Any alternative to /r/conspiracy?

41  2017-05-17 by [deleted]



This is because the board is being infiltrated by political/media shills who are trying to steer us back into believing this increasingly ridiculous narrative. We need to stand our ground and fight back this dis-informational war, DO NOT RUN!!!

Semi true. BOTs are pushing discussion on both sides. look at how the seth rich news hit yesterday. hundreds of new threads about it, over and over and over, most of them quoting the same initial headline, most of them from new-ish to fully new accounts with no post history.

I'm agree that paid shills and bots exist. I'm frustrated in that people willfully ignore bots that push ideas you like making it feel like more people are into what you think than actually do.

Agree. If we don't stand somewhere, we have nowhere left.

I would say let them have it, could be fun watching this sub derail into absolute shillhood. Thats what makes the internet so beautiful: We always find a way to tell the truth.

Yeah, OP sees all the smoke and mirrors and thinks the sub has been overrun by idiots; pretty much exactly the goal they set out to accomplish.

pol comes to mind though if you can't handle idiocy or shills here...

All I am saying is we can learn from it and find alternative places to discuss this

Only serve to splinter the user base further. We should all go down with the ship.

Personally that's a huge Reddit pet peeve of mine. If any sub gets big enough it's splintered into a ton of smaller, more specific subs and kills the community. Look at any gaming sub for examples. Overwatch must have a dozen offshoots.

4chan pol

x too

Speak freely about the one thing that has the establishment by the balls? Hard to achieve these days. This and Voat might be the last place but Voat PG is sequestered, controlled and not a public outlet and can see what they're doing here.

You see? I just started this thread and pretty much everyone is in harmony. Can't wait to see how this unveils.

Well, there are 3,472 people on right now. I'm sorry to say you're going to get shill hit like a son of a bitch.

Well lets just watch and enjoy this thing.

Yea, they're coming. In before "this sub is just T_D2.0" and "people aren't shills just because they want to discuss the Trump-Russia collusion also," etc.


/r/actualconspiracies but it's pretty slow

It's also controlled by gatekeepers.

As if this place isn't?

Create a new account and post a thread that goes against the narrative. Try and be critical of Trump. See how far it gets you

That's because you obviously haven't been here for years and watched it evolve. It has reasons for why it feels the way it does to you in here. And yes. New accounts () aren't credible here because they look fishy.

Nothing you wrote changes what I said.

In fact, your insinuation that there is an effort to control the narrative among people who have been here longer only further proves my post is accurate.

Cool story. You're still wrong.

Looks like I must have struck a nerve.

I guess my post about gatekeepers was a little close to home for you, huh

Lol not at all :)

I want a place talking about UFOs, structures on Mars, Chemtrails, Flat earth, Mandela effect, ect... Not all this political bullshit.

Try /r/HighStrangeness, for that, specifically. Also /r/C_S_T and /r/AlternativeHistory.

For research into the occult, secret societies and esotericism see: /r/OccultConspiracy.

Thanks fam

No problem.

If you post a good thread on it, people will discuss it. Just look at the Stargate thread. Many people want to discuss politics without all the shilling. That is the point of this thread.

if they find it amongst the reposts, 15 posts in the same subject with no actual research, links, deep thoughts other than short opinion bursts, that is...

Then ignore those threads and post in others? Novel concept, I know.

Want to talk about Flat Earth? Come on now.


Honestly reddit is fucked. Try voat.

Almost the entire Voat community will work. Go check it out!

You are too close to reality. You can't even talk about it, even here at r/conspiracy. Try voat. Reddit is fucked.

Come to Voat, visit It needs content and traffic.

Can't create an account right now.

Oh yeah I forgot about that crap. If I can help let me know (by sending you an invite or whatever, not sure how it works now)

Sure man if you have extra time then go ahead :)

8chan too

This place has been overrun by globalist and establishment shills worse than just about any other sub. Its pretty sad. If this thread takes off at all I guarantee they will show up here as well. My personal feeling is that we should just discuss stuff, ignore upvotes and downvotes, and ignore the shills.

Imho, that is just telling me what we do here matters.

Exactly, it means it's getting to them.

