Why is there nothing on Reddit today about the massive, coordinated, global cyber attack ongoing right now?

476  2017-05-12 by [deleted]



Fill us in then!!

Hackers hit dozens of countries exploiting stolen NSA tool. FedEx, International Paper, NHS hospitals, and many more hit with coordinated ransomware attack.

Any source but that.

It's everywhere in the UK.


This is pretty big. It's going to be very interesting to see how it's spun in the coming days given that there is an election coming up.

Underfunded NHS, or an underfunded war machine.

I'm wondering...is it everywhere in the news media? Or are there individual and anecdotal reports popping up as well?

At this point, I am more inclined to trust multiple tiers of anecdotal evidence than multiple media outlets pushing the same thing.

On other subs on reddit there have been anecdotal reports as well.

I saw one from someone who worked at the Nissan car plant in the UK, that maybe shut down production...

I can understand if companies didn't want to publicise it tbh. The NHS was hard to hide.

It'll be a few days I think before everyone understands what happened.

who worked at the Nissan car plant in the UK

Again, companies 'shutting down production' means that companies are perhaps taking marching orders from media/banker cabal.

I'm looking for individuals who have personally had their health records wiped or tampered with.

I understand that this is being promoted as huge (and it may well in fact be huge).

But forgive me if I'm skeptical (I lived through Y2K after all) and want to see a story -- a personal story -- from ten or more people who have personally had their health histories eliminated.

Not trying to be cantankerous, but, again, 'evidence' from 'news agencies' or even 'companies issuing mandates in response' is not the same as anecdotal evidence from mutiple sources.

Plenty of companies reacted -- erroneously it turns out -- to Y2K hype.

I'm waiting to see if this is just more of that.

Y2K wasn't hype. A fuck ton of work went into making sure systems didn't crash.

Oh man.. You really believe that? y2k was a joke that escalated, there was never any danger.

ummm no? It wasn't as serious as intended, but there was absolutely things that needed to be changed to prevent it. My dad owns servers and runs one of the biggest websites in texas at the time and they absolutely had to do some serious work to prevent shit from fucking up

Like what?

His dad took a shot of snake oil every time "Y2K" was mentioned on TV.

Honestly, that's probably exactly what his dad did.

There may not have been danger, but their absolutely was a bug that was going to break time sensitive processes.

For old computers, Y2K was very real. No-One had thought about the crossover. Something tells me the date could've jumped to 19xx (can't remember what we were taught. Something to do with it going back to the first date that was programmed for computers to use. 1920 or 1970 or something. It was something to do with coding in the actual systems IIRC)

No... That was bullshit. Computers had no problem going to 2000's

Are you computer literate? I'm going on the information I was taught doing computing in higher education. It was something to do with the time period coding had been developed and they hadn't taking into account of the bits and the change over from 1999 - 2000. Old systems would revert back to the first date coded into the system.

Yes, I have university education in IT and what you are talking about literally effected no one. It was bullshit.

Cool. Just had to make sure you knew WTF you were talking about. As I said, that was roughly how I was taught at college about it (a decade ago and shit memory means I can't remember exactly how it was explained.) The way it was explained was that it was only going to affect systems that had coding to before the 80's or some shit (so yes, it wouldn't affect many computers at all.)

I didn't really see any problems there. A few errors that resulted in no real damage - I don't think you realize what y2k was purported to be(the end of the digital world basically with massive damage/outages). With the exception of the HSBC cards, which wasn't actually on the switch over off 1999-2000, it was 3 days prior - which indicates to me that it was actually a problem caused by them taking measures against that they probably didn't even need to take.

It definitely was sensationalised by the media, but I think you're going too far the other way in downplaying it. Your claim that there were "no problems" is false, and the reason there wasn't any significant damage was because of the huge preventative effort to patch systems before it occurred.

The primary researchers of the Y2K bug were called frauds and had lawsuits levied against them to return funds spent on said research. They are laughed at now as propaganda hyping swindlers.

I don't know how they would have been sued as frauds when time sensitive systems were tested and failed a roll over. It's not like Y2K was an untestable bug. Companies knew systems were going to break.

Computer systems can still break when on a network if there is a time mismatch.

True that this did happen at my work, so they restricted computer access to the bare minimum. Someone messed with the computer time last year and it screwed everything up.

But Y2K it was nothing near to the claims made of world wide disaster and all computers malfunctioning. I see now that it was an actual problem after looking into it. Sorry bout that. I fell for the hype of the news stories back then :). Should of researched a bit instead of working off of (faulty) human memory.

