Why does this sub fill up with Clinton articles every. single. fucking. time there's bad PR about Trump?

29  2017-05-12 by [deleted]



uh oh someones mad on the internet.

Thanks for answering my question and resorting to LOLUMAD.

its not a serious question because urmad

No umad

Hey wait a minute you're account is three days old now! Although that said I'm amazed that username was available.

It's almost like there's a concerted effort to distract and divide.....

Why does it even matter? They work for the same team at the end of the day.

Wish people in this sub would pay more attention to this angle instead of being drawn into the binary perspective. This is the reason Trump will never go after Clinton. There's something fucky going on with the whole deal, I can't guess the nature of it but too many things don't add up for me.

Us vs them, rabble, rabble, rabble.

Short answer: Trump-shills

The mods were taken over by ShariaBlue

Whataboutism Works.



Because Hillary is a Vile Old woman that is definitely in a large amount of conspiracies. Yes more Conspiracies than Trump. I hadn't heard a single trump conspiracy until he became president. Did you forget what sub you were on?

Right. The Clintons have decades of corruption and conpiracies in politics and now we're supposed to shutup about it now because only Trump conspiracies are acceptable now?

Well, I mean not that I agree with OP's assertion because he didn't provide a single iota of data to establish it and frankly there are Clinton posts hitting the top of this sub like every other minute on account of her family being so incredibly corrupt, but an impartial observer should definitely be concerned with both figures and their association with potential corruption.

I think the difference is Trump has officially been a politician for 6 months. It's going to take some time to have any sort of equal ground with other politicians conspiracy wise. It doesn't help that the biggest "conspiracy" about him is being pushed relentlessly by the MSM, which by default makes most people question it who know that the MSM is owned by a small number of corporations with obvious partisanship towards the DNC.

The Russia thing is a deflection from the real scandals, nepotism and backroom deals evidently consistently leading back to Jared, or shall I say President Kushner. If he and his sweet soft-spoken wifey aren't completely removed from any sphere of influence in the power structure, I will never EVER fully trust the President. Never.

Yep. The real scandals get little to no coverage amongst the constant "OMG Russia!" reporting. It's almost like it's being done on purpose...

Well of course it's intentional. If we weren't focused on Russia, we might have noticed Israeli actors co-opting the White House with Zionist neocons and posturing for WW3. Good heavens!

Yes! These are the comments I like on this sub. Ones that actually make me think.

If any one person has that much money, somewhere along the line there is corruption.

Money is the root of all evil.

Just because you hadn't heard them doesn't mean they didn't exist. Google his connections to the mob, uncashed casino chips, I don't really buy it but Jeffrey Epstein. It's out there, you've just got your head up Trump's ass.

I'm not saying there aren't any. I'm sure there's some. I'm just saying that there are many more on the Clintons side. I like trump but I know money causes corruption.

Is clinton in power?

Frankly, anyone involved with the casino business is not to be fully trusted as far as I'm concerned. In my opinion, Trump showed himself to be the better candidate through his message and campaign promises, but he's not above reproach and needs to have his feet held to the fire, like right now, because he's renegging on those promises I thought I was voting for, and anyone who claims the Syrian air strikes or any number of other flip flops ("I'm a nationalist AND a globalist, herp-dee-derp") were 16D chess is complicit in fleecing the American populace, or just a comatose retard.

Dude he flipflopped on everything he said during the campaign before election day, often multiple times. The only thing he didn't change his mind on is that wall. And he even said that he just repeated what people said to him if they liked it; he had no real plan.

Well, actually the wall wasn't included in the recent budget like he promised it would be, so your assertion on that is incorrect.

Not for lack of trying though. He's still saying it, and he's acting like it's happening. He just lacks the political capital to actually get his agenda through Congress.

he's acting like it's happening

As if that means anything at all. Lmao

Spicey came out and was showing off wall construction (never mind it was not what he was saying it was). Trump called the budget a "down payment" on the wall (never mind that the only money in there is for maintenance of existing structure). He's serious about the wall, and that might be the only thing he's consistent on until he leave office.

Even if you're right and he's given up on the wall, that only furthers my initial argument that the guy has no conviction or actual principles or plan. He never stood for anything but himself and I feel sorry for people who bought into his lies.

Well, I actually hope he's serious about the wall but I think you're wrong. There's nothing he won't reneg on, he's just another neocon in the pocket of the Israel lobby now. Too bad, so sad. Almost the worst part is that I still can't quite regret voting for him because the alternative was Hillary Clinton.

