Friendly reminder that no hard proof exists of collusion between Russia and Trump

232  2017-05-13 by StrizzMatik
























BARACK OBAMA [states elections cannot be hacked]:

DONALD TRUMP [condemns it immediately]:




Could still have happened... Politics are being spun into a big web of lies. Really don't know who to trust or believe in any of the world situations.


I don't know and I don't claim to know. Just keeping my mind open to not knowing who the fuck to believe.

Ok let's use some logic here.

Hillary loses election unexpectedly after most people who voted for her did it because "she deserves it" and "it's her turn". Next, rumors are peddled that Russia had something to do with the election. MSM outlets (who were known to be pushing an agenda against trump in order to get Hillary elected at all costs) peddle the anti Russia narrative, relying on sourcing intelligence agencies the entire time. Intelligence agencies come out with a 15 page report after months of "investigation" where half of it was bashing RT, a legitimate news network with the right to push its own agenda, which is often sourced and truthful information (Abby Martin's 'Breaking the set') and the rest of the report lacked any real credible facts that could link Russia to any real interference in the election.

All we have are former Obama White House officials illegally unmasking American citizens on trump's campaign discussing things (that weren't even made public) with the Russian ambassador. An unsourced and liked fake 'dossier' came out that obviously had the purpose of humiliating trump, with absolutely no facts to back up any of the claims. How do I know it was bullshit? Because if it wasn't, the MSM would have taken the opportunity to get trump out and expose him as much as possible. This is the best they could do. And it wasn't enough.

Recognize when you're being manipulated into believing a fake story. Libya. Syria. 9/11. All fake. They didn't have the time to plan out this Russia bullshit, so this one is particularly sloppy.

Russia was talked about way before November 2016x

In what context?

People knew about Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn's history of corruption last summer.


Yeah. Flynn was fired and his security clearance was revoked because it back in 2014.

Please elaborate

Pictures were popularized last summer of Michael Flynn at a RT dinner sitting next to Putin and sharing a table with Jill Stein. He was paid 30K to give a speech there as well.

Manafort has a long history of some shady shit. He was working for Victor Yanukovych for 8 years secretly to improve his image in the West and win election in Ukraine. Yanukovych is Putin's friend and has financial ties to the other oligarchs who run Russia as well.

It was thought that Manafort only earned about 80k in a 6 month period working for them in 2008. But 12 million n payments was earmarked for Manafort's firm in a uncovered ledger..

Stuff was out there about Carter Page as well

Interesting. There is certainly some things not right, but it's hardly comparable to the millions exchanged through the Clinton cabal.

I think it's time that we as a collective people set aside our differences and get the TRUTH public. Because while this doesn't look like it's on the same scale of corruption as the Clinton cabal, it is still likely some business that the normal people would not be okay with. We need to create a new system of "government" that actually serves and protects the people without infringing on their rights. We need to start over.

I almost can't believe how you can let the obvious archetype of a corrupt businessman dictate your reality to you. You want massive expansion of executive power influenced by the religious right, big oil, and the military industrial complex? That is what his administration is vying for. I didn't want the Clintons anywhere near the presidency, but Trump was always worst case scenario.

Who gives a dry shit about the Clintons? They're NOT IN POWER.

She stole the election from Bernie, plain and simple. I don't care about where the emails may have come from, as long as the truth came out.

But the point is, its impossible to prove that Russia hacked it. Because anyone can simply cover their tracks with any other nation's hacking tools to make it look like it was any other nation. No proof + no ability to obtain proof + constant MSM peddling = distraction propaganda

Reference Number: JAR-16-20296A December 29, 2016 GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

Summary This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities. The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyber activity by RIS as GRIZZLY STEPPE. Previous JARs have not attributed malicious cyber activity to specific countries or threat actors. However, public attribution of these activities to RIS is supported by technical indicators from the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This determination expands upon the Joint Statement released October 7, 2016, from the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security. This activity by RIS is part of an ongoing campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure entities, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations leading to the theft of information. In foreign countries, RIS actors conducted damaging and/or disruptive cyber-attacks, including attacks on critical infrastructure networks. In some cases, RIS actors masqueraded as third parties, hiding behind false online personas designed to cause the victim to misattribute the source of the attack. This JAR provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations, suggested actions to take in response to the indicators provided, and information on how to report such incidents to the U.S. Government.

It's possible.

That's true, but we know there is an investigation. It's not impossible that the administration broke the law.

I heard Trump say yesterday on NBC in an interview on Comey's firing that Comey had informed Trump on three separate occasions that he is not under investigation.

Not saying everything Trump says is true, but Comey is also a known liar. It's a bunch of smoke, and no one can be sure who is telling the truth, so I like to go with the facts, which is what I outlined previously.

I'm struggling to remember any situation where it can be proven that Trump told the truth.

I mean, since JFK or even just 9/11, has any president really been proven to be "telling the truth"?

He stopped the TPP, that's still something I can maintain that I'm happy with that I think we can all have confidence that Hillary wouldn't have done.

And he's making obamacare go away. And hopefully he will get the new tax stuff going too, so I don't have to give as much money to the system. I don't care what he does to the rich, the rich live in a completely different world where they control the scarcity, so Idk what will happen, and I don't want to debate this stuff with you, but personally I'm happy with these things. I'm not happy with everything, by any means, if I had it my way, they'd all be out of office, intel agencies shut down, and secrets made public. But we all know that won't happen until we, the people take matters into our own hands and overthrow the system with FACTS.

But that ain't gonna happen anytime soon

It's not impossible that administration is a group of invading reptilian overlords, but we don't pay much credence to that theory either.

If the FBI was actively investigating such a claim, I might consider it a possibility that Trump sheds his skin and takes vacations to the center of the earth or wherever the fuck the lizardkin supposedly live.

I don't think it's such an absurd notion that Trump used Russian money or is connected to Russia in less than legal avenues AND Democrats are blowing this up as chink in the armor, using the entire thing as a scape goat for their miserable candidate.

Maybe. I think the caveat is more likely about manufacturing sour relations with Russia than with covering Clinton's sorry ass, but yeah.. I do smile when I imagine the hangover we'd all have if this sub found out both sides were right.

All we know for fact is Micheal flynn was a foreign agent for Turkey before the election and as NSA director. Even if all the rest is bs the fact he was able to infiltrate the WH should be a huge red flag that they could've missed others shady business. You have to at least admit that right? I actually don't think Trump knew anything in detail about the situation. I personally don't think he could explain any policy in detail. If you find a clip of him talking policy coherently post it please.

You have to at least admit that right?

I'll buy that. I probably agree with Flynn on most politics, but you're delusional if you think you're going to take foreign money and keep a clearance (unless you're the Clintons). I don't even care about RT, but writing a pro-Erdoğan op-ed shows you've been doing business with the wrong team. He may just be greedy and not necessarily compromised, but we'll have to see what else comes out.

I don't know. It's hard to tell. Trump could have not known anything, or he could have been concealing the information. The Flynn situation wasn't explained in detail, the call he had wasn't even made public, so we don't even know how bad it was.

Please explain more of the Turkey stuff for me, and was that before or after the "attempted coup" last summer?

I don't think anyone knows where Trump is in all of this, so I find it unproductive to speculate about what goes on in Trump's head. He could be fooling a bunch of people, who knows. I don't bookmark every Trump speech I see, so I don't remember anything specific from him talking about policy, but it depends on each of our definition of "coherent" anyway, so it wouldn't be productive to discuss something like that either.

Well the basics are flynn got paid through a consulting firm over a half million to lobby for the dictator there. He didn't disclose this until after he was fired from being the NSA. So the whole time during the campaign the presidents nation security confidant and advisor is working for Turkey. Then he's hired as the Nation security advisor for the WH and didn't disclose so he's a spy now and should be charged for treason really. The crazy thing is the transition don't vet flynn and just trusted him to tell the truth. At the least it's criminal neglect.

Interesting. Like I said, it's hard to tell. He could have just been a greedy motherfucker, but he could have had more nefarious purposes.

It's just hard to tell because when a situation like Hillary's private server is exposed to the extent George Webb did, and similar dots haven't been connected in the cases like Flynn's where you can track where the money is coming from and likely for what purposes. That's what makes me think that Flynn was likely just a slimey greedy bitch. That is if all of this wasn't just MSM manipulation, like much of what is made of the Russia story.

Hello RT shill. RT is the opposite of real news. How can someone who claims to believe in consipracies actually believe that a dictatorships propoganda arm is a legitimate news source? The only news agency in Russia? In a country where speaking out against your dictator gets you killed (including journalist). I've never seen a more clear agenda besides the other fake news outlets like brietbart.

C'mon man, no need to be like that. You're not entirely wrong but if you think they're a shill just report them.

What did I started that I shouldn't have?!

Rule 10

Posts that attack this sub, users or mods thereof, will be removed. Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context. First violations will usually result in a warning but bans are at the mods' discretion.

Technically I'm breaking Rule 2, but I'm not outright accusing you of anything.

Rule 10

Recognize when you're being manipulated into believing a fake story.

Can you though?

Hillary loses election unexpectedly after most people who voted for her did it because "she deserves it" and "it's her turn".

"It's her turn", you say like you don't comprehend that was a lazy ass propaganda smear adapted from "it's his turn" - a meme mocking Mitt Romney that became popular during the previous election after he was recorded saying "it's my turn" (he was actually talking about speaking - someone was interrupting them and he was telling them it was his turn to speak).

Next, rumors are peddled that Russia had something to do with the election.

Oh, that happens "next" does it? Presumably you will explain the origins of the time machine used to go back and publish this statement in October, prior to the election.

I read it contemporaneously. Media did report it at the time. If you know nothing of this, if you never heard anything about Russia's involvement until after the election, that says something about the media you rely on for your information. At the best it is withholding very important information from you.

