How does it feel to watch your 'community' taken away from you?

2  2017-05-12 by [deleted]



Assigned by who?

The girl who assigns accounts to us lol.

You're gonna get canned! No more shekels!

Lol, your new mod must be really good, especially as we haven't even decided on anyone yet. Larp on dude.

Nope, but you're talking to at least two of us.

Really? That's amazing. I don't know what's more amazing, that I know them all from long back or that nobody in your supposed position would give themselves away before we'd actually chosen one, or be aware that no-one has been chosen yet.
Haha, nice try matey, but no biscuits for you.

Whatever, like I said this won't get any attention and you'll have all forgotten about it tomorrow. It's in the minus now. We don't take this too seriously, it's a job and it's a good laugh.

So what's your latest attack vector as you're feeling so generous, and as you're obviously fired now for outing your operation.

Fired? You have no idea what the culture is like here. No attack vector just waiting to see if someone asks a good question but no one cares which just means a slow couple hours until I go home.

do you feel you are aligning yourself with interests that may not be good for your fellow man?

No and you'd feel the same if you were in my position and had been briefed on the same things.

"It's a job." LMAO the lies you have to sell yourself. Does it come with benefits? 401k too 😂😂😂

I don't get paid that much! You pay for me anyway.

I forgot about this about the same time I read it. You got the wrong thing.

The person before me got the wrong thing. I'm glad you've forgotten now go and switch on your big shiny TV and absorb the goodness.

It wouldn't do any good, we have an established old guard with the power to instantly remove any new mods that try to disrupt our purpose.

You obviously don't understand how mod positions work on Reddit.

No I don't, you're right but it's not my field. I just get told what I need to know. All I know is the guys who are mods have been working here for a while and know what they're doing.

Apparently not.

Anything they could possibly do that would "hurt us" could be undone in a nanosecond.

Vandalizing the CSS?

Looks like we have it backed up. Mod removed, CSS restored, life goes on.

Banning people who shouldn't be?

Mod removed, user unbanned, life goes on.

Leaking modmail?

No big deal we don't do anything nefarious, this would improve community faith in the mods, life goes on.

You're literally powerless. I could invite this stupid LARP account to the mod team with full permissions right now and all that would happen is you getting laughed at in mod mail as you struggle to have an effect.

<-----Could give a fuck less

+1 Lol

Talk about small minded thinking. You really think we're going to screw around with CSS of all things? Banning people, leaking modmail to public? Come on now.

Not much else you could do.

So which narrative are you paid to push?

Personally, not much to do with Politics as most of it is theatre anyway and keeps you distracted, clogs up the front page, etc.

I deal more with stuff that hits too close to home, if it gains any kind of traction which seems to be happening less and less (partly due to recent acquisitions) we'll put out some spin through 'friendly press' or deploy a limited hangout to protect our interests. It's mainly GOV related and that doesn't mean politics.

Can't say much more than that. Just so you know, you've been pretty close with a few things in the past 3 months but they aren't related to politics, think bigger picture, much much bigger picture almost existential. btw the Russia baloney isn't being pushed by us, it's someone else.

Well, damn. I need more hints now.

"Youve been pretty close with a few things.."

Me, personally? Or this sub as a whole?

lmfao do you honestly think your mod team is all squeaky clean? Money talks "dude".

How do we know you are not funded by Soros? How are we not to know you are not Soros yourself?

I'm not but I'm sure there are interests here that are. Also Try Paul Polman.

"I'm not" biggest lie ever told by any evading anything. Common Georgie!

You got me.

Thanks for deleting the account. Really shows the commitment.

See my other comment. This guy thinks he's being slick, but revealed enough to make it clear he's low level Military intelligence assigned to social media. That or LARPing, but remember that survey a few years ago where the military base was one of the top locations visiting reddit? They have plenty of people posting on social media, and there's probably one stupid enough to think they're being slick in this taunting when really they're showing their hand.

Ok Cool thanks for the info.

I guarantee you that this sub is being taken the least serious it ever has.

Because we're doing our jobs properly.

