/r/conspiracy under attack - post hits front page

154  2017-05-10 by secondcomingOFfex

We just had a post hit the front page. They're bringing in the big guns now to make sure their narrative is plastered in the comments.

Top 50 comment chains are about how terrible /r/conspiracy is, and how it's a hotbed of racists and partisans.

It's almost ridiculous to watch evolve.

We should be active today on other subs. Spread the word about shills and fake accounts. We can use the attack to our advantage.


They will then use the excuse that we are attacking other subs and rally more idiots behind their stupidity.

Better to be active and contain the madness here with thoughtfulness.

You guys are terrible at your jobs.

Barking up the wrong tree man, check the history if you like. I spent the past few days trying to stop u/canonsolar for his derailing/"account age fallacy" campaign, and exposed those 3, 3day old accounts who were posting about Clapper and commenting on each others posts to create an echo chamber.

Doin' god's work.

I believe nothing you say.

Jesus Christ, that sentence is a train wreck grammatically and philosophically.

It's not that bad, with the proper context. I just refuse to believe anything that account says. I would also refuse to click on any of his links that go off-site.

Not helping your case.

I have no case. I'm here for visibility.

alternative context

I just refuse to believe anything that account says.

If he told you 1+1=2?

umm...let me check what t_d says first

Out of curiosity, what post hit the front page. I just went to look and couldn't find it.

The AP news report about Comey. Seems like people came here to discuss it. Go look at the comments section.



I definitely don't want a female president

  • you

What the fuck?

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Op's feelings towards not wanting a female president and believing pizzagate are mutually exclusive. Don't lump them together in attempt to discredit him entirely. People have flaws.

Full disclaimer is I mostly only lurk this sub and less so since Trump supporters took over and choose to turn a blind eye to any possibility of wrong doing by this administration. But I thought we've moved passed pizza gate... and the reason I bring it up is because I think it's important context for "who" believes this sub is under attack. The post is unnecessarily political and the reason stated for the attack is one worthy of exploring, even if it's only for a short period of time.

But I thought we've moved passed pizza gate

Considering half this sub are just The_Donald stooges, we're far from being passed it.

We will be passed pizza gate when the pedos are in jail .

First we need actual proof that the people implicated in Pizzagate are even guilty of anything.

Now that Comey has gone Trump will hopefully install a director of the FBI that will conduct a real investigation into Hillary,if so pizzagate will be examined.

I'm sure he'll find some partisan hack like Gowdy that will go after her nonstop.

While I think she needs to be investigated, I think it's more important that the FBI Director is fair and nonpartisan. Not someone selected for the express reason to investigate Trump's political rivals.

All the FBI needs to do is enforce the law evenhandedly.

If they did this Clinton would be in jail.

Calling Gowdy a partisan hack is beyond stupid.

I'm a pizzagate believer, but I honestly think that won't happen and that's because I think Trump is in on it too. Although I'd be willing to eat my words if I see him put them in prison and they don't pull him down with them. But at ther moment I think that he can't put them in prison because they would bring him down with them.

Lol do you actually believe your own crap? Trump and the Clinton's are FRIENDS. Lol get it through your thick skulls. They are on the same fuckin team.

I wish all these Donald loving chode monkeys would just get the fuck off this sub.

I wish all the pedo protecting shills would get the fuck off this sub.

Its not going happen though.


Hey guy, all it would have taken is 2 seconds for you to look through my comment history to see that I fucking hate these creepy fuckers and all their weird "art".

But if you still believe Donald Trump is a "good guy" and hes on your side, I dont see very much hope for you.

Didn't bother to look through your post history because you where being rude and insulting.

Might I suggest that if you were trying to actually engage someone in constructive debate then refrain from insulting people. Insults will only lead to more insults and the point in the conversation is lost from both sides.

That is unless the point of the conversation was to defame posts that express an opinion you don't want to see so others who think the same are weary of expressing the same thoughts for fear of being ridiculed as "thick" or some type of "monkey".

Agreed. Too many Donald dickriders on here now. Makes worthwhile discussion difficult.

