Why are conspiracy theories overwhelmingly right-wing?

8  2017-05-11 by [deleted]



Because the far right shills are trying to discredit us. We are neither left nor right.

Are UFOs and elite pedophile rings right wing?

How come the only members of elite pedophile rings seem to be democrats, though? I might buy it if it was 50/50, but it kind of seems like a witch hunt.

Have you heard of Hastert? He was speaker of the house..

The Franklin scandal disproves that comment completely.

maybe the current cross section is left. But the overarching idea is that its an issue with people in power

It's both sides of the isle

Trump won't hesitate before sending ALL of the pedos to face the justice system. It's a bipartisan thing, the Alliance vs the cabal

I hope you're right on that. It's just that when I see shit like this on the front page, when it's articles that are three years apart, I feel like an anti-gay agenda is being pushed. I mean, I'm gay, and I'm staunchly against pedophilia. I don't understand why that kind of narrative would be pushed.

yeah I saw that picture, don't take it personally man, the other images in that pack were much better to show MSM's 2 faces, not sure why that one is there.

But yeah the left/right paradigm is dog shit, everyone should drop it but it's hard since we're raised that way

Thanks man. I'm glad to hear that. I can get behind some of the stuff on here, and it's good to know people like you are here. You're right, I need to get past the whole left/right thing.

Because of their beleif systems.

Most republicans are protestant or catholics.

They didnt grow up thinki g having sex with kids is ok (unless they were catholic preists but most pedo catholic priests were democrats and gay)

Right because anyone who isn't Christian thinks it's OK to touch kids?

Lots do!

Sorry, being Christian doesn't make you a more moral person than anyone else.

Considering how many priests molested little boys I'd say that premise falls flat on its face.

So i guess you didnt read the post at all.

I read it, but I don't agree with it. You can't just pick and choose who you think is a Christian. Like it or not you aren't the gatekeeper of Christianity. Or morals for that matter so maybe jump off your high horse.

The franklin scandal concerened only republicans.

This isn't a dem/republican thing, it's a politician thing.

I didn't know about the franklin scandal, that's interesting. Thank you.

Your welcome! There's a very creepy documentary on it called " Conspiracy of silence" that freaks everyone the fuck out.


They tried to crush it, even to the point of refunding the money spent on production. Some hero snuck a copy out before the hammer fell.

The Bush family isn't on the left.

I personally believe alien abductions go hand in hand with mkultra and Monarch programs. Human trafficking stuff.

No, it isn't partisan.

Using a different alt this time? Interesting.

So, what which conspiracy theories are you saying are right wing agenda exactly?

What do you mean? I've never been here before.

Pizzagate, birtherism, the 'gay agenda', Sandy Hook, white genocide, etc.

I mean I was commenting on the other post you made with a different account but you deleted it before I could hit send.

Lol, you caught that huh? I have a political account and a non-political account, and I posted from the wrong one, that's all. Not trying to fuck with you guys or anything.

9/11, JFK, Trump/Russia, RFK, Iraq was for oil, etc...

It goes both ways.

Ok, that's a fair point.


If you've never been here before, why do you think you know all about it?

That's a fair point, tbh.

IMO the biggest most all encompassing conspiracy theory is a Marxist critique of capitalism. My conspiracy theories would be classified as left wing by the average American.

Confirmation bias much?

Yeah maybe it is confirmation bias. But you're still not offering any evidence that I'm wrong.

I don't need to. You're the one who needs to provide evidence because you're the one making the claim. Why can't people understand that?

How so? 9/11 centres around right wing neocons, cheney/bush etc. The 2008 crash involved the same neocons. Watergate was republicans. The current Trump/Russia stuff is directed at reps.

The only pattern that emerges is one of a vast ruling class conspiracy. They just use the left or right as needed.

I see where you're coming from, but I see shit on the front page like this, and that seems like bullshit. The articles are three years apart. Maybe I take it personally because I'm gay, but that really seems like agenda pushing.

