Its important to think of the long-con. They are already grooming someone to run against Trump in 2020. This person will be absolutely horrible, but nobody will care because the US public will be fully primed to vote in the "not-Trump" candidate.

137  2017-05-11 by [deleted]



Bring on the antichrist! This train has no breaks, folks, let's see how far we go.

I dont know what is going to happen but I'm not going to stop fighting for what is right and what is true.

These globalists are all made of lies and if we shine enough light on them they wont be able to hide. Keep shining the light


I'm almost 100% sure it's going to be Tulsi Gabbard.

You can expect to see more of her coming up. One of the members here did an awesome write up on her, detailing her membership of the CFR, the amount of airtime the media is giving her, her portrayal in the media, her visit to Syria, ect.

Does anybody know where that write up is?

Anyway she's my bet for the democratic puppet 2020. And after 4 years of trump, it will be most welcomed to the American people.

Plus, she's an attractive female and has a kind demeanor, she's very convincing. Think of tulsi as like the female version of Obama. Hell, they're both even from Hawaii...

Does anybody know where that write up is?

Here you go.

Also she would be the first woman(since Hillary failed) and first non-Christian president.

I get the impression that the establishment and democratic establishment sincerely dislike her. They are trying to primary her and derail her career. I would be surprised if she managed to rise above all that

Remember how mad people got over HRC's less than stellar record on gay marriage? I really doubt Democrats are going to nominate someone who once fearmongered about the "homosexual agenda".

Besides, a member of the House hasn't won the nomination in how long? Especially not someone from a extremely liberal district thousands of miles away from the "heartland".

I absolutely think Tulsi can win. I just don't think she is a big enough warmonger to get the support of the establishment neolibs and neocons. She isn't a corporatist and a interventionist. She also refused to support HRC and quit the DNC to support Bernie in the primary which probably ticked off the neoliberals even more. They will spin and make up issues that aren't relevant or are exaggerations.

She has only advocated for policies that were pro lgbt so i doubt that would be an issue. I think hrc's main issue was a lack of credibility and a lot of flip flopping based on what was politically convenient.

you do realize that the Dem's want someone to primary her so she loses her seat, right?

They hate Tulsi.

Nikki Haley. The zionists call her their "rock star".

WW3 would shortly follow. That women is a war monger and abomination. What a tool

No worries. Trump plays 4D chess, he's ahead of them by a few million steps. Long live god emperor trump.

Does Trump even know how to spell chess without asking someone first?

shoots and ladders

Nice post , politics = theater , entertainment

I think they are going to push Zuckerberg or Corey Booker on us.

Zuckerberg is NOT even close to being charismatic enough to be a president. They would never go with him because he's not as effective as someone like Obama or Tulsi Gabbard would be.

I stated before he doesn't really need to be. He doesn't have to spend a single dime to pepper facebook with his political euphemisms and campaign advertising to 1.4 billion people.

He needs to be stable enough to handle things like press conferences and media attention. Remember when he had a panic attack during that interview ?

What a weirdo. He would be awful at lying and that is the whole job. The cabal doesn't trust him with that responsibility, he's too young and too volatile and jittery.

"too young"

If I were, able to run for presidency at a young age I would.

The only thing that should matter is competency.

But, the only thing you would see of him during the campaign, it's what MSM would want you to see.

Yea, they would portray him as a shy, but lovable cute guy who is a progressive.

And of course Zuck is THE social engineer.

have you noticed he's been on a sort of tour around the country lately? going to different events and conversing with a lot of people after pretty much being out of the public eye for 4 years. it does seem a little odd to me

have you noticed he's been on a sort of tour around the country lately?

yup, (((they're))) prepping him to run eventually, not sure it'll be 4 years from now though. Probably 8. Also The Rock said he wants to run, a meathead actor, that oughta work / s

Hilary faced these same issues with rather bold tactics. Stop holding press conferences and control the media narrative to the point of receiving questions in advance. No one really questioned it the first time why change the strategy in 2020.

That 1.4 billion figure isnt true.

You do realize just how many of those accounts are fake right?

monthly active Facebook users active

Neither was Clinton lol. I could definitely see it being Tulsi.


I think Chelsea would be too predictable for the next election, we'll probably see her running in 2024

What difference does it make? The game is rigged! It's just theater, both candidates are against your best interest. If you vote, you don't get to complain!

