The Real Conspiracy

0  2017-05-15 by Lolawola

I know I'll probably get downvoted into oblivion for even suggesting this, but know it comes with good intentions as if I truly believe this- what kind of person would I be if I didn't share?

I have been a long time lurker on here, and generally into conspiracies for a long time. It is quite clear the government is trying to slow kill us with the toxins in our food, makeup/products, chemtrails, vaccines, and even fast kill us with abortion (nearly 60 million killed in US since Roe...if it were truly about female empowerment why do most women only get 10 days of leave when they have a baby? It's brainwashing of what "feminism" should be).

Anyway, we know these people are satanic and offer child sacrifices with their pedophilia rings. Beyond that, look at all the satanic imagery that is in all music videos, award shows, even clothing stores (seriously it's getting nuts).

To what end does this all go?

This is a battle for your very soul friends. The greatest trick the devil ever did was convince the whole world he does not exist and that is the battle we are fighting and the true conspiracy.

A few weeks ago there was that video with that bank insider man emotionally talking about the child sacrifices...what else did he mention? The black masses.

Why hold black masses? Why desecrate Eucharistic hosts?

Catholics teach this is the body of Christ. The true, actual body.

They hold black masses to vehemently attack Catholicism and desecrate the body of Christ because it truly is the one true religion.

The one unifying factor among the Protestants is the disbelief in the real presence in the Eucharist. As LUciFER brought angels down with him...LUthER brought so many Christians down with him.

I know there has been sex and pedophilia scandals within the Church, but there is also evidence that freemasons have been trying to infiltrate, undermine, with the goal of taking down the church itself.

Please consider your spiritual life and everything above i said. All else just read this link below with 5 saints who had visions of hell. Eternity is a long time friends.


The Creator is real, those who "believe" in Christ believe in Rome. I've been possessed by both good and bad AMA.

I have dealt with intense spiritual warfare too, it's insane how much is going on around us we cannot see.

I am more or less a revert. I was a long time atheist turned new ager who stopped a shadowy episode of sleep paralysis with Jesus name. The rest is history.

What happened with you?

I asked to be possessed. I welcomed the demons in (that was a blur). Tis' all about consent. They showed me things, so did the "good".. I've always been protected spiritually, though...

You are at extreme spiritual risk. You were once a Catholic, most fall away from improper Catechism. You clearly know there is a spiritual world, please reconsider getting back into communion with the Church. Any question check out the Catholicism subreddit lots of helpful people.

Again like I said I truly believe in this, if I didn't try and encourage you what kind of person would I be when I know the ramifications? Check out the link at the bottom of my OP with what saints had to say about visions of hell. Everything is at stake here.

Nah, fuck Christ and Titus who he was created after (which was really Caesarion)... I've been into the beyond.. This is an AMA so ask away...

Why are we at the mercy of these differing Gods, each and every life?

Rather than being at the mercy of Christ he died so we could have God's mercy

Ask within. Your spirit being chose to be here... You can get answers by astral projecting, and no... You do not need drugs for this. Your body naturally produces DMT. Curious, no?

To better answer I just want to clarify: are you doubting Christ historically existed or?

Yes, as its known. Christ was not a Jew, but Caesarion, rightful heir to the Rome (why he was so welcomed into the Holy Lands). He came from the East, after being sent there by his mother. He spoke of spirituality.

I do not know much about that view, all I can say is that I have literally cast out demonic attacks in the name of Jesus.

I looked up some stuff about what you said and came across this blog which addresses it, not sure if it will convince you but all I have is that and my own testimony let alone the logic of why do the elites hold these black masses to mock Christ if he isn't the real thing?

Well.. Believe whatever you want..

Just do consider again why the elite would hold a black mass and desecrate the Eucharist if there wasn't something to it

You mean cannibalism, right?

Again, why are the elites doing it?

They want your soul being.

They seriously do, they are into evil shiz

It's not inherently evil (truly subjective). More jut businessmen as usual.

The black mass is a literal satanic ritual that the elite are a part of.

On a slightly different note, ever see the footage of Bohemian Grove? Those people are seriously twisted

What/who is Satan? Who's the pagan ;)

Where did you get your deceptive information from about Jesus Christ?

A lesser demon told me.

So you're going to take the word of a demon as truth, knowing that they can deceive you? Those demons obviously are trying to steer you away from Jesus, so your soul will be condemned, since their goal is to take as many people to hell with them.

No, An angel said the same thing... Broke my Rosary...