But if you got the notion that accusations about Russia only started after the election from your chosen sources of information, then this is worse than merely withholding information from you. They're feeding you false information if they told you that.

So can you? Can you recognize when you've been fooled, hoodwinked, taken for a ride, made into someone elses useful idiot so you can spread their lies for them, let yourself be turned into someone elses propaganda machine. Can you recognize when you're being made a fool of?

.... I can't understand how this subs Trump supporters - much like yourself - claim to understand the, shall we say, "issues" with MSM and yet they still allow it to manipulate you to. It boggles the mind!

"the msm reports negative stuff on trump... that must mean tptb et al dislike trump... and since tptb = bad... that must mean trump good! i luuurve trump!"

I'm not saying I love Trump. I never have. There is certainly a struggle for power between two competing factions, and either way, I don't want any government that infringes on the rights of an individual. I know that there is enough resources in the world that everyone could live for free if we as a species simply allocated our resources properly. Trump isn't doing that, so I'm not in love with him.

But it's obvious when something is being used as a distraction and when it's being forced down the public's throats, even though there's no real evidence to condemn anyone of anything illegal.

To be clear, your argument is that if there were actual collusion between Trump campaign people and the Russian intelligence apparatus, um what? The MSM would have exposed this "as much as possible"? That's your best argument for why there isn't collusion? Weak tits.

Many parts of the dossier have been proven true, and I would guess that in the end most if it will end up being true. The reason the mainstream media didn't run with out (outside of David Corn from Mother Jones who published a story more than a week before the election) was because they have a responsibility as journalists to verify their sources and it was just too large a job in such a short time.

No hard proof exists that she killed Seth Rich but everyone jerks themselves silly saying it anyway. Can we at least pretend to be following evidence to conclusions rather than the other way around?

Umm there's a huge difference between posters here saying Seth Rich and the MSM promoting a false narrative in "Muh Russia!" that the majority now seemingly believe as fact.

Once actually has a tangible impact on society, and impacts all of us. The other is meaningless internet chatter.

No on is being investigated for his death. Which, by the logic of some here, means no one is guilty.

Trump is god to some people and they will just kneel in front of him to shield him from criticism.

ANYONE giving him a pass shouldn't be on this sub - this isn't about politics, it is about a conspiracy (one of many involving him).

Trump is god to some people and they will just kneel in front of him to shield him from criticism.

Not in DC. These guys in Congress know Trump is just a tool, nothing dangerous to them. They can balance his checks, and decide which ones really get caught.

The status quo on the left and right are still in charge, but now they are fighting a two front war between the swamp drainer in chief, and Young America's darlin' Bernie.

One of the reason the masks have now come off at the federal level for the establishment Dem's, who don't even pretend to be anything other than a neoliberal.

swamp drainer in chief

It's too late for me to be laughing so loud.

Wait until someone explains to him what a 'veto' does.

I think the conspiracy is why is the MSM against Trump all the time? I start to question why hating him is being shoved down my throat 24/7. What agenda does the corporate media have?

Probably because people hate being lied to all the time by a self loving hypocrite

It's because the media is pure 100% propaganda and they lost all power when hillary lost the rigged election.

If they lost all power, how are they still so influential? Can't have it both ways.

They still have all the propaganda machine.

So they haven't lost all power then. Like I said, can't have it both ways.

Political power.

If they've lost that then what's the problem? Why do you still care if they don't have any power.

I don't know where you're going... All I will say is when I have doubts about something, I always go see what Ron Paul has to say.

Even when he's not even close to the most qualified person to speak on an issue? Consistency and honesty are not the same thing, certainly not the same thing as correctness. I get it, the guy stands by his principles, but that doesn't mean he's right.

He's right about the war on drugs, federal reserve, and many other things. Reddit used to be all about this guy until of course the shilling happened. In any case, while the narrative is being changed by propaganda, seeing Ron Paul's views give you a good base so one doesn't get lost in the bullshit.

Reddit loved him because he wants to legalize weed. Now that isn't so rare, so you don't have to cling to someone on the fringe to get that to happen.

It was the federal reserve. And hard core liberty:

Anyway I don't even know what we're talking about.

Project Monarch and the hypnotizing effects of the frequencies put out by our televisions. Being in a constant Alpha brainwave state makes people less critical and easy to influence. Personal observations, I'm not a scientist. However, our whole world view is built upon the idea that there is always an authority figure in our life. The television news is portrayed as the authority on information. Just think about it, from birth there is always someone who "knows better" than us and is willing to tell us the "correct" answer. They don't want to help you speculate and come to your own conclusions. In school there are books and if your answer isn't "correct"(in regards to history, politics, not things such as math) you are "wrong" and all the connotations that come with that label and feeling.

I think people hate being lied to by the MSM.

MSM is an extremely wide range of sources and people, to act as if they all working together as one united group is a bit naive, imo.

Hmmm....a guy who goes around shit talking everyone all the time has made enemies you say?!?! What a surprise! Even if Trump was squeaky clean and a genius at his job (he is neither), if you go around insulting literally everyone, you make enemies. Basic fucking life skills.

That is true, he has insulted many, but he's also helped and complimented many as well and that's part of the narrative they don't give you.

protip: it's all fake. it doesn't "matter". it's essentially a soap opera, it's all drama, it's made for tv because folks like you buy into it. there's really nothing more to it, kiddo.

Hahaha that's why I question everything, kiddo!

Not to mention the laundry list of suspicious deaths closely tied to the Clintons. They have more close associates die in "accidents" than is logically possible.

Think about your life, most of us have lots of people die around us for illnesses etc. we can also likely point to a person or two has died tragically in a car accident.

The Clinton have literally had over 30 people die of suicide, plane crashes, car accidents and murder.

And these weird accidents seem to always be close to some major event that might hurt them, and the people who die would likely have dirt on them.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all, but this whole situation is very very strange.

Calling out hyserical Russia phobia that has no basis in reality isn't giving Trump a free pass at all.

This man talks sense.

Seth Rich was a leaker who was murdered, Hillary had motive and a long history of suspicious deaths behind her, and her campaign chair said they should "make an example" of the leaker. I can't think of a more likely scenario that fits those facts.

On the other hand, the whole "Ze Russians" narrative was made up by Hillary's campaign, and has been pushed by the MSM despite a complete and total lack of evidence. Also, Russia and America haven't been at war for thirty years, and have been allies for most of that time. Who on this sub is stupid enough to fall for such obvious propaganda? A lot of people, apparently.

long history of suspicious deaths behind her

Something which again, has no hard proof.

complete and total lack of evidence

If there was a complete and total lack of evidence, the investigations would have stopped. Unless you think somehow Clinton is still secretly in control of it all, which is absurd, because if she had that kind of power she could have forced the investigation to make stuff up earlier and kill Trumps campaign. It's also absurd to think she still holds that kind of power, given that she lost; she doesn't have any political capital any more.

Also, if there was a complete and total lack of evidence, people on Trump's staff or cabinet wouldn't have been lying about it right up until they quit or were fired after that evidence you claim doesn't exist came to light. Remember Manafort? Remember Flynn? Remember all those people who claim to have never met with any Russians ever until pictures of them with Kislyak or Putin or both came out? It's absurd that this sub believes anything someone says about Clinton, but never anything about Trump. It's clear partisanship and has been since early 2016.

Link to evidence? Because I can provide you about twenty links to people on both sides of the aisle saying there isn't any.

Don't link to NYT on this sub and expect to be taken seiously, shill.

NYT is a CIA front.

Friendly reminder that no hard proof exist of collusion between NYT and the CIA.

Can we at least agree on the following?

Shills are one of the lowest form of scum humanity has ever produced. A person who takes a job pushing a narrative is morally and ethically bankrupt, is a pathetic waste of meat, a burden on society who lacks the ability to do anything productive with his life. The best thing a shill can do for society is to commit suicide.

I don't know, I'd put rape, murder, genocide, infanticide, reckless endangerment, child abuse, jaywalking, grand larceny, and terrorism to be a bit higher on the list than pushing ideology online. Then again I suppose it depends on the ideology being pushed. They aren't paying me to do it but I push a lot of ACLU stuff online, and somehow that seems different from pushing Stormfront.

[Spoiler](Every online publication is full of shills)

And yet I can't figure out for the life of me figure out how to apply for the job of shilling online anywhere!

Just make a website.

I'd shill for Sony and PlayStation trolling Xbot articles. That could be fun.

If you need hard proof to believe that the CIA has infiltrated NYT, as well as other media outlets... You have your head in your ass. Learn to think for yourself instead of regurgitating what the Deep State is feeding you.

If you need hard proof to believe that Russia has infiltrated the Trump administration, as well as other GOP firms... You have your head in your ass. Learn to think for yourself instead of regurgitating what the Alt-Right is feeding you.

My comment didn't meantime anything about that. I was simply talking about the media.

The alt-right didn't tell me anything about the CIA infiltrating media. It just takes a little bit of research.

You realize I'm mocking you, right? Also you're pulling a source from the height of the Cold War. I don't doubt that there aren't spies working in news agencies, even if you take away the idea of them secretly controlling the news it's just practical; reporters are granted access to things and people that nobody else is.

What narrative have I swallowed? I did not lash out. Did my wording hurt your feelings? lol

You said that there was no hard proof that the CIA infiltrated the NYT. While that may be correct, there is hard proof that the CIA has, and probably continues to infiltrate media.

I would honestly be more shocked if the CIA hadn't infiltrated the NYT.

Learn to think for yourself

Translation: believe everything those with an obvious agenda on this sub tell you to and stop contradicting us.

You can contradict me all you want, it changes nothing.

*close eyes, insert fingers in ears

The post, the times, and the associated press!? If you think that is evidence then you can fuck off back to r/politics.