No prob man...I remember the hype being out of control. Like the electric grid was going to catch on fire and just absolutely crazy stuff was rumored to be possible.

I think the actual problems were just any automated process like check payments and logistic functions could have been impacted if one system thought it was the year 2000, and the other thought it was 1900.

Can't wait for the next one.

Shutting down hospitals all across europe is what i just heard. Thats a terrorist attack not just a cyber attack.

What sort of political demands are the attackers making?

None. They're asking $300 bitcoin to decrypt every file they've corrupted. People's medical records are being wiped, meaning no access to allergies, past treatments, medications etc.

This ain't good.

$300 bitcoin? Surely you mean just 300, because a bitcoin is $1,800 last I checked (yesterday).

I'm not at all familiar with bitcoin. The sum to decrypt files is $300. Not sure what that translates to in bitcoin. Thanks for correcting me, will adjust my comment.

$300 worth of bitcoin. The ransom has to be low enough that people are willing to pay it to get their stuff decrypted. If it's too high, most people will value the money more than their files.

The popup actually says 600

I read it started as low as $300 but increased as time went on.

It does go up.

The crazy thing is most of these operations have legit customer help lines. They found an office block dedicated to calls/emails/webchats in Russia for this.

You can have a live webchats with them and they will provide small amounts of unencrypted data as proof that they can do it and help you buy BTC.

There is a brilliant NPR podcast on this EXACT scam

Of course there is

might have been foreign cash. NHS one was 240 pounds or something of the like in an article I read

I'm not sure if the reporters understand bitcoin, it may have changed through the telephone game, being $300 worth of bitcoin (per computer could be lucrative) or 300 bitcoin(s). VERY different sums

There are images of the program. $300 in bitcoin is what's being asked.

Thanks for clarifying

You can subdivide a bitcoin. You know, like virtually every other currency.

I guess my point was, are they asking for 300 bitcoins or $300 in bitcoins.

The story on npr mentioned 300 and paid through bitcoin.

Sounds like the wrong person got hit with a garden variety of crypto locker. No terrorism or cyber attack, just someone with a lot of access clicking on the wrong exe.

This is the correct answer, it's not a coordinated attack, merely speculative emails that people are too stupid to ignore. Before they know it they've infected the infrastructure, just by clicking a link/attachment.

Any one whos been on /r/talesfromtechsupport or /r/sysadmin knows that health care usually have pretty bad IT departments. This could have easily been stopped with proper permissioning, anti virus, or IPS/HIPS.

The popup says $600 worth of bitcoin.

Can they wipe debt too?

If they can, I'm gonna be really pissed I just spent $28,000 to pay all my debt off when a virus was about to do it for me.

its a genric cryptolocker worm. Half the hospitals in Europe are still on Windows XP.

Weird it's not on All. I did find it half way down Popular though. posted to /r/worldnews

it was there this morning.

I understand that this is being promoted as huge (and it may well in fact be huge).

But forgive me if I'm skeptical (I lived through Y2K after all) and want to see a story -- a personal story -- from ten or more people who have personally had their health histories eliminated.

Not trying to be cantankerous, but, again, 'evidence' from 'news agencies' or even 'companies issuing mandates in response' is relatively meaningless given all we know about control of media and corporate interests these days.

Personal stories from multiple people who have personally had their health records tampered with.

Not companies and media working in collusion to hype up an 'event'. Sorry, I'm quite skeptical of this whole thing.

It's understandable! Like a few of the bigger false flag ops where everyone who calls you names for questioning it all knew someone, like their father's 2nd cousins Great uncle or something that was there!

But with this one, if you go on Twitter, there are a few I've seen that took pictures of said virus on their screen. However, all that I have seen were at Universities.

The only thing I've seen so far about the Hospital is 2nd hand info, that a dudes heart surgery was canceled. But I haven't looked specifically for examples.

The reports are saying that so far, No patients files have been compromised that they know of. The doctors just cannot access any.

I don't know if info has changed since I have been squirrely on other topics. :)

They've been hyping the threat of this for at least 2 years

I've heard nothing about this at all. I don't suppose you have any good links yet? I onow I could look but I thought you may have seen a decent report.

It's nothing to do with patient records being eliminated or tampered with, it's the fact that they can't be accessed, that medical care can't be organised and some facilities and equipment can't be used.

