I wish the entire system would come crashing down already.

539  2017-05-17 by [deleted]

I want to live a normal life like a normal human being.

I'm sick and tired of being ruled by psychopaths who pretend they care about our well being when all they truly care about is power. I'm tired of them pretending they're on different teams when "Left vs Right" is just theatrics to keep the peasants busy fighting with each other.

I'm tired of being advertised to everywhere I look. I'm tired of being looked at as just another number instead of a person with feelings. I'm tired of the corrupt corporate media. I'm tired of celebrity worship. I'm tired of being spied on. I'm tired of not being able to watch a tv show without having an obvious political agenda shoved down my throat.

I'm tired of presidents, I'm tired of government, I'm tired of the constant arguing and negative energy.

I wish this whole fucking system would burn to the ground.



I'm with ya my friend! I'm also tired of working for someone who doesn't give a damn about you, and just sees you as a means to an end. I'm tired of society being so blinded by what we can see happening every day.

I'm tired of it all. I am prepared for the crash, I and mine will survive, so bring it on!

I want to live a normal life like a normal human being.

Sorry that's not gonna happen until...well, you better not ask.

Humanity has been imprisoned on a grand scale since 5777 years, with only few years of freedom in between and that still didn't apply for all of you.

It's going to get much worse for most people until it gets better, still no guarantee that you will survive whats coming soon.

Soon how soon?

Too soon for you to turn the boulder, too long for you to enjoy it

What the hell does that mean. Are you being cryptic on purpose?

hell i ain't never even been out to boulder ben to denver once but thats as far west. i'll turn out to boulder on your recomendation next time i make it out to gods country thank you

Which years of freedom were they?

If the system were to crash tomorrow, let's say a solar event that disabled everything electrical, within a few weeks every major city would stink of rotting corpses, and within a month or so, most of us would either be dead, or be eating human flesh to survive. A very small few are actually prepared for such an event, and will shoot you on site, without any hesitation whatsoever.

Like I said I'm prepared...

Got a spare room? I'm really good at running a woodstove, and people say can be entertaining in a foolish sort of way!

Garage work for you?

Well I admit to being partial to the whole 'repopulate the earth' duties, but I'm not afraid to get dirty.

You might not be long for the apocalypse then...

I can weld. Interesting in taking me in? LOL

You can come to my house and feed my woodstove until I run out of food, then I'll cap you in the back of the head and eat your flesh.

oh but I can shoot a long rifle as well, that should buy me a few extra months. Do you prefer white or dark meat?

Not racist, so I'll eat either one.

Part of me hopes there's a major world event and everything goes to shit, would love to make my own life and see a different world.

I'd become a book maker!

I would learn how to make log cabins like the dutch or Scandinavians.

Depending on climate and resources, you may be better off making a mud hut of sorts. Watch Primitive Technology, he has some great stuff on constructing semi-permanent structures without modern tools.

Fuck that. I want a ballin ass cabin. Little house on the prairie style. With a hot tub.

I'm pretty handy with woodworking, construction, music, writing, and a few other subjects. I can be a carpenter!

We can probably expect it to last a month or two at most, before post-system happens. Most people don't have significant food or water stores, and only the people smart enough to do so, or the people ruthless enough to take, will survive. You can last 2-3 days without water, depending on climate. Maybe 4-5 days longer depending on water sources near you, provided you don't die of cholera from sewage water, or lack of filtration methods. My stores are sufficient to last such a time, I have connections for resources I can't gain myself after that.

If/when SHTF in the USA it will be worse than the bloodiest, ugliest thing you can ever imagine. There are so many privately-owned guns in circulation in this country, and when the supply chain breaks down they're all coming out.(I'm not anti-gun, I'm just stating facts) Add in the fact that over 95% of people are completely unprepared to live even one week without a trip to the grocery store and you have a recipe for disaster.

We've all seen those black Friday videos of people trampling each other and fighting over hot deals on flatscreen TVs and other meaningless junk. How do you think they're going to act when themselves and their families are starving to death? Be careful what you wish for.

Sometimes I feel like I want the crash to happen, then I use my brain and actually think about it. It's gonna suck. No more sitting on my couch ripping bongs and chugging beers watching pirated movies. Even if you somehow manage to live you will be forever changed and have severe PTSD from having to kill people.

"War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it." - Desiderius Erasmus

Very true. But the alternative is living in the society where nothing ever fucking changes. Where its possible there's a secret space program, and I don't get to go, where we are slaves to the elite, to our bosses, and to debt, where evil people get ahead and law abiding citizens get the shit end...

Spolier alert: you will never get to go to space in your lifetime. Get over it.

Also, nothing will ever really change, even if we kill all the evil fucks that run things and overthrow the government, newer, aspiring evil fucks will take their place eventually. Think about Orwell's Animal Farm. Still probably worth a shot though...

So lets not do anything and take the beatings we get from the evil pedophile fucks in charge. Gotcha...

I said it's worth a shot. What else do you want? Some of us are just waiting until everyone else is ready.

I don't think anyone will be ready unless something major happens.

What percentage of the population actually fought the British in the Revolutionary war? It was a low number.