Do you deny the claims made within said articles? Do you deny the video of Spicey himself saying that Manafort worked for Russians? Or do you only trust Breitbart and Infowars because they tell you what you want to hear, never mind verifying or contextualizing?

There are not many things you just don't do in this sub.. But the first thing you do is come in here and start implying Seth Rich was just a fluke and then immediately start posting sources from the three news sources we trust the least. I don't care, if you're right about this. You look like an ass, and you need to lurk more.

I look like an ass because I'm saying something this sub is reluctant to hear. It's direct to attacking the source, not the claims within, not the Press Secretary admitting to the claims within. You don't want to hear it so you say it doesn't count, not because of journalistic standards but because they say things you don't like.

Nope it's mainly because their journalistic standards are dogshit and you're pushing a narrative that has been increasingly discredited and lacks any real evidence other than certain individuals having their own ties to Russia at various times throughout their career in public service or lobbying.

So it lacks any real evidence with the exception of a bunch of evidence? It's like pizzagate except with more evidence then!

look at your upvotes though and his downvotes.... we are not all like this dude. there are actually some intelligent folks here, it's just that the morons tend to be "louder".

Oh I know, it just gets annoying sometimes. That's why I try to avoid this sub (try and fail, mind).

There are not many things you just don't do in this sub


we trust the least

Speaking for everyone, eh? You should take your own advice.

Who the fuck are you speaking for, new guy?

0/10, you're too hamfisted to control the narrative here. Simple tactics like these aren't going to do it; your constantly saying things like "we don't believe that here" only works - even on those who have biases that align with your message - on individuals until that eventual moment when that jarring dissonance arises after you voice a statement which attacks their biases, in their voice.

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Fuck off with your gatekeeping. Deal with the information, not the source.

Seth Rich was a leaker

No hard proof exists of Seth Rich being the leaker. Certainly less proof than the Trump-Russia connection (plenty of circumstantial evidence exists).

Wikileaks has all but said outright that Seth was the leaker, and I trust them more than all the MSM combined.

Frankly, your trust means nothing. A screencap of "Guccifer 2.0" telling some actress that it was Seth Rich is not proof.

I trust the government's assessment of who Guccifer 2.0 really is.

No, but Wikileaks track record is unassailable.

There is also the [interview]( with Julian where he discusses Seth Rich and slips, the press conference held on Seth's birthday, and the reward offered by Wikileaks for info about his death. I mean, use your critical thinking skills.

Let's not forget the Podesta email talking about "making an example" of the leaker just before Seth Rich was murdered.

Name one person besides Hillary who would benefit from the murder of Seth Rich?

So your proof is basically "Wikileaks implied it." That is not evidence in the slightest... And I would hardly say their record is unassailable. They've shown an extreme bias for a long time. Their Twitter makes it this bias the most obvious.

As for the Podesta e-mail, which is right here they are very specifically talking about leakers that were used as sources for this Washington Post article which has nothing to do with the DNC leaks. How surprising, here we can see Wikileaks taking a small part of that e-mail out of context to imply that it has something to do with Seth Rich. So "unassailable," totally not misleading.

Certainly not the guy who "robbed" him. He didn't even get away with anything of value.

Lots of muggers shoot people then dont take their valuables.

I bet he was just did it for street cred. Nothing say's gangsta like gunning down a suit in Bloomingdale, and then leaving his wallet.


Is your sarcasm meter broken?

No, but Wikileaks track record is unassailable.

Eh ...

Strawman + too many upvotes. I've found a podesta bot.

Wikileaks also said that Wi-Fi antennas are secret white noise machines and that the Panama papers were lie to make Putin look bad.


Assange made one quip about Rich, and WL came back around and said they could not say any more about who the leaker was. That's it. It's like, if I got you a birthday present and you jump up and down shouting "it's a pony!" and I say "well it could be, you'll have to wait and find out..."

Except, that their "ties" to Russia are a tiny fraction of the Podesta/Clinton multi million dollar ties to Russia.

I find it's helpful to actually post the links when folks reference one of the WL emails.

Everyone can quickly read it for themselves, but to me it seems blatantly obvious they were talking about an entirely different type of leak and that "making an example" means rescinding job offers or access to Hillary.

Well, I suppose you could interpret it that way, but it seems pretty farfetched given that the leaker, Seth Rich, was murdered.

Lol! That e-mail was sent over a year before Seth Rich was murdered. It also specifically refers to leakers for this Washington Post article. Even the subject line of the damn e-mails shows this:

Subject: Re: Wash Post story -- Sorry to write this on a Saturday night

In other words, this e-mail almost certainly is not related to Seth Rich.

Lol! That e-mail was sent over a year before Seth Rich was murdered. It also specifically refers to leakers who were the source for this Washington Post article. You can scroll to the bottom of the e-mail to find that link. Even the subject line of the e-mail shows it's not talking about the DNC leaks, but the WaPo article:

Subject: Re: Wash Post story -- Sorry to write this on a Saturday night

In other words, this e-mail is not related to Seth Rich. You have no intellectual honesty. You are willing to mislead others to appear correct. Shame on you.

speaking of stupid people falling for obvious propaganda... have you looked in the mirror lately?

Seth Rich was a leaker who was murdered

Two claims, no evidence

Based on the other comments you got apparently not.

The fucking FBI wasn't allowed access to the "hacked" servers, that's not fucking proof enough that this Russia bullshit is a coverup???

And yet they were able to make their assessment anyway. And guess what, they're not investigating possible Canadian involvement.

Or possible English involvement. BBC was completely objective throughout the election? Give me a fucking break.

The BBC isn't even objective during British elections.

They're not the bastion of bias-free speech lots of people on Reddit think they are. They seem it in some international news articles, but they're biased as fuck.

BBC News used to be a decent service, now it's Conservative (right-wing) propoganda central.

I still pay the licence fee, though, because the rest of the BBCs services are top notch.

The BBC isn't even objective during British elections.

They're not the bastion of bias-free speech lots of people on Reddit think they are. They seem it in some international news articles, but they're biased as fuck.

BBC News used to be a decent service, now it's Conservative (right-wing) propaganda central.

I still pay the licence fee, though, because the rest of the BBCs services are top notch.

This is propoganda spread by literally the Russian government and the trump administration. There is no reason to go to the servers with a microscope because this isn't a Saturday morning cartoon.

An image of the servers was provided to the FBI which is what they wanted. There is nothing you can do at the server that you can't do with an image.

Government propoganda at its finest and you bootlickers buy it without thinking

Comey stated that in any investigation physical access to the servers is the preferred way of doing things. What you are failing to point out is, the DNC SERVERS are the basis of the whole Russian hack narrative. They were not allowed access to these servers and had to rely on Crowdstrike's report and that was it. The Hillary server was properly confiscated and that is why she tried to bleachbit it and destroy phones because she wasn't able to stonewall them from getting physical access.

Strange the FBI didn't file one single official request for the server either. But I'm sure they are on the up and up about this Russia thing. Source of DNC server image provided? Heres good ole CNN if you don't believe they wanted the actual servers.

Heh, but you dare call people out for spewing propaganda. Facts you don't like do not equal propaganda. I have done a preliminary search and can not find anything on an image being provided. Just that they relied on third party information. If they were provided this image, how can they verify it is authentic? That is the whole point of wanting physical access.

lol learn the rules better don't complain about the game.

People believe Seth was a hit because the motive is overwhelming, and that's the same reason many of us believe the Russian influence narrative is lie. The only way we can ever go to war with Sierra is if Russia is the bad guy. No matter what you think of trump, you mark my words.. They day he goes down for this is the day we invade Sierra, and likely the circumstances will be just as dubious as every other time they've sent us to war on a lie.

"the motive is overwhelming" only if you assume, based on no evidence, that Rich was the source of the leak.

I do in fact assume without evidence that Rich was the source of the leak. And I really don't give a single fuck how you feel about that.

Why are you being so aggressive out of nowhere, you fucking weirdo?

Lol, 25 upvotes for a random, childish comment, low down in the comments. At least try to make your shilling believable.

Removed. Rule 10. First warning.

My post doesn't violate Rule 10:

"Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context."

That's some aggressive ignorance.

I know when things don't add up.

Assuming things without evidence is a bad idea.

Are you serious? The whole argument here is "How dare you say I need evidence for X when you obviously believe Y without evidence". Nobody on either side of this has any evidence. All you're saying is that being involved in this discussion we've been having for months is "A bad idea." Don't try and tell me what to believe on the Seth Rich matter. That is absolutely not something I'm willing to debate.

The fact that you believe something without evidence and are not willing to debate it tells me that you have a dangerous mentality. That's the kind of mentality that leads to religious extremists murdering people.

Everybody has an opinion about everything. From the existence of god to the OJ Simpson verdict. You're of the opinion that I'm going to start a bloody jihad because I'm convinced Seth was a hit, and I'm of the opinion that you can go fuck yourself. I done with this discussion.

I don't think you're going to start a jihad. My point was just that believing things without evidence is dangerous. What you believe about Seth Rich is not founded in fact. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

Good idea. I hope you learned something.

and voting for trump

We know that he was a BIG Bernie supporter and since the DNC is being sued right now for rigging the primaries, I'd say that gives him a huge motive.

He wasn't a supporter of Bernie Sanders even a little it. He was about to go work for Hillary's campaign when he died and told his family it was his dream job.

Julian Assange hinted that he was the source of the DNC leak. Assange is the only human that knows who the source was.

WTF is Sierra?

I think he meant Syria, Autocorrect or Text to Speach on phones sometimes get it wrong.

It's fairly obvious Rich was killed to silence him and his leaks.

And it's fairly obvious that Trump and his team colluded with Russians to tip the election in their favor.

