Why are there 18 submissions about Seth Rich in the Top 30 submissions on the front page of the sub? Why is there not 1 submission about Trump revealing secrets to Russia? I mean 18 Seth Rich's to ZERO Trump's Intel dump to Russia posts?

29  2017-05-16 by [deleted]



What secrets did he reveal to Russia?

Actually I am more curious about the 18 Seth Rich posts. Today is easily a record day for Seth Rich posts all of the sudden. What warranted such a deluge of Seth Rich posts to the sub?

For the Russia narrative we have to rely on IC community for information and WH, Anonymous and Media sources we don't know whether to trust. The Seth Rich story has an actual dead body.

Also, trump is a trainwreck- not sure if he's smart and savvy enough to pull off some elaborate collusion cover up. possibly though. The DNC and Clinton forces seem to me very politically savvy.

Yeah, but we are not even seeing those kinds of posts. The subject that has been dominating the MSM newspaper and television circuit all morning is not even being discussed in /r/conspracy at all?

The subject that has been dominating the MSM newspaper and television circuit /r/conspiracy all morning is not even being discussed in ~~ /r/conspiracy~~ the MSM newspaper and television circuit at all?

Actually I think you know that it's kind of odd that there are not even a couple posts about the topic dominating discussion today sprinkled on to the front page of the sub.

Did you know that a person can buy an old reddit account, delete all the comments, and then use that account to shill more effectively because people see "15,000 karma, 4 years old" and aren't as suspicious?

It's weird though.

Why are all your comments and posts deleted before this exact one?

I regularly delete my post history, if you were a real longtime subscriber to this subreddit you would know this about me.

I prefer to be an enigma to people, especially to people who always rely on diving into someone's posting history instead of just answering and addressing the question or issue at hand. I like taking people like you out of your comfort zone.

Exactly why are we talking about my posting history anyway? Because you find it to be "suspicious"?

I haven't even bothered to check your previous posts yet..


Move along.

do you think there is a formal group pushing the posts on Seth Rich? and trying to detract from Trump's failings? Similiar to what ShareBlue and David Brock does? ie. ShareBlue Strategic Plan for Action

For Seth Rich we are relying on a single unnamed source in the IC...

true - we are relying on a "Federal investigator" and Rod Wheeler. DC Police Department have a grainy video of two assailants so I am sure they will get to the bottom of things.

You just said Rod Wheeler.... so that wouldn't be an unnamed source.

He's not the source, though. He's a Fox News contributor who claims to have spoken to an anonymous FBI source. That's like saying the authors of the WaPo article were the sources. No, they claim to have spoken with their sources.

An actual dead body that died under extremely unusual circumstances for a robbery.

The Seth Rich story points to a major conspiracy being true: a DNC insider leaking information to WikiLeaks being murdered to silence and cover up a massive web of corruption.

The Trump story is a drop in the bucket of many claims that have been made over the past few months by an anonymous source. Not to mention, even if Trump did pass on this info to the Russians, it wouldn't be criminal.

Someone sent me a message last night that the mods banned them For asking about the FAKE tag they stuck on the issue yesterday. Muted when asked why.

I don't know is if this is true, but I'd believe it, and there's a LOT of really stupid sleepy people on this sub who wrongly believe themselves to be awake. Talk about how there open minded, unless it involves trump, them they're authoritarian as can be, clinging to the word of the state. On r/conspiracy.

Sad, isn't it? Who looks at this administration of Nixonian has-beens and new goons and gets warm fuzzies?

Partisan morons and people with broken bullshit detectors.

Playstation sucks balls.

Also, are you saying you believe this Russian narrative? Cause if you are that's pretty funny.

It's like people here went from knowing the MSM and hillary clinton were lying to believing whatever they say.



It's like you confused this place with the Donald. This USED to be an anti authoritarian sub. Now it's full of cultists.

I believe there are secret dealings and fiscal stuff with Russian sources, yes.

It's also like people pretend everything the "msm" says is a lie, except sports scores and whatever else they want To be true that day.

Trump could declassify ANYTHING, and prove you right.

Keep waiting for that one.


You kind of suck at discussion.

I'm currently washing my balls so can't really type out essays like you every comment.

Would you like to wash my balls and we can discuss things about the sub later? I have somewhere to be and balls need to smell coconut fresh.

You're so full of shit. You can type 2 lines, you can type 20, or even just use some voice shot or eyeball blinks. The fact you wanted to tell me you are naked is just sad and creepy.

Nah I was literally washing my balls when I typed that.

Believe what you want though!

Wish me luck at this event.


I don't know what your event is, but sure, and I do honestly wish you safe travels, even if I were to disagree with your agenda!

I'm just laughing at you.

How naive are can you be.

You're just an asshole, apparently. Some people are deplorable and determined to remain that way. IMO, they usually don't care about the truth, only themselves.

Lol believe what you want, lady.