I have to disagree, I do not believe Trump was rigged to be the candidate but rather that he gamed the media system to his advantage. The game is rigged in that no matter who wins, the CIA and super elite control everything. Trump discovered that almost immediately. No matter how much he attempts to clean up D.C. he will lose, they have been doing this for longer than he has been alive.

You speak the truth. People just don't want you to speak it.

Nobody can game the system, if they are don't want anyone, they just switch the coverage off and he is done.

Clean up D.C.? I understand that people who voted for him would rather belive a lie than face reality, he is the swamp. He put more billionaires, bankers, corporate CEO's and lobbyists in power than Obama. He campaign was run and funded by the same kind of people he put in power. He was never people's candidate, it was just an act for gullible asleep people hungry for change. Obama was that candidate in 2008 and next one that comes after would probably be a woman with similar act.

oh the downvotes...

my little upvote ill likely not help but solidaity brother, solidarity.

Thanks! :)

Kanye West 2020!

Kanye 2020

He's our only hope.

If his memories come back from the electroshock...

Kanye said he's waiting til 2024 because he loves Trump so much

I think it's gonna be Tulsi Gabbard and I'm gonna have a real hard time not liking her.

The feels man... they always hit you wit the feels. Feels over reals.

If you operated in an emotional vacuum, you'd be impervious to most kinds of manipulation. You'd be able to view a information impassively, without being influenced by the accompanying chemical response aka emotions. I took this psychedelic called 2ci-Nbombe - in my teens and it rocked my socks. Amongst the other effects:

walls bleeding into the ceiling, this keening shrill sound in my head, disjointed thought processs, mild waves of euphoria..

  • there was a period where I fully lost the ability to feel anything. It was really fairly terrifying, I've tried LSD on numerous occasions and other variations and never had the same effect. After I'd breathed my way out of the fear, it was really rather interesting. Prior to that point, I'd never realised my conscious thought was so closely attached to emotions. I could cycle through concepts and my thought stream with greater accuracy, as I was wholly unencumbered by any emotional baggage. This lasted for no less than 20 minutes, but in that time I did some of the best thinking I can remember.

Haha so yeah.. in a roundabout way I'm trying to stress the importance of impassivity when making your mind up. About anything really, but especially big tickets concepts like Politics and morality. took fake acid and now you vote good

Ahaha hahahah!! Yeah man. I guess you could say that..

Never underestimate the power of psychedelics. Remember the wave of positivity and free thinking that characterised the 60s & 70s? You can attribute a fair chunk of that to mass experimentation with psychedelics.

Very difficult to be close minded to new ideas when there's a tangerine unicorn prancing around your garden.

I hear ya

people who cannot repress emotion on political matters should not concern themselves with such matters

in other words, 95 percent of females

Great stuff. I've had similar experiences. I dunno if I ever do anything impassively, but I try to at least look at decisions as objectively as I can manage. Because fact is we are emotional beings, so at least I can get an idea how compromised my decision making is.

I've seen similar results (separation of emotion and rational thought) after an hour or two of VR video game play. Almost exactly the temporary benefits that you describe.

Forgot to reply man.. what's VR like???! Want to invest in a console for xmas.. Amy suggestions?

I can only recommend the HTC Vive and a gaming PC. You could build a great Ryzen-based rig in a console-sized case.

The Vive is great because it has roomscale. The best roomscale anyway.

And VR feels like you're inside the game. The sense of presence is surprising, like nothing I've ever experienced.

The weird part is that after a couple of hours of play in a really engaging game, and after you take the headset off and interact with the real world, you'll have a sort of tunnel vision, and at least for me, you may feel as though you're watching the world happen and are able to better separate emotions from actions. Make better decisions. The feeling is not unlike what I'd imagine an out of body experience might be like, except you're right there for it. When having a conversation it's sort of like being Neo in the Matrix, being able to think before reacting in real time, as if you're brain is working very quickly and assessing the outcomes of your different options. That fades after an hour or two.

Holy shit. You just sold me on the Vive you know?!

I'm going to do some more research around it.. if it's as good as you've described I doubt I'll wait till Xmas tbh..

Good shout!

You might be able to try it out at a Microsoft Store or something. Definitely worth trying before making the investment. It's bleeding edge enthusiast type stuff, and software is hit or miss, but it's an awful lot of fun.

Who knows if it's healthy longterm.

I think it's gonna be Tulsi Gabbard


She opposes US-led regime-change wars like those in Iraq, Libya, and Syria, and has opposed US-led removal of Bashar al-Assad from power, arguing that US regime-change intervention in Syria's civil war is a source of the Syrian refugee crisis.

