I know how everyone stands on vaccines, but what are your thoughts on "allergy shots"?

15  2017-05-17 by DonnaGail

My 19 year old son suffers from terrible allergies. We just got home from the allergy doctor appointment. The doctor suggested "allergy shots".

I'm 49 and got allergy shots when I was younger. I never noticed a difference or that they actually helped me. (I think I only got them for a year, and around the age of 7 or 8).

I am interested to hear everyone's thoughts on this subject.



They work better for some people than others. As for allergy shots, some shots are symptom suppressors and some are treatment via mini-exposures over a period of time.

Do you still have strong reactions? Did your Mother think they helped.

I'm going to call my Mom today and ask her. Never really talked about it, to be honest.

Yes, I know that they inject a little bit of what you are allergic to, to try and boost your immunity to it. But that seems a little scary to me and a little risky.

Also, I know that vaccines have a lot of bad stuff in them (preservatives).

I need to do some online research, I know that.

Just wanted to get everyone's opinion here too.

Of course, my son is 19. Even if I do not want the shots, he is an adult and can over-ride my decision.

I think the fear of vaccines is driven by by that Corporation who's name can't be mentioned on reddit as a cover story for the damage to our food system and contamination of our water supplies.

Where we have not only neurological (brain) path harm, but the tremendous increase in immune system disorders like Celiac disease. Something that was so rare I knew only one such sufferer, until about 2000, but now have three in my extended family alone, full out Celiac's not just gluten sensitivity.

I am not anti-vax.

Oh, I'm anti-vax. Although my children did have some vaccines before I became anti-vax. My other son has autism.

But my 19 year old son (the one with allergies) is not anti-vax. He doesn't believe his brother's autism was caused by vaccines.

Do you realize that all newborns were once given a mercury infused eyewash that probably contained in that one at birth treatment then is now in the full treatment of vaccines? There was never an association of that treatment with autism though they now have a new product to prevent that kind of blindness.

Wasn't aware of that.

I'm not saying vaccines caused my son's autism. I don't know what caused it. Honestly, I don't think it was one thing. I think it was a combination of things. But that is just my opinion.

I didn't say I was anti-vax. I corrected it above. I want safe vaccines.

I was wrong when I said the eye treatment was mercury, it was silver nitrate.

Here are the past and current uses of mercury in medicine today.



Thanks for the links.

It's okay if we disagree on vaccines. :-)

I agree, disagreement is fine. And one day I might remember to check first then type.

Glad we can still be friends and disagree. :-)

Don't they have pills for that?

Yes, antihistamines. He takes those, but they don't always help.

Same as you, I used to have to get them every couple weeks as a kid, haven't gotten them in years and can't tell a difference

Thank you for answering and letting me know your experience. :-)

My husband's grandmother gets hers regularly, has done so for years and she still suffers from bad allergies. She has even said she doubts it does anything but she goes anyways. Husband got them for awhile when he was young and he says they didn't help.

We live in a part of the country where a lot of people suffer from allergies. To me personally it just seems like inconveniencing yourself every once in awhile just to still suffer from allergies.

Thank you for answering. Yes, we live in Virginia and lots of people suffer from allergies here. Like I said, I'm 49 and suffered as a child and young adult. But I've somehow grown out of it now. I think I just have gotten immune because I've lived here my whole life.

Ha! We are also in VA! :)

I guess Richmond has really earned its title of Worst Allergy City.

Oh my God! I live near Richmond! Hello! Nice to meet you!!!!

You wouldn't happen to know a good Volkswagen mechanic in the area, would you? (Totally not a conspiracy thing, but I need a good, trustworthy mechanic!)

Hello :)

I think I am like you, when I first moved here I suffered from allergies but now 15 years later I am only bothered a few days a year when ragweed is high.

And no, I don't know any Volkswagen mechanics

I was born and raised here in Virginia. It's beautiful (especially in the Springtime), but terrible for allergies.

Surprisingly, my younger son does not suffer from allergies. But my older son does.

So, how do you like it here in Virginia? I've vacationed in other States, but lived here my whole life.

Wish I knew you in January. I would have invited you to my home on January 20th. Here is a picture from that day. Had a small get-together to celebrate.


Replying again cuz I got too excited and forgot something lol


The rate of lung cancer in my area of VA is incredible, this has touched my family. (Healthy adult died of lung cancer, never smoked or drank and ate pretty healthy and was very active)I have looked into air quality issues and not only do we have big allergy problems, we have a massive air pollution problem and the area affected by high rates of lung cancer is surrounded by some of the biggest polluters.


No surprise that the most toxic air has the highest cancer rate but I thought since you are from the area you may be interested if you weren't already aware.

Are you in the tri-cities area? Hopewell has all those plants there, you know. The papermill and other plants. Have you been to Hopewell? You can smell Hopewell. (Old chant everyone used to chant: "I smell, you smell, we all smell Hopewell").

I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

Now taking this to pm cuz I don't wanna give too much away! :)

Okay, pm me.

If you're actually interested in curing allergies, I suggest this method:


As always, read testimonials, watch videos, and form an opinion for yourself; don't take my word for it.

Thank you for the link! Yes, I'm interested in curing his allergies. But my son is 19. I can't force him to do anything. I can only show him all I've researched and let him make an informed decision.

I know 4 people for whom it worked. They told me, I tried it. My goodness, it's like magic. They can tell what you're allergic to just by touching vials of liquid containing trace allergens to your skin; showed confirmed in blood test results. It's unbelievable and wouldn't speak for it if I didn't personally experience benefits. It wasn't expensive, covered by my insurance with a $20 copay. Please relay this information to anyone and everyone.

Thank you for telling and sharing this with me!

Of course, please PM if you have any questions. I'll go into more detail

Thank you! :-)

Vaccines are great. Why qouldnt allergy shots be as well?

My mother had me go for allergy shots for many years growing up. Allergies only got worse. I doubt they would have been nearly as bad without the shots.

Thank you for telling me your experience. :-)