In all honesty, there have always been trolling, bullshit posts, and unnecessary vitriol. Thing is, it just got really boring when Trump came around.

We don't do much about Trump tbh.

Then you are not much of the problem.

Lol true.

The anti-Trump crap is being done by other parties, but you probably already knew that. There's a fuck ton of corporate / NGO / political interests, Gov here but also some faggots from other subreddits who don't even get paid.

We are well aware. You're participation, and theirs, only helps to forge resolve in the minds of people who are here for the right reasons.

If the shills weren't struggle fucking themselves so hard in here every day then a lot more people would disregard this shit.

People aren't as stupid as you wish they were.

For example, you have figured out these things exist. NGOs, government, political shills and after your world view was shattered by having seen the hidden truths exposed here and elsewhere in the Conspiracy net, you've decided to lash out and try to intimidate people by pretending (LARPing) that you're a part of the establishment machine.

It's painfully obvious that you aren't, and that you're just a lonely snowflake that wishes the propaganda was true while knowing it's not.

Soon you'll be one of us, unable to unsee what you've witnessed here.


Soon you'll be one of us, unable to unsee what you've witnessed here.

I wonder if that happens, if shills go native? Like this guy here, I think he is more or less telling the truth. But he has some weird guilt ridden undertones.

Absolutely it happens.

Most of us were at some point just another useful idiot or accidental shill, we might even still have some shit wrong that we will figure out in a few years.

Hahaha, you don't even see 'the problem'. Anything of real concern to our 'employers' interests is downvoted immediately. No one ever sees it. Anything that actually makes it to front page is theatre, it keeps you distracted. I'll be very honest, a few conspirators have come pretty close to the truth with their 'investigations' but we'll spin a limited hangout to satisfy your desire for "the truth". Or we'll comment on the story and blast upvotes to sway opinion. People form their opinions based off the top comment, it's sometimes more important than the content of the "investigation" or article.

Well, fools will most likely always be fools. Always check the "new tab," and never take the top comment as gospel. Not just here, but any sub that seems curated, whether above board or below.


"People form their opinions based off the top comment."

LMAO 😂😂😂😂 That's why CTR did such a great job CRUSHING TRUMPETS and BERNIE BROS didn't they? Convinced all of America to vote against TRUMP. 😂😂😂 what fucked reality do you live in??

Stop thinking in politics. It's all theatre.

None of you will leave anyway, you'll slowly start to accept our narrative without even knowing it. This post will be seen by a few, who'll do nothing, say nothing and life will continue as normal here. I'm about to delete this account and it was assigned to me anyway, it's failed to gain traction with karma so thought I'd just post a message giving you my thoughts before I switch to a new account. P.s rule 10 rules.

you're wrong there


After my 16th account, maybe this time of if I get banned, I'll just shut up.. How many accounts do you have??

I'm not sure to be honest, less than 1000 though. Maybe 20-50 'Gold accounts' (not Reddit Gold) which have been bought from once trusted users and are run in a very subtle way. All accounts have different OO's

What can I do?

Send money to your greatest ally Israel!

Do they take credit!?

Oy vey, credit masters!


Listen to more 311

Oy vey, damn you jews!!!!!

The Mossy boys most certainly have active interests here. lol

Oh you're not israeli? Pfft, larp!

Ok :)

He's admitting he's a shill



Rule 10 is the foundation of /r/conspiracy constitution and must be upheld and respected at all times. Now BAN HIM BOYS.

Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context.

In this case the context would be you claiming to be a shill and thus any user calling you a shill would simply be taking you at face value.

If that's the intelligence of your "secret plan", I doubt we have anything to worry about.

Hahahah ok buddy. I was highlighting the power of Rule 10 and I knew it wouldn't get you banned.

What power? It has a subjective exception written right into it. Mods have discretion.

I see people being called shills all the time, and most of the time it is left alone.

Can I send you guys my resume'?