They also didn't have cushe lives...it was easier to fight for what you believe in...

IM YOUR DADDY NOW! I'M YOUR FUCKIN DADDY! would love to say that back to him with that gun in his mouth

It was revealed in the Snowden leaks that the NSA has 1.2m people on their watch list at various stages, would be even higher now. Everyone commenting on this sub is probably on it.

When everyone is on a list, no one is

I've added NSA to my own list, a list of arseholes.

Be careful what you wish for because anarchy is hell.

This is part of why the intelligence community is forever trapped in a slowly escalating spiral of paranoia. They tell themselves they scare their opponents into that spiral, but they're projecting to ease their own stresses. ;)

That, or maybe it's because of bad hiring practices. The history of intelligence agencies is a history of mental illness and unexpected occultists.

A transformation of hearts and minds would be more productive than violence


Real funny joke commenter, you think that will work? look at all the people that used love, and/or neutrality and protested, what happened? very little to none, Tiananmen Protests were a great example, if your a imbecile that never heard of it, let's give you a starter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiananmen_Square_protests_of_1989

The only way this war can be won, is if people wake the fuck up, realise everything is a shame, and still have the gall they very well need to defeat and destroy this enemy of ours.

In case of TL:DR: Protesting is useless against the NWO/Elitist Cabal, an actual revolution is needed, not some hippy "we think it will, but it will do exactly jack shit"

I don't think PTSD effects everyone. I had the pleasure to meet some tribals in South Africa and one of them was this top warrior in his tribe who was reported to have killed 11 men in 3 separate tribal skirmishes. He was one of the kindest, friendliest, warmest and genuinely decent human beings I ever met. I asked him if the killings ever haunted him.

He told me: "you might not believe this, but what I did was an act of love for my tribe, those men could have killed my kinsmen, hurt our women, captured our children. If I didn't do what I did, they would have done their damage and I wouldn't have been able to live with that."

I'd think a similar thing would be the case with people here. If we killed someone who are as going to kill us or our family I think it'd cause less harm to us psychologically than say, killing someone in cold blood.

Hey OP, be careful what you wish for because anarchy is hell. Still a good post.

Oh I believe it brother, trust me anarchy in the west would be way worse than some of the travesties that have happened in Africa. Once we lose that protective layer of insulation that only our society can provide, we'll see the worst crimes imaginable perpetrated by our communities.

Rock on! We're supposed to be too afraid of the consequences to stand up, but those very consequences serve as psychological insulation when things go to hell. Terror inverts itself in the presence of the angel of death. Keep spreading the word.

I have heard you gain a certain clarity of things when death is close. I wonder if that's true?

unjust killing is horrible and the spirits of innocent will haunt you thats why those sychos need all those weird rituals like cremation of care

Yeah I believe PTSD stems from killing of the unjust, or under unjust circumstance. Say for instance you had to execute an enemy POW in warfare. It had to be done. You're under orders and you DO NOT question orders. There would be a difference between shooting him in the back of the head while he's digging his own grave as opposed to giving him a last cigarette and let him get his last words in. Know what I mean? Both are terrible situations no doubt. But giving the enemy combatant some dignity in his final moments might not haunt you as bad as the former.

You don't think the military members think the same thing? It's not like this guy you just met is going to open up and tell you of his psychological problems.

It's not like this guy you just met is going to open up and tell you of his psychological problems.

I'm a Pisces, it happen ALOT.

Americans already have ptsd from financial stress


well with weapons it goes faster, and less humiliating. not even that is given to us lol.

Those privately owned guns will be great when SHTF. Armed society is polite society. <3

Real chaos breaks out in disarmed societies, or rather I should say "disarmed" societies, since the problem is they're never really disarmed. A society where the citizenry has been disarmed will not rise to revolution. It will instead fall to banditry.

While some people may shoot people, there is evidence that people work together when there is a crisis too, so it might not be all bad, but some people will surely starve.

We need to keep increasing the pressure until the cabal gets squeezed out of our politics and our lives. We are doing that now but we need to up the pressure so it happens faster. I must admit that ever since Comey was fired, a lot of brave whistleblowers have popped up all over the place so that's always a good thing.

FOIA requests!

FOIA requests!

FOIA requests

This is a great idea.

It's what the anons said to do, and maybe since Comey is gone, they won't redact everything

Ah so those redacted documents were people using the FOIA... wow. I didn't know that nor did I know why the FBI was releasing information.

Pretty sure that's how most of shit gets released, especially sensitive stuff, is from FOIA requests.

dont you understand all these paper mean nothing because they are not owned by you! and those who own them will not go unless their worst fear becomes real - their high paid security goes away! and after the fact they dont want to speak with people like with people, instead viewing us as a horde of animals bringing violence instead of dialogue they wonder why the violence is viewed as the answer

We should do all the things the FBI Anons from yesterday tried to discourage us from doing.

I mean filing foia requests can't hurt. It may not solve the problems, but it's worth a shot imo. What did they discourage yesterday?

They said there is no investigation of Seth Rich, and that FOIA is a waste of time, and "just a reddit meme". Also, that the Clinton's will never be held accountable.

Off the top of my head.