I've been saying that since the election started. Donald and the Clintons are friends!! Ppl gotta open their eyes.

I think you need to head over to voat and throughly read the executive summary...

They're literally using Urban Dictionary to say "cheese pizza" is a common pedophile term. Give me a fucking break.

Everyone knows "cheese pizza" in relation to child p*rn was created by 4chan as a meme/joke. I can't say for certain that the meme hasn't crossed into use in those disgusting circles by younger pedophiles, but I am pretty skeptical that 68 year old John Podesta is using 4chan meme terminology.

I will admit that there are some weird aspects to the story, but took make the Pizzagate theory work, they just assume to worst about every aspect to try and make it fit their narrative. Overall that post looks like Charlie from IASIP looking for Pepe Silvia.

I'm not saying definitively that Pizzagate isn't real. I remain skeptical and I find it irresponsible to brand someone as a child rapist without extraordinary evidence (actual victims would be a start).

Sure, there might be certain aspects of pizzagate that are just creepy coincidences, but the big picture goes beyond just one person like podesta. "Pedogate" is 100% real. There is a massive international pedophile ring involving high level gov officials that supplies children for occult rituals and blackmail purposes.

I don't doubt for a minute that there are sick individuals around the world working together.

But Pizzagate revolves primarily around Podesta, and in my opinion is/was driven primarily by partisan group think.

Which is why it has since evolved into pedogate. There are obviously republicans involved in this too.

Unfortunately, I think the very valid concerns in Pedogate are going to get overlooked by a lot of people because it's tainted with it's hyper partisan origins of Pizzagate.

Yeah I get what you mean. It's annoying when people keep bringing politics into this, without realising that by advocating for or bashing either party they're playing into the system. But there's potentially shills and useful idiots on both sides, so I think it's best to just call out the partisanship and move on without letting it rustle your jimmies. In regards to when you say "I thought we've moved past pizzagate" do you mean the msm version which pins it solely on dems and the idea they run a paedo ring out of comet's basement? Or do you mean what most are now calling pedogate, which refers to the bipartisan elite paedo ring in which members from the upper echelons of both dems and reps participate in? Because I, along with I believe many others in the conspiracy community, do believe very much exists.

This Sub has hit inception like levels of deception lol.

Humanity is meta-aware.

Wokest sleepers on the planet.

Yes, there sure aren't any racists or anything like that here...

So much care. I thought they demand you burn that.


That, uh clears so much up..

I know, don't concern yourself over it too much.

I won't, bye

Have a good one, my friend.

This is getting strange!

There's a few people who post stormfront propaganda here

You keep saying that, but I dont see it

I'm not seeing it, op. here's the text from the OP of top 5 comment chains:

  • The paid shills are downvoting a juicy conspiracy.
  • Get ready for some juicy leaks.
  • So the reason for firing him was for his conduct in the Clinton case in JULY OF LAST YEAR? Sooooo, why did you wait until now?...
  • Snowden: This FBI Director has sought for years to jail me on account of my political activities. If I can oppose his firing, so can you.
  • Pulled a full Nixon, not a good look

They're also comparing him to Nixon saying that he must be guilty of something if he fired that liar who was "investigating" him, right?

I bet their cross posts will show the real difference in comment sections. The exposure the other subs get because they don't have the reputation r/conspiracy does means, those messages will likely prevail and our tin-foil hat wearing bullshit means any message here is heard in our sub only. Compartmentalized baby!

Not in so many words but.....that's the takeaway.

Wait, so you are upset that people on /r/conspiracy are being critical of the sitting president?

He's pointing out the tactic of marginalizing /r/conspiracy to compartmentalize discussions, and keep the topics we discuss taboo for casual readers. It's an active information war.

Uncle Sam needs you, today! #JOINTHEWAR

is uncle sam on trumps side or not?

plz don't talk about trump like that he's very sensitive but also very good at everything

Go back to r/politics troll.

Removed. Rule 10.

Tell papa trump he's winning, or he'll get mad....