I think Seth Rich was killed by Russia and Wikileaks to throw people off the trail and create a patsy, and I have an equal amount of evidence as you do.

You really think Wikileaks is in the business of murdering people? You think Russia would risk a diplomatic shit storm that would most certainly lead to the very war america is obviously trying to start, to create a patsy out of a lowly staffer? I have all the evidence I need to prove unequivocally that you are stupid.

You know what, you're right. Now that I have given it more than a half second of thought, it is pretty retarded to think that anyone would murder a low level staffer who had no importance and no access to any information of value.

Somebody did murder him.

FYI, it's okay to see the dots and make the connections yourself instead of waiting for someone to tell you what to think.

Doesn't make it hard proof. People around here love to connect dots about Clinton regardless of the proof between them. But boy they hate it when people connect dots around Trump.

Nope, I'm just saying we should all have an open mind and critical eye about everything, regardless of the party. The one thing democrats and republicans both have in common is corruption. So, there's that...

Only one of these has been covered 24/7 by MSM for the last 6 months 🙄

It couldn't possibly because only one has an ongoing and controversial investigation presumably continuing because the investigators still have leads to follow.

Pretty ironic how the Left is peddling cold-war conspiracy theories. The Left-Right paradigm is a false dichotomy. Of course, American politicians collude with foreign governments, but it ain't Russia…

The amount of downvotes you're getting on your post kind of says it all, the shills are brigading this thread like nuts.

their shift will be over soon and the regulars will be on before bed. As long as this stays on the front page the votes will start to even out. It's just happening now to discourage us from contributing wile the post is fresh.

Even if there was collusion, what's the crime? Oooh Russia interfered. BULLSHIT. US just interfered in the French elections. Nobody cared.

FBI investigation is counter intel not criminal. Nothing comes out of counter intel investigations of the FBI. Just ask Jan Schakowsky and Dennis Hastert.


Okay I think they're often tacky fashion watches but I wouldn't call them criminal.


US just interfered in the French elections. Nobody cared.

How did the US interfere?

Obama telling people who to vote for, for a start.

lol that's the same kind of interference that we are currently investigating? Get the fuck out of here

FORMER president Private Citizen Obama giving his opinion is the US government interfering in an other election?

What does that have to do with the claim of the US interfering?

He probably means that Obama endorsed Macaroni.

As of the US somehow rigged a 50 point vote difference in France . Lol

This in itself proves nothing other than an investigation existed. Not proof of anything.

Still exists

How's the investigation going into the proven illegal wiretaps on Trump campaign by the Obama Administration? Oh wait, there isn't one. Even though we know it happened. There is hard proof of this, unlike the Russia hack scenario. Why is it not being investigated? Because Washington DC and the establishment in general hate Donald Trump, and will do anything to get him out of power, that's why. Like it or not he wasn't supposed to win and he represents an existential threat to their power structure.

You forgot /s

Everyone that would know about iy or can investigate it has already said there was no wiretapping let alone illegal wiretapping.

And Trump just threatened that he secretly wiretapped Comey.

Considering his administration's intent on cranking up the drug war to imprison more people, continuing weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, and cozying up to the religious right; how is Donald Trump a threat to the existing power structure?

At one point he was enough of a wild card to make the establishment shit themselves in fear, but I think he's pretty much "on-board" with things now. Those are legitimate concerns, as are his deep ties to Israel and his deepening ties to Saudi Arabia. It's still a good thing that the Clinton-Bush-Obama power structure has been removed from power, though. They all but promised to start WW3 with Russia and Iran and Syria, and Trump wanting better relations is a net positive for both countries.

Wait you actually buy that wire tapping tweet? My god. There is Trump bootlicking and then there is begging for trumps dick

Yes, he most certainly was. It a matter of public record that the Trump campaign was surveiled by the Obama Administration through multiple attempts at a FISA warrant and because of the nature of the NSA spying technology, EVERYONE is subject to surveillance, including politicians and citizens. Do you even Edward Snowden?

Let's count the buzzwords kids

Sweet deflection bruh

So which is it; everyone was surveiled or they had to obtain a fisa warrant?

would you suck donald trumps dick if he asked you?

I bet your mom secretly would bang

How's the investigation going into the proven illegal wiretaps on Trump campaign by the Obama Administration? Oh wait, there isn't one. Even though we know it happened.

How do we know it happened? Where's the hard evidence?

It's a matter of public record that Susan Rice and other unmasked surveiled individuals within the Trump campaign, which is illegal. Right before leaving office, Obama changed the rules regarding the dissemination of NSA metadata allowing it to be shared with the entire IC - which happened to be saturated with his handpicked loyalists - with the intent to sabotage the incoming Trump administration by planting "evidence" of Russian collusion to hinder any efforts for Trump to have a positive relationship with Vladimir Putin. Why? Because these same IC/military-complex types want war with Russia, which they would have had with Hillary in office.

It's a matter of public record that Susan Rice and other Obama loyalists unmasked surveiled individuals within the Trump campaign and leaked classified conversations to the press, which is illegal.

Yes, Susan Rice did her job as national security advisor. Where's the hard evidence she/other Obama people leaked classified info to the press?

Right before leaving office, Obama changed the rules regarding the dissemination of NSA metadata allowing it to be shared with the entire IC

Where's the hard evidence of this?

with the intent to sabotage the incoming Trump administration by planting "evidence" of Russian collusion to hinder any efforts for Trump to have a positive relationship with Vladimir Putin

Where's the hard evidence of this?

Because these same IC/military-complex types want war with Russia, which they would have had with Hillary in office.

Where's the hard evidence of this?

The dude you're replying to is a idiotic nutcase, but he's correct on the NSA data one. source

I'm quite sane, and you've been reported.


Removed. Rule 10.

For someone who claims he isn't a Trump supporter you're doing such an amazing job that you could almost be Trump himself.

TrumpRusconspiracy is all over this sub pushing the Russian narrative.

You're questions are perfectly reasonable and the fact you're getting downvoted for asking for what the crime is and evidence and he's getting upvoted unusually high suggests they're either being supported by shills or TrumpRusconspiracy is a shill themselves.

Of course that has to be the only obvious reason /s

I'm glad you agree that Hillary is innocent and the whole email investigation was bullshit then.

She knowingly disseminated classified information, which is a felony crime regardless of being charged or not. Law is the law. Money and influence buys immunity.

Where's the hard evidence that she knowingly disseminated classified information? What charges were pressed against her? What convictions were achieved? Even Comey admitted there wasn't enough to prosecute her with.

Comey basically said that anyone else would suffer more grave consequences

I despise Hillary as much as anyone else around here, but it's fun using her as a logical exercise to demonstrate the double standards people have with conspiracies that fit their agenda vs those that don't.

If someone lies to you and you have evidence that he lied to you, would you not think that person has something to hide? or will you think "hmm, that seems perfectly normal to lie about"?

I'll give the invasion of Iraq as an example; They lied about the reasons for the invasion and we know that. But I have no hard proof (direct evidence of collusion as you seem to require) to link it to the petrodollar, israeli influence, military industrial complex, etc... Yet it's a fact for most people.

That's quite a lot of misleading videos

Nyet comrade, is all good videos. Why you not support Dear Leader President Trump as good citizen should?

Aww, your Diet McCarthyism and red-baiting is super cute. Why are you such a scared little pussy cowering from people thousands of miles away?

I thought you were here with a friendly reminder. What's this sarcasm and insults?

It was intended sarcasm. So you're making the assumption that I'm a shill because I replied to sarcastic douchebags like a sarcastic douchebag in kind? I don't even support Trump and I didn't even vote for the guy, but the MSM narrative of Russia affecting the election in any significant way is straight up bullshit and a cover for the incompetence of the Democratic Party to beat a fucking reality TV show star.

I never said you're a shill, you don't need to be paid to spread propaganda if you do it unwittingly and for free!

It's not propaganda to say that the Russia-Trump narrative is missing a lot of actual proof to substantiate it. Just common sense. It doesn't require a political bias either way to see it. Even in a worst case scenario, Russia doesn't have shit on Israel in terms of influence over our politicians.

No, that's not propaganda. Posting these wall of out-of-context videos is.

Holy crap how do you have 10k comment karma in six days? I know it's off topic but I find that utterly amazing. But your original point stands, the term is useful idiot although it is a more provocative way of saying what you did.

Get divorced, try to starve off the pain by wasting all your time on reddit while hoping your boss doesn't find out. It's scary to be alone with your thoughts, even though you think things will get better after the first few weeks. You'll get a lot more karma I promise.

Ah, sorry to bring up bad memories :(. Carry on good sir.

Nah, it's cool. I think the Watergate Redux has been a possibly healthy distraction. Luckily I'm receiving a lot of support from friends and family :)

Ayyyyee matey tis a lovely day to drink a pint bought with naught but a doubloon!

Can we do pirate talk now, dear 6-day old account?

Look at his actions since the public release of the Steele dossier, look at the churn in the administration, look at the churn during the campaign when people realized something was going on. Look at the constant stream of easily disputed lies from everyone in the administration. The man has had literally THOUSANDS of court cases leveled against him for decades for defrauding customers and employees. If you think that there isn't something strange going on then I have a degree from Trump University to sell you.

Lost me at Pissgate dossier. Let's just pretend that anonymous sources aren't worth shit and go with material proof and facts.

Material facts like the trail of Russian bodies coming from the dossier?

I think you're confusing the clinton body count with some fake news, SMH 😂

This made me cringe.

Probably for your own posts, advocating a theory based solely on the words of corrupt politicians who just lost a lot of their power and are being exposed as pedophiles and cannibals.