LMAO These dumb fucks think they matter 😂😂😂 American propaganda is the worst. Go ahead, take a way this shit hole, we'll be moving onto bigger better things. You can't control freedom of thought you dumb fuck.. All the money and resources trying to "control" things around here.. HAS IT WORKED?! Did it work to get Hilldawg in office??? Actually it did the opposite. You dumb fucks got people to hate Hillary even worse 😂😂😂😂😂

I dont think they cared if hillary or trump won, fyi

nope. Just that we get really mad about it and argue endlessly.

You got it. However, I don't deal with politics.

Top marks for you.

HAHAHAHAH. I hate Hillary as well, most of us do. I don't deal so much with the political side of things, more bigger picture which luckily you don't touch on much anymore so makes my life easier.

Also where will you move to? Do you have a discord I don't know about, please tell me if you do. I'll pay you 0.5btc

Also Rule 10. Mods, get him for me.

LMAO oh man! Here comes another ban! You know how I end up with all these accounts? Every time I get banned, I create 5 more accounts 😂😂 so you don't think there are other forums out there? You don't think that we have the technology to defeat these small road blocks?? Brotherman, you can't just stop us. Are you fucking retarded? When has any human, peasant or President ever been able to stop the progress. The truth will come out and all your efforts will be a sham. You nor anyone can stop it.

SideNote: Do you tell people IRL what you do for a living? What do you lies do you tell them? What lies do you have to tell yourself everyday you sit in front of your screen? If your a scumbag behind the screen, what does that make you when you put the mobile down? Do you consider yourself human? Doubtful

I'm actually not too happy about some of the stuff I do here. It's my job though.

Yeah I know of other forums but just like here, any with decent volume of uniques is controlled, not my area though.

The Mods won't ban you as I'm an admitted shill.

From one human to another, you should take a break from your "job" (it's not) and reevaluate your moral scale. Do you really want to live life like this? Yea maybe it was cool for 6 months but do you really want to this be a bigger part of your life? Is it healthy? Is it worth the mental bullshit you deal with?

I can't.

No brother, your not. The best part of being human, is that people are free to think and live how ever the fuck they want. Secrets out bud, we humans are much bigger than your shit mental games. There are millIons of us that have right through the the scripted code. Millions will turn to Billions

I'm glad you see through the scripted code. That's why we're here because some of you talk about stuff you shouldn't really be talking about, just not so much anymore it seems many of you have abandoned this place. Why do you think I posted? To be mean? No, because I and some of my colleagues want to see you put up more of a fight, it's getting boring.

We haven't left. In fact, I think we are getting closer and closer no? Isn't that why you showed up in the first place? Because we were digging where we shouldn't?? Sounds like you guys aren't doing a very good job, cause the truth is still coming out

Used to be much closer to it actually. Basically anything that gets shilled into oblivion is what you want to be focusing on. At least give us a challenge. Like I keep saying, think bigger picture. Most of what you see in the media is theatre even though many of the actors don't know they're in the play. Goodnight.

Lol roleplaying

LARPing I think you retards call it.

Are you blackmailed, coerced, or you just enjoy money?

It's my job, I don't really have a choice. Just remember I'm not involved with the politics stuff at all, that's others, many others. It's a big mess of interests leaning on other interests.

Lol you can get another job and contribute to society.

Better watch out for three, dude

In 18 months I can

You're on a contract?

Something like that.


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is the stupidest bullshit I've ever seen on this sub. This fucking beats all the flat earth bullshit hands down.

Honestly, this makes the guy talking about gang stalking sound like the most rational person that ever lived. I called that guy a crazy bed bug. Shit mate, you're crazier than a bed bug! HAHA This is fucking great!

Flat Earth was created to discredit you all and it works.

You should have said it was real! That would have fucked up their lives!

Of course it's real.

"It works"...LMAO ohh that's why CNN was bringing up flat earthers huh?? Too bad no one watches MSM garbage anymore 😂😂😂 The only time we ever watched FAKE NEWS is on election night to watch their fucked faces when the lies they told for months all evaporated.

So I assume you'll be losing your job soon for breaching confidentiality... I mean, I'm pretty sure your bosses would not like you exposing their methods...

I guess that makes you a whistleblower.

Or a troll.

I'm going with the latter.