Notice there isn't much opposition to her opposition of those things? Highly suspicious. Someone with those positions would be a political punching bag. But she is left relatively alone.

two prominent members of the DNC tweeted that she was a disgrace and should resign...just saying...

That definitely gets her a tick in the "Pros" column.

as much as I hope you are right, there is zero percent chance that the Dems pick her. She might be the popular choice among the Sanders wing, but she is hated among the Establishment wing.

money says they go with Stephen Colbert

Trump has the biggest media empire in the world behind him, that's how he got blindly elected and was able to scam people while still gaining their support.

Have you ever tried interpreting the world around you correctly?

Fox news is way bigger than any other news station and it's owner is in his cabinet.

Maybe you should do your research on Rupert Murdoch first... He owns the UK Sky News too so already you can see how the owner can push an anti trump agenda.

This is not a conspiracy, it's politics. Their money is on Kasich who did best in matchups against Clinton. He's also doing a debate with Sanders on CNN.

Yeah i agree with what your saying. The thing is people only really pay attention to politics, even on this sub, almost exclusively every 4 years. Midterm number are even more of a joke in turnout then the presidential election numbers are.

Really don't like the guy on social policy but I'm probably going to vote for Kasich all the way through. Haven't really seen much negative about (NWO wise at least) and he wants to fix the deficit/debt problem we have

Every candidate says they want to do that. One side won't tax anyone to bring it down, so more money is borrowed ib creasing the debt. The other side raises taxes but then implements 100 other things to spend that money on instead of the debt.

The only way for the American economy to remain stable or grow is for there to be massive debt that a billion people are paying back for 30+ years. Our economy cannot support a non consumerist market where people aren't rushing out for the latest and greatest new tech gadget or entertainment thing.

While that's true, Kasich has a track record of doing it both federally and as governor. He's very much a career politician, but he doesn't seem by any means to be one of the bad options we have now (Booker, Zuckerberg, etc)

I could definitely see the Dems trying to replicate Macron for 2020.

But, I fully expect the pubs to shock everyone in 2018 by creating an even larger majority and for trump to also win reelection in 2020. I'm also predicting that a serious Calexit referendum will take place following trump's reelection and that California will devolve into constant political violence. Left wing political violence could spread across the country.

This makes good sense, except a 2018 landslide wouldn't be a shock right now because the Democrats are a complete mess and the entire establishment has shown its hand a bit much.

Biggest question for conservatives is how to get RINOs out of seats. Democrats aren't currently much of a concern.

It's Tulsi Gabbard

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as much as I hope you are right, there is zero percent chance that the Dems pick her. She might be the popular choice among the Sanders wing, but she is hated among the Establishment wing.

but she is hated among the Establishment wing.

The Council on Foreign Relations is the "establishment" lol

She was on a lot of high positions prior to the primary, including Vice Chair of the DNC. That line was crossed and she is hated now.

She resigned and started denouncing Obamas foreign policy so people like you would think she's legit. She gets interviewed by her fellow CFR members on mainstream media, calling out the "establishment" so she appears legit. Remember Obama doing the same with Bush when he was Building a platform for 2012? Both CFR members, with CFR cabinets. Gabbard knows the path to presidency because she's part of the establishment organisation that selects Presidents and their cabinet.

It's such an old con at this point, they really have no other cards to play.

So those emails from donors were just a ploy?

I have been on the inside of DNC meetings. There is no one pushing her to run that is part of the establishment. They are trying to get her out of Congress.

No. But I have been in meetings with vice chairs and the chair of the DNC.

CFR doesn't determine who the nominee will be in 2020

CFR doesn't determine who the nominee will be in 2020

That's exactly what they do. And the President. And their cabinet. And their policies.

Have you been paying attention at all?

The DNC chooses the nominee for the Democrats.

Nope. The Council on Foreign Relations does. They choose the nominee for the Repiblicans too. Well, at least they used too. It seems the Rothschild controlled Council for National Policy is calling the shots, as demonstrated by Trumps victory. Rockerfellers? Rothschilds? No matter, they're all in cahoots anyway.

Dwayne Johnson 2020 OFFICIAL

The Rock spoke once spoke at the RNC convention. Other than that pesky little detail he is the perfect "face" to take out Donald Trump's "heel". No presidential Candidate in history has more experience working a live mic than the Rock. It could happen.