No, the sub has been overrun by hysterical retards on both sides who have replaced 2/3 of substantive content with arguments over who the shills are.

Guess what, fostering that environment is a lot more efficient way to ruin a forum than spending hours arguing in the hopes of changing a couple redditors' minds. That's the conspiracy and you're playing right into it.

Only one side is doing the shilling, the rest of us are genuine. I believe that to be true, and I trust my judgement.

Everyone huh? Even the T_d mod starting arguments with his alt Account?

/r/conspiracyv2 is an option. Membership is invitation only. Its pretty quiet there, but this could be changed

Lemme in

pls message the mods

Sorry, how do I do that exactly? When I click on the link it just says this community is locked.

If i log out and visit there is a large button mid screen "message the moderators"

Think its cuz im on mobile

Invite please

pls message the mods

how can I get an invite?

Me too please!!

message the mods

If you leave you let the shills win 😢

A little too many "how can I summon a succubus?" posts, but I do love my x.

I was actually just wondering of there is a sub that discusses things like predictions and the future in a way leaning towards conspiracy theories. I occasionally see things like that on here that catch my interest but they are often followed by comments about how people are sick of predictions never happening and so on. I'd like to find a place where people actually enjoy learning and discussing these type of things like I do, if anyone has a subreddit they could point me to that would be nice.

One of the tactics used by astroturfing operations is to splinter communities so as to diminish the critical mass of the participants.

What are your motives, OP?

To find a place where you can discuss conspiracies in peace without it derailing into a total mess where people accuse the other of being a shill. I feel like most people who actually study conspiracy are beyond the political spectrum. It's all pretty much the same shit.

I feel like left–right political spectrums is purposefully created to divide people. Almost feels like political "racism" where if you are right leaning, everyone on the left are fucking idiots and the same on the opposite.

Now I get why many from /r/conspiracy would side with Trump because the fact is that he is/was an outsider to the political agenda. Just take a look at the storm he pushed through in order to be the elected president. However it would be totally foolish to think that he could change things on his own. Things will have to get ALLOT uglier before it gets better. I firmly believe that even some blood have to be spilled before the system ever changes. No party will ever serve the people, the people will have to fight for themselves.


Is this a joke lol

come @ me w/ ur facts

u so silly

alternative fact's

Something has changed, not just here but with the world. I see all these moving parts, be it military or information. It's like the world is preparing itself for...something. I wish I could know because unlike people in power, I believe there should be no truths withheld. I don't buy into the narrative that people can't handle the truth. The people who can't handle it will find a way to cope. I have a neighbor that just lost his wife and only son in a car accident. He is still going to work even though everyone is telling him, he should break down and grieve. He told me he is, in his own way and working is part of his process. It just affirms that people are stronger than we give credit. I don't even believe most of the world is stupid. No. How can someone be stupid when they are just perceiving the world as their parents raised them, whose parents raised them the same way. Ignorance and stupidty are two different things. We need to help, as carefully as possible their awakening.

august_landmesser @ <<-- Obvious Shill.. Account has been only active for 3 months.. has something like 7K+ comment Karma.. It doesn't get anymore obvious.. I say we develop a plug-in for Firefox / chrome that looks at account stats and flags Shill accounts potentially or maybe filtering their content from displaying on our browser..

Try /r/t_d if you want to ignore the real conspiracy and cirlejerk with fellow trumpets. Everyone there will gladly agree with you always if your narrative supports trump and if they don't well ban for them

R/C_S_T is a fun space to talk about big ideas.

I've been here for years and years you just got to have a thick skin and learn to read between the lines

It will never get back to anything like it was if all of the good people leave. I think we can outlast the funding and stamina of the paid influences that plague us, but we need to stick to it and stay positive.

I have such a place. The only reason I answered here, in this sub, is because OP asked directly. Otherwise, I do not visit here or participate other than to glance over the state of things.

You have two options on the internet.

1) A private room where you disallow dissenting opinion (otherwise known as an echo chamber.)

2) A public discussion area where you let facts speak for themselves and run the risk of being overrun by brigaders with a biased agenda.

I don't know what's worse.

Oh you were here before? With your new account. Go hang out in politics. Plenty of conspiracy in there.