It might seem that I've 'given the game away' but far from it. I've been very selective with what I've divulged. I won't get fired, do you think I'd have posted this if that was at risk? My colleagues have looked at this post in fact and had a good laugh, I'm not hiding anything from them, only from you.

No, you've been far less clever than you think.

Viral marketing only works when people don't think it is marketing. It's the same thing here - telling the target that you are attempting to influence them goes a long way to making them less likely to be influenced.

Put it this way - you think you're clever, but you're not. The simple act of making the claims you are making proves they are false.

Real shills don't brag about it, nor would they be allowed to.

You're right most of them can't. My point here is that such a small % of this sub will see this. Most will forget by next week, maybe the week after. Either way it's been an interesting exercise and I'll see you tomorrow on a new account. I'll make a note of your username and give you a hint to prove that there are many of us using many different aged accounts.

My point here is that such a small % of this sub will see this.

Pfft. So what you're saying is that your attempts to influence this sub are pointless because only a small percentage of people see the posts you make?

Either way it's been an interesting exercise and I'll see you tomorrow on a new account.

Feel, free. You'll still be an idiot.

I'll make a note of your username and give you a hint to prove that there are many of us using many different aged accounts.

Shit, I can pull a few out myself. I must be a shill! Goon.

You called?

Real cute. How desperate for attention do you have to be to pretend to be a shill? Go get a hobby dude.

Do you work for a corp, NGO, or gov org?

None of the above but the closest thing would be Gov.

Does it pay well? Obviously there are different tiers to the job, like I imagine CTR made minimum wage or spiffed pay. But, in general what is the money like? Or is this just adjunct to another position which this duty is a part of?

My colleagues are reading this so I can't say, I think we're all on about the same salary. It's pretty good I guess, life is comfy so can't complain.

Wouldn't want a fight at the office when they hired the new guy at 10 more an hour than the guy that has been at it for years.

Yeah, I get it. Thanks for the info, this thread has been entirely interesting.

All about the same salary? Yep. Military.

Based on what he said with 18 months before another job and it being sort of like a contract, my guess is Military. Remember the Reddit survey that showed a military base to be one of the top visitors to reddit?

Damn! This blew up.

Not sure what you are really trying to say here.

This is just one small stop on the internet for people who like to discuss and investigate conspiracies.

My uncle was banned from here over some trump shit but it did matter a whole ton to him? No, pissed him off of course, but he keeps working on things. Has several investigations of his own going, has some more radio shows he will be doing in June/July, and is reading as much as he can as he always has.

If you can't handle adversity here it isn't the right place for you anyway. You don't have to like the mods (who does?) but you can still read and learn things (there are some decent things that pop up in here which is why it is one of the many resources I use, has saved me some time on some things).

The way I see it, if people like you then you are probably doing something wrong :)

If he's not LARPing, he's military. It fits with with what he said about salaries being similar, sort of a contract for another 18 months, and caring about bigger picture not politics. Remember when it came out that a few years ago that a military base was one of the top locations visiting reddit?

Low-level military intelligence. Thinks he's been briefed on the truth based on personality type, given just enough to convince him he's doing right. I had a friend who did similar about a decade+ ago in the early social media stages. Low level military intelligence.

So if you have been briefed wtf is going on in Antarctica


Really? That's amazing. I don't know what's more amazing, that I know them all from long back or that nobody in your supposed position would give themselves away before we'd actually chosen one, or be aware that no-one has been chosen yet.
Haha, nice try matey, but no biscuits for you.

It wouldn't do any good, we have an established old guard with the power to instantly remove any new mods that try to disrupt our purpose.

You obviously don't understand how mod positions work on Reddit.

So which narrative are you paid to push?


You got me.


My point here is that such a small % of this sub will see this.

Pfft. So what you're saying is that your attempts to influence this sub are pointless because only a small percentage of people see the posts you make?

Either way it's been an interesting exercise and I'll see you tomorrow on a new account.

Feel, free. You'll still be an idiot.

I'll make a note of your username and give you a hint to prove that there are many of us using many different aged accounts.

Shit, I can pull a few out myself. I must be a shill! Goon.