Oh boy, here we go again.

its just.. not even worth it. I just assume they are russian bots because no real person could be this stupid

It seems more like a teenager to me, or maybe just a brainwashed fanboy. I've heard of of the "troll factories" and what not, but I've yet to see obvious signs of their work. That being said, LightBap's first comment was odd. The deflection was so forced, and the "SMH" abbreviation and emoji all seem out of place.

Agreed. Who knows what's going on there

Then you're in the wrong place, this is r/conspiracy, and you're getting pissy and defensive at people talking about a government CONSPIRACY.

Just because he has an r next to his name doesn't mean you have to fall for his bullshit.

You must be under the assumption that I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter. Wrong on both counts.

Then I'm sorry your guilt for voting for trump is causing you to try to do damage control, but unfortunately, this is probably as bad as it looks.

Didn't vote for him either. No guilt here! I'm not silly enough to ever trust the voting system after 2000, thanks. I cautiously got behind some of Trump's actions early on after the election when it looked like he might have actually had a backbone against the entrenched power structure, but ever since Kushner and Ivanka gained more power in the WH and Trump began hardcore flipping on even his moderate/centrist positions, it's hard to see him as any different from Obama, Bush, the Clintons or any other puppet of the ruling Cabal.

Fair enough.

All it took for me was to hear he was running, but I've always been pessimistic, so I never had any hope for him. I hoped he'd at least have a somewhat cabinet that helped him run things, but he's not even capable of finding people to make suggestions thst would make the country better. I dont like hillary, but in the same situation she would at least have been a decent politician, even if she was only in it for herself.

lol, says the T_D poster.

Posted maybe 5 times in t_d total = t_d poster

K chief

Posting (sincerely) 1 time in T_D = T_D poster, yes, that's how things work. Especially T_D, where you get can be banned for suggesting that maybe Trump ought to work a little harder on getting that wall up.

Amazing logic on display here. Never procreate, mkay?

T_D posters are welcome on r/conspiracy.

Oh, we know. Complimentary fruit baskets are handed out.

That's quite insulting to other users of the sub.

Its almost as if you are trying to discourage people from posting in here by attacking the mental health of its users.

It is insulting to other users of the sub to point out that since mid-2016, /r/conspiracy has become a wing of T_D? Yes, things have calmed down now, but I'm not saying anything you didn't already know.

You weren't pointing that out though

Complimentary fruit baskets are handed out.

This is a thinly veiled insult to other users of this sub.

Its ok to express your displeasure with supporters of you're non preferred political candidate darring to use the same sub as you but personal attacks on users or the sub as whole are banned under rule 10.

This is a thinly veiled insult to other users of this sub.

This claim only makes sense if you think the claim "T_D posters are enthusiastically welcomed here" is an insult. You're talking nonsense.

personal attacks on users

Describing what I did this way is a massive abuse of the English language.

Well i apologize if i misconstrued your comment.

You're right about one thing TD posters are welcomed here just like users of all subs.

So what you're saying is...

There is evidence.

Trump is Putin's cock holster. Everyone knows it. He is also an idiot.

Ugh, stupid billionaire president! So stupid!

He would have more money if he put his "small loan" into the s&p 500.

You have no idea how easy it is to make money when you are already rich. It's a fucking scam. But Trump is not a business genius.

You say that is if it was easy to predict the rise of the market. If it was that simple then more people would have done it

It's riding the market, not predicting it. If you assume the economy should always expand, it's a good investment. Gambling addicts might not agree because it isn't fun or skillful. It's also not hard to see that when interest rates are at zero, the stock market will explode. Nobody will use a bank to save when interest rates are zero.

Repeating unfunny Stephen Colbert jokes now.

We all heard it already and thought it was a shit.

People love Colbert. He's getting millions of people watching him every night because Trump is cancer and he just points it out.

People love lots of comedians but they don't go round repeating their jokes every other comment like some sort autist.

Said the cock holster.

Said the autist.

Do you not remember Dave Chapelle? "Rick James, Bitch!"

Are you going to hold every conspiracy on this subreddit to the same standard?

Yeah, guess people don't change their views ever right?

Just a friendly reminder that you spout nonsense on here constantly and none of it has any hard evidence.

Just 5 hours ago:

The Jesuits were created by the Venetian / Papal Bloodlines of the Mystery Babylon and are the military/intelligence arm of the NWO, not the true powers themselves; although they are frequently described as such, even the Jesuit Superior General bends the knee to the true Bloodline families of the Justinians and Amun-Ra priesthood.


Go easy on him. Schizophrenia is a bitch.

Top lel ya got meh

Rule 4

Lol, just because you lack the knowledge to understand these concepts didn't make it untrue. Do the actual research and try harder.

The proper answer to such an accusation is "here's the evidence", not "lol ur dumb".

Just saying.

No, the proper thing to do is use that search engine called Google. I'm not your teacher or your mommy, find the threads where I talk about it, be a big boy or girl and do your own work. This has nothing to do with the dubious nature of the Trump-Russia meme.

Then you're not going to be convincing many people. Which is fine, if that wasn't your goal.

You clearly don't belong here if you find stuff like this to be hard to swallow.

There's a lot of people trying tell others that you don't belong here.

Maybe you should just decide what conspiracies are acceptable for the sub and kick everyone out who disagrees with you.

Jesuits, bloodlines and priesthood of Amun Ra. Good.

Trump and Illuminati. Good.

Trump and Russia. Bad.

I don't know how you can justify it in your mind that we shouldn't be talking about Trump/Russia because there is no hard evidence but you turn around and post dozens of Illuminati and bloodlines conspiracies that have zero evidence.

It seems like you only care about hard evidence when someone posts something that you don't like. Why the double standard?

Your brigading is pathetic and your attempts to slide the thread and dismiss the evidence presented in the videos for ad hominem and attacks on my character is proof of your purpose here. Take your downvote and like it.

My brigading huh? I didn't know that I had a brigade. Sweet!

Maybe you can explain why it's ok to post about papal bloodlines but not about the Trump/Russia connection. Go ahead. Tell me with the straight face it's because there is no hard evidence.

LOL Trump in the Illuminati. Sorry. There's just something kind of hilarious about Donald Trump being a member of a super secret shadow group that wields legendary guile, bent on world domination for centuries.

It would be like a deep state made of the three stooges.

I can't believe these fucking liberals are pushing this Trump Russia bullshit.

BTW did you know that pizza slices are triangular. You know what's also triangular????? ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED.

Nice whataboutism therr.

Thank you. I learned it from this sub.

Yeah, it's a common shill tactic so no wonder you can find it in use here ;)

Says the brand new account LOL easy- youre projecting!!

I was wondering when someone would bring up the age of my account as evidence of me shilling. If it looks like I shill and you are a regular person, PM me and lets see if we can fix my ways. I'm definitely no shill and started using reddit just a few months pre election. I entered this site at a bad time.

Uh huh. How coincidental. Have fun sewing seeds in r/conspiracy good luck

Oh man, im not doin anything here. I do learn not to comment as much as id like.

Don't let people like this discourage you. When their comments are less than a paragraph every time, they have no space to debate logically. Also do not forget people are polarized more than ever and Comey's firing has done nothing but make people clutch to their "sides" conspiracy theory even more. Logic and bias is at an all time low for people stuck in the left/right paradigm.

Commenting, and I don't necessarily mean in a way to discredit people or be aggressive. But commenting and using rationale and logic is the best weapon against partisanship and "shills". They will discredit themselves every time. Welcome to the sub by the way.

Seven months is brand new?

If he's brand new at 7 months what does that make the 5 month old guy?

an attention whore, apparently.

I tried finding my use of whataboutism and couldn't. You bringing up the age of my account is literally evidence of whataboutism. I'm glad I got downvoted.

I asked for PMs and got none. No real person looking for conversation stood up.

I step back and see this sub. Lost yet with those willing to find it still here.

No, that is not what it is. It is a value judgement. People ran with pizzagate based on someone on 4chan screwing around.

And here is what people here were saying: No proof yet but we won't have any if we don't look into it ourselves, don't trust the government.

Trump though is the one man on earth who has gotten conspiracy people to drop their morals and values and principles.

One man and love for his rich is all it took to show the hypocrisy and see people abandon years of their work/studies into conspiracies.

I hope he is worth it to people.

There's a better case for pizzagate than there is that Russia hacked the election. Yet, you only dismiss one of those narratives.

One wasn't made up by 4chan and is actually being looked into by the US congress/fbi/etc.

You put faith in something based on: "Someone eats pizza, it means they molest kids. Hillary!" Seriously, weak sauce. With the russians we have an entire country known for doing such things, a rich man and his family with ties to russia, etc.

pizzagate has pizza and hanky and some dudes pissing away their time trying to make it into rape/murder/satan worship. It's a joke, but because people love trump and hate hillary they will rush to believe it with their whole heart.

Oh, well if the FBI is investigating it then it's fact!!!!! Oh, wait... Also, you know you're building a strawman with the false way you describe pizzagate. There is vastly more evidence about that. What evidence is there about Trump being a Russian spy? Just the existence of an investigation? Talk about weak sauce.

You really think they are going to leak information they have found during the investigation?

Not an excuse to blindly believe one narrative while mocking the one with more evidence.


Type jimmycommet instagram into google and you see one of Podesta's friends, at a minimum, pretending to be a pedophile.

The trump russia theory was started by Podesta, and makes no sense to begin with.

Where this evidence you speak of

If you aren't a paid shill, I really feel sorry for how gullible you are. Pizzagate is based on highly disturbing emails talking about little kids, and public instagram posts of people very close to the clintons in which Peadophilia is all but admitted.

So if there's so much evidence for Pizzagate, why is it that after more than 6 months not a single victim has come forward? No victims, no witnesses, no evidence any crime was committed, just emails taken out of context, weird shit on social media, and code words made up by 4chan.

A lot of victims have come forward, where's the victims from the Trump-Russia connection?

