Do anyone truly believe the reptilian theory?

12  2017-05-13 by kittenmittens4545

If so please give me proof.


Not me.. its just crazy talk to discredit everything else..

This discredits, that discredits, everything DISCREDITS!!!

I'm really tired of hearing that damn phrase.

Can you explain why EVERY civilization in known history mentions, worshiped and recorded for history serpent gods of some sort?

Well serpents also refer to the Kundalini at the base of the spine.

You mean the vestigial human tail?

No its chakra energy. Apparently it starts off there. In esoterics it is referred to as coiled energy, like that of a snake.

I do, but probably not how you would think.

Zionists, freemasons, what!?

The two bloodlines of Cain and Abel. They are not literally "reptiles", they are the bloodline from the "Serpent" past down by Cain's bloodline.

please more, this is fascinating!

Abel has no bloodline since Cain murdered him.

Cain very well may be a cursed bloodline, but its not a hybrid like the Nephilim...

Bro don't ask for proof. People will latch on to that and waste your time. It is a nonsensical theory with little to no proof. I mean people can believe what they want, there's a chance it could be real; but I think it takes too much away from more serious issues worth our time today.

Why do people believe david Icke?

Because he spits a lot of truth? IMO, he speaks in metaphors.

No he doesn't. W.r.t Reptilians, he is talking about other non-human entities.

Because what he says logically makes sense.

I do because my wife's a lizard.

Let me explain...

There aren't shape-shifting lizard-people. There are people with lizard blood. The rhesus factor is what got people talking about how humans were evolved from monkeys (I'm simplifying - this isn't "ask science") but a small percentage of the population do not have this factor. That's where the positive and negative comes in with blood types. Our blood (us monkey people) is iron based and has a red color. They (the reptilians) have copper based blood which has a bluish tint when it dries. This is where we get the phrase "blue bloods".

When a monkey-man and a reptilian mix their blood together it curdles. This is why native Americans used to cut their hands and do the 'blood brother' handshake. To see if the blood curdled. For this reason reptilians have a hard time getting pregnant and when they do get pregnant by a monkey their body tries to reject the baby so they must get a RhoGAM shot. When these babies are born the hospitals treat the umbilical cord like it's made out of gold and most governments have a registry to keep track of Rh negatives.

Read more HERE.

You can recognize a reptilian because they almost always have green eyes, have no wisdom teeth, are usually missing a vertebrate, and have low blood pressure. They have a hard time caring about anybody but themselves but they scare easily and are always worried about something.

Because they don't really care about other people but are not actually sociopathic they make great leaders and a lot of the ruling class in Europe in the past have been these "lizards".

Wow! Blew me away.

Hey I've been reading about this! I got a 23andme test done and it says that my blood type is probably A+, but is there any chance that I could have another type of blood? Im pretty sure when I was in high school it was B something, but idk.

The A or B or O have nothing to do with the Rhesus factor. It's the positive or negative that determines it. You can have A+, B+, and O+ which are all monkey blood types or you could have A-, B-, or O- which are all lizard blood types.

Right but I wasn't sure if the 23andme test was accurate because I thought in the past I might have had B- and not A+. So I was wondering if anyone knew how accurate those tests were. I kind of wish I have no Rhesus factor, cause that sounds neat.

They have a hard time caring about anybody but themselves but they scare easily and are always worried about something.

Do they always have green eyes? 'Cause I sure know a few that fit that description.

I have VERY green eyes...

How's your blood pressure? Do you hate the heat? Do you feel like you don't fit in anywhere on Earth? If so, you might be a reptilian.

So that explains my social anxiety! I'm a lizard! lol but for real, that would be some seriously coincidental convergent evolution for two wholly separate species evolving from either reptiles or mammals to be identical down to the genetic level, minus a few teeth and adding in a twist of green eyes because obvi lizards are green. I mean where else in nature does that happen?

I don't believe that the people with reptilian blood actual evolved from reptiles and none of the traits are akin to those of reptiles except for maybe the low body temperature. It's just that long ago people identified the similarity in the people with copper based blood to reptiles.

So why even buy into the whole reptile/mammal dichotomy if the terms were arbitrary, and not to mention, wholly looked down upon in today's perception? Like if it's not genetic, or evolutionary, and there aren't people who are literally descended from reptiles, why not just try to draw attention to the fundamental differences in the character epxressed by those with the differing blood types and use new names like "copper-blooded", or something, you'd probably be better at naming them. Like why intentionally attach your theory to David Icke's brand of crazy if you don't absolutely have to, if only to help how others perceive your information?

I don't subscribe to it at all. My initial post was supposed to be a little bit informative but overall tongue-in-cheek. I thought the humor would be obvious with the admission that "my wife's a lizard", but I guess it's not. That explains all the downvotes.

Yeah it seemed like you were pretty legit into this, judging by your comments..

Do a Google image search for "Rh- eyes"


I remember stumbling upon a Stratfor email that discussed interbreeding, and how that the rumors of royalties trying to breed reptilian bloodlines were somewhat factual. I wouldn't know where to find it if asked for the source and unfortunately, some Stratfor emails contain malware that I'm convinced f'ed with my old computer... so I don't want to go looking for it again.

But it was in an attachment, and it was back when I was going down a very big rabbit hole about Albanian dragon bloodlines and how Thaci was deemed "the snake."

There aren't shape-shifting lizard people.

Links an article that specifically mentions how reptilians shape-shift


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

Woah, this was an interesting read. I guess I can kind of confirm, hahah. I'm an 'O neg' woman in her late twenties. I also have green eyes, very low blood pressure, only had one wisdom tooth (must be my monkey dad's doing, lol), I scare very easily and I'm definitely always worrying/despairing about something or another. I do have high empathy levels and genuinely care about people, however. Must be the 'cancer' part of me.