Galatians 1:8 - But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Suck my dick: Putin_loves_cats 1:1....

I forgive you for your harsh language towards me.

Matthew 5:44 - But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

lol. Your bible aint going to save you. This is not Holly Wood, where Jews create Christian thought/belief. Face it.. You worship Rome, lmao....

The way you talk, tells me that you're under the influence of the devil.

The way you talk, tells me that you're under the influence of the bible (which one, exactly - pagan).

Yes, I am inspired by Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 1:16 - Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

You sound possessed...

Possessed by the love of Jesus Christ.


What's this all leading up too? What's the end game for all these gods?

I fuck around a lot. But, it's really just searching/looking within, imo... You are a creator, for the Creator created you. Peace and love.

Also one more question its kinda random but do you think there be a war between east and west in this world any time soon?

Yes. But both are controlled.

are both sides controlled by the same groups or is it really a east vs west kinda deal?

I think both are controlled. The East was converted. This dates back to Sumeria, imo...

Also do you believe in the hollow earth theory and if so when do you think the general public will be made aware of such theory?

I entertain all...

Roman Catholicism is pagan, I know Jesus Christ and I hold to no denominations and I know Jesus Christ is God, maybe your Roman Catholic history has skewed your view on Jesus Christ.

Well if you want to get into history, ever read anything from the early church fathers? These were the men who lived with and studied under the apostles. Let's take Ignatius of Antioch for example, he lived with John. He is quoted as saying:

"See that ye all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as ye would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. [] Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. [] Whatsoever [the bishop] shall approve of, that is also pleasing to God, so that everything that is done may be secure and valid."

We don't need a physical church made by men to worship God. We worship God with our bodies.

1 Corinthians 6:19 -Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

Our bodies absolutely are a temple of the Holy Spirit. However even in Timothy it is the Church that is said to be the foundation and pillar of truth, meaning something external.

Check out more in addition to Ignatius from Justin Martyr, Polycarp, Irenaeus etc. it blew my mind to see the way the early church was meant to be and how it remains today in Catholicism.

My personal opinion is that Catholicism is very pagan, such as asking Mary for intercessory prayers, when the bible never instructed us to let the dead intercede for us.

The Bible says our God is the God of the living, not the dead, and that we should pray for one another.

Let's at this point though agree that we can both agree on Jesus being savior. I am hoping this reaches others who may be lost.

Feel free though to message me I really like discussing the inner workings of Protestant to Catholic theology.

What holds me back is that the very word Jesus was invented by a church, who had already twisted things. I want to know Christ's real original name

His real name in Hebrew was Yeshua. Latin translated to Iesous, to English Jesus.

I never read in the Bible where people prayed to dead people or asked them to intercede for them. God wants living people on earth to pray for one another, the people who died can't pray for us. No where in the bible does it say that Mary can pray for us, but instead we are told that Jesus is the only mediator between God and men.

1 Timothy 2:5- For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,

Again, let's not get into Protestant versus Catholic debates, feel free to message me about it though. Trying to reach people who may not be aware of Christ at all.

Roman Catholicism is a mixture of pagan and christian beliefs.

Though God declares in the scriptures to absolutely not do this.

Deut 12:31

must not worship the LORD your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the LORD hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.

The catholic church admits to changing times. They chaned the timing of passover. They changed the weekly day of worship. They combine pagan traditions in and call it christian. We are told not to do this.

These are all sources from the catholic church. You can even look up these quotes and see for yourself. . (Cardinal Gibbons, in Faith of Our Fathers, 92nd ed., p. 89, ) “You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we [the Catholic Church] never sanctify.” (The Catholic Mirror, official publication of James Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893). “The Catholic Church, … by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday” (Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1, 1923) “Sunday is our mark of authority… the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact” EDIT: Doing away with the sabbath day happened in 363AD at the council of laodicea. Christians before that worshipped on sabbath day.

/r/originalchristianity links to TONS and TONS of info explaining all this. Check it out one day

I try to pray for all. But honestly, idk if I'm sending my thoughts to the right God..

I spent a lot of time exploring the religions of the world when I was an atheist, then I was extensively into the new age and am very versed in Protestantism. Please message me any questions even if I can't answer I will do my best to point you in the direction of a source that can.

Believe in Jesus Christ and your prayers will be sent to the right God, because Jesus is God.

1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

Oh ok I'll trust the Tim

The solution is as simple as this:

Don't register your child with any doctor or government authority.