"Now let me tell you folks something. I had a meeting the other day with a roody poo of immense proportions. Didn't catch his name, but i'll call him little Timmy. Now, little Timmy came up to me asking all sorts of nonsense questions that made me think he was a little cum si cum sa, like what I was planning to do to keep his nuclear missiles from firing. Well I told that jabroni straight up. I asked him first for his name. Little Timmy looked up at me and replied "Kim Jon...." "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!"

Looks like Idiocracy is coming more true than we thought possible. And soon too, we're practically there already.

"Pardon me sir, I didn't catch your name."

"Kim Jong...."


Tulsi Gabbard, next democratic nominee 100% guaranteed

Inb4 she loses in a rigged primary to HRCbot v3.0

They want Booker or Joe in there I feel like.

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as much as I hope you are right, there is zero percent chance that the Dems pick her. She might be the popular choice among the Sanders wing, but she is hated among the Establishment wing.

You copy pasted this comment from above...

yes. I felt it needed to be said twice since multiple people are bringing up Tulsi as the Dem's chosen candidate, which is nonsense.

Of course they are grooming someone for 2020, they'd be stupid not to. That's politics 101. All you've done is predict the wisest course of events for democrats to take next election. But there won't be war, death, or stripping of liberties. They don't want that, they want docile people to rule over and the best way to do that is consistent safety with the threat of danger around every corner.

And the only person to blame for Trumps failure to get reelected is Trump. The campaign he ran works fine to get elected, but ruins most of your chance at reelection.


The Trump thumps are going to go full psycho.

I'd like to point out that we're not even 200 days into the first year of his term. By the time the 2020 elections start coming around, we'll not only have had the 2018 midterm elections (which should provide a good barometer for how Trump's voters feel about his performance), but also 3 or so YEARS of his presidency to evaluate whether he's made progress in making America great and fulfilling his promises. This applies to both his opponents and his supporters.

But here's the thing, there is a slow drip-drip-drip of opponents (like me) slowly getting "red pilled" in various ways to seeing either (a) the total moral / political bankruptcy of the Democratic party, (b) that there may be something genuine to "MAGA", or (c) both of the above. Whether or not (b) is true, (a) definitely is. Go over to T_D and you'll see it. Whereas someone disappointed with Trump definitely wouldn't go the other way. And I can guarantee you that the unstoppable "white man bad!" rhetoric on the left is not winning anyone over.

So sure, maybe they're grooming someone. But that person still has to run as a Democrat, a party which half (and growing) of the country hates and always will. Will Trump be able to win over other D voters with his actual job performance? Who knows, but it's certainly possible. That'll seal the ticket.

Also look at the performance of the stock market. As they say, past performance is no indication of future gains. But if this growth continues, or even if we stay above 2016 levels, money talks, bro/sis. Trump may even win over some of the business interests who opposed him for Clinton.

And then there's how Europe and the UK are doing with Macron and Brexit, respectively.

It's also very difficult to unseat a sitting president. This is why it's a comparatively rare thing that presidents only get one term. You have to seriously fuck up, generally in some military sense, to open the door seriously to a challenger.

So, I see what you're saying, but it may not matter. The media is waning in its power over people, and if the mainstream / non-Trump TPTB faction wants to put someone up there, let them. But they'll potentially be fighting against the results of whatever timeline we're in.

What do you like about what Trump is doing?

He makes Liberals mad so he must be doing good things right? And even if he does nothing right, I'd rather have a moral person like Trump than some forced vaccination, latte drinking, limp wristed, babykiller liberal.

I'd rather have a moral person like Trump

You're like one giant parody of right wing America.

I really find it funny when people do generalizations of entire parties because everything they say go both ways. But those blinders make it to difficult to see.

I like the stock market performance, for one. And I like that jobs do seem to be coming back in large numbers following his presidency, or at least in the economic climate he's creating / contributing to. I also like knowing that, for now, the USA will be protected from radical Islamists hiding in amongst immigrants and refugees. Some may disagree with the scope of that problem, in Europe for example. But it is clearly a very scary problem, at whatever scale.

But mostly I think I like the effect that he's having. I think the mainstream media is abhorrent and has been for years, and I like them freaking out. I can't stand toxic SJW's and I like them losing their shit, too. I like that working-class Americans have been politically activated and empowered to have a voice in American culture, because they're a part of this country too. And I like that deep state and globalist machinations are part of the majority of the national conversation now.