The paid shills are downvoting a juicy conspiracy.

Your top comment is of a chain pointing out exactly what I'm referring to.

I mean just check out the comments:

It's interesting how often this exact comment gets posted. There are dozens of mainstream news articles about paid shills but you don't know how to become one so I guess it doesn't exist

Wow. Downvotes are strong today

You work for shareblue... or you are an unpaid university student in a "social ethics" course. Probably some other options though.

It doesn't apply to trump supporters

It's a perfect example.

Yes, but I'm not seeing the attack itself. You said:

Top 50 comment chains are about how terrible /r/conspiracy is

That statement is not true. Let's look at the posts on the second top comment. They are all about the level of moisture we expect to see in the future.

Well if you evaluate the other 99% of the comments in the chains you will see what I'm saying. Obviously the original posters in the thread were legit conspiracy users before the post hit the front page. This is why the top comments in the comment chains are pro-conspiracy.

Thanks for highlighting this point.

Sample size: 0.3527%

Maybe you can help me out with a link to a few actual posts attacking the sub, instead of unsourced quoting of non-attacks?

Youtube comments and 4chan posts are pretty much the highest source of evidence for r/conspiracy


IMO it's conspiracy hipsterism. A big part of the appeal of conspiracy theories for many people here is that it helps them feel superior to all the sheeple who have no clue. Mainstream conspiracies, true or not, don't provide the ego-boost.


I'm not sure. I feel like this sub is just now recovering from all of the conquered altrighters. For some strange reason a lot of it seemed to stop after Russia's efforts to influence the French election failed.


I used to come here and enjoy the sub. I didn't buy 95% of the content here, but it was always fun reading the theories and occasionally my mind was blown when some pretty serious and persuasive connections were made. (For example, I never bought JFK conspiracy stuff untill /r/conspiracy turned me on to his involvement with the CIA, the cover ups of investigations afterward, etc.)

And yet here we are, were its looking more and more likely that a sitting US president or his associates may have openly colluded with the Russians in a US election, which would possibly be one of the craziest conspiracies in US history, and yet the sub seems almost silent on the issue or at times even hostile to it.

That's when I realized this sub was less about conspiracies in general and more about conspiracies that advance particular political world views and ideologies of the userbase.



First comment is from /u/puppooChuppoo. He is a frequent commenter on this sub. While he is often critical of many subjects, he has his own pet conspiracies that he follows.

second post is from /u/groman28 posts almost exclusively on the sub.

3rd post is /u/adamdesautel. Most definitely an /r/politics shill, but not a shareblue bot.

/u/squanchyballs could qualify as a shareblue bot candidate.

There are literally hundreds of comments like that. Care to link to any you find suspicious?

Removed. Rule 10.

And I guess people from /r/the_donald aren't shills?

I believe t_d is equally as manipulated as any other brigading sub. Good source of useful idiots to go along with the bots shaping discussions. They've been doing it this way since 2007. See, before they had to actually get people to push their narrative because reddit was pretty good about killing bots when it was semi-private. Once they stopped cracking down on bots to push up site registration, they had more ammo.

The brigading subs are just covers for the actual vote manipulation.

Dude, Hillary got 3 millions more votes, that mean the democrats are the majority and obviously we're going to see more anti-Trump subreddits than pro ones. I don't get how that is hard to understand

how could anyone be anti trump though? hes poised, professional and really seems to relate to the common man. his policies have all been sensational successes, and he had the most people ever assembled in one area EVER for his inauguration. Also, he was informe on 3 separate occasions by a respected fbi official that he has never been, and could never be, under investigation.

Not seeing it. These are definitely commentors that are virulently opposed to trump, maybe they serve an agenda, more likely they are just the dem counterparts to T_D users. But I am not seeing anything specifically talking about our sub.

That thread, as someone said earlier..was a train wreck all in all. I say let it die it's natural death...personally, I saw some disparaging remarks against the users of this sub last night. But..whatever..rise above, and focus on the real conspiracies.

That was my polite way of calling it a train wreck haha. But, we shall carry on, laughs and light.

