Are you scared of aliens?
0 2017-05-12 by Lollipop111111
Are you scared of what they can do? Or are you not afraid at all? If you are afraid, then how afraid are you? Do you like being afraid? Or do you hate it? How do you know you're afraid? Do you even know what fear is? How could you know what fear is if you've never felt it before?
Tough questions that need honest answers. Asking for some friends, thanks.
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n/a LurkMcGurck 2017-05-12
I'm human. Personally, I don't see how aliens are bad for me. In my own opinion, we should greet our alien overlords with all of the gold that humans, my species, has. Because I mean we earthlings aren't doing much with gold, other than my fellow primates using it as decoration to distinguish themselves for the other primates, but that is to be expected with such a primitive race.
n/a WeAreTheSheeple 2017-05-12
I'm more afraid of what humans can do than aliens.
n/a Armaedus 2017-05-12
Honestly, I don't see how they can be any scarier than any of the shit we already potentially face from our fellow humans, so fuck it. If they show up, beam me the fuck up Scottie!
What's out there can't be any worse than what's right here.
n/a zedbrahh 2017-05-12
Imagine that all the worst things humans do to each other... But then apply it to something we conceive in the same capacity as say a human size goldfish... Fascinating for sure but still a dumb fish that honestly doesn't have the capacity to understand why we don't care if it suffers needlessly.
n/a SaberRuth 2017-05-12
Scared? Of anal probes and egg harvesting?
I don't like being afraid, which is why I choose to be brave. Sometimes shit goes wrong and you're scared, but you choose to be brave to get through it. Because nobody likes someone who screams about spiders and mice.
Sometimes when you're in the woods, you come face to face with a bear. Sometimes you have to give birth to a child and you do it at home to avoid the probing (yes, afraid of probing, so I choose to avoid it at all costs). Sometimes you're sweetie gets shot in the face. Sometimes you accidentally go down the double black diamond when you're a newb. Sometimes you're sweet baby gets whooping cough. Sometimes you eat too much brownie.
Be brave. Also if you get visited or abducted by aliens (let's just assume for a minute that aliens are demons, and I'm going to include the good looking blondes, too) I've heard that calling (or if you're paralyzed, even thinking it) on Jesus Christ makes them leave/ends the abduction. It's worth a shot.
n/a thebabyseagull 2017-05-12
I mean a lot of people would be game for a good anal probing.
They just have to ask and I'm sure they would have many volunteers.
n/a SaberRuth 2017-05-12
Sad and gross but I think you're right. Starting with Lollipop... that actually could be a good instrument of choice.
n/a Glitchypink 2017-05-12
Yes. I wouldn't be able to trust them. I have trouble trusting my own species. I'm afraid I would most likely be team Cerebus if they ever landed and I would be concerned the had other motives.
n/a bearhat808 2017-05-12
Are those "friends" government employees?
This seems like a data-mining thread.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
If you read my post history, I'm certainly not with any government at all. But they are friends in high places. ;)
n/a SaberRuth 2017-05-12
Sounds like you're some sort of alien sympathizer. Traitor. Don't believe them. How many times have you been probed?
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-05-12
My friends are all in low places, where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away.
n/a BeatnikMessiah 2017-05-12
Can confirm beer does chase the blues away.
n/a MKULTRAserialkillers 2017-05-12
"Beer- the cause of, and solution to all of life's problems!" -Homer Simpson
n/a SaberRuth 2017-05-12
One time I took an unknown concoction (I thought was mushrooms) but later came to believe contained ayahuasca. For a long time I thought I knew the "truth" because of what I saw and heard during that trip. Then later I realized that evil can disguise itself as good, and liars are liars.
For example, there is a "nice" lady down the block who lied to my face yesterday, and when I discovered the truth and brought it to her, she lied even more. When I offered her hard copy proof, she didn't have time to look.
You seem pretty deep in with your Atlantis friends. Consider the possibility that they are a bunch of lying liars.
