Whats wrong with being unemployed if you enjoy life more?

7  2017-05-10 by [deleted]



As someone who supoorts public assistance for people that NEED it, this is really dumb to suggest.

You should be working to improve your community and be self sufficient.

I agree very much with your statement, however I feel like today it is much harder to achieve a sense of accomplishment in your work, and we feel more forced into these unfufilling jobs to pay for debt.

A bare life isn't bad. People NEED to learn to love within their means. Materialism is what causes most of the debt, that and too many people that shouldn't be in college getting that good ol' debt degree.

Why do you think society places such emphasis on a degree? Easiest way to indoctrinate the new generation to their chains, within the prison they call reality.

Yes, this is also another extremely important thing, now that we are giving degrees to everyone, we are really lowering their overall value. As well as the amount of debt young people are getting into is increasing. We are told that we need to buy more and more, yet I agree people need to be able to relax and learn to appreciate what they already have. If we weren't trying to buy more all the time, we might live healthier lives too as we would be forced to make wiser choices.

work should be for paying bills and affording the lifestyle you want. If you seek substance in work, you have been bilked from the get go.

No one is "forced" to take a meaningless job that probably actually hurts society. Most people are just too meek and pathetic to take what they really want from life. They're too terrified of competition and conflict so they settle into mundane mediocrity and then bitch about it. its annoying.

Uh, because your fellow citizens don't want to feed your fat ass so you can sit at home and play video games.

Exactly! I'll help you get on your feet if you need it, but I'm not holding you up.

I figure this is the type of guy who wouldn't mind being an animal on the future dystopian Elite's human farm.

that's the programing talking, the exact thing 'they' want people to feel when they see a friend or family member not working, that THEY somehow are footing the bill for them via income tax, but that's not the truth. The programs that these people are on, do not require income tax and is borrowed straight from the Fed, BORROWED, not money we have on hand.

Of course one rat is going to be perturbed they 'had' to chase through the maze do all the hard work and avoid danger to get their cheese, but guy next door just gets it delivered directly to him, no muss no fuss.

100% full employment is impossible. As technology destroys more jobs more people will be reliant on others to survive.

If this guy is happy in his existence who cares? If he goes out and gets a job and becomes miserable it means that someone who wants a job cant get one and they then become miserable. The cost to the tax payer is the same but we now have too unhappy people rather than too satisfied ones- is this a better outcome?

Live and let live.

So rather than thinking maybe we need to avoid this future where we become "useless eaters" you figure we should just go with it and a few of us can feed the rest of the slack shits. Who WANTS to work? Who wouldn't rather have free time all the time? That isn't life.

You know, once a great number of us become vegetables the PTB will have us for salad.

Why avoid it? If technology means that there's less shitty jobs and more free time we should embrace that as a society. The problem is our society is corrupt so technological advances are only benefiting the very rich. Ideally less jobs would mean 3/4 day weeks on similar wages. It doesn't though and so it creates an unemployment problem. There is not enough jobs to go around- so why cant people find happiness in their shit existence and go with it?

If society only has enough jobs for 80% of the working population what do you propose for the other 20%?

People can take what they want from life I think, its not for anyone to say; you should spend 50 hours a week working in Mcdonald's because making and consuming art and culture instead isn't life.

I was thinking if we took the people wh weren't providing value to the market, like say the 20% or whatever and taught them how to farm, and gave them some land, they could sustain themselves at the very least and maybe generate enough food to feed others. We all need food, and fresh organic food would be optimal. Im sure people would feel way better doing this, and providing a healthy alternative that is still greatly needed, as opposed to working a job they may not feel they contribute to or being 'a parasite.' Maybe we could farm all of eastern Russia, or western Canada, or Africa.

That technology everyone thinks is going to set them free will definitely bite them in the ass. The very rich don't want you to have their resources and i'm not speaking of tech because they will give you that eventually. They don't want you on their land, they don't want you eating their food, they don't want you breathing their air. the world is not going to get set free to be beach bums. There will be genocide.

I don't even advocate the current system of working. I think its slavery, but i do believe in working for myself..Just Myself. Not handing over taxes to feed the dreamers on the government teat or anything else in this ridiculous system. What that 20% and anyone else who is tired of it can do is leave the system and fend for themselves. Grow your own food and live your own life.

you think the poorest 20% would get away with seizing land? I think its rich to suggest others are dreamers. What you really mean is you don't give a shit about the hypothetical 20% they can die or starve as long as you got yours.

i don't think anyone would get away with seizing land. I suggest people make a goal and move towards it. I don't "have mine" because i'm on a government check.