Yeah, you would make a good mod..imo

There were many many comments against this sub in that thread the other day.

I only checked the top 10 or so.

It's been happening for months and months. I call it Operation Further Marginalize r/conspiracy (OFMRC)

r/conspiracy was marginalized by actual racists and woman-haters. Seriously most of you are fucking Psychotic. I can't count how frequently I've seen alt-righters here advocate for the brutal deaths of people like Podesta and Hillary. I have forwarded many of those posts to the FBI as these people clearly need to be monitored.

I definitely agree with you, some of the people posting in the pizza gate threads are definitely trying to push an agenda. They should definitely be monitored. I mean seriously, who is against investigating child kidnapping and murders? Only someone with something terrible to hide.

I advocate law enforcement to monitor all these threads and all who participate.

You have literally zero evidence that Podesta is involved in anything like you claim. Every claim regarding this issue can easily be debunked by logical thinking and application of context.

Who is talking about Podesta? I think ALL accusations of child kidnapping and child murder should be investigated with seriousness and due diligence.

I accuse you of child kidnapping. please pm me your contact info so i can forward it to your local police.

Yeah, because before pizzagate people were so blase about child kidnappings and child murder, right?

there is a user here, who by going through my fairly recent postings you will be able to find, who has only been here for 44 days or so, gained 2000 karma today ALONE, has over 8,000 total on this 44 day old account, and only posts links from cnn, wash post, reuters, etc. but I cant call him out officially or ill be banned, so what the hell.

So argue and destroy the narrative he's sharing if he's wrong. That's far more useful than outing him as a shill, even if he is a shill.

I have no time to argue with shills/paid agitators I have no hope of winning over. I have a family and a God that I reserve these energies for

You have time, you're not that important. You're here now and you have enough time to do investigations into individual users accounts and tell on them.

And the point isn't to win over the shills, the point is to win over the audience, no?

Maybe you should read my post history from my dealings with TrumpRusConspiracy and his fake claims of being a suicidal loner in search of truth.

It's not fake.

well maybe the two arent mutually exclusive. If youre feelin down, its probably bc youre in a depressed state at the fact you are spending all day every day spreading disinfo from multiple accounts on this board.

One account. And you are right. This kind of stuff is not good for me. I've been trying to cut down.

fuck it man, lifes too important honestly to worry about tryin to argue against your ass online i got better things to worry about like my children. I was tryin to make other users aware but its like fighting the fucking ocean. im out bro, happy travels.

I respectfully ask you not to talk about me again

If you have time to dig through peoples post histories and count their karma by day, and then make a post complaining that you can't just accuse others of shilling, I'd say you can find the time to engage that person in some kind of conversation rather than just tossing an allegation at them.

I'm sure your God would understand, and might even prefer you converse with them rather than, you know, bearing false witness against them.

Gods not real tho


whats their name

Read my post history from like three days ago, I don't post that much you'll figure it out fast

oh yeah I love that guy. one of the view willing to post threads and have discussion on trump and russia.

you must be his alt.

hes really good looking. tall, too


Can you please not do this type of stuff?

i cant help it youre already posting in every single thread I click into, and every single post is disinfo.

2 days is fast?

immediately posting under this username under the 4 day old thread in which you tacitly admitted to me that was one of your other accounts, yeah, theres no way youd have known how to get to that post in that thread and its only like page 5 of my posting history, I knew where to look for it and yet youd already found it, if you werent him youd have had to sift through 4 pages of posts to even find what im talking about. you didnt do that in the two minutes it took you to post under trumprus in the old thread(after "finding"it)

Do you not understand how easy it is to look for comments with res?

Dude I was fucking with you

dont bother with the bs.

Lol sorry

That's some powerful cognitive dissonance you've got there. Par for the course.

Yeah, except we are up to 450,000+ subscribers now. This sub just keeps on growing for some reason..

more than t_d!

Where's the thread?


Post has been removed from rising queue even though it is still active and 5 comments just went up in the last 5 minutes.