You're fooling yourself into thinking that an article like that means anything in your paradigm, it doesnt. Its sole purpose is the get people with different values to you, angry.

I also see articles from the left talking about putting a legal standing on peoples 'pro-nouns'. To me there are 3 pro-nouns: Male, Female and Trans. And there is no law or opinion that will make me change that. Yet as a centre/left leaning straight man, that makes me terrible in the eyes of the far left?

Luckily i understand that this all comes from above.. but if i wasnt as aware, that could lead me to see a vast left wing conspiracy.

Ignore left/right. Its no different to religion. A control matrix.


Hillary is a neocon. So yep, it falls apart.

My theory:

If you are left wing, we are going to look right wing. If you are right wing, we are going to look lefty. but actually everyone on both sides get called out, and your relative bias flavors your perception of it.

Questions like OP's are really telling as far as how deeply embedded party politics are for some people. Their sensibilities get so ruffled at the slightest implications at a dig towards "their side" that they can't see the actual issues.

Politics are the new religion. People actually disown family member because of opposing politics. There are very few things that can hijack a person's reasoning like that.

Hijack reasoning is a great way to put it.

Left Wing / Right Wing is a conspiracy.

A false dichotomy . An lusiom of choice.

At least until some otmutsiders like Jesse Ventura and Donlad Trump were able to over power the stablishment rules designedto rpevent unauthorize daccess to political power.

Still very hard to do though.

I have a bipartisan theory that your space key is out to get you.

No dou bt.

Oh look, another "Space key" shill.

Did you stop and consider that u/qaaqa might have used white phosphorus on the space key?

The space key's actions are justified.

He's talking about the fact that lots of posts on this sub just openly talk about the "elitist left" or "leftist propaganda" as if they are just preaching the the choir. There are also a lot of Christian conservatives on here that believe in demons and people being possessed and shit. I think it's a fair question as to why more right wing folks seem to be drawn to this place than left leaning folks.

There is a group of about a thousand elitist leftists in the media and federal government. These people have an enormous amount of power and influence, and they are fucking crazy. They are the reason Hillary ran against Trump, and not Bernie.

InfoWars audience overlap. The biggest Conpsiracy right now is Trumpgate, I came here looking for some more outlandish theories of people connecting the dots. And all I found was Anti-Comey post.

Is there a alternative conspiracy sub that actually does homework no matter what bias?

well said, thank you.

Alex Jones is right wing

12 minutes and 14 comments. Ya poked some folks in the sensitive spot!

Evidently, lol.

That would be the shills that frequent this sub. Democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin and both parties are parasites on this planet.

See, that line of though I can get behind.

A lot of people on here think this way. Don't let the shills get to you. I know they can be incredibly frustrating but it's best to just ignore them.

A lot of people on here think this way. Don't let the shills get to you. I know they can be incredibly frustrating but it's best to just ignore them.

Umm so you are saying thst the left wing actually has some evidence of a russian collussion with president trump even though the former head of the dni and former head of fbi and others who all saw all surveilence correspondence said there was none?

others who all saw all surveilence correspondence said there was none?

source please

Clapper. Comey. Fienstein and others .

Look up their statements on youtube. . watch them say it.

so you don't have a source?

So you cant read?

just double checking that you can't, in fact, name a source.

telling someone to "just google it" doesn't count.

Name your source for google not being a source please.


Simple. They often are disillusioned with their government. Right wing ideology advocates for smaller government. Fairly simply transition although not the path everyone takes to get into conspiracies.

I'm totally down with smaller government fwiw, it just seems a little skewed sometimes.

You should at least be able to acknowledge that most secular institutions of societal control have a heavy leaning to the left. For example mainstream media, public education, the college-university system, Hollywood, social media, etc. Most conspiracy theorists believe these institutions are used by elites to exploit the common man. Thus much of the distrust of the Left.

I can get behind that. I guess I just get pissed when people imply that being gay is some kind of conspiracy or agenda, which is predominantly a right wing thing. I really just want to settle down with someone nice and be left alone.