Yeah and they said "the last fbianon was fake, im real". "I just want to make sure people aren't confused by the last one" and that reads as damage control for the cabal to me. You would think that people on the inside would really want foia requests, especially now that Comey is gone.

And we got a lot of great info from FOIA last year, and one of the anons encouraged us to keep at that. At the very least, it creates paperwork for the orgs that are targeted. I cannot think of any context where making them work is a bad thing.

The FBI Anon Q&A from yesterday definitely sounded more like the real deal guy then anything from the supposed 4chan FemAnon, fwiw

Yeah, that right there tells me that the FBI Femanon is either uniformed, controlled op or a LARP. The VL AMA with FBIAnon definitely sounded more like the real guy, there was a lot more concrete info.

What Femanon said didn't drop such huge truthbombs that it matters one way or the other, though. She just affirmed a lot of the existing theories.

? They directly told people to investigate Israel, AIPAC and the financial ties between the US and Israeli governments. Why ignore that?

They did not discourage us from doing that.

What did they discourage?

They said there was no active investigation of Seth Rich, implying there is no need for one, or that it was a hopeless idea. They said the Clintons are above the law, which they probably are, but that is demoralizing to a lot of us. And they directly discouraged filing FOIA requests, calling them a silly reddit meme. There was more, but that is all I remember, and I can't find the archives I thought I had saved off.

Ah, so that's why Femanon came to correct the record. I hadn't seen this earlier AMA.

The Cabal needs to go, the ultimate utopia will be formed once people start caring about anything other than themselves.

I really think we ought to have a more balanced attitude. Care about ourselves and others. It may be a fight of good versus evil, but it shouldn't be a fight of self versus other. Walk in balance and use whatever tools we may find to forge a brighter path. The search for mutual profit is the lamp that leads to paradise, but if we cede the ideal of mutual profit to those who conspire, that lamp will light a darker way.

I agree. Since technology took off in the last 20 years, its hard to get away from it all. I resent our dependence on devices that need batteries everyday of our lives. I just want a cabin in the mountains with a fresh water stream running through, the rest i can figure out.

I often recollect fondly to times before social media. Smartphone technology paired w/ social media has demonstrated a hugely devolutional impact on society.

You could just.... not use it? My phone never connects to internet, and i do just fine.

I dont. Dropped my data plan and deleted facebook well over a year ago. Save over $100 a month on cell bill, time is better spent each day, and you get a great view of everyone else not paying attention to their surroundings.

Thats quite a saving on a cell bill. how the fuck did they manage to charge you that much for fucking mobile internet?

Verizon. Two lines. One smart phone one flip phone. One data plan. 5gb for $50 I believe it was. Then $20 each access line. I have international calling $10. $100 plus tax. But, each time you go over the data limit it was $10 per 500mb. But, they round up the usage too. So my bill was typically $140-160. I travel a lot and get a 10% discount from work, so this was the best plan for me in a super rural area.

Well two phones certainly make things more expensive. Though i could get 5gb for 10 euros instead. And who the fuck pays for access line.....

International calling is more expensive of course, at least here in europe EU forced same prices within EU.

You dont need internet for GPS navigation. GPS works without data. You just have to pre-download maps before leaving.

Verizon will not allow me to use a smart phone, so touch screen, without having a data plan.

That is literally illegal. They have NO say what phone you are using to connect to their service.

living the "simple life" is already being outlawed in many states. check out the lists the gov puts you on when you are prepared. Being non dependent is now viewed as an act of rebellion/treason in itself (sovereigns).

I choose to live very minimally with few possessions and no credit/bank based accounts. I keep ducks, chickens, and rabbits for food and eat a pre1950s diet (less carbs means you can grow more of your food.) I use rainwater catchment and gray water systems to improve the fertility of my small yard. I removed the bed, chairs, and pillows from my home in order to improve my body's alignment through squatting, floor sleeping and just not sitting. I am afraid my state would consider my "extreme lifestyle" incompatible with having kids and it honestly has caused my husband and I to hit pause on that front, which is really sad to us. When I brought this up to a gaurdian ad litem friend she didn't hesitate to say they could easily make an argument to take my kids away. SO you can choose, but they will make it hurt, and increasingly so it seems.

r/collapse in a nutshell

In this age of electronic/mass communication there has to be a better way!!!

Giving your taxes to the Cabal's Trillion Dollar a year WAR, INC. is detrimental to the earth, humanity and and ALL future generations.

Step 1 throw out your tv

Step 2 delete Facebook

Step 3 work your ass off until you're no longer a peasant

Step 4 build something

Step 5 realize the world is unfair and you should go out and get your unfair share

You consume the media willingly then complain about the overt propaganda and advertising. When you understand the market and realize if people can be duped there will always be professional dupers out there, you can't change human nature. You can control your own actions and consumption however.

This is basically how I've been living after end of last year. I realized I need to stop waiting for something to be done and do it myself and live my life my way, being satisfied with the system because it's pretty hard to beat on your own.