You have the right idea. Hopefully we change that soon

How does relying on the government for your means of living sound freeing to you? Yes, the 9-5 is a rat race/trap... but relying on welfare instead is not a good alternative.

The best alternative is to create your own business or create multiple streams of revenue through investing - become FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT.

I totally agree that this option would be amazing, however I don't think that it is an option for most people to achieve. In the past, let's say 1940's-1960's a man could go to work and support a family while his wife stays home and takes care of kids, etc. Nowadays things are much different, and we are dependent on being in debt and forced into these jobs that are unfulfilling. I think if people felt like what they were doing was more meaningful and felt less forced into it, we would see far less people on welfare and more people volunteering for work.

Absolutely. It's definitely not an easy thing to achieve - and you will most likely have to work for a while before you can get there.

Not every business is going to cost an unrealistic amount of money to start. And not every investment has to be an unrealistic amount in order to make money off of it. The key is to create multiple streams of revenue for yourself all at once. The more streams you have, the less dependent you are on any one source (your 9-5).

Use your 9-5 as your stepping stone while you work on creating new streams of revenue.

I guess it requires experience, which is what most young people lack at the critical times in their lives where they have to make important decisions. What you are talking about might be fairly easy, but a student fresh out of high school might feel like they'll never make it unless they go to university for 4 years, while taking on $30k of debt or more, and then not getting employed right away. They may have been better off taking that $30k and starting a business or something like that instead.

For sure. It's funny that you mention that, because I actually listened to a speech of a father and son who sort of made that decision. The kid was graduating high school and the dad said "okay I've got $X (can't remember specific number) to pay for you to go to college. If that's what you want, that's what we'll do. HOWEVER, I want you to learn about investing and decide if you'd like to invest that money instead of go to college."

So that's what they did... they learned and invested the money together and today, the son is now in his late 20's and nets $250k+ per year and he works about 2 DAYS/YEAR.

My husband works but I do not. No kids and no state aid here. Instead of working for someone I decided to work for myself. I started a small farm and put in a giant veggie garden. The things that I do here save us lots of money. We still struggle a little like everyone else but I am free to do whatever I want. We also don't expect to be able to buy the latest and greatest stuff either. We make it work for us.

I think this is something we need to strive towards. Feminism argues that women need to get out and work, but I think maybe they would be happier to stay at home and take care of things around the home or do other things. The problem with that though is the government would lose another tax slave, and money from daycares.

The whole feminist movement was to enslave the other half of the population. Put the women to work, put the kids in institutions, and alienate the men. Aaaaand there goes western society.

Exactly. As well as create issues that may not exist, like gender equality. Women have value, they don't have to be men, it makes no sense to try to be men.

Absolutely! Feminism took a wrong turn somewhere and left me behind lol. Most people think I'm crazy but old school works for me. I get to play in the sun all day and work when I want.

Because a society in which some members do all the work to subsidize members completely capable but unwilling to do work is an inefficient, extortionary society. Humans need to work for themselves first and others second, but we need to work for others. By doing nothing and relying on others you are neither working for your own good or the good of others, therefore, to society, you are useless.

If you are incapable of working, thats different.

I think it's weird that people despise work so much. It actually feels good to be productive and valuable. It's good for your spirit.

Eh, depends on the job or line of work you have. I doubt a poor schmuck working at McDonald's feels valuable. I work as a nurse, which is supposed to be valuable, but sure as hell doesn't feel like it.

Type of work is important. Who you work for is important.

Because technically, the government stole my time/labor/skill to give to them so they could do nothing. That is what's wrong with it. Getting something for doing nothing might be freedom for one person but it is slavery and oppression for the other person paying for it.

With that said, I agree with you. The whole rat race is bullshit. It is slavery. Packing all of us into mega cities so we don't have the space or resources sustain ourselves and are forced to have a job to survive.

I hate to say it. But the world needs a major reset.

I guess what I was thinking is we have politicians who make 6 figure sums for working 150 days a year, and we can spend hundreds of millions of dollars on things like killing the world's poorest people in foreign countries, yet to spend a few thousand dollars per citizen in our own country would be criminal. Same thing for health care, we should be able to provide every citizen with at the very least basic necessary for health care, yet people still pay for drugs and stuff.