Given that most all their karma comes from playing in the donald you can probably understand why they suck at discussion:


Because they now have evidence he contacted wikileaks, and was immediately murdered after. No big deal. Literally proving what we've suspected all along. Muh Washington post. Muh John podesta propoganda

It's a nothingburger vs. THE CONSPIRACY WE HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT FOR NINE MONTHS!!!! Holy shit May 16th, 2017

go back to /r/all



goll...you were like a +61 in my RES..I feel so butthurt, I was such a big fan..

Look, whenever an important conspiracy story breaks, the front page of /r/conspiracy is littered with reposts.

I've removed several Seth Rich posts already. This isn't a big deal, it happens all the time. Things will die down in 24-48 hours.

The surprising thing is seeing long-time /r/conspiracy users confused by this...this is par for the course on /r/conspiracy.

Why is there not 1 submission about Trump revealing secrets to Russia?

There are several posts about this.

Also, /r/conspiracy is not /r/all.

When the top five posts on /r/all are literally the same story and link, do you honestly think /r/conspiracy is going to parrot that?

We are not /r/all.

If you want to discuss what the MSM is telling us to discuss, go to /r/all, it's as simple as that.

If you want to discuss the fringe, the unconfirmed, and the esoteric, come to /r/conspiracy.

But DON'T complain (or act surprised) when /r/conspiracy doesn't follow whatever happens to be trending on the front page of reddit.


aw thanks :) and sorry for being flippant.

If you want to discuss the fringe, the unconfirmed, and the esoteric, come to /r/conspiracy.

And if that unconfirmed is about trump it gets a flair stating that so everyone knows ;)

Well you didn't answer their question either?

Someone claiming to be a PI working for his family went on Fox and, one, implied that Rich was the source of the DNC emails and, two, said that the DC police and FBI were in possession of a laptop showing Rich's communications with wikileaks.

Given that this sub has long suspected Rich's murder was political, not a botcher robbery, this kind of allegation exploded. I of course don't know if that accounts to "warranted" in your opinion, but it is what happened.

You know how the US has been banning laptops on certain flights from Europe? The reason is we think ISIS or Al Queda has been plotting to figure out how to smuggle a bomb on a plane in a laptop. Trump discussed the threat with Lavrov. The laptop ban and bomb threat are all public information. The allegation is that Trump somehow revealed the source of the intelligence. Specifics are not to be found anywhere, just the accusation.

what secrets? the stuff he said openly on twitter? oh no better impeach drumpf!!!?!1

the seth rich story is at least a conspiracy / hid under wraps / re-opened and stuff

plus feeds right into pedo gate and pizza gate

The Seth Rich story completely BTFO the Russia narrative. That's why.

A "spokesman" for the family? Give me a fucking break...

But the PI's A N O N Y M O U S S O U R C E S is totes trustworthy. K.

Lol, a statement released by the family vs. a PI's unsourced claims. Which sounds more credible?

The PI being a Fox News personality and paid by a mysterious third party on top of that.

Since when is the use of a spokesman out of the ordinary or suspicious?

The statement could have been typed out by anyone, it's a fucking screenshot of a word doc.

so... what did he reveal?

Why do birds sing so gay?

Word to your mother, fucker! Justice for Seth!

Because if the Seth rich story is true the Russian story id's almost certain to be false.

The russian story IS false.

It's their last hope though, so they're REALLY pushing it. Twisting words and taking things out of context. Even outright lying.

It's funny to watch rats scurry like this.

Weird how the sub being brigaded almost exactly coincides with the release of this information.

We're in an an information war, people, who ever gets control of the narrative first has the upper hand, no matter if its true or not. Eventually though, the truth will come out.

I've believed the Russian involvement thing has been bs from the start. They're just such an easy target. But I could also be wrong. Those sneaky kossack bastards.

This is what happens when the MSM plays chicken little everyday.

May 16th, 2017. Remember it.

Cries wolf too.

Read a single article with disinformation and deflection in the comments and they will get downvoted like crazy, likely some truth will rise to the surface. Have 18 Seth Rich posts, people will give up to disinformation after glancing at like 3 of them, where the 4th might have a gem of a comment that opens their eyes.

Gaslighting. Obfuscation.

Because this is a situation with actual evidence to discuss.... Not some boogeyman leftist narrative

What evidence is there?

The circumstantial evidence of communications from Seth to wiki leaks prior to his death. It's not substantial evidence, but I don't get why people are getting their panties in a twist for discussing a possible conspiracy... on a fucking conspiracy forum.

Plz post evidence.

This is a comment on a post ABOUT evidence. It may be circumstantial evidence, but that doesn't take anything away from its potential significance.

Especially when the family is denying all of it.

because a procedural story with ZERO meat to it is less interesting than a murder mystery.

Agreed, while interesting, all ive seen/heard says that while its inappropriate for him to share such detail, it wasnt illegal. on too of THAT, we still dont know what was said. more and more shady, sure, but still he flies just under the radar of law-breaking-wrongdoing via water-muddying. enough to question the administrations competence but nothing solid just yet.

enough to question the administrations competence

I can't think of a single president from the last 40 years where that wasn't a valid question. :p

This is what I know. The CIA asked the washington post to withhold one piece of info related to this story about what Trump told the russian ambassador, and that was the city that the information was sourced from. That is the closest to a source or method that could have been revealed. A city is a pretty big haystack to find a needle in, let alone because of this high profile story, the asset will probably leave now if they were even still there.

