There have been multiple times throughout my life where I'll try to tell people about a conspiracy, just for them to laugh at me. Then later down the road, the media admits that my "theory" was correct, and now they all believe it and act as if I never told them. Why?!

52  2017-05-16 by [deleted]



Because the second half of your post you probably made up


Government spying for one. I talked about it for years. At least since 2009. Then the NSA scandal happened, and all those same people conveniently forgot I'd been talking about it forever.

Another one is ISIS and how the USA funds terrorists organizations.

I mean depending on context those claims can come across wildly different. There are plenty of different ways the government can spy on you.

According to Mark Passio the most powerful thing to say is "I was wrong". It is also the hardest.

My friend didn't buy into the Seth Rich stuff I had been telling him for months, until it made its way to the Drudge headline today. He admitted it though

Ego and pride

Example: are u inclined to believe, lets say a social worker, who tells you that you an illness? or would you be more comfortable being told that by a doctor? one is trained in the field of medicine, one is not. Not to say you were wrong in those examples, ive faced the exact same thing with friends/family so i know what youre talking about. Youre not a journalist, politician, or advisor of any kind (i assume), so theres little for those you talk to to believe. Youd have more credibility being in a profession that covers that material. But the more often you are proven right the credibility youd have. thats the stage im at now. i was "crazy" before, now im asked what i think about some new theory.

a journalist, politician, or advisor

liars for money.

the truth from somebody not on a payroll should be more compelling.

i should have expanded on my thought there. i agree with you. those professions have been compromised, no doubt. but this culture is trained to believe them, hence the lack of credibility for those NOT in those fields. A few hundred years ago, you could claim a profession simply because you study the material and know a lot about that particular subject. That is clearly not the case these days.

Which conspiracies?

It's like the deep state. First it was an uncommon word, like a clearly this guy is crazy type shit. Now it's just an everyday common word.


Also, people thought I was nuts when I said the US is directly funding Isis. And while we don't have proof, EVERYONE knows now we indirectly find them, and direct support is not insane any more.

Some folks just cant admit they are blind.

If ive taken away one thing from all the years I've been into this stuff its that I dont know shyt.

Nothing is ever as it seems even for us woke ass mofos.

So many diffrent layers and levels to it.

The better question is why you seek for approval...

This, I get wanted to educate others, but don't need their approval. Ever.


Belief is an emotion.

I always start off with do you believe that Benghazi was caused by a video and the people in Lybia on Sept 11, 2012 were just out for a walk and wanted to fight some Americans?

If they answer with any intelligence, then I get into "conspiracy" theories.

If not, I just say hey maybe it could be xyz and leave it at that bc most people do NOT want to be red pilled sadly.