You are very misinformed. Pizzagate wasn't based on 4chan, it was based on John Podestas OWN emails thanks to Wikileaks...

Oh, you silly, silly little man.

Even the most ardent supporter of this theory will mock you for stating this.

You are possibly the least informed person to ever post in r/conspiracy.

For the benefit of everyone that interacts with you on a regular basis, please read a little on a subject before talking about it.

He is right in a way. It started with the emails talking about spirit cooking. Just because it was heavily researched on image boards does not mean it originated from there. A lot of the initial investigation involved doxxing and other things that would be wiped from most forum boards.

I mention spirit cooking because I am sure you were going to retort with script #5, Cheese pizza = 4 chan, thus pizzagate = 4chan, case closed.

Did you just admit you are responding with a series of scripts?

No I implied you would use the tired argument of, pizzagate is fake because cheese pizza slang came from 4chan pedophiles. Implying that there is no way possible that this slang would catch on.

Pizzagate as a theory is unfortunately very real. Anytime you want to take an actual victim to the authorities I am sure they would be interested.

Whats your stance on dyncorp? They are a part of pizzagate too, and have been publicly shamed and called out for human trafficking by a senator. Pizzagate has always been a movement to stop state sanctioned human trafficking. No amount of trying to focus it on a pizza parlor will change that. The clinton foundation is dirty in regards to this. Have you checked out George Webb's video's on this topic? They are well put together and if you're curious about it all I would recommend checking it out.

If I knew victims of human trafficking I would take them to the authorities of course! Why even bring that up? Is that some attempt to discredit the theory because no victim has stepped forward yet? What about this?

There are many genuine victims of institutional abuse who could use your support and help. I urge you to put your energy into ways of supporting these real victims.

The same to you friend, sorry If I came off as hostile. But civilian investigation is a part of that. However it is plagued by confirmation bias, emotional appeal and all the other things we try to avoid on here. It is based on a good intention even though the road to hell is paved with them. See ya around.

Don't you dare to try shift the discussion to being about the content of the e-mails and not discrediting pizzagate. Discussion is not needed and speculation must be wiped from this subreddit! Tagged for advanced long range shilltllery cannons.

What's wrong with John Podesta's emails? Did he come right out and talk about child sex trafficking, or something?

So many of his emails talk about little children very inappropriately. Together with the instagram posts made by Podesta's close friends, and his friendships with convicted pedophiles, an investigation is warrented.

Can you link me to some of the emails talking about children inappropriately?

"And I thought I’d share a couple more notes: > We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be > Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and > almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in > that pool for sure." (

Really, who talks like this? If they were your friends kids you wouldn't list their ages. If they were random make a wish foundation kids, since they don't sound related, a normal person doesn't wouldn't refer to them as entertainment, whole listing their ages. Then you have tons of emails where Podesta is using pizza, cheese, and other words, which pedophiles have a history of using as codes, that don't make any sense in context and are highly suspect emails.

How do you jump from "wow that's kinda weird how they refer to their kids" to "they must be part of an underground child sex and murder ring operating out of a popular DC pizzeria"?

Seriously, not hypothetical

It would help to actually read the full comment before responding. Here is the full 1/2 of my comment which you ignored, while defending a ring of pedophiles I might add.

"Together with the instagram posts made by Podesta's close friends, and his friendships with convicted pedophiles, an investigation is warranted."

What 70 year old man wants children in the pool for his entertainments?

I ask you guys if Jon Podesta wanted you're kids in the pool for some further entertainment would you be comfortable with the idea?

Why would he drop his code words and start referring to children by full names and ages?

In theory these code words would be used for plausible deniability so why would he allude to molesting children who can be conceivably tracked down? Why not say "hey, heat the pool some of the guests may want to swim and theyre bringing pizza"?

Supposed secret code within the contents of his emails. And just general oddness, the biggest red flag was one where Tamera Luzzatto ( former chief of staff to Senator Hillary Rodham ) sent to him about young children being in a pool for his entertainment, " Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure." (LINK:

Granted, these are what appears to be her step grandkids, however it's just weird wording "for your entertainment." Tamera Luzzatto also apparently had a blog that said you can spend time with Evie, a newborn baby "raw and uncut" (LINK:

Again, an odd thing to say about a newborn... Again, no hard evidence, just lots of suspicion and weirdness surrounding them.

Though other interesting Podesta emails talk about ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) and the vatican...

What secret code in the emails? And that just seems like old people having an odd sense of humor, which anyone with grandparents knows about.

How do you jump from "wow that's kinda odd the way they refer to their grandkids" to "that must mean Democratic power players are running a child sex and murder ring out of a popular Washington pizzeria"?

Seriously, not hypothetically. How do you make that leap?

All fair points. I'm not making any jump, I'm just sharing with you, what little knowledge I know about it and how I've seen them rationalize it. If you want to know more, you'll have to go down that rabbit hole yourself.

Timeline of the pizzagate investigation.

Pizzagate was not created by 4 chan.

Did 4chan get Jon pedoesta to write/revive this email.

The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want.

Or this one?

Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

Or this one?

Still in torture chamber

Obviously these emails have a hidden meaning and this intruiged people enough to dig for more coded emails.

That's how they came across Alenfantis and comet ping pong who was posting pictures like this on his Instagram.

And books bands like this to play at his family freindly restaurant.

Lovely family friendly band there joking pedophilla and killing babies.

Now judging by the instagram pictures Joking about killing babies seems to be a theme here.

So tldr you are wrong pizzagate was not created by 4chan.

Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch at the same airport. "OMG OBVIOUS INTERFERENCE". Comey gets fired. "Nothing to see here, justice for Hillary".

At the same airport? They talked in a private plan, on the tarmac, and specifically told security to not record.
Good try gaslighting the truth though.

Where do planes land? The point is the reaction from the right from both situations is hilarious. You missed that.

clearly one plane landed inside the other, thus making such private things unavoidable

especially when Lynch was about to make a major decision

Anywhere because the earth is flat! Duhhhh

It was obvious interference.

Also it wasn't just at the same airport it was on Clinton's plane.

Can't wait for the new FBI director to reopen the investigation.

It's was meant to show how the right reacted to both situations. Both being interference.

it's not like the left treats both the same either

Heres some of the main evidence for pizzagate.

Here's a responsible summary on the topic by CBS.

Haha this is truly such an awful thread.

But there is tons of proof of Trump supporters flooding this sub with cock holstering.

Fuck off Mr. Colbert. You and others like you are the cancer killing any kind of reasonable discourse in this country.

^ proof

You sir, are a fucking idiot.

You sir, should drink bleach.

You should stop with the Kool-aid, kid

Pot, meet kettle.

Nah, I don't believe the propaganda that everyone against Trump is pro sjws.

They get you in cheering for him with easily hateable targets, like Hillary, Muslims and feminists, which honestly he's never shown any inclination of caring about, and you end up cheering for all his dangerous and stupid and divisive politics.

There's more than two options here.

I don't support Trump, haven't since he bombed Syria, so take your assumptions and go kick rocks. I also don't believe anything the MSM incessantly shits out and hammers into our heads, no matter how hard they scream "BELIEVE THIS". These are paid liars and political hacks that are selling an agenda and pushing for a war with another nuclear power.

Oh a neo con! Neato.

I'm all for government transparency. There's too much unknown right now, but the Republican party as a whole has been the least transparent apparatus in government I've ever seen.

If they have nothing to hide, they'd be releasing as much info as they could. Not preventing investigations at all costs.

And these things take time. I think you'll see more of Russian GOP money laundering though.

I'm no fucking neocon lmao are you high? Dead center with classic liberal / libertarian-leaning views, if anything.

It also stands to reason that after 8+ months including 5 with a controversial Administration in power with huge amounts of leaks, something definitive and concrete would come out to bury Trump hard with proof of collusion, wouldn't it? Yet there's nothing but the Pissgate document that got BuzzFeed laughed out of a Press Corp and personal business and lobbying deals with Flynn/Manafort and possibly Page that are probably no different from any other routine government corruption, because these people are ALL thieves and liars. It's just being blown tremendously out of proportion with Trump because the entire DC establishment and media apparatus hates him because it was HER turn and Trump fucked all that up.



Maybe you should read the majority of the comments directed towards you and see who is losing this contest.

Yeah, because there isn't heavy vote manipulation and brigading going on in this thread or anything, and I definitely don't need your internet points for validation.


People disagree with me? Impossible!

You are both a) and idot and b) proof.

Just as much as the right are "fucking cancer".

Who said I supported the right? I'm fully aware both sides are bullshit. Why are you even here other than to REEEEEEEE at Trump?

I don't even fucking know anymore.

Who said I supported the right? I'm fully aware both sides are bullshit. Why are you even here other than to REEEEEEEE at Trump?

Looks at OP.... looks at comments made by op....

Statement of not being for the right does not check with actual statements by OP.

OP doesn't identify with either party, is registered Independent and has pretty centrist views with left-leaning personal / social views, but ok guy. It's called having a nuanced viewpoint, able to call out either side for their bullshit and give credit when it's (rarely) due when they actually do their jobs as "public servants". I rightfully treat any blatant political push of opinion and propaganda from known political hacks in the MSM as incredibly suspect, and likely lying to push an agenda. These are discredited liars who exposed their bias and their hand throughout the 2016 election on BOTH sides. A cursory look at history proves them to be mouthpieces for the CIA and other IC agencies, and supporting anything they want is a terrible idea.

Dude, if it looks like a right winger, talks like a right winger, and walks like a right winger...its obviously an independent who just happens to only hate the left.


Oh, there it is

And a friendly reminder there is an investigation in process and the intelligence agencies and political officials say releasing information would harm those investigations.