This is my take on the situation. The "ally" who gave us this info was Mossad, and they are incensed about Trump sharing information that they may have wanted to weaponize it against Russia (or their allies like Assad) at a later point (or currently). The fact that is came from Washington Post tips us off that this info was passed on through the CIA. This media hit is specifically Mossad punishing Trump for not pledging fealty to them.

I'm with you on half of what you said, every one of those posts is saying the same thing. He was murdered and contacting Wikileaks. A big revelation but maybe create a megathread or something? Do we really need the other 20 threads? I know you guys probably have a tough time deleting threads because we inevitably get a new thread "OMG mods deleting Seth Rich threads, the Shills are back!!!!" It just gets annoying sometime on here.

Because this sub IS compromised.

Maybe because the russia story is a construct to deflect the fact the dnc killed Seth rich. Move along.

Most of these comments are spot on. Seth Rich being the leaker pretty much ends the Russian narrative. I'd also like to point out the president decides what's classified and what isn't, so it's pretty much impossible for the president to reveal classified information. And as a general rule of thumb, r/conspiracy is best viewed by sorting through new, not hot anyway.

I think it seems more like the sub is being spammed with Seth Rich posts today in order to drown out any and all discussion and speculation about just what kinds of secrets did Trump reveal to The Russians. Did he secretly share UFO, or Antarctica information, Did he expose the lie behind our fake democracy to Russia, the Banking and Finance sector corruption of our government? The disproportional amount of dual Israel/US citizens that populate the upper echelons of our government and have for quite some time.

I just find it odd that I am not seeing any of that discussion here. What was the Top Secret stuff Trump gave to the Russians?

Damage control


Because Russian Fake News is pushing the Seth Rich story to counter the Russian Real News that Trump disclosed highly classified Intel directly to high level Russians.

lol simple, elegant description of what I've been seeing.

It's OK to discuss possible terrorist attacks with foreign countries. Whatever our differences, we're on the same side in the war against ISIS.

Look at the front page of r/all; there are plenty of bullshit stories peddling your Cold War conspiracy theory.

Do you see a Seth Rich posts on there?

Yes I came to this post and comment from r/all.

I think pretty it's pretty obvious that any article coming from Waco is complete garbage and misinformation. They are basically owned by the IC. John Podesta is one of their fucking editors for Christ's sake?

And maybe no one gives a shit about whether or not Trump shared classified info. Don't you remember a certain former Secretary of State who stored classified information on unsecured servers? Did we forget about that?

What secrets did Trump reveal to Russia?

This is the second time in less than 7 days Trump has betrayed his own staff and all Republicans,

When he went on television and told the real reason he fired Comey and now this equally disloyal admission about chatting up U.S. National security with the Russians.

Makes sense, whats hard is parsing through truth and lies. May I ask how you "know" these things? No sarcasm there, but there is a difference between knowing and deducing info. Again, no sarcasm intended, but its like saying that you know aliens exist because the universe is so enormous that is impossible for there to NOT be. it makes sense, but deduction reasoning doesnt prove anything. It can lead to truth, of course, but Id need a smoking gun. Share what you got, Im all ears. :)

While I agree the 18 of 40 posts about the same topic is extreme, I see no relation to the story you wanted to be covered not being in that same group.

As someone who believes there likely is some collusion between Trump and Russia o would have preferred to see a well thought out post about those connections than one complaining that no one else made that post for you.

I'd put money on this "new break" in the seth rich story being complete fake news.

Mark my words, in a few days time, we will find out the PI doesn't actually work for the family, that he has never actually had access to the laptop, and possibly even that the "laptop" doesn't even exist.

Probably because no one with the ability to reason believes the Russia narrative.

The number of anti-clinton posts on this sub is directly proportional to how much Trump fucked up on a given day.

enough to question the administrations competence

I can't think of a single president from the last 40 years where that wasn't a valid question. :p

This is what I know. The CIA asked the washington post to withhold one piece of info related to this story about what Trump told the russian ambassador, and that was the city that the information was sourced from. That is the closest to a source or method that could have been revealed. A city is a pretty big haystack to find a needle in, let alone because of this high profile story, the asset will probably leave now if they were even still there.

This is my take on the situation. The "ally" who gave us this info was Mossad, and they are incensed about Trump sharing information that they may have wanted to weaponize it against Russia (or their allies like Assad) at a later point (or currently). The fact that is came from Washington Post tips us off that this info was passed on through the CIA. This media hit is specifically Mossad punishing Trump for not pledging fealty to them.

Playstation sucks balls.

Also, are you saying you believe this Russian narrative? Cause if you are that's pretty funny.

It's like people here went from knowing the MSM and hillary clinton were lying to believing whatever they say.