I have seen at least 3 or 4 posts about it on this sub so far today.

I guess it must not be part of the US fake alternate reality agenda therefore no reason to talk about it.

I mean what do you expect, for the news to report news? Silly!!

Front page.

You have to remember a lot of us in this up do not subscribe to the default propoganda outlets. It may very well be at the top of worldnews or one of them and we wouldn't even know lol.

Blame Reddit for not having posts about it.

Avoid where the posts would be visible.

Burying your head in the sand. It's a great way to keep your biases.

Wait. News and upvotes travel slowly from ear to ear:

They just want to push the Trump bull shit. 3 minutes on msm then back to Trump threatening Comey

It's on the front page and has been all day...

Yea but American msm can only focus on getting people to impeach Trump when people are dying from a cyber attack.

How many America MSM links will you need about this topic to admit you are wrong? 3? 5?

Turn on CNN.

TV? They literally mentioned it in less than a minute once in the last two hours I've watched

american media are globalist whores, of course they have nothing else to do

what the fuck are you talking about? its the top post on worldnews with 30k points, jesus this sub loves to hate on the rest of reddit.

Thia sub or one random dude that may or may not be part of the community here?

Dont be lumping me in with anyone please.

this sun tends to have a strong narrative and that narrative towards the rest of reddit is generally : everything they say is wrong and they are sheep, conspiracies on the top or /r/worldnews & /r/politics wont even get touched here because "the sheeple" believe it

This is just stupid. I checked the top thread from this week and it was about Trump firing Comey. One of the highest upvoted comments, and most of the comments that followed, claimed there was an ulterior motive for Trump firing Comey (covering up a conspiracy with Russia.)


The most upvoted comment claimed "paid shills are downvoting this juicy conspiracy."


Another top comment was deleted, but I recovered it. It claims the FBI are going to start leaking dirt on Trump to the press.


How are paid shills downvoting the most upvoted thread for the whole week? In fact, this thread is ranked number 52 in top threads of all time for this sub.

The bullshit narrative you are pushing has been officially debunked.

that was a single news article with no commentary, have you seen any user posts about the conspiracy? go ahead look you wont find any because then people would have to talk about actual evidence while pizzagate gets a thread a week with nothing new being added.

Search the sub for "Trump Russia" or something. Jesus. You didn't even look.

This one was upvoted almost to 4,000 points with people in the comments saying there may be something to the Trump Dossier because Flynn resigned. people are discussing Flynn's connections to Russia.


because it hits the front page and outside users comment like your first example, and once again that was a news article.

its painfully obvious http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/controversial-oval-office-meeting-was-held-putins-request news that unlike the two you linked undoubtly paints trump in a bad light so it gets downvoted.

Every single topic there is has posts that don't make it. This proves nothing. That's just how Reddit is. Are you literally brand new to this website?

yes but when a single topic doesnt ever make the front page in any form apart from completely neutral non negative trump posts its hilariously obvious how pro trump this sub is, just look today a self-post made it to the front on the topic, oooh look its a pro trump post tearing apart a conspiracy on /r/conspiracy because a bunch of politicians are trustworthy sources. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6ay7s6/friendly_reminder_that_no_hard_proof_exists_of/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=conspiracy

Yeah! Im with you buddy!

Well this post is one of the top links in this sub rn, sooo.....

That's the one thing I dislike about the 'it's almost like reddit is more than one person' argument. It's the same ideas that get upvoted to the top, it's still total echo-chamber groupthink even if it was just one person who said it.

Pretty much front page across the top MSM sites today.

Uhhh top post on fucking /r/worldnews

Lol... typical r/conspiracy

Haha totally.

Potentially tptb just testing out their ability to shut down global communication, taking down internet? Just throwing it out there. Wouldn't be surprised if, within a relatively short time, they shut it down for all of us before they head into the core of Earth.

Haha it's just insane that, sometimes I find myself saying shit that I actually think is true regarding the state of the world and it almost always sounds like some sort of X-Men, Sci-Fi thriller novel. But...it's real life. It's happening, here, to us. Wild time to be alive.

Its malware, not a DDOS style attack.


Trumprussia. Russia trump,trump and Russia.

I don't normally post here but just for a bit of fun: isn't it strange that the head of Kaspersky Lab would do a Reddit AMA 24 hours before this massive security attack that they are providing all the info on...