That is what I'm doing. Currently on Step 3, making $80/hr but I do have to finish paying loans. Once that is done and I feel that I have made enough to reach Step 4, I will start buying properties until I have more passive income than expenses. If I could do it over again, I would have gone to worse schools that offered better scholarships because I fucking hate debt and I hate this way of life where I sit in an office for the majority of my waking hours staring at a screen.

Step 5 is kinda the problem man, everyone is just out for themselves and that feeds in to all these issues.

Equality is a myth. There is a hierarchy to all things. People that work harder deserve and will get more. We can't all be the world's strongest man/woman/degenerate at the same time right? Someone is stronger than you. Live your life like that someone is out there trying to beat you, getting up earlier, staying up later, working harder than you, and your entire goal is to beat that person. Equality is a myth, certain people excel past others in every aspect of reality. Equal opportunity is a reality though, work harder, show up earlier, stay later, equip yourself now for a better tomorrow.

Sounds about right, this may be the best advice I've seen in this sub.

Step 5 realize the world is unfair and you should go out and get your unfair share

Or do as I and others do, and seek to make it less unfair for others. Talk to your neighbors; help them replace a broken sprinkler line. Smile at strangers in public, and help to ease the burden placed on all of us.

This system of rule has almost reached its tipping point. Consciousness is being heightened faster than its being suppressed. Only a matter of time before it increases exponentially. In the next 50 years max, it will be over

There was a leftist coup under Obama. The leftists, led by outspoken atheistic Jews, completely took over the media and the the universities and schools. They were outraged when the Heartland elected Trump, and now are trying to overthrow the democratic process that got him elected. Hence the current insanity.

Obama is a part of the very same cabal behind the Clinton and Bushes, he's no more a true leftist than George W Bush was a conservative. The same people running the show behind him had been running the show since JFK until Trump got in and threw out their power base (mainly thanks to white hats in the IC and pro-American elites).

You got it all wrong, buddy. Obama was a milquetoast loser. He couldn't have lead a coup in Somalia, much less somewhere with a halfway functional society. The leftist infiltration of schools happened decades ago. From there, they "infiltrated" media and bureaucracy via suppression of critical thinking skills in journalist and political graduates. Specific indoctrination was not needed for the purpose, greatly improving the resilience of the plot.


So when you said "I just want to live life like a normal human being," did you mean you want to fight over resources and struggle to survive on a daily basis? Because thats what you can look forward to if the "system burns to the ground."

Lol what a stupid fucking post.

I know why you're here, and it's not to discuss conspiracy...

Why am I here, buddy? Let me guess.. "I am obviously a paid government shill."

I won't call you a shill because that's against the subreddit rules.

What I will say is that the #1 thing you and all these other users who I won't call shills have in common is all you do is insult people and try to start arguments.

I won't be reading your next comment, but feel free to waste your time replying.

When I see a guy trying to be profound by posting a rant that completely contradicts itself, like yours, I just have no issue pointing out how embarrassingly idiotic that is.

To add to what OP was saying, another thing users like you have in common is this weird obsession with what people post.

Why do you care so much if OP wanted to get some thoughts he's been having off his chest? Why does that bother you so much you feel the need to insult OP and claim he's "trying to be profound"?

Fuck off and leave our sub. I want the real /r/Conspiracy back.

If people didn't want replies to something and the views of other why post it on a public forum meant to do just that?

You know what Napoleon... You can leave!

You'd be surprised at how many people feel the same way. Our reality is in many ways a charade, and if you pull away the veil you will see that the vast majority of us are nothing more than indentured servants paying for the extravagant (and in many cases grotesque) lifestyles of our masters. Its not right and its not the way things should be.

While you are correct in the horrors such a collapse would mean, you have to understand that a LOT of people look forward for such an even due to their inflated self-importance thinking that "They" will be the ones to survive. Its why zombie media is so popular, its an escapism to a post-collapse world where things are "simpler"

Agreed. I wish more that we the people would get our shit together, come together as the one united species we are, and stop paying attention to all the bullshit propaganda that we've been fed and brainwashed with. That's what's gotten us to become such mindless slave pigs and so easily taken advantage of and manipulated by TPTB.

It will 😊

The only thing that trickles down is psychopathic behavior

if you live in the wild out of the grid then yeah you would get the freedom you long for

Give trump another 100 days. We will either have wwiii or anarchy from his stupidity.

There's nothing wrong with Trump or his decision-making abilities. The leftist media is trying to burn him at the stake. That's what's going on. They have descended into total insanity in their frenzy to overthrow Trump by non-democratic means.


Bro, TD is that way -->

The intolerance with which wrongthink is met throughout reddit is pretty funny. This is one of the best places to watch it. Most places are so dominated by the astroturfers that wrongthinkers just stay quiet, yet this place stays an active battleground. It's hard not to keep coming back to throw popcorn at people.

I miss the early days of his presidency when my complaints were just that he filled his cabinet with unqualified billionaires, the nepotism, and of course the funneling of taxpayer dollars to Mar A Lago and various Trump hotels.

Stay positive and stick to the truth no matter where that leads you, each person is a unique creation that deserves to live a life of peace and happiness and it will happen soon.