But with all the leaks and the collusion of the establishment and the media to push narratives like they have done so many times in the past, its surprising that no damning evidence has been leaked or outed by now. With all the extremely powerful and influential people that want this narrative to be true, there still isn't anything.

But hey Russia opposes American imperialism and regime change so they must be bad right.

Get out of here with your common sense.

Hillary isn't being investigated for anything, therefore she is guilty of nothing.

Keep sucking that dick

Saying the Trump/Russia meme is bullshit =/= support for Trump and his agenda

Yes it does. Because it takes some fierce intentional denying of reality t say there is nothing to see here

No, it really doesn't. Not supporting the establishment and MSM pushed "conspiracy" narrative doesn't make you a trump supporter. Shocking people on this sub so strongly believe establishment propaganda. Kind of makes me sick.

how ironic =)

What's ironic?

You're bitching about people "pushing conspiracies" in a fucking conspiracy sub! It's literally the most ironic thing you can say in here. Holy shit you guys are unbelievable. We have by far the biggest fucking conspiracy going on in most of our lives right this second and you guys are just 100% ignoring it. If this was a true conspiracy sub, it would be absolutely dominated with the Russian story. But no, it is just sucking Trump's dick 24/7.

Such a joke.

Perhaps a new sub is needed?

If there was, the Obama team would never have let Trump get inaugurated.

That's not necessarily true. If Obama was seen meddling with the transition that would be exceptionally damaging to Dems. It makes more sense to set a trap and let Republicans spring it. Drms have an excuse for the shit tier election they ran, republicans have stand up or run from the wreckage.

I'm not saying I know what if any laws were broken by Trump, but it appears he is in hot water. That's not just media fabrication.

Where there's smoke...

The people of the USA will reserve their judgement until a full independepent investigation has been carried out. We can begin with a full disclosure of his tax returns. If he is not guilty he should have nothing to hide.

Look man we'll find out within the year. The Feds are looking deeply into things so if they have something we'll know later on if not then things continue as usual.

Who cares if there is or was? 99.99% of all politicians are controlled by the Suads, the Israelis, Monsanto, Big Oil, Big Pharm, CIA, NSA, THE LIST GOES ON.

The only reason the MSM & liberals pump the russia thing is politics. It is akin to republicans using the Birther movement to discredit Obama.

Even if they are right, it makes no difference. Please do not get caught up in the paradigm. Once you're there your vision gets clouded and you become uptight at indifference.

Um just because I point out the obvious MSM shilling of a bullshit conspiracy it doesn't mean I support Trump or either side of the political aisles. They're all full of shit.

Not dogging on you. Cheers

Most politicians are at the local level so saying 99.99% are controlled by big oil is just straight up wrong. Only the ones where their influence is worth buying, will be bought.

Is this r/hardproof or r/conspiracy? Give me break. Where's the "friendly reminder" about no proof for pizza gate?

And every one of those soundbites are taken out of context on public shows where intel members cannot talk about classified information.

Also this:

.@MALCOLMNANCE: #Trump45 used #Clapper the way #Russians carry out their active measures #AMJoy

How were they taken out of context? They are asked "Is there any evidence of collusion between Trump/his team and Russia" to which they reply "no". What more context do you need?

Yes Nance has a decorative background but when he goes on shows like MSNBC and repeats their talking points, he has lost all credibility. He supported Hillary for fks sake!

Prime example:

Pushing fake news claiming wikileaks publishes fake emails. This guy is a Clinton/Obama minion. He retweets articles from Salon, Politico, NYT, Slate, WaPo, MSNBC and CNN which makes him a political hack.

Those have been posted before, I don't know what you're talking about.

Funny how no one can question the evidence with the Russia story without someone bringing up pizzagate! Why not bring up archons, UFOs, alternative earth theories, the list goes on..

It just tops the list of "dumbest conspiracy theories" flat earthers are about the same but not politicized so pizzagate takes the cake.

Found the shill

How is "Clinton and conviently every major person who opposses trump is part of a satanic cult that molests and eats children and communicates through pizza toppings and it's all based out of a mom and pop pizza place in DC" not ridiculous?

Removed. Rule 10. First warning.

Since you mentions pizzagate here's some the best evidence in regards to the investigation.

Here's a balanced MSM segment on the subject.

And here is some of the untoward pictures posted on social media by some of the main players in the saga.

For those readers who don't know much about pizzagate/pedogate.You can read the evidence and make up your own minds.

Because everyday there's a new pizza gate post. If every day there was a UFO post I would have used that instead.

Because you're making a shit argument.

The Feds are conducting their investigation and we will have answers in time. You have no idea what evidence they have or don't have at this stage of the game. If there were hard evidence of collusion known to the public there would be people in jail already.

gaaa all caps you must be a TheDon, OP!

Know what I don't like? I don't like that secret meeting (by secret, I mean no one was allowed to listen, btw) that President The Donald™ has with that fat bald rooskie dude the other day, when other reporters weren't out and President The Donald™ had quite a negative reaction to the PUBLIC DISCOVERY of the photos.

Obviously, you are correct. There is no direct correlation between Donald Trump and any Russian Agent.

After Flynn left, of course. You know him, the Top Security Advisor with access to everything Secret the US has? The one who DEFINITELY has direct connection to Russia?

Oh but I am SURE that President The Donald™ and Mikie Flynn NEVER EVER discussed anything about Russia, now did they, cousin? (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

Or I just copy and pasted this from a list on 4chan? And endless amounts of speculation doesn't equal proof of malfeasance. Funny how all people ask for is proof and evidence to support these assertions, and you guys act like it's irrelevant to the larger story, you flip out on and discredit people and accuse them of being Russian spies or sympathizers with your insane red-baiting Diet McCarthyism and just assume that the allegations are true because of your own dislike for Trump. No one here is saying Trump is a good guy or uncorrupted, we are saying that there is no actual evidence other than conjecture and speculation to say that Russia definitively had a hand in the outcome of the election.

Did you read where I disagreed about evidence?

Lack of evidence, like Pizzagate!

Friendly reminder that there is also no connection between a Pizza place and a child sex trafficking ring, but when has that stopped anyone on this sub?

Pizzagate is just a red herring for the larger problem of high-level pedophilia within the ruling class, which is most definitely real, and there's plenty of evidence and proof to support it. Personally I think James Alefantis is a pedophile himself and probably a procurer as well, there's plenty of circumstantial evidence linking him to a larger global ring.

I don't think you're using "red herring" correctly here.

It's a distraction from the more serious infiltration of pedophilia into high-level leadership and culture that has existed since ancient times that is slowly being exposed. The phrase works just fine.

I think you mean "smokescreen".

"The phrase works just fine." ...?

Yer cute! =)

"something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting."


...Just like there's plenty of circumstantial evidence linking Trump to Russia?

You can tell shills are heavy here because you have an extremely rational and logical perspective on Pizzagate that most of this sub would agree with, but you're getting downvoted

lol, no.

Good thing we've got you here to set us straight!

Pizza dojo?

Yes there is

Well, you have the Comet pizza owners self-incriminating Instagram posts in which he basically admits he's a pedophile. Not sure how a normal human person can just ignore that.

in which he basically admits he's a pedophile.

Proof needed here.

It's time to shut r/conspiracy down if we are going to start caring about proof.

Not sure if srs

how old are you? just curious

Shills are bombing the shit out of this thread LOL. Look at the stupefying amount of upvotes on any anti-Trump posts and the dozens of pro-MSM narrative viewpoints from the obvious r/politics and r/worldnews kiddies

"He's guilty! He's gonna be impeached this time for sure!" they said for the 47th time crying from their internet corners. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is real

Says the shill

Hahaha. You fucking wish.

That is not something I would wish.

Rule 10

So I can call a bunch of people shills in the thread and it's okay as long as I'm not specific, but if I am specific it's not okay? Just asking because you didn't say anything to guy I responded to

Personal insults are removed, if reported.

Ok, thanks for letting me know

Yes it must be shills. Not people that disagree with your post.

Friendly reminder that this is a conspiracy sub, where you know, we look into conspiracies, and Trump's potential Russia ties I'm afraid don't get a free pass.

Here is a conspiracy... Why is it that every time the very real investigation into trumps collusion with Russia, the submissions about Hillary Clinton bullshit from years ago floods the front page along with constant warnings against looking into Russia.

Seems very coordinated.

It's absolutely coordinated. Every time a major Trump/Russia story comes out, like clockwork there will be at least 2 posts on the front page within the next 24 hours made by accounts a few days old that are essentially "BUT HILLARY". This sub is very heavily brigaded by T_D and they don't even try to hide that all the "This sub isn't about politics, we hate both sides" posts are really "PLEASE STOP ATTACKING GOD EMPEROR" posts.

You seriously think everyone here views trump that way? I cant stand Trump but this Russia stuff is bullshit and theres better legitimate critiques of trump.

No but there is a dedicated contingent to move specific messages to the front page. Whatever the current situation is they craft a headline that runs counter to that and upvote it in droves. See: This post, "Obama had 8 years to reclassify marijuana", "James Comey has a history of getting the Clintons off", etc.

Watch for any Trump scandal, within hours some counter-agenda concern troll will post either attempting to discredit the person Trump is battling with or blaming the previous administration for whatever Trump is currently fucking up. It happens over and over again.

I agree but the anti trump posts are super organized as well. We are in the middle of 2 PR games and its annoying.

I'm of the opinion that the Anti-trump posts are legitimate news at this point. Jeff Sessions said some dumb shit about drugs, the FCC chairman really does want to fuck up net neutrality, Trump did fire the head of the FBI while his administration is being investigated etc etc etc. These are all real stories the counter-assualt is attempting to wag the dog and bring nothing new to the table.

I think Trump supporters are not used to being in power and accountable for that power, Trump is the president now and if he fucks up there is no one else to shift the blame to. It will be interesting to see if this sinks in.