So what you're talking about then is Universal Basic Income, correct?

Usually I associate UBI with socialism/communism, which I think is negative, however I think that may be what Im talking about.

I don't like UBI either, simply because it is not sustainable and it would have to be done a worldwide scale for it to actually work. It cannot work in the current economic system. Any country that did it, would destroy it's currency due to the inflation that would occur.

With that said, the only way to maintain the structure of society as we know it today, would be to have UBI. Personally, I don't like either. I despise the rat race system we have, and even with UBI the rat race system would still exist. I find it ludicrous that we find it acceptable to spend nearly 40% of the time we are alive working a job just to survive.

There are several facets to the problem. Government. Money. Corporate greed. The list goes on. And sadly, it's all intimately tied together, and it's all part of the problem. It all needs to go.

Exactly, I was thinking we are so hellbent on finding other planets to live on cause ours isn't going to last much longer, yet if we had just taken better care of it we wouldn't need to find any other planet. I don't really understand why we are stuck in this system other than to expand to other planets. idk though, I realize not everything is the way I see it.

Funny thing is, space exploration would be just another day at the office if the countries of the world would just fucking work together. We have some brilliant minds on this planet and if they were willing or able to freely share ideas and information, we'd already have 10 million people living on mars and underwater vessels exploring the oceans on Europa.

But there again. What's the problem? Government. Money. Corporate greed.

I think there needs to be a reassessment of how we view work as a society, but I don't think we are quite at the point where allowing some people to not work at all is logistically feasible. I think full-time employment should be decreased to 24 hours a week, and I think, rather than paying politicians and bureaucrats, we should pay all registered voters an extra 25% of their weekly wages to contribute in some way, either as a community representative or in the capacity of a social worker/charity worker, or in some other government function, in exchange for one 6-8 hour day of work per week. Taxes should be based on wealth not on income, because it would incentivize spending and entrepeneurship over saving. Spending creates jobs and a healthy economy much more than anything else. Saving creates inequality and a stagnant market.

If you truly want that kind of freedom walk into the woods, build a house, set up a solar panel, get yo interwebs on and chill. Otherwise help your community better itself through your service.

Im sure lots of people would do this if they could, however there are so many laws and regulations that prevent anyone from doing this at all. Unless you are one of those undiscovered people in South America or wherever.

Just think what happens if everyone starts thinking like you and no one ever does anything productive. Things like this sub and your electronic device wouldn't even EXIST everyone had this kind of attitude. We would be less than animals.

Its plain dumb to say the least.

Assistance should be given for people with disabilities/diseases that make them incompatible with work and those temporary unemployed, but looking for job.

As one once said "for one that receives without work, other works without receiving" (not exact words but something like that).

You're not restrained to do the 9-5 way. Do it your way. Create something that adds value to the life of the others. Move the farmlands and live out of what the earth gives you. But as long as you make your life out welfare - without needing it - you're taking resources from the ones who deserved it.


People are going to feel so much differently when their jobs are outsourced to automation and they're literally fighting an unimaginable number of applicants for ANY job they can get.

They're already outsourcing jobs in 3rd world countries to automation, do you really think American jobs are safer considering how much Americans 'require' to work?

it's gonna be a bloodbath.

I agree, and I think that's all apart of the plan for depopulation. Right now we have so many people, but how many actually provide value? Of course just letting them live and manage for themselves outside of the system wouldn't be allowed, as it doesn't make any profit for the elites.

Most jobs can be easily replaced or absorbed by another position, it's not until you fuck up or your corporation needs to save a couple bucks that people realize how easily dispensable they are to the businesses/careers they've given so much to.

Go talk to senior citizens and ask them if they got the silver parachute they were promised at the end of their lifetime of work.

well thats the thing, you work you whole life for something you might die before getting. why not enjoy life now?

If someone choses to live on financial assistance from the government, and they receive less than $20k a year

In Canada a single person will be living on less than 5g cash. With rent and utilities it could go up to 15g total.

Meanwhile the Canadian gov has thrown billions at a company like Bombardier and given banks the right to create our currency at interest to create debt slaves…but people will still whine about the 15g.

It's f'ng embarrasing

I totally agree. Canada is the second largest country in the world, and we have tons of natural resources and a small population. With this we can ensure that every single one of our citizens is wealthy, yet somehow we aren't. Seriously we could all be millionaires.