The problem I have is that in an extremely fluid situation, like a revolution let's say, psychopaths have the greatest skill set for taking advantage of the situation. They are not burdened by concern for for others, ethics, or morals. And their natural inclination in all things is to improve their situation at the expense of others.

We should always keep this in mind when considering changes. 'The System" is a huge pain in the ass, but it is literally the only thing between us and them.

Not true. Psychopaths are impulsive, intolerant of difficulties, and have difficulty planning for the future. They go off the rails in deteriorating situations. By contrast, non-psychopaths are adaptive, resilient, and cooperative with each other. They also tend to have more real skills. To survive in fluid situations, psychopaths require polemic skills suitable to infiltration of non-psychopathic leadership.

The time for revolution is now.

Please do so. Waco was a lot of fun.

This is the suicidal mindset that is killing Western civilization. Most liberals are infected with it. Religion is an antidote, but in the West Christianity has been disgarded and scorned. This is why, in the not to distant future, Islam will take over. The people need religion in order for their society to function properly, and they are being denied it. Having cast away the superior religion of Christianity, they are going to get saddled with the inferior religion of Islam, and they won't have any say about adopting it. They will be forced to parrot its dogma, just as they are in the Middle Eastern Islamic nations.

Suicide is not the answer. Atheism is not the answer. Islam is not the answer, either, but that's the answer we are going to get, because we cast aside Christianity.

I'm pretty liberal and have an amazing job and life. Sorry about your choices.

Christianity is the ultimate slave religion.

Nah, Islam has it beat. Now, if you said, the Abrahamic faiths are the ultimate slave religion, I'd totally be nodding along with you.

Hmm... Isn't Islam one of the last religions that advocates striking back against those that strike you? Whereas Christianity advocates turning the other cheek and forgiveness. Which one would you rather teach to a bunch of people you'd like to control?

Will it ever, though?

Don't worry... nature will take care of that. ✌️

Me too, OP. Me too. I'm exhausted.

Thread Theme

The world has been run by a handful of people with all the power and money for all of recorded history, from kings and peasants to medieval lords and vassals, on to the present day.

If the system does collapse, it will be for one of two reasons:

  1. The elite use precise nuclear war or another catastrophe to drastically reduce the population of useless people (us).

  2. The system does collapse, and whoever takes control will be more brutal than what we have now.

We can't win, but we can keep spreading information.

The system does collapse, and whoever takes control will be more brutal than what we have now.

Except then we have power. Whatever regime pops up, we'll feel fully justified to end it because we're outsiders to its existence. We won't have been in their system, and we'll have no sympathy. Would somebody in 1940s Germany think they're evil? Would an American or British man think so?

If you hate the system so much why don't you go live in a country where there is no functioning government, like in Africa or the Middle East?

I completely agree with your sentiments here, however if the system is burned to the ground it is extremely unlikely that you will be able to live a normal life like a normal human being. Given America's violent history, it seems incredibly unlikely that those in power would walk away peacefully. A violent military coup or a citizen-style upheaval or a combo of both seems much more plausible. And the kind of government that our "democracy" is replaced with could be even worse than what we have now.

This belief may seem counterproductive here, but stay with me for a minute. Currently our "elected" officials and the media are desperately trying to convince us that we still live in a democracy; they are doing everything they can to keep this illusion in tact despite the obvious. But IMO if they are peddling this message it means that they, at some level, believe they should be held accountable to the people. I'll be more concerned for my freedom (and life) when our government and the media stops pretending we live in a democracy, that's when things get really fucked up, when they outright tell us we have no say and there is nothing we can do about it. That, I imagine is what will happen when this whole system burns to the ground, a full-blown totalitarian regime will take its place. I'd like to believe that isn't true, that some utopian efficient, accountable, libertarian, direct-democracy will take its place, it just doesn't seem realistic whatsoever.

Truth. Sound advice, thank you.

Psst. Don't throw in the word "utopian". Real people don't use it, and nerds use it positively, so using it as an insult is a gaffe.

Democracy seems like non existent if people are not deeply involved in it. The system it self is not bad, the people who are now in charge tho are actually crazy and dont forget the laws for them are not laws at all.They are changing and distorting constitution, changing acts all the time, with more and more time you give them power, the more it becomes abused and corrupted when the moment comes of no return, righteouss people going to jail, truth is banned the law punishes good. People become worried and protest in streets, but while this is happening those who abuse are still in power they just think of more tactics to implement,probably moving their wealth somewhere and if peaceful march doesnt solve anything you see whats going next, total self destruction and massive psychological problems, abuse of substances as we see today wich bottles up bringing even more violence later total unorganised chaos and then of course it will be about who got the goods for survival those have the army, but if all people get involved there is no match for that, in this time and age the ignorance is biggest crime, you should know those who are in power right now are not special in any kind, quite different they are stupid as fuck and they are afraid as hell just know it till the end

Careful what you wish for. There is, I think, a mistaken belief that once it all comes crashing down, it will all be replaced by nice things run by good people. Hate to say it, but I think it's going to get worse, much worse, after the crash, and it may not ever get better.

If it gets worse, then there's nothing to lose. Once everything goes down, there'll be a massive power struggle. We'll have to work together and find peace among groups to scrape out the rest of them that remain afterwards, from their bunkers and shelters.