Such is the state of American politics.

I hadn't heard a single trump conspiracy until he became president.

lol you must have never read about Trump before that. His entire life is a long line of corruption and conspiracy. Bankruptcies? Polish immigrants building Trump Tower and not being paid (until a court forced him to do so)? Multiple sexual assault allegations? Racial Housing Discrimination? Trump University? Ties to the Mafia? Raping his wife? Being forced out of the casino business for corruption? Defrauding investors? Corey Lewandowski? Not paying contractors for their work? Trump Institute plagiarized textbooks? Using campaign funds to buy up $55k of his own books? Illegal immigrant models? Everything having to do with the Trump Foundation? Trump businesses operating in Cuba for decades before the embargo was lifted?

You must have never read a single thing about Trump before he was president.

I'm just saying my experience. I hadn't heard any of those conspiracies (the ones you listed) until he announced he was running for president. Never had I ever thought about Donald Trump unless I was talking about millionaires with friends.

Maybe my comment came off that way but I have no doubt he's involved with conspiracies. Then again what rich people aren't?

We had 2 very shitty candidates in the end and one was much more corrupt than the other. Never want corrupt politicians to be held accountable? Involve a Clinton. If you're not happy about Trump being president, you should be happy that Hillary isn't.

Thing is, hillary isn't president, she is a has been. No point in caring much what she has done at this point as it isn't going to influence us now.

It is being used as a deflection and protection for trump: "So what if trump has done all these crazy things! Hillary did things too, look over here!"

It is a sad attempt.

You don't care if Hillary doesn't pay for her crimes? Trump should pay for his crimes but Hillary has much more to answer for.

Because it is a mind control system

Because the recent to-do involves Comey, who had a heavy hand in making sure HRC wasn't prosecuted.

Not really that hard of a logical leap.

deflect deflect!

To hurt the r/politics shills feelings.

Not like I post the articles but here's my take.
There's absolute proof that Clinton is corrupt, and is in collusion with the mainstream media via the Wikileaks leaks.
Whereas, the mainstream media (aka CIA, via Operation Mockingbird, AND they are allowed to feed Americans Propaganda, blatant lies) whom was in bed with Clinton prior to Trump being president, points to me that the CIA really wanted Clinton to be president.

I doubt the Trump/Russia Narrative is real (Very likely propaganda). We have seen zero proof (except all of this stage play), but we have tons of stuff about the Clintons, therefore, more articles. Also, bad PR about Trump, that's all there has been since before he was president and it hasn't changed. Where was all this PR for Obama the bomber?

Watch Clinton Cash if you haven't. That's a good place to start.

Not that Trump or Clinton being president really matters. Two sides of the same coin and all that.

Propaganda being allowed on the citizens (http://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5 just one article about it)
along with Operation Mockingbird to misguide the public.
My 2 cents.
Have a good day.

Because people use this sub has t_d 2.0 and try to group us altogether.

Why does this sub fill up with Clinton articles every. single. fucking. time there's bad PR about Trump?

nah mate, you are mistakenly drawing parallels:

  • every day, there is "bad PR about Trump"

  • every day, there are "Clinton articles"

you might as well be asking: why is it that when the sun comes up... does this sub fill with "Clinton articles" ?

it's a totally absurd association.


Naw, I noticed this too. Could be confirmation bias but I don't think so. When I would notice a big story about Trump on the front page there would be an excess amount of anti Hillary posts with more upvotes than usual. I just assumed they were T_D brigades but who knows.

Just curious if you feel today lends credence to his theory. Negative story about Trump, front page flooded with Seth Rich posts that are all upvoted to the top.

Leftists are frothing at the mouth in their frenzied insanity to "get" Donald Trump. They are using every means their tiny minds can conceive, including physical violence against Trump supporters.

Bad PR about Trump? So like every day since inauguration, right?

Bad pr about trump? You mean Idiotic screeching?

It's classic projection strategy

Why u guys feed these obvious trolls.

Hmmm, I wonder. Choices choices.

No umad

Thing is, hillary isn't president, she is a has been. No point in caring much what she has done at this point as it isn't going to influence us now.

It is being used as a deflection and protection for trump: "So what if trump has done all these crazy things! Hillary did things too, look over here!"

It is a sad attempt.

Dude he flipflopped on everything he said during the campaign before election day, often multiple times. The only thing he didn't change his mind on is that wall. And he even said that he just repeated what people said to him if they liked it; he had no real plan.