Im referring to the russia shit. That other stuff is shared criticism. The russia stuff brings these vitriolic unthinking anger based comments.

Shareblue seems hard at work to discredit anything pro-Trump or even vaguely anti-Clinton. Keep it up!

Really doesn't take much to discredit trump. All you have to do is quote him

This post has managed to miraculously summon a rare conflagration of vote manipulators, from "Trump-Russia!" deep state hacks, to Democratic party operatives.

You can literally count which team threw all of their upvotes onto certain comments, and when they team up on a couple.

~15 for one team, ~45 for another

It's fucking insane dude, so much triggering going on. The brigading is hilarious and sad all at once.

I downvote anyone who complains about downvotes. Me = Deep State operative confirmed.

I don't see the point of this post (should be posted on /r/the_Donald). Unless of course you had something going in the other way (showing Trump isn't connected. But well...

OP. You are a dumbfuck.

Random poster. Piece yourself.

Not very nice. Who raised you?

Even if it was Russia that hacked the DNC emails and forwarded them to Wikileaks, who cares? I say, thank you Russia! If exposing lies, corruption, and the rigging of a primary is what constitutes "hacking an election" or "interfering with and election, then I'm all for it. But we all know it wasn't Russia. The Russia angle was made up by Hillary Clinton, because she couldn't accept her defeat with dignity. She's a cunt.


Hold on, let me make a 4chan post about it as an fbi leaker. That'll be hard proof right?

No one takes that as hard proof. Thats pure speculation and entertainment.

Apparently you didn't lurk here during the height if pizzagate.

Been here for like 7 years....just because you see something doesn't mean people believe it. Most people see stuff like that that and stowe it away filed under "heh... Maybe?" its mostly entertainment very very few actually believe it.

Are you kidding? Someone went into the pizza place with a gun? What does that say?

Sure, sure.... If you believe that. But even then youre missing what the actual idea of it all is.

Hahahhaha I'm sure the witness accounts were wrong. Regardless, I suppose the idea is something about hating liberals?

Whats about hating liberals. i hate "conservatives" and "liberals" smart people are a bit of both and somewhere in between. I dont have a team. If you havent looked into the coincidences around edgar welch then at least look. I doubt youll even question the narrative but i dont feel like explaining.

Lol love how you assume immediately I'm referring to you. Projecting possibly?

Well, you're talking to me lol


I'd just like to point out that I for one am super duper uber excited to see that our sub seems to be finally getting back to normalish. yay! <3

but... but....but... but.... IT WAS HER TURN!!!!!!!!!

Friendly reminder that Pizzagate has been debunked and almost caused a mass shooting because of hysteria

There's been no official investigation of any kind ever, but nice try. Too bad Wikipedia isn't an authority on shit.

Lmao have you even read anything about Pizzagate besides what 4chan feeds you

Have you ever read anything about high-level pedophilia and how it's been an ongoing phenomenon for centuries with the rich and powerful? Research the Franklin Scandals, Dutroux Affair, Dennis Hastert, Jeffrey Epstein, Cathy O'Brien's testimony, Jimmy Savile, or the former UK PM Heath and figure out that Pizzagate is only a distraction and a small part of a much bigger worldwide problem. Try the internet? I hear it's a good place for info.

Have you? Let me guess you think pizzagare is simply "clinton running underage sex rings from a pizsa shop basement?" are you one of those that misrepresents what it even is and then tells everyone that misinterpretation is proven false.... Of course its false, thats not what people thought to begin with.

Reminder that Wikipedia has sources you can check to see if the wiki is BS.

Poor Trump. He betrayed his base and began licking the boots of neocons and zionists and he still gets treated like shit.

ShareBlue and David Brock's pedo brigade are in full Hillary protection mode in /conspiracy/ lately.

It's quite insulting to the intelligence of this sub, a sub that promote scepticism especially of the government, for you to say "There is nothing to see here, move along".

What I'm saying is that there's not enough proof to substantiate the claims that Russia interfered with our election or colluded with the Trump Administration. Anonymous sources and political hackery from sources that blatantly shilled and supported the political opposition should be looked at with obvious skepticism of a higher motive to discredit a hated political opponent.

I think we can both agree here that the DNC are using 'Russia hacking the election' as a scapegoat for why they failed, so the DNC doesn't have appear responsible for their loss, which I think we can both agree that they should take responsibility.

This isn't /r/politics though, I find it hard to believe anyone here would reasonably be convinced that Russia hacked the election and made the DNC lose by doing so. By "just saying" there is no evidence, you are implying that people are not only stupid enough to believe that Russia was behind the hacks and caused the DNC to lose, but you are also implying that people are stupid enough to simply believe your "there is nothing to see here" statement. Let people see the lack of substantial evidence, and the agendas of each news outlet, and let them come to their conclusions themselves, otherwise, let them be sceptical of Wikileaks agendas, if any. If you are so confident there is no substantial evidence, you don't need to "just say" anything. Like I said, this isn't /r/politics, no one is going to be taken seriously if they say "Russia hacked the election because CNN told me".

I hate to break it to you, but this is a conspiracy sub. There isn't proof for most of what we discuss.

No proof exists, period, hard or otherwise.

Plenty of evidence for Pedogate. None for russiahoax

Thank you for posting this.

Friendly reminder that this sub is still infiltrated by TheDonald bots

Shit meme is still shit

Can the Trump fanatics please gtfo this sub. Thanks.

Friendly reminder that you have no idea what proof exists. Nor do I.

Please post more of these kinds of posts. Every time I see people post anti-Trump/Russia posts like this, it just makes me more and more convinced there's something there because why else would people go to such great lengths to make posts to deny a conspiracy on a conspiracy forum? So I have to say thank you for re-affirming for me that there's collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign/administration.

Beware:conspiracies often lack publicly available hard evidence!!1

if there was there wouldn't be an investigation would there? they would just go straight to prosecution. y'all forget how the justice system works?

No hard evidence of pizzagate, but has that stopped this sub?

No hard evidence of corruption by the Clinton Foundation, again stopped this sub?

Give me a freaking break. This is a conspiracy sub, if there was hard evidence, it would not be a conspiracy.

More evidence of vote manipulation: upvotes still at 50% with 220+ despite sitting around 110-140 last night with the same %. Either this has completely divided r/conspiracy right down the middle or I'm getting swarmed by shills and bots...

Yeah I guess all the people in the trump administration who have dropped like flies due to there connections to russia is just a coincidence...

I heard Trump say yesterday on NBC in an interview on Comey's firing that Comey had informed Trump on three separate occasions that he is not under investigation.

Not saying everything Trump says is true, but Comey is also a known liar. It's a bunch of smoke, and no one can be sure who is telling the truth, so I like to go with the facts, which is what I outlined previously.

It's not impossible that administration is a group of invading reptilian overlords, but we don't pay much credence to that theory either.

There are not many things you just don't do in this sub.. But the first thing you do is come in here and start implying Seth Rich was just a fluke and then immediately start posting sources from the three news sources we trust the least. I don't care, if you're right about this. You look like an ass, and you need to lurk more.

Um just because I point out the obvious MSM shilling of a bullshit conspiracy it doesn't mean I support Trump or either side of the political aisles. They're all full of shit.

The amount of downvotes you're getting on your post kind of says it all, the shills are brigading this thread like nuts.

Probably because people hate being lied to all the time by a self loving hypocrite

Most politicians are at the local level so saying 99.99% are controlled by big oil is just straight up wrong. Only the ones where their influence is worth buying, will be bought.

Says the shill

Hmmm....a guy who goes around shit talking everyone all the time has made enemies you say?!?! What a surprise! Even if Trump was squeaky clean and a genius at his job (he is neither), if you go around insulting literally everyone, you make enemies. Basic fucking life skills.

I bet your mom secretly would bang

protip: it's all fake. it doesn't "matter". it's essentially a soap opera, it's all drama, it's made for tv because folks like you buy into it. there's really nothing more to it, kiddo.

Yeah, because there isn't heavy vote manipulation and brigading going on in this thread or anything, and I definitely don't need your internet points for validation.

Ugh, stupid billionaire president! So stupid!

Yes it must be shills. Not people that disagree with your post.

That's not necessarily true. If Obama was seen meddling with the transition that would be exceptionally damaging to Dems. It makes more sense to set a trap and let Republicans spring it. Drms have an excuse for the shit tier election they ran, republicans have stand up or run from the wreckage.

I'm not saying I know what if any laws were broken by Trump, but it appears he is in hot water. That's not just media fabrication.

If the FBI was actively investigating such a claim, I might consider it a possibility that Trump sheds his skin and takes vacations to the center of the earth or wherever the fuck the lizardkin supposedly live.

I don't think it's such an absurd notion that Trump used Russian money or is connected to Russia in less than legal avenues AND Democrats are blowing this up as chink in the armor, using the entire thing as a scape goat for their miserable candidate.

It just tops the list of "dumbest conspiracy theories" flat earthers are about the same but not politicized so pizzagate takes the cake.

There are many genuine victims of institutional abuse who could use your support and help. I urge you to put your energy into ways of supporting these real victims.

Oh boy, here we go again.

in which he basically admits he's a pedophile.

Proof needed here.

Repeating unfunny Stephen Colbert jokes now.

We all heard it already and thought it was a shit.

Since you mentions pizzagate here's some the best evidence in regards to the investigation.

Here's a balanced MSM segment on the subject.

And here is some of the untoward pictures posted on social media by some of the main players in the saga.

For those readers who don't know much about pizzagate/pedogate.You can read the evidence and make up your own minds.

Sweet deflection bruh

So which is it; everyone was surveiled or they had to obtain a fisa warrant?

Because everyday there's a new pizza gate post. If every day there was a UFO post I would have used that instead.