UTC-04:00 6:47 PM May 10, 2017

Post has been removed from rising queue even though it is still active with 5 new comments in the last 10 minutes.

UTC-04:00 6:47 PM May 10, 2017

Only way is through admin involvement. We got their attention. Had to clean up lousy work.

Alright. By that logic: I accuse you.

Now because you've been accused, you should be investigated with due diligence. Do you not see how stupid this is yet?

No, I invite local and federal law enforcement to monitor my every move until they are satisfied with the color of my character.

you are a trip! I am loving the weirdness

It's actually just the AP article linked without any commentary. Pretty mundane considering that the AP article could have been linked from anywhere else on reddit.

If people want to use it as an excuse to attack /r/conspiracy I think I can write that issue off and move on to something more interesting.

People will bitch about this sub, but we also get a few people that come in and see that they can get some real news and information here also. Many an article that will get deleted from every default sub, even if they have to bullshit about the reasoning for the deletion, will be allowed to stand on it's own here. People see this and come to appreciate being treated like a grown-up where they can read the censored stuff for themselves.

Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

One of their latest tactics is accusing everyone of being a shill. I keep getting attacked by recently created accounts calling me a shill with a 10-year old account.

What's funny is I'm being called a shill for not supporting the Russian hacking narrative conspiracy.

In other words, they're flipping their tactics. Since we called them shills, they're now calling us shills to muddy the waters.

They're now calling themselves conspiracy theorists, and pushing their own fake news and propaganda as conspiracies, but call you a shill if they disagree with their approved conspiracies.

It's basic divide and conquer, but they're getting smarter.

this latest batch of propagandists are smarter.

The script is just being refined and morphed. They're of the same crop. Their hearts aren't in it, which is why they're transparent.

Reddit is pretty much the perfect place to practice using machine learning techniques and basic AI. If they're analyzing our responses, they can then shape new algorithms to respond. There's a possibility some of these accounts aren't real people.

Then again, if it is real people, they're idiots following a script. Which is just as likely as some of these accounts are really dumbed down.

And like clockwork the presence of anything but far-right Trump praising comments triggers T_D so badly they respond by making posts like this one.

It's not fake accounts dude, there are alot of people there are very suspicious of Trump's move. You've been in a self-imposed bubble for too long.

I checked expecting to see shit, but found none... inception, I know life's a dream, it's monochrome cover is peeling away

row, row, row, your boat...

This sub is being brigaded heavily by r/politics and not just in that one thread.

Spread the word about shills and fake accounts.

Yes, because that will bring integrity and respect to this sub.

Top 50 comment chains are about how terrible /r/conspiracy is, and how it's a hotbed of racists and partisans.

Mods should remove and ban for rule 10.

Lets not forget how every time a Trump fuck up happens this sub is swarmed by new accounts making post after post about Hillary Clinton and defending the Government.

'we love the powers that be! the minority party sucks!'

Eh, fuck em

Top 50 comment chains are about how terrible /r/conspiracy is, and how it's a hotbed of racists and partisans.

The fuck are you talking about?

As I see them, the Top 50 chains are not about "how terrible r/conspiracy is". I see only a handfull of related comments. And this sub, over he past year or so and in my opinion, has certainly become more of a hotbed of racists and partisans. That is a fact anyone here can see.

Stating the Top 50 are about how terrible this sub is is a flat out lie. And if you haven't noticed the racism and partisan opinions over the past year, you certainly are not paying attention.

What is YOUR agenda?

He's pointing out the tactic of marginalizing /r/conspiracy to compartmentalize discussions, and keep the topics we discuss taboo for casual readers. It's an active information war.

Uncle Sam needs you, today! #JOINTHEWAR

It's not that bad, with the proper context. I just refuse to believe anything that account says. I would also refuse to click on any of his links that go off-site.

Not helping your case.

plz don't talk about trump like that he's very sensitive but also very good at everything

Have a good one, my friend.

alternative context

I just refuse to believe anything that account says.

If he told you 1+1=2?

One account. And you are right. This kind of stuff is not good for me. I've been trying to cut down.