Obvious vote bots are obvious
42 2017-05-15 by High_Level_Insider_
They're so sloppy. Right now, roughly 40 upvotes on the OP, and 40 on all of the replies they put up.
Watch this post, too. It will get 100% for a few minutes, and then starting dropping off once they realize they're being exposed.
n/a aleister 2017-05-15
Wow, that thing is a shitshow. My fav is the dude that managed to get his first /r/conspiracy post to the 7th most popular post ever just by whining about some fake news...
n/a SuperFestigio 2017-05-15
No one mentions that it was his only post, no comments, no nothing otherwise.
n/a getnit01 2017-05-15
And the story has already been proven false by the cited source in the original article!
n/a mastigia 2017-05-15
You did a great job on that post man.
n/a RedPillFiend 2017-05-15
Yep. And if you check the history if a lot of the users, they're definitely nothing close to "regulars" here. How do users, some who actually have no history in this sub, show up to post on a thread here, with their very predictable "opinions?"
n/a mastigia 2017-05-15
With 1 location sub, 2 sports interests subs, a vocation sub, some computer tech sub, and a few general interest/humor subs.
Always roughly like that. It's hilarious. I feel like 1 guy had a formula and just made a bazillion accounts and sold them. Which high 5 dude, I respect a good hustle.
n/a RedPillFiend 2017-05-15
Lol. You broke their algorithm. That's almost exactly what it is with nearly every single one.
n/a mastigia 2017-05-15
n/a SuperFestigio 2017-05-15
I've seen mods tell a guy that shills have a right to be here. A mod of /r/conspiracy.
n/a RedPillFiend 2017-05-15
Well, they're sure allowed to brigade here anytime there's a shit MSM story that hits all of reddit at the same time. This sub is nearly unusable anymore unless you come here late weekend nights. It's the only time it's not overrun with them.
n/a SuperFestigio 2017-05-15
The only things that keep me here are that I know they want me gone, and there's no better place.
n/a munchkin_9382 2017-05-15
An to think here my post yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6b7p9p/not_really_a_conspiracy_just_a_little_something/ still only sitting at 2!!!!!
n/a Jadehelm522 2017-05-15
On my pizzagate post, yesterday, a guy had tons of downvotes on his reply to me about pizzagate. Then I checked a couple hours later and he had 30 upvotes. It's clearly bots
n/a aleister 2017-05-15
I've been mildly entertained watching some of my quickly comments drop to -20+ and then normalize back to positive as actual humans come across them.
n/a bash_noob 2017-05-15
Vote bots? People just really hate Trump.
n/a High_Level_Insider_ 2017-05-15
Exactly 40 of them.
n/a SuperFestigio 2017-05-15
Does anyone else take video of when they make a post the triggers the vote manipulation algorithm? I save mine in case there's ever a lawsuit.
n/a mastigia 2017-05-15