That's all.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
Yes, evil can disguise itself as good, and liars are liars.
n/a jahlus 2017-05-12
we all lie to ourselves and dont know it anyway. for examples thoughts are not the same as the actual. Like you cant lose your virginity to the thought of a girl, has to be a real girl and real sex. And yet you think all sorts of stuff about yourself and even think that its you who is doing the thinking...but thoughts arent even real.
So all day we lie to ourselves and believe it
n/a amiibolink 2017-05-12
I wouldn't be afraid of them, I would no that these aliens are nothing more than demonic forces
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
Oh I don't think they're demons, but I think they can be demons when they want to be.
n/a amiibolink 2017-05-12
You'll be in for a big surprise when these demonic aliens come by and deceive you with their new age doctrine.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
I'm wondering if I'm not the one who will be in for a big surprise. Just a hunch.
n/a amiibolink 2017-05-12
I hope you know that alien abductions have been stopped in the name of Jesus, so that tells you what aliens actually are, since they fear Jesus.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
I don't think they actually fear anything, including a made up messiah. Does that scare you?
n/a amiibolink 2017-05-12
These aliens do fear Jesus. It just proves that these aliens are actually unclean spirits in disguise. There's power in the name of Jesus
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
I don't think a YouTube video will make aliens fear a fictional messiah. I don't think anything will make them fear such a fake character.
n/a amiibolink 2017-05-12
You call Him fake, but the aliens fear Jesus. Do your research
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
I'd really like to think that they know the difference between real things and fake things. But I have a feeling they're not scared of anything at all. And you're sure that doesn't scare you?
n/a amiibolink 2017-05-12
Aliens are unclean spirits, they are here to deceive people and the aliens know that Jesus is real, because the aliens are demons. Just as Jesus cast out demons from people, the aliens flee from Jesus, so that tells you that the aliens are demons who fear Jesus.
n/a usernamenn 2017-05-12
You could have easily said you don't believe in God rather than outright insulting someone else's beliefs. You notice everyone else in this thread was courteous to your question, they responded without insult even though some don't believe in the idea of aliens.
Take care.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
So does this mean you're scared?
n/a usernamenn 2017-05-12
Fear is for the faithless. I'm doing good and being good.
God bless you.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
I don't think any of those things are true, and I think you know that. But that's just a thought.
n/a SixGorillions 2017-05-12
Is there any reason you are being a total dick?
n/a User_Name13 2017-05-12
Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.
n/a SaberRuth 2017-05-12
Sounds like he's already massively deceived. He's got a whole new flavor of alien truth he's peddling.
n/a 435435435 2017-05-12
Alirns are not real.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
So you're telling me you're not scared of them? Are you sure?
n/a 435435435 2017-05-12
Demons however are frightening.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
I think they are a lot closer to demons than you'd think.
n/a 435435435 2017-05-12
They Seem like Demons cause they are demons
Demons are real - aliens are not, hollywood fakery
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
Well I have a feeling you're going to be in for a big surprise.
n/a 435435435 2017-05-12
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
We'll have to see, won't we?
n/a WeAreTheSheeple 2017-05-12
If we exist, aliens exist. How you can believe in 'demons' but not aliens is beyond me.
Or is this part of the mass hysteria that is planned? To try to make people scared by claiming they are 'demons?'
n/a pm_me_halal_stuff 2017-05-12
I grew up my whole life believing that there are interdimensional beings watching and messing with me. Not afraid of them
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
Are you certain you're not afraid of aliens?
n/a pm_me_halal_stuff 2017-05-12
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
How certain are you? Do you even know how certain you are?
n/a pm_me_halal_stuff 2017-05-12
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
Oh it's not bye yet, that comes later. ;)
n/a thebabyseagull 2017-05-12
I would assume they have always had the power/tech to influence humanity. Why would they choose now to do anything to endanger us?