Coincidentally, I somehow ended up with another lizard. He's probably the most selfless person I've ever met so neither of us fit the 'not caring' description it seems. We both get called on a lot to donate blood. It's strange to think that my body won't try and kill the baby if I ever get pregnant.

Kind of creepy that the government keeps track of Rh negatives. Not surprised in the least, though.

There are exceptions to every rule.

If two lizards conceive a child you usually don't have to worry about your body rejecting it, but you will have a difficult time conceiving. If you have green eyes and brown hair you could go your whole life believing you are infertile.

I do have green eyes and brown hair. Spooky. I'm not even sure if I want kids though my husband would like to have at least one eventually. I'll definitely be holding onto this info. Thanks so much for sharing! I have a lot of research to do now.

This is interesting. I have very green eyes, low blood pressure, no wisdom teeth. I have O- blood type, which I hear is rare, my ex consistently tried to have a child with me and I never got pregnant (thank god I hate kids) I have severe anxiety and borderline personality disorder. I am selfish but I do have empathy for certain people and I have intense love for my boyfriend and animals. I'm also rather empathetic and positive, I'm always the optimist.

Okay. So i dont disagree with you. My moms side of the family is odd. Like thelemic practices and kabbalah odd... Auburn red hair all that. There are the claims of witch craft rituals and powers. My mother though being o positive. She is in a way "gifted" and high anxiety. We have brown eyes and brown hair with auburn highlights that bleach with salt and sun. Any vacation to cali i would come back with different hair. I think theres something about the rh negative and even other blood types idk about lizards though.

I don't believe. But I do wonder if a reptilian apex intelligent race couldn't have evolved out of the dinosaur eras? I mean, it's crossed my mind in fun. That is alot of millions of years, and there was a ton of species diversity, why couldn't evolution have thrown another intelligent species?

Fun stuff

Also, if advanced aliens visit Earth, they most likely did back then, too.

Yep. There could be civilizations out there that are a billion years old. I don't think we can fathom what kind of tech something like that could have.

If you truly believe it, then that's the proof.

The Real Truth:

"When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years." *The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them*. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown." - Genesis 6:1‭-‬4 ESV

"Sons of God" = Fallen Angels

Bloodline of Human/Spirit (angel) that is a genetic hybrid abomination that has been passed down, preserved, and inter-bred among the ruling luciferian elite. AKA - The Serpent Seed

This is part of the reason why Jesus Christs bloodline is perfectly recorded in the Bible (line of king David is pureblood)

Urantia book.
''The Urantia Book (sometimes called the Urantia Papers or The Fifth Epochal Revelation) is a spiritual and philosophical book that originated in Chicago sometime between 1924 and 1955. The authorship remains a matter of speculation.''
A very weird and mysterious book about a group of higher level beings seeding the Earth [Urantia] with life, as one of a myriad of petri dish experiments.
A small cult of unknown .... well, I have no idea what they're about.
My story; I was selling quartz crystals in 1986, from a blanket on the sidewalk on 2nd ave in NYC. A homeless black dude came and sat with me and started by calling me by name, and telling me about myself, accurately. A very shiny friendly dude. He recommended I get the Urantia book, among others. He told me East/West Books would have it. I asked there and the clerk said it wasn't listed. hmm
I figured out who the manager was, while browsing the store. I asked if he was the Mngr, he said yes. ''Do you have the Urantia book here?''
He said ''Who told you about that book?''
I told him of the psychic homeless guy. Mngr said ''I have a copy in back, and I am going to give you my manager's discount, 40% off.''
Then he told me about forming a new freemasonry for the underclass to rival the upper class, and a Rosicrucian org to do the same, b;ah blah blah.
I balked at joining. Then he wrote down an address,and his name, and told me to go to this library, and with his name, I can join as a member for free.
And that is how I learned about Lucis Trust, and the Arcane library.
1986, I literally stumbled into the power elite cult, from digging up rocks and selling them on the sidewalk.
What a day.
Occult everywhere, thousands and thousands of books, weird grinning New Age people, like HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THIS? in my 1986 mind.
Then.....I found the one section not about occult or esoterica.
The United Nations section, filled with hundreds of publications.
The staff guy came over and told me about the wonderful relationship Lucis Trust has had with the UN, listing officials who were members, openly spelling it out to me. ''We built the meditation room, and run the World Goodwill program, sending out Goodwill Ambassadors.....''
If you sign up with them, they are very inviting,and no pressure. They'll mail and email all sorts of stuff to you, inviting you to weird events.
I visited the library plenty, but never attended an event.
I have never in the rest of my life been able to convince one person to go and have a look.
Everyone near NYC on this sub should have a look.
Imagine how lonely it was to know things in 1986. LOL
I'm grateful for this sub.

Yes they are absolutely real.

But asking for 'proof' is misunderstanding the nature of multi-dimensional reality on earth.

There are many beings that exist beyond the vibrational spectrum of human eyes, ears, touch. That does not mean they are not real. There are house pets that can 'see' more than humans for example

How do I know these thing are real? Personal experience. I have not personally seen a reptilians - but I have seen a Grey. And I have seen orbs, and humanoid ETs up close. I have a close family member who has a fully opened third eye chakra and can see all of these beings and more - including Reptilians.

Regardless of the matter of shapeshifters, they are incarnated into the bloodline families and other positions of power, including military and law enforcement. Just as there are positive ET groups incarnated into physical form.