Don't act like retaining the current leadership is beneficial.

Spiritual warfare is very real, stay strong brother.

Please enlighten me of what agencies are waging the spiritual war? From whatever dimension...

Babylonian Talmudists and the Saturnalian Brotherhood that make up the core of the bloodline Elites and their lackeys. They are worshipers of Moloch / Ba'al / Lucifer / Set / Dagon.

I find this stuff really fascinating. I do believe that there are members of the elite who practice a religion even more ancient than Judaism. Its part of what separates us from them, and makes them "better" than us.

It goes back much further than that. Michael Tsarion has an excellent video on them. Also check out Santos Bonacci and the sources he references in this presentation. Also read this, and definitely read about this when you get the time ;)

Aren't those the same groups responsible for the worship of the golden calf, the false idol in the bible? I read that the golden calf supposedly represented worship of such occult figures, like the sun god Ra, who's worship was led by nephilim, which led to the mass-killing events in the Old Testament, which was to save humanity.

Totally different theory is that the malevolence of God in the old testament was to purge the world of Nephilim corrupted DNA. The bible pretty much literally says this. Critically thought about, would explain angels/demons/ancient gods/giants/mythological creatures/chimera/etc. The real "creationists" are pioneers in alternative history. I find it all truly fascinating since abandoning belief in evolution.

Technically, you may be right. The bloodline families like to think they're descended from the Nephilim / Archons / ancient 'gods' of Atlantis and were 'unjustly' destroyed by Yahweh in the Biblical flood. The cultists of the NWO and ruling classes see themselves as a superior race exacting their revenge against God's "children" and Creation by slowly destroying it from within through the Abrahamic religions and their other methods. Mind you, this is what some of them believe.

I'm not open to those energies at all, but thank you for clarifying. 🙈🙉🙊🦁

Good man ;)

move to a tropical island?

Everyone I know that did that moved back after a few years.

climb a watchtower?

One day people will realize their power, until then its a waiting game. Its only going to get worse in the meantime and they've already got the Walmart death camps waiting for us. It would be kinder to just shoot us all in the back like Seth Rich.

Why not create solutions to fix the problems.

Lead by example

Uh, if the system crashes, your life won't be normal. Hate to break it to you.

Millions of us live in this country, and for all it's flaws, it's a pretty good deal. 600 million acres of public lands, national parks, monuments, jobs, technology... shit you don't even have to drive anymore if you live near a city.

Life is what you make it.

Hats why TRUMP won. We're saving America!

What I hate the most is that so many people are aware, yet the continue to play along with the establishment.

People hate congress, they know corporations buy our politicians, the two party system is hated, yet people still fight eac hother instead of the establishment. It's insane.

And another spark is added to the fire.

What percent of the US population feels this way now? It's more than you think.


Zing! You got me!

And your post was high effort? You sound like a whiney teenager complaining about things you have no understanding of.

Lol people who say 'fuck government' and 'I wish it would all burn down' will never be taken seriously.

I like checking users' accounts and once again you fit the profile of someone who's not actually interested in conspiracy. A good portion of your comments are just arguing with people and calling them names.

Seek therapy.

Hey you jerk, I'm a whiny 22 year old!

The only way to get away from all of that is to get away from people in general. If you think the crash or after the crash will be different or better then you're in for a harsh realization. You'll have to deal with the same sort of politics with less resources and time to discern who's deceiving you. Not to mention if there was a crash, most of the people you love will probably die for lack of access to healthcare, food, clean water, etc. It's fun to romanticize the end of the world, but that's a luxury for those who have yet to see it.

It would just be replaced by another awful system, that's just the way the world works. The only way to live a peaceful and happy life is to look inward and not outward.

But I hear you, I just want to turn it all off, shut everything down, walk away from society and live a simple life.

People are told to look inward as a means of distracting them from taking hold of their own individual power. It's not a great strategy, so I'm surprised it continues. People who actually do enough of it, who spend enough time looking inward... it only delays them. That process still leads to them realizing the power they've got.

Anarchism is the answer.

Anarchism is never the answer.

Oh well then, let's just keep making rich people richer and taking away rights from everyone.

because those are the only two options?

The rich already own the majority of the world. There is only a sliver left that you and I and everyone else shares. This situation cannot be undone with more capitalism. It simply can't.

And in anarchy they are going to own the rest of it because they will be the only ones capable of wielding any power.

Of course this cannot be undone by more capitalism. I never suggested such a thing. If you want to look at countries that deal with income inequality the best for example youll notice that they all enacted socialist policies.

Same. I find myself fantasizing about how life would be in prehistoric times. Sure, life would be hard as shit and we would mostly die young, but we would have nothing to compare it to and for me the benefits of that sort of life far outweigh the cons. We would be surrounded by untainted nature, immersed in its mystery and the unknown. Instead of having to punch a clock, we would do what we want in order to survive and improve our lives as we saw fit. It just seems like a much better way of life.

We wouldn't know shit to do if all hell breaks loose. What food can we grow independently? We would be down to 100 million in a few years. Cannibalism would be common, almost.