Maybe like some speculation states they have been a hidden hand influencing us from the start either for benevolent aims or something more untoward. If this is the case then nothing changes apart from our perspective.
Basically they could wipe us out at any time I would assume and they haven't yet so I think were good.
n/a SaberRuth 2017-05-12
And what is /uLollipop111111 afraid of?
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
I'd like to think that I'm not afraid of aliens. But I'm not sure about everyone else.
n/a SaberRuth 2017-05-12
And how certain are you? Do you know what they are capable of? Are you sure you aren't afraid?
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
I'd like to think that I'm completely certain and I'd like to think that I have an idea of what they're capable of.
n/a SaberRuth 2017-05-12
And you're sure you're not afraid? Why should others be scared if you aren't? Only asking because you seem to be quite close to the topic.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
I do seem to be quite close to it, don't I? Maybe that's why I'm not afraid. But I'd really like to think that we'll find out if everyone else is afraid or not relatively soon. That's just my gut talking, though.
n/a SaberRuth 2017-05-12
So you think your friends got your back, eh? What if I told you I not only think, but I know, that my dad can beat up your dad?
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
If we're going to use analogies then what if I told you that arrogance will lead you to realizing you never had a dad and that you are truly alone?
n/a Ras-Al-Ghoul 2017-05-12
No. If there's alien life it's likely at a similar level, or lower than us on the evolutionary scale. Like a single celled organism in a body of water somewhere, or some humanoid species on an earth-like planet.
How could there be a super-advanced race of grey men with sci-fi technology when the rest of the universe is made up of the same elements as we are? In which case why worry? if there's life, we're never going to encounter it unless it's within our solar system.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
So then that means that you are definitely scared, yes?
n/a Throwawaythetruth12 2017-05-12
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you write like a manic off their meds? Who gives a fuck what other people are scared of? You should be focused on dealing with whatever issues made you submit this trash.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
Your name is so apt, throwing away the truth seems like something you like to do often, yes? But your very behavior is exactly the reason I'm taking out the trash. Those issues that "made" me post this will certainly be dealt with, Mark my words. :)
n/a Throwawaythetruth12 2017-05-12
Then hopefully we will get more than 4 months of silence from you :)
Not everything floats down here, s
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
Oh I'm not going anywhere. You certainly are though.
n/a No8145 2017-05-12
Looking at how different species / races / cultures on Earth treat each other through history, I think one should absolutely be afraid of aliens if we found they existed and had the capability to reach us or affect us in any way.
But, in terms of the whole universe, events on Earth are a very small sample size on which to base assumptions. Maybe life elsewhere is all about love and helping one another, who knows? But without further information we should be prepared for the worst.
I personally think the universe is so vast that it's likely almost anything you can imagine is out there somewhere.
n/a treeslooklikelamb 2017-05-12
Would the average Joe have reason to be scared based off what you know?
n/a SecretAgentZero 2017-05-12
I don't think I'm afraid of anything anymore. But, if I were to be afraid of something it probably would be aliens.
n/a ClimateMaster 2017-05-12
I am way more scared of my fellow humans.
n/a BeatnikMessiah 2017-05-12
Have you ever posed for an intimate portrait with anything out of this world or extra dimensional? Have you at anytime gone by the name Bruno Borges? Are you afraid of those beings that control the aliens?
n/a BeatnikMessiah 2017-05-12
Just read your Atlantis thread. That was great and Im in agreement with a lot of what you said. Was it your intention to get spillover from this thread to bring attention to some of your other stuff? If so it worked. This post was the Bimini road to a great read!
I will check out your other posts too. A bit preachy at times but you make a lot of points under one topic and its tough to show that much passion without getting lost in the intensity. Maybe thats why the downvotes? Good stuff OP.
n/a SaberRuth 2017-05-12
Sad and gross but I think you're right. Starting with Lollipop... that actually could be a good instrument of choice.
n/a Lollipop111111 2017-05-12
So does this mean you're scared?