Most people who hold that ideology are ignorant and projecting their value in the traditional nuclear family. Many conspiracy theorists allege that destruction of the family unit is a central goal for elites to establish their totalitarian one world government. They fail to understand that sexuality has little to zero impact on an individual's ability to parent and raise their family.

Divide and conquer. I don't think it's ignorance at all. Well, not at the top.

While I agree that 'divide and conquer' is the most powerful weapon used by elites to preserve the existing power structure, I wasn't talking about the top. I was talking about the large number of conspiracy theorists who use anti gay rhetoric in their postings. I am arguing that most often they are ignorant. They are trying to protect what they consider the core of humanity by dehumanizing other members of the human race. The only ends they actually achieve are to further the division among the common man and to delegitimize members of the conspiracy community as right wing bigots.

Yep, I agree. Made that distinction myself. Sheeple are sheeple. Don't have to liberal, just mentally weak.

Exactly. The left-right paradigm is a tool used by the ruling class. Place labels on people and you can place a certain level of expectation on how they will behave. See: The work of Howard Becker and labelling tgeory. The real problem is that members of a privileged elite, with representatives from both sides of the political aisle, are colluding against the interests of the average citizen.

How's the left wing russian conspiracy going?

I see you forgot to include a single example, also known as evidence.

Pizzagate, the gay agenda, Sandy Hook.

Those are right wing?

I think the issue is more with your timeframe perspective. Right now, yeah, they seem "alt right" but in the aughts we were perceived as ultra left wing when we were questioning WMDs and 9/11 and the CIA/poppy connections. The conspiracies are actually consistent, but when the party in power changes the perception changes.

That's a good point. Hadn't thought about it like that.

I already saw this one. Stop reposting, team. Here's a conspiracy theory for you:

Because the people catapulting the bullshit know that people who believe that snakes and burning bushes can talk will believe anything no matter how ridiculous.

hahaha. I love your edit! Thanks for being honest. :)

Haha, no problem. I may not be a great person, but I can at least admit when I'm wrong. :)

Why are conspiracy theories overwhelmingly right-wing?

because even America's left-wing, is right-wing in practice.

there is no left-wing.

The only conspiracy that's valid from the left (imho)is Trump has controllers to a certain extent. That's a rabbit hole they don't want to go down. And for good reason, I might add. Glass houses and all.

Because the modern right wing questions authority, while the left thinks of the nation as a family and government as daddy. Republicans are the same way though. Most conspiracy theorists are libertarian.

Conspiracy was left wing in the early 2000 after 911 when I got on board and Conservatives were seen as a backwards joke. How that all morphed into what it is now is simply mind boggling. Most people have the attention span of gold fishes.

They are not exclusive to the right wing, however the most concerning and viable conspiracies have government involvement and right-winger typically have a distrust of government, so they would most likely believe.

It is my experience that most conspiracists are closer to Libertarian because of their disillusionment of ones government.

Both sides have propaganda

but lately most conspiracies seem to be against people who are associated with left wing. My opinion is a lot of these people just really hate leftists and push the propaganda and narrative they are all evil.

Here is what I see in this thread.

OP is mad and wants to fight because he believes shit based on an MSM article (from my country coincidentally). Gets presented with facts. Opinion slowly changing. That's progress folks.

A quote from a Reddit user. 'they keep us looking left to right, while the real rift is up to down'

Lol, you caught that huh? I have a political account and a non-political account, and I posted from the wrong one, that's all. Not trying to fuck with you guys or anything.

While I agree that 'divide and conquer' is the most powerful weapon used by elites to preserve the existing power structure, I wasn't talking about the top. I was talking about the large number of conspiracy theorists who use anti gay rhetoric in their postings. I am arguing that most often they are ignorant. They are trying to protect what they consider the core of humanity by dehumanizing other members of the human race. The only ends they actually achieve are to further the division among the common man and to delegitimize members of the conspiracy community as right wing bigots.