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That combined with the fact that the Windows 10 Creators Update just came out at the same time as a bug which can be prevented by updating your computer. But the patch that fixes it is only available for Windows Vista and up, I'd be interested in knowing the operating system version of the people infected because this would be a great way to phase out users of Windows XP.

Well their previous FUD attempts haven't work so well (XP is still the third most popular OS), so I'd say they will, at the very least, seize this opportunity to spread more FUD.
The reality is that XP can be patched for this exploit using the POSReady 2009 patch. Just takes a very simple registry change.
And the vast majority of XP users on the planet (patched or unpatched) won't be affected by the exploit.

40k upvotes on world news

Backups are taken nightly of most hospitals. They will only lose what was done today. However the NSA should be held liable for creating the tool that this attack was performed with.

And not informing the software manufacturer immediately upon discovering the vulnerability; You know, following responsible disclosure protocols widely accepted by the vulnerability assessment community around the world? Sadly, much like the blatant second amendment violations, compromising national and global security will not go unrewarded. Expect to see cyber security budgets for the NSA and CIA greatly expanded after this devastating attack.

The exploit use to infect the PCs was already patched. Someone dropped the ball and didn't update the computers

It doesn't affect PCs. Only servers.

What servers are running XP? Because the first machines of the NHS that got infected were running Windows XP.

Any version of Windows without the March security patch is vulnerable.

The servers don't run XP. The servers run SMBv1 to accomodate XP end user computers on the network connecting to network shares.

Thank you. I now understand things.

-slow clap-

I wish the slow onset of chlymadia upon thee sir

this is not true, at all. Please stop spreading fake news. The worm attacks personal computers as well

MS17-10 targets SMBv1. Personal computers do not run this version of SMB or any version of SMB since windows XP sp2 by default. It is possible to turn this on. NOBODY will ever do that. It is included in windows server and turned on ONLY to allow windows 98-2000 machines to connect to network shares on modern enterprise servers. Unless you have better details, i suggest you SIT THE FUCK DOWN. Otherwise, you can present your credentials and some fucking evidence, rather than spreading your own fake fucking news you shill.

Man, it was SO GOOD until you said, "you shill."

windows XP sp2 all the hospitals in the uk are still on xp

Right, but they don't have all the medical records on those xp machines. The records are stored on a server which has to enable SMBv1 to accomodate those machines. It's the server that gets crypted, and it's why they can't just go to a different, uninfected machine.

It will affect anything that has the exploit unpatched, but they will target servers more as they will be far more willing to pay $300 compaired to normal users that probably paid that much for the computer in the first place.

If you are not running SMBv1, you are not affected. By default, SMBv1 is turned off on consumer windows products.

A PC can be a server, and that's often the problem.

Yes but for large companies , patching windows can cost tens of millions of dollars, so they don't bother. That's why all these older vulnerabilities are important.

It's a free update lol. Just has to make sure it goes through all the department's updating the computers.

Expect to see cyber security budgets for the NSA and CIA greatly expanded after this devastating attack.

All according to plan.

We should be wishing good things for the employees of those hospitals because lord fucking knows working in customer service all of the patients are going to be going batshit crazy.

"What do you mean you have to run my card again?"

Ugh, flashbacks.

Its terrible so much of the US 'healthcare' industry is paperwork.

Well if it's actually on paper, it isn't so terrible when cyber attacks happen.

This is true. A few hospitals in the US got hit last year and they shifted to paper forms for everything with barely an interruption in service.

I worked at a hospital from 99 - 2010 and while they loved using the fancy computers they also filled out paper forms for patient folders. So, all you'd have to do is enter the data once the computers were back up and you'd be all set.

Except there are laws pushing the hospitals toward electronic medical records. It's pretty sad that someone would attack hospitals putting lives on the line. I feel like these ransomware attacks should be easy to track if you follow the money. Assuming bitcoin is involved for anonymity.

fucking amish

Reminds me of battlestar Gallactica, how they keep the ship un-networked. So say we all!

I will begin by saying that I am as skeptical of the NSA as anyone, and I am aware of their crimes and think many people in the organization should be punished. However, I find your assertion that the NSA should be held accountable a bit odd, so I have some questions to further investigate why you think that. I mean this in good faith, and I'm not attacking you personally for your opinions. I just want to know more.

Would you blame a gun manufacturer if someone murders someone else with a gun? Or a knife manufacturer if someone murders someone with a knife? Moving away from weapons, would you blame a spray paint company if someone defaces someone else's house or a public building?

