Now that Andrew McCabe is FBI Director, let's reflect on how his wife likely took bribes from Clinton confidant Terry McAuliffe during the email investigations

274  2017-05-11 by MyKillK

Just look at how incredibly suspicious this timeline is and how it ties into the Clinton Campaign...

On March 2, 2015, the NY Times reports Clinton could have violated federal regulations by using a private email server, increasing the likelihood of an eventual FBI investigation...

...on March 4, 2015, there is a Congressional subpoena for all Benghazi related emails...

...Virginia Gov. McAuliffe, Clinton's 2008 campaign chair, admits having a meeting with Jill McCabe, someone with no previous political experience or influence, on March 7, 2015, to "urge her to run"...

...on June 26, 2015, Hillary headlined a fundraising event for McAuliffe's PAC and the Democratic Party of Virginia... the end of July, McCabe's husband Andrew McCabe is promoted to the #3 FBI position, associate deputy director...

...only weeks later, on August 11, 2015, FBI takes custody of Clinton's server and thumb drives, which begins the FBI investigation process...

...Over the next three months, donations totaling nearly $700,000 by McAuliffe's PAC and the Virginia Democratic party to the campaign of Jill McCabe...

...McAuliffe was already under FBI investigation for campaign violations...

...the amounts donated dwarf almost all of the other Jill McCabe campaign contributions...

...during the course of the email investigation, by January 2016, Andrew McCabe was promoted again to deputy director of the FBI...

...most of the campaign money was spent on "media buys" with "Shorr Johnson Magnus", a top-shelf political media company normally concerned with national elections...

...which is connected to Priorities USA, a Hillary Clinton aligned SuperPAC


He is just a place holder. They even mentioned him on the liberal MSM for his ties to Clinton. Even they know he is doomed.

Fantastic news. Yeah McCabe is just as corrupt as any of them from what I've been reading here. Fuck him.

The entire FBI is basically owned by the CF

Sounds like blackmail material.

Government shark tank where Trump fires everyone and calls it cleaning the swamp. Then the real sludge takes its place.

By Monday morning we will have a new interim....


If McCabe says he's going to step up the investigation you can bet Trump will fire him too.

Trump wants to get rid of McCabe ASAP so he can get his own guy in. Filthy, filthy man.

He wants to get his own guy in to reopen the Clinton investigation and fuck that bitches world. Still confident Trump is going to drain the swamp and MAGA

Trump filled DC with swamp creatures from the Octopus that is GOLDMAN SACHS! The same terrorists who are with the Rothschilds that fuel all the wars in the world. Trump is ONE OF (((THEM)))!

False brotha, Trump has no allegiance to Wall Street whatsoever. He has even talked about busting up the big banks like Goldman.

Trump IS Wall Street!!! Trump signed an EO rolling back Dodd-Frank. His main man Icahn is getting busted for insider trading because of Trump tips. Mnuchin, his Treasury Sec. pick, wants to get rid of Glass-Steagall.

Watch what the elite DO, not what they SAY! Isn't that #1 rule of conspiracy???

I am relying on my education to form opinions not what the elites say necessarily, Trumps actions, for the most part, when it comes to Wall Street are consistent with his words. I'll agree some aren't. I agree on Glass Steagall, it is a vital piece of legislation that should remain, they talk of replacing it with an updated version as it was signed in the 1930s I believe, but I will wait to form my judgements on this new bill until I know what is in it. As for Dodd-Frank, the entire thing was not rolled back, as I'm sure you know. it is compromised of hundreds of different regulations, the ones repealed make it easier for smaller businesses to obtain loans necessary for their day to day operations; the regulations dealing with the relaxed lending standards that had a hand in causing the financial crisis of 2009 are still in place. Many, even the CEOs of Wall Street banks agree that these regulations are absolutely necessary to prevent another crises from happening. It really isn't as bad as you seem to think.

Bullshit. The bankers should be in JAIL. Trump was never going to do that. Hillary wasn't either. The voters do not get to dictate any real policy; the elite just do whatever the fuck they want to.

The bankers should be in JAIL.

Yes, but that doesn't mean that Dodd Frank is a good law, or that Trump might not still pass Glass Steagall. It's very important to create pressure for this right now.

Trump IS Wall Street

Stop. You're not thinking clearly. This is black and white thinking, the world can run in grays.

It's possible that Trump is in bed with the banks, but he can still push Glass-Steagall through. Stranger things have happened. The original Glass-Steagall was put in by a 33rd degree freemason.

Trump signed an EO rolling back Dodd-Frank.

Dodd Frank is a terrible law. It's incredibly favorable to big banks; it created massive new regulatory costs that put all the small banks out of business.

Mnuchin, his Treasury Sec. pick, wants to get rid of Glass-Steagall.

...we already got rid of Glass-Steagall.

He has even talked about busting up the big banks like Goldman.

That's true, he has discussed this quite recently.

How much koolaid did you drink?

The whole goddamn pitcher

Still confident Trump is going to drain the swamp and MAGA

I am not confident, but I pray every night that I am wrong.

Trump is already on record saying he isn't taking any more action on Hillary.

He flip flops so much that regardless of what he does he would be a liar. That's almost impressive.

Terry McAuliffe is a disgrace to the men of Virginia who ever served as Governor. Will the Bush/Clinton Mafia ever be locked up?

He's a dirty bird. NEXT!

Wait, did Trump put Mccabe in there? Wtf? If he does I'll stop having any "sympathy" I had for the guy.

Watch George Webb series. McCabe has been protecting Hillary for years and is heavily tied with DynCorp corruption. The guy literally is the swamp and the embodiment of the deep state.

Trump probably knows he can be influenced.

And he k led what happens when trump has another of those mood swings. After all, it was comet that leaked the news of investigating Hillary. Look what that got him. PLUS, he is booted for the Adler that brought about hillary's downfall. No I don't have any expectations from trump in terms of foresight.

Wait, did Trump put Mccabe in there?

As I understand it, he's just the acting director because he was next in line? I haven't read too much about how it works, but that was the gist of it, from stories about Comey being fired. I don't think Trump would have picked McCabe.

That's the least of the shity things that he has done.

Its not about politics

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