Yes, this means they won't be able to collect unemployment benefits, but it will protect them from vaccination and any other 'procedure' which the elite invent.

Just wait until the RFID chips when we cannot buy or sell without of revelations even talks about it

I've always wondered why does a hardcore Catholic worry about Last Rites and deathbed confessions...there's lots of ways people die alone and there's no Priest there. What happens then?

Well if you die in a state of mortal sin you go to hell, so that would be if you hadn't confessed prior to death.

For unconfessed venial sins or imperfect contrition (not really being sorry about what you did when you confessed) you would have a stay in purgatory prior to heaven.

Life seems hard as it is without all these man made rules and no offense but the Catholic Church seems rife with ritualistic voodoo stuff. Waving pots around with smoke coming out and uttering words in a language the people don't even speak.

Figure the Communist folk in China, Korea etc don't stand a chance when they'll likely never have a chance to hear these Rules. Forget about all those starving, blown up in people in Palestine, Syria, etc.

See to me the Catholic Church is one massive Corporation and they ain't in it for the poor, unwashed lost souls.

If I can't worship right where I am, no matter what, then I'm not in a good place and no building, or goofy rules, or men in frocks are going to make me good, worthy, compassionate or forgiven.

I'm watching people coming out of the Mormon (money) Cult and that is some serious Red Pilling. I figure if more people would leave the Pews of all these Corrupt Churches that are all about the MONIES God would be pleased.

Well again just wanted to reiterate why would the elite hate the Catholic Church so much and why would they hold satanic black masses which mock the catholic mass and desecrate the body of Christ if there wasn't something to it?

I'm told that the Catholic Church has Priests involved in these Black Masses. It's been documented in Canada, Australia, Rome, Brussels etc.

The Catholic Church has done everything it can to hide the Pederasty within the Church across the World. The Catholic Church did likewise in Ireland while people were begging for relief. Stealing their children and sticking them in torture Orphanages.

The very lowest Catholic Church Parish is full of Idols. Look around your own place of worship! Praying to dead people? Having this Saint for that sin and another Saint for the next one. Or a Saint to pray to for safe travel? Good grief!

/u/Putin_Loves_Cats (? - I think it was his discovery...) posted a much better montage of the other workings of Satanic stuff within this room (I can't find that link...) but good grief! No way that God could condone this garbage but the lowly battered spiritually hungry people pay for this crap!

Again...why are black masses being held period? Why invert the holy mass and desecrate the body of Christ if there wasn't more to it?

Sure there are corrupt priests. A Saint visionary had said the road to hell is paved with their skulls. There is no excusing the pedophilia, however evil men do not take away from the core of the truth.

There is also a lot of evidence that freemasons have been actively trying to usurp and corrupt the church, within Catholicism there's a lot of those conspiracies surrounding the second Vatican council etc

I sincerely believe you know the answer to your own question. If people would get out of those pews and start being christ-like the Catholic Church would fold.

I can easily call the Mormon religion a cult but if I point out the plank in the Catholic Church members then I'm just confused or worse.

God doesn't need those fancy buildings or the horrid temples but you refuse to read those parts. All the smoke and mirrors within the Church is Resident Evil. It was there when you were a kid and you walked away not out of a childish rebellion but because your child spirit knew the Evil was present. Now you've gone back into it more Blinkered than when you left, IMHO.

The Black masses performed for the elites are sanctioned by the Catholic Church and even crazy high powered Evangelists. This crap is happening all over the world, in all manner of organized houses of worship because the Saints were put to asleep by the Resident Evil.

Read what this guy has been exposing:

The Catholic Church completely renounces freemasonry and it's an excommunication if you're a part of it. As for getting out of the pews the CC is the largest charitable organization on the planet. Don't judge the whole church by what a few wrong people are doing

Go and look at the work that Kevin has done.

I have been but you need to consider that freemasonry has been actively trying to infiltrate the church. A black mass is the opposite of the mass, there would be no reason to hold a black mass if there was something spiritually significantly about the true mass (the meeting place of heaven on earth when we receive Christ)

Free Masonry infiltrated tonnes of churches long, long ago. I bet you think Mother Theresa was a really swell gal.

And this article is tame, even gentle in exposing her crimes:

As far as Mother Teresa goes, you need to consider that she was working in the most desolate parts of an already 3rd world country. So naturally conditions wouldn't exactly be the most sanitary, and she had to do the best she could. Kind of like the doctors in the civil war who would amputate people so they wouldn't die...did the best they could with what they had. As far as pain meds at the time they weren't even allowed in India.