It seems odd that you are only calling for the NSA to be held accountable for this. Why not the people who perpetrated the attack? Why not the people who stole or leaked the tool? Why not the people who gave the tool to the hackers?

Again, I agree that the NSA has avoided accountability and people in the organization need to be jailed. It just seems like blaming the NSA for something they didn't do is over simplifying.

Would you blame a gun manufacturer

Bingo. There is a narrative here that is being overlooked.

Would you blame a gun manufacturer if someone murders someone else with a gun?

If that gun manufacture knew about a vulnerability in the gun that could be exploited to hurt people and failed to inform the rest industry of this exploit, in gross violation of established precedence basic ethics. Then yes, you'd be fully justified in blaming them.

If you're going to analogize, best not to edit out the relevant portions of your analogy.

I did not edit the analogy in any way to be misleading. The edits I made to the comment were to correct spelling and grammar mistakes.

Wrong type of edit. When constructing your analogy, you left out relevant information. To the degree that it was an inept analogy.

I think what was left out of the analogy is what I was trying to find by asking. I couldn't include the relevant information because I did not yet know it.

The responses to my question fill in those blanks.

Fair enough

Computer Misuse Act.

Why was it created? What was their plan and intention with it?

Hackers get fucked up for even thinking about doing something. Governmental agency does it. Shrug the shoulders...

The gun manufacturer didn't make the gun that was used in a murder in secret with my tax dollars. The gun was also not created as a way to sidestep the 4th amendment. I could go on...

I definitely agree with you on the tax dollars issue.

That's not always the case. Sure things are backed up every night, but if Bob Radiologytech was saving things to the local hard drive that's gone.

Helen Humanresources also never used her network shares for saving files, she kept them all in her My Documents folder. They were, after all, her documents.

And even if there are backups of things it could take weeks to wipe and restore all of those systems.

Yo. I'm Bob radiology tech, and you just really freaked me out.

says the CIA shill! hehe!

The NSA isn't allowed to make spy tools?

Some hospitals also run more frequent backups as well, so the damage will vary widely from system to system.

Remember when we figured out it was "the Russian Government" because the tools were developed by Russians?

Clearly this is a US attack on British hospitals

Should we not also hold the people who stole the tools responsible?

A.) there was a patch the MS employed for this vulnerability. The devices hit were likely not patched or were running unsupported software/OS. B.) phishing. This happened because of phishing. The people that clicked the links are to blame. C.) the creator of a tool should NOT be held liable of the actions done with said tool.

its possible someone opened an email attachment and got fucked

Like podesta did.

No, Podesta was moronic enough to think, "Oh, you're saying say my account got hacked? Gee, here's my password of Runner456 to reset it!"

I heard this on news this morning

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The hero I need

The hero I need

It would appear that the hacking tools developed by the CIA and leaked have spread across the globe now and will be fucking some shit up royally. Hold on to your asses boys. More brown splatter coming.

Its on the front page you fucking moron.

Hey. It's ok guy

Have a great weekend my brotha!

They are trying to figure out how to blame Trump for this. Give them some time.

We alerted our company immediately about the ransomware attack. It seems to be all over Reddit. Maybe it wasn't earlier?

hate to be that guy, but it's been all over the front page.

You too friend.

It's on /r/worldnews

I hear real Trumpers are maddddddddd

I'm actually surprised this doesn't happen more often.

maybe the local dns's of their usual souces are down too?

This has all the makings of a false flag type story. Trump and his administration have taken a pretty strong stance against leaks, even when they serve public interest.

The angle on this story was that the attackers were able to leverage the leaked NSA exploit. Doesn't that sound a little fishy to you? Almost as though the stage were being set for a crackdown on whistleblowers or some other political action?

You know fucking with banks or a politician is one thing but fucking with hospitals is just not cool.

These people work their asses off and have enough to deal with.

this is exactly why all signs point to a false flag meant to vilify wikileaks. Watch for Assange to be taken down next. The only thing that can save him is a good ready dead man's switch.

OMG WTF are you talking about? Nope - it actually seems like some people extorting money.

'people' likely being CIA partner/affiliate ISIL and "extorting money" dysphemism of 'fundraiser'.

Of all targets to extort why hospitals?

Looks to me like they're trying to take down wikileaks.

Looks like you're reading way too much into this. That's a lot of speculation and theory that you couldn't possibly know anything about.

It is a lot of speculation and that could very well be. Will have to watch and see how this pans out.

