Can we please stop the liberal sprinkling of the word "fucking" into every single comment and post? It doesn't add anything.

0  2017-05-13 by rabbits_dig_deep



I'm really fucking sorry. Please fucking forgive me. but, no, i get your point. The F bomb over-use is probably just a symptom of frustration around here, though.

The Relationship between Profanity and Intelligence

Results show that participants could last longer and endure more pain when allowed to curse...profanity could be used as a method of pain relief.

I just posted the one about swearing being an indication of honesty. People will say that is part of the agenda to make us more degenerate, but I think profanity is an important part of language. What's really funny is when I'm really angered or excited, I say things like "effing" instead of "fucking". I just noticed the other day, I wonder what's up with that?

I don't know. I generally devolve into stupid incoherency when I'm really angry or excited. "Fucking fuck these fucking fucks." I don't think on my verbal feet very well. I wish I were more creative. My sister can curse a blue streak and strings together the most glorious offensive phrases. She's like Shakespeare-level creative. I'm genuinely jealous.

My 11yo has inherited that gene. (We allow cursing in this house.) He comes up with some good ones, but tends toward archaic oaths. He's been calling us "git" and telling us to "sod off" for years. We're American. I don't know where he's picked up old English curses.

I think cursing is an important part of the language too (see house rule above). I very much doubt it has anything to do with an agenda; cursing seems like a wonderfully organic part of the human condition, at least in my experience.

I'm really fucking surprised that anyone on this sub would give a fuck about all of these fucks.

I give literally no fucks about the apparent overuse of the fucking word.

You give no fucks? Well I have a deficit of fucks to give. That means at some point I gave too many fucks and now some fucker owes me fucks. I was like a fucking bank. I loaned out fucks, and now I need to be fucking paid back.

I understand you have no fucks to give, but I don't give a fuck. Fucking pay me.

"Hey look at those "fuck chips" in that vending machine. I think I'll go grab some then give them to you.

Oh no! What's this? My wallets are empty! I can't give any fucks!"

-Batman on Robot Chicken

I mix it up with "freaking", "flipping" and "friggin" once in a while.

It makes shills easy to spot.


Shills are bound by FCC regulations that don't allow them to say fuck. Also I completely made that up. Lol. We were in like the top 5 subs in fuck usage in that dataisbeautiful post.

oh for fucks sake. not you again.


Excessive fuckery usually means you're dealing with an emotional teenager in a basement somewhere. It's an easy filter when deciding who to engage with and who to let stew.

Finally a true conspiracy !!!

You sound salty as fuck that your posts have never gained such traction.

Had a friend that said you keep using $100 dollar words when $20 dollars is better spent: Okay. Fuck off you ignorant cunt!

Why don't you fucking fuck off, you fucking fuck? For fuck's sake, fuck is the most fucking versatile fucking word in the fucking English fucking language, and fucks like you don't get to fucking decide what the fuck I say. Fuck.

You aren't going to respond to any of the fucking comments are you?

Fuck off

Rule 4

Fucking freedom of speech you fucking motherfucker go fuck yourself.

Shills are bound by FCC regulations that don't allow them to say fuck. Also I completely made that up. Lol. We were in like the top 5 subs in fuck usage in that dataisbeautiful post.