinds of snooping much easier.