This was initiated by people clicking a link or attachment in an email, not by hackers accessing systems. It didn't specifically target one group or a group of people, just delivered via spam bots sending it.

The alleged vulnerability was also patched two months ago, but the NHS and I'm sure the others affected have very poor IT security strategies.

No false flag, no conspiracy.

False flag

false flag meant to vilify wikileaks:

defenseless old people killed by targeting hospitals.

Yes.. Thats what I was saying...

Maybe everyone is busy cyber hacking.

Does it make Trump look bad? Then it's not news worthy of the front page. Fucking retard OP.

Cause their attack is effective - at least in that regard - stay strong - believe it or not - due to the way things work - staying positive and stable really does undue the tyranny - i kid you not lol

Cause Fuck Le Drumpf

Whole lot of microsoft attacking going on lol

It sounds strange. A huge ransomware attack, affecting 57,000 users across 78-99 countries and the only news source reporting it was Britain, a country that can't get a fair deal with the EU for leaving and future trade deals. Sounds like a way to scare people into doing something or wanting to know what people do.

Reminds me of Gotham Shield during the NK tensions rising that, probably, would've been useful for some EMP contingency but was primarily done in San Francisco and New York, areas that had already been "hit" during the 2016 election from a cyber attack. Seems like a repeat of yesteryear.

We haven't even started trade negotiations so to say we can't get a fair deal is a little extreme


There's a few others that's been in the news recently, they ring a similar bell. I wasn't saying that was used that way but it does jump into my mind a lot. I do believe Nigel Farange believes that Marcon is the EU's poster boy and would potentially try to void any good deal for the EU. What that entails from their agreements with the EU and their own individual trade agreements, I can't say.

There's been more MSM than just Britain reporting it.

Its on top in Worldnews, so dont know what you talk about

It's a bit strange that it's only been 3 months after the last critical patch for XP (which had to be paid for IIRC) Symantec and Norton AV systems aren't affected and a day after Trump signed an order.

OP is lying - fuckwits are upvoting him because they're fucking idiots.

Can someone ELI5? Please? I'm unaware.

I've been away from the internet most of today,could someone please explain?

Too busy making up fake news about Trump.

the main reason is we are all still online and since non of us are effected we could care less.

Keep in mind that this Ransomware was not directed at the hospitals. It's creator let it loose in the wild and it spread from there exploiting a windows back door that the nsa discovered. If you want to learn how to protect yourself(because it does not write itself onto the hard disk most AV do not detect it) search up my previous comment history on how to disable SMBv1(a protocol which has been around for THREE decades now).

Why don't you provide these informations?

tbh i feel like this whole post is a narrative. i read through it and it just felt like news being patched to me in little segments to refine my belief.

i'm definitely going to be more cognizant of how much of our "social medias" are tweaked to produce results.

Probably because Russia was hit "worst" according to some reports.

Holy shit.

The NSA/CIA lost control of all their arsenal. Is it being used?

I only just started Reddit up now. This is not good.

I came here now for exactly this reason!

It's on the MSM in Australia BUT it's nowhere to be seen on reddit!

Maybe Reddit has been "ransomwared" LOL

Every one is sidewinded by the Trump thing. Does anyone know, is the ransom actually going to get paid?

There was a couple threads on r/sysadmin yesterday that were pretty informative

I bet this is the excuse that was missing to start messing with the internet privacy rules of the common citizen

CIA realesed the software as the shadowbrokers. Now they use it. And whoops, the black procjects just got funded. No need to steal 9 billion this year from the pentagon, 5 is enough this year.

The next time i see the headline "Why is there nothing about..."

I'm just going to go on here and say "Because you are a shitty searcher of things." Because I usually read or see it on another sub and come here to check different opinions on it but lo and behold damn near every time its just this nonsense. Top Kek R/Conspiracy

Its all over every single news source - If you are trying to pretend its being covered up you are flat out wrong.

Front page.

this sun tends to have a strong narrative and that narrative towards the rest of reddit is generally : everything they say is wrong and they are sheep, conspiracies on the top or /r/worldnews & /r/politics wont even get touched here because "the sheeple" believe it

Yeah! Im with you buddy!

Well this post is one of the top links in this sub rn, sooo.....

OMG WTF are you talking about? Nope - it actually seems like some people extorting money.

Every single topic there is has posts that don't make it. This proves nothing. That's just how Reddit is. Are you literally brand new to this website?