Under the crown

6  2017-05-14 by Badgersuit

I recently heard the theory that the US was never really set free from British rule and we've been the queen's bitchboys this whole time. If anyone has any information on this theory I would like to discuss.


Then what was the point of the revolutionary war?

Why don't we have a king and queen?

I understand this. But it's similar to flat earth. We know it's not true but it's fun to follow the white rabbit.

Theory goes from my understanding Washington got himself caught up in something. Pressure was applied and he hatched a plan to establish a leader that knows the truth. The uppermost echelon of society knows who runs things.

The point of the Revolutionary War was because we aren't gonna let the Brits tax our Tea dammit.

Taxation without representation was not he point.

Lol, I thought my use of dammit would underscore the sarcasm. :/ lol, love you work though.

I'm blasted must of not noticed. People need to realize this. Niggas would have to sail to Britain for representation. Shit was not about that.

Agreed, but hey then again people remain convinced that the point of the Civil War was to outlaw slavery. Lol, cheers.

This will help explain it in like 4 minutes... Sell Drugs, Run Guns, Nail Sluts and Fuck the Law...

That shit is sooooo great!

America is like the UK's little brother that the UK picked on as a young tyke, but USA eventually grew up to be much bigger and tougher. They are still bros... even if there were some serious noogies handed out cause of sibling rivalry. In present day America is the big buff bully fratboy... and UK is the mature grown-up older brother with all the weird wacky neighbors.

Soft agree. The queen is immortal.

I agree and Canada is the artsy brother who is forced to play sports with big bros. Australia is that add cousin who comes over and is too eager to blow shit up in the backyard with US. Lol

Aussie here, we're more like the younger kid that acts crazy so the bigger kids think we're cool and will let us hang.

Aussie here and completely agree with that

Look into the treaty of Paris. Tri-sovereign States

Please expand upon the theory you heard.

The queen still runs America. Tippy top part of our government knows it. We've been living a lie and instead of freeing the slaves they just decided to make america slave land. That's why we are getting all the refugees and immigrants or whatever. It's a conspiracy theory so you know how it is.

I'm looking for someone who knows a little more about it.

Yeah I dunno what you just said sounds like bs, Google is your friend.

I know it does but so does flat earth and people love that shit.

Fuck off, clown shoes.

I'm looking for someone who knows a little more about it.

Sounds like you already made up your mind and are just fishing for a fight.

I don't want to fight I want to think.

"The Secrets Known Only To The Elites" Lyndon LaRouche

Wow this this thread is full of goodies.

And you're full of shit.

Well. If you look at all the fucked up shit in history. Opium wars. Native genocides. Slavery. Israeli carpet bombings. I'm surprised more people aren't pissed at the little crumpet munching cunts.

What im trying to wrap my head around is this crown birth certificate thing... Its making it sound like you and i are both property of the crown buddy

It's kind of crazy. We are just the work force for the queen and her huge dick to swing at other countries if she wants. We fight who they want.

I never understood everyone infatuation with the royal family. I also never understood their claim to "superior" genes. Quite the opposite from first glance even down the the princes

Well they are basically inbred in a round about way. It may be back on their lineage but they were at some point an inbred mess. They do retain a lot of power in today's world.

All im sayin'... Take away that paper. And put them in the octogon bare knuckle brawl till night night. I dont see them fairing well.

In a end of the world survival situation they would be a hinderance instead of a welcome party.

Fucking hate them.

Without a doubt you and I wouldn't fair well either. I.e. We're both on the internet discussing conspiracy theories instead of prepping our bunker and working out.

Speak for yourself bud full contact sports and powerlifting for 13 years a reasonable collection of fire arms 30 gallon of water to hold off and jerky. Lots and lots of jerky and oats... Plus AZ has a shitload of tunnel systems. The big kicker for me would be the power plant out here. No matter how prepared you are radiation is a bitch /:

(I go on reddit to discus everything from workouts to psychedelics to tropical fish keeping, very broad community here friend)

I was calling you out man I'm /fit too. Good to know I'm not the only one with BOB.

The plan is to head up towards page or the grand canyon and find an entrance to hollow earth once there hopefully their tall pasty nordic women wont think of me to soft to seed them. Idc what any man says. The ulterior motive to the gym is always pussy. Pussy makes the world go round.

Not necessarily, I don't see the infatuation with spreading your seed far and wide. That's some Christian bullshit. I work out because I want to piss on my enemy's corpses.

Yes but you can also fuck and or piss on your enemies women on top of their corpses. So many wars have been fought in the name of "you finger banged my lady!!!"

Fighting and pussy go hand in hand. The females ripe with eggs often seeking out the alpha, aka the one pissing in his foes open wounds

Watch JFK to 911

We're a corporation of the Crown. United States Inc. I think it was officially started in 1871.

That's what I'm saying man.

Without a doubt you and I wouldn't fair well either. I.e. We're both on the internet discussing conspiracy theories instead of prepping our bunker and working out.