I agree, if the system collapses now and we go back to the Stone Age, things are going to be very, very bad for a while. Most of us would probably die of famine or in other horrific ways and I can't say that I want the system to collapse for that reason. I do wish we could skip past all that and get back to a sort of prehistoric, natural way of living. But at this point its just not realistic.

What we can hope for, and this is a widest possible stretch, is that Trump in his stupidity/brilliance disturbes TPTB so much so that a new deal between world powers must be made. That would mean we would skip right to post-world war time. And I still hope there's some sense left even in the evil ones that rule. That's my hope.

There must've been a time in history when shit was chill.

They've just been hiding it from us.

What would you do if you were finally free of it all?

Id go fishing

It's impossible. The government has made it so anyone with a gun that actually wants to do some damage and change would be looked at as a fucking psycho weirdo when back in the day that's how shit was changed. You think the patriots overthrew Britain. By marching in the fucking streets with their dicks between their legs? No they had guns and went out to war.

Think of instances when the country wasn't divided; in times of great change, change that influenced every American regardless of party affiliation. There's 330+ million guns in the US, and as many citizens. Compare that to the several million in the US military, and you have a severe disadvantage on the government's side.

They're not going to use nuclear weapons. They won't destroy significant infrastructure, and they won't mass murder people. If you're building a regime, you can't destroy the foundation that it's being built on. People will be afraid to work if they know they'll die.

You need the infrastructure for your own purposes, transporting weapons and supplies, so destroying that is no good. And you definitely can't use nuclear weapons, as that would create a power vacuum between Russia, China, and any other country that wants to invade the US and "save" the citizens there, and would likely trigger most nuclear attacks.

And besides, what good do tanks, drones, and other large scale weapons do in that environment? They fail. Just look at the Middle East. Religious fanatics running amok with $50 Soviet cache AKs, and they've been around for decades with little to no effect on their causes.

And the US is multitudes larger than that, with an immensely large amount of weapons. If it goes to revolution, it's going to be 100 years of guerilla warfare, terrorism campaigns, and bodies thrown at each other, possibly more. The government can't handle the size of the US with the military, or possibly even other militaries in addition.

Red team planner's job is to make blue team planner shit bricks. I've heard it's not the hardest job in the military.

This is destined to happen, and a new system will take it's place.

The pieces are already in place. Beings on both sides of the veil are waiting for the signal.

im sorry but you life will remain this way along with the others til you die.

the system wont crash down, it will just change form with the times but it will adapt and improve as time goes by people will be less and less capable of doing anything about it. as if we could already.

We have to burn it down.

Same as it ever was unfortunately

Turn off your computer, go outside.

Part of me wants to believe that the current chaos is them losing control. The rational side says "why have all of their same goals still been progressed despite supposed discord". controlled opposition is a hell of a drug

tbh I'm tired of all these "theories" being thrown around. All this circumstantial evidence with so much HOPE but never anything coming from it. I want to see some heads roll already.(figuratively speaking).

"truth movement" aka waste of time movement plz stfu on this. u guys are being deceived like hell, 1/10 thigns u get right.

u wanna make real change? get thef uck of fyoru computer you fat lazy fucks. stop making excuse, make sacrifices and group up in real lfie. not a fuckin protest for fucks sake. u dont wanna do that then stfu. 2 years of my life wasted thx to listening to the "truth movement". not much different from the "sheeple".

Sometimes I think it's a possibility that this could be true, but then I think we'll my city don't really have it's shit together as it is and if you think about it that's all of manpower listed right there.

I agree with every point you make. I just want to say, be careful what you wish for. Civilizations move in cycles, and with the crash comes the burn. Are you ready?

Creative destruction is essential to the progress of capitalism. <3

I would like to hereby acknowledge the AnCapistan in you.

Form your own individuality, and then help others. Take responsibility to bear the suffering of life without being corrupt.

I want to live a normal life like a normal human being. I'm sick and tired of being ruled by psychopaths I wish the entire system would come crashing down already.

You want hundreds of millions of people to die via societal collapse. Perhaps you have become that which you so despise.

Unchecked growth cannot continue forever when there are finite resources. People don't necessarily "want" that to happen, but it will some day.

Its too late for an "Ethical" downsizing. In the next couple decades we will either have to find a way to export billions of people to colonize space or will end up using very crude means to cull population. And believe it, it wont be the elites being culled.

I dunno, I think education and maybe a one child policy could work wonders. Japan has a negative birth rate.

China has shown why one-child policy doesnt work - they have singlehandedly turned male population into majority from being minority in entire human history. People were literally killing their children if they werent the "Right gender" or hiding them from government resulting in them never being able to get education and thus end up woking in sweat shops.

Trust me, i really wish one child policy would be a solution, but its not.

Japan has a negative birth rate because of its social situation. according to latest stats less than 30% of japanese before the age of 30 even had sex. they are literally secluding themselves from others.

Careful what you wish for, the elites just go into bunkers, turn the grid off and wait till we all starve or kill each other. Pretty sure the plan to kill 90% of us is just to collapse the currency or take the grid down and hide for like 4-5 years as all the tubby sportsfans with no survival skills starve to death or have looters eat their crops if they can grow their own food.