A problem with how people view Mother Teresa is they view it through the first world lens, without considering how poor the areas were she worked in and what she had access to.

You didn't read the article and you will not begin to see until you take the scales from your eyes. There's even a documentary on her if you choose to investigate.

Again, you're so close to seeing the WWWWW but you've got to open your eyes.

The conspiracy of Resident Evil where Satan was given Dominion is pretty well known in here - the conspiracy is within the very Church(s) you're here proselytizing in favor of.

Resident Evil is a video game.

Consider too then how do you consider yourself to be saved from the satanic forces?

Even if you are not in favor the the CC, outside of Jesus you don't have any hope at all.

We know this. I was politely telling you that Resident Evil is Satan and Satan is all over the Catholic Church.

Are you going to concern yourself with my personal salvation and relationship because you refuse to see the Pagan Rituals performed in your church and others?

Unless I bend to the Catholic LAWS to be sprinkled with holy water and choked in incense smoke I ain't gonna make it according to you. Amazing that you choose to make your Salvation sooooo hard and that has nothing to do with Jesus - it is just symbolism IDOLS and gobbildygook.

That is the Ultimate Conspiracy of these Demons populating the very places that Yeshua raged about! Money Changers and goofy men banging gongs and throwing up all manner of Spiritual Evil.

I'm all good don't you worry about me and concern yourself with your own spiritual check list!

I just meant do you believe in Jesus at all, because that truly is incredibly important.

I believe your view of Catholicism is biased and tainted based on the acts of individuals, but that is the surest way to heaven through the sacraments.

I don't want to get into Protestant versus Catholic theology, but if you believe in Christ at all then praise God for we are in for some dark days.

surest way to heaven through the sacraments.

What if I didn't have any bread or any water? And lemme guess if I did and I came across one in need and gave that to them it wasn't a sacrament because some guy in billowy robes didn't bless it...but more than that I'm unworthy to give a crust of bread or a life saving drink of water. This is silly.

My spiritual walk isn't all warped by mans interpretation. You go and be well and do what ya gotta do but quit playing games - it makes my nose crinkle.

You came in here speaking about A Conspiracy - if you're not convicted by my telling you it's right there inside your House of Worship - I'll leave it to Yeshua to walk you through it.

By sacraments I mean:

Bible says you must be baptized, so baptism is one.

You must repent and confess sins, confession is another.

John even gets into how if you do not eat the body and blood of Christ you do not have life in you, and if you eat it unworthily then you bring a curse upon yourself - how could mere bread do that if it wasn't his body and blood?

Basically the sacraments we take part in follow the biblical pattern outlined of salvation

If I feed someone that is hungry and give them water, tell them that I care about them in the here and now - tell them I love them - if tears, spirit and grace are there then so is God.

You got way too many rules for my walk!

Rather than arbitrary rules they help keep the narrow path straight so that one doesn't fall off into destruction

We'll agree to disagree. Be well!

Fair enough lol, you too!!!

Check this out curious on your thoughts this is largely the point I have been trying to make

And yet the Church promotes this very thing and then hides it right in front of your eyes.

Some fallen away individuals who are hell bound sure but it couldn't be further from church teaching

There we disagree. Cut it all out or let it fester. I can walk out my door and see God everywhere, in everything. I would no more walk over a begging child, nor spit in the face a man of great wealth.

I just don't need all the trappings and ceremony of churches that have no idea what evil their churches really do. Your Priests do not go to prison for raping and destroying lives! They get sent around to do it some more! They get sent to lush Island retreats to retire in peace.

Go preach to your Catholic Law about getting Justice done across the World! God will Bless YOU for that work as you'll be saving broken damaged lives and you'll help prosecute the EVIL DOERS that you break bread with!

The thing is, there are evil people in literally everything everywhere. The church is the largest charitable organization in the world and as a part of its tenants we have to help others

All the best to you in your mission!

You can't honestly think about that concept and believe it to be true. What is more likely: an omnipotent being made an idiotic, convoluted system that screws many good people out of heaven on technicality, or the religion themselves made that bit up?

Well first off your view on the theology of it is incorrect, and again just wanted to reiterate- why would the elite be doing black masses and desecrating the body of Christ if there wasn't truth in it?

Just wait until the RFID chips when we cannot buy or sell without of revelations even talks about it

The thing is, there are evil people in literally everything everywhere. The church is the largest charitable organization in the world and as a part of its tenants we have to help others

We'll agree to disagree. Be well!