Of course I don't like everything that's happening. I have concerns about national environmental issues and I don't think any president has a meaningful amount of power over the war machine (mostly because of the petrodollar). But I think the above are net positive effects.

We know that Putin had a hand in encouraging the Sander's campaign. It's more likely that Kremlin propaganda will push an unlikely outsider whilst demonising that outsider's democratic/republican opponent. My guess is that Al-Franken will run for President in 2020 with Tulsi Gabbard as the wild card. The same will probably happen on the republican side, unless the Kremlin considers them sufficiently destroyed by that point.

Are you ready for Hillary (yet again)?

Isn't she dying of some brain condition?

"its not like Joe Public has any kind of attention span or the capacity to think about anything other than this weeks episode of "Why the Media Thinks You Should Be Outraged!" Well said.

I thought they would try to use someone like Stephen Colbert for 2020, but with all the leaks from DNC, FBI, and wikileaks, I think your scenario is more realistic.

Zuckerberg is angling for a 2020+ run, keeps traveling around America talking with the proles.

2024, 2020 is too early

he will be treated like some kind of savior of mankind

when he is probably the most evil human on the planet

To be fair, if the best they could come up with last time was Hillary, then I'm pretty sure that next time, Trump will get elected again.

Maybe they will have to actually present someone decent this time, as we've seen what happened when they just assumed they would win last time. With a bit of luck we will get an opponent who is either likeable or at least not outright evil next time.

Yes but if policy remains unchanged we'll be well into WW3 at that point so it won't matter much, I doubt anyone will vote but the truly deluded. Yes still a large constituency, I know.

Trump has already stated that he intends to rule for 8 years. He will be in the middle of his war in 2020 and we all know that you can't change the commander in chief in the middle of a big war. The war will either be Syria, Iran, or NK.

Mark/Chelsea 2020

honestly having Don Trump as president makes me second guess my disdain for ted cruz which I think goes along with your point. (I was a republican voter in the past and had a hard time this election). I am skeptical of Trump but I am more skeptical of the people that actively want him to fail.

i'd like to see Republicans put forward Condoleeza Rice.

why should i care about trump being opposed and ousted in 2020?

i didn't vote for him, i voted for stein, but i preferred him over clinton since i had no doubt how she would govern and the evil she would do unopposed and under the cover of darkness, because she was the oligarch's chosen one (don't kid yourself, the republicans in the house and senate want exactly what she does--they all have the same masters and this why they only "opposed" obama on stupid dog and pony shit, not his 7 wars and his gleeful decimiation of the bill of rights with bills they helped draft).

but trump was an unknown, so there was at least a sliver of a chance he'd follow through and hold the line...nope, he was either full of shit and had always blowing smoke up our asses or he folded like a cheap suit. doesn't really matter which it was. it was probably a little of both.

under trump, the march from inverted totalitarianism that we've lived under since wilson and his CPI in 1917 to straight up totalitarianism contiues apace. this would have been the case regardless of who was elected from a main party (and likely any partymdue to real fear for their lives and the lives of their friends and family). the only difference is that trump is acting like a drunk macaque as he does his part, instead of a like steely-eyed, red-assed baboon with scary as fuck canines.

fwiw under wilson we were only an inch away from out and out totalitarianism.

the left/right dichotomy is a lie you are force fed from birth to kow you into being the author of your own enslavement. the only salvation is direct democracy. get over your quest for a messiah. jesus was a fictional character created by vespasian as a sick joke on the jews after he'd crushed tbem like flies in 70AD. he gave them a messiah who hated jews. if it wasn't so sad, it'd be hilarious.

if hicks in the plains states in 1900 could win at least some direct democracy in 27 states, we can win total direct democracy in every state and the federal govt. they faught military and private thug forces in an extremely asymetrical war too--the coal wars were ended after all when the federal govt dropped 2 bombs and leftover gas from WW1 on striking miners in 1921, but the miners won in the end.

"what rough beast, its hour come at last, slouches toward bethlehem to born?"

if you keep participating in the left/right-- "this time it will be different"-charade, that beast will be of your own making..

I thought for a minute that this was a historical post, describing what had already happened with Bush vs. Clinton / Major vs. Blair. If it ain't broke don't fix it... right?

as much as I hope you are right, there is zero percent chance that the Dems pick her. She might be the popular choice among the Sanders wing, but she is hated among the Establishment wing.