Pretty sure the plan to kill 90% of us is just to collapse the currency or take the grid down and hide for like 4-5 years

And what if nations form in those 5 years? I can think of several organizations with the skills and resources to develop and build a self-sustaining nation in that amount of time, including a military. I doubt that they have that many weapons stocked underground. Planes and tanks need bodies to drive, and those bodies would consume resources that they'll want for themselves.

Chances are they'll lock themselves in their bunkers, and starve. Or they exit 5-6 years later, sick, malnutritioned, with rickets and all sorts of fun diseases from lack of sunlight or proper nutrition, without anyone to defend them.

What of it? they just get wiped out. Much easier to wipe out a small newly formed state than united 300 million state. Most of the people would have killed eachother or starved to death before those nations forms anyway. The way average american lives it would be surprising if he survived a week after economic collapse.

When it does, your life will be far from normal. Riots , bombings, and authoritarianism will be the order of the day.

I really want this too but I don't know how I would I actually survive. Honestly I think the overall US federal gov should collapse. The state's can stand on their own.

That's how I feel as well. Thank you for putting it together so well.

Organize a revolution. Change doesn't just happen. It's just too bad that Americans today are happy enough with their smart phones and internet and TV and movies and every other frivolous form of entertainment to actually revolt. Then there's the millions on prozac and zoloft and dozens of other pharmaceuticals that are designed to keep people sociable. Can you imagine the government that exists today existing 100 years ago? Back when people didn't have the distractions that exist today? People today want something different and better but they are too placated to try change things. Most are happy enough with a full belly, a dry place to sleep and some pointless means of entertainment to actually make a change.

Feeling the exact same way.

I know exactly what you mean. It's a heart sickness. One of the worst things of all, is being told to constantly feel fear (by our government) also. I'm really fucking sick of being lied to or sold something also.

It seeps in even though I stopped watching TV years ago, have no smart phone and only use the internet. Fuck this system that has been created, and is run by psychopaths.

Turn the TV off

Only you can create the reality you desire. You have full power to live a life without those influences being relevant. Take the responsibility on yourself. Power to you.

You sound stressed out! What you need is a luxurious Sandals Resort all-inclusive vacation package. "Luxury Included (tm).

be patint, cant you see that its already crashing down?

and what you do against? nothing? ... see

You're free to tune out at any time. Turn off the TV, go for a walk. Reality is yours to create.

Reality is yours to create.

How's that workin' out for you? Oh wait, you're a voice on the internet. I'm sure you'll tell us it's working out exactly as makes your original comment sound most persuasive. :P

People don't understand, when they're talking about how unfair the system is; if you're winning it means you're playing and if you're playing, you're losing by default.

Happiness is transitory and fleeting. It wants any excuse to go away; cat died? Now you're in grief. Girlfriend left you? No more happiness. Have a bad day? Maybe your week is shit now - but that isn't an aspect of modern life, that's life.

Sometimes you get to be a happy, well-balanced human who glides joyfully through life. Think about your life, though, is there some aspect of it that suggests to you that you'd be like that all the fucking time if the system were different? The system used to be profoundly different and it was, in fact, even shittier - not always the system's fault, but pretty true. It was boring, tiring, scary, full of child mortality, hungry, depressing, and dirty. Yet people were still happy some of the time, as is human nature. No one is happy all of the time, though, because even king's have it pretty shitty, in the end.

You want the whole fucking system to burn down because you're tired of advertisements? Get in fucking line. I'd like to see it go because my tooth hurts, but it's so damned hard to see a dentist on Saturday. Thankfully there are fucking dentists, though.


As long as you understand that constant change is necessary and that friction creates profits, then everything becomes clearer. The powers that be need this constant change to keep the illusion of progress and the differentials (in relative values between tradeable commodities including countries) to make profits.

The people who really run the world plan in generational timeframes not 4 year election cycles. They don't care who is in power and it doesn't matter to them. They are planning 20-25 years ahead.

Imagine the world as a slalom race. Steer around them and make your own path which benefits you.

Move somewhere else, dude. You'll realize fast that you'd rather be where you are...

I think you're right. But. If the system collapses, something has to replace the previous order of things. If eventually everything crashes, nothing but murder and suicide comes from it. Society is too dependent on current order of things. It would be an excrutiating shock. We need to get there step by step.

Society is a self-organizing phenomenon.

Does anybody think that if pizzagate/pedogate ever gets enough credible exposure and a genuine smoking gun the entire DNC would collapse and probably take the rest of the government with it? Do you think it's possible that pedogate may one day be fully exposed?

It is likely.

Hmm... Isn't Islam one of the last religions that advocates striking back against those that strike you? Whereas Christianity advocates turning the other cheek and forgiveness. Which one would you rather teach to a bunch of people you'd like to control?

Have you considered just dropping out of society? I have come across a couple people that have done it because they felt similar to you. They seemed pretty happy.

Yes, anarchy would be so much better!

Not racist, so I'll eat either one.

Red team planner's job is to make blue team planner shit bricks. I've heard it's not the hardest job in the military.

Society is a self-organizing phenomenon.