I've been out of the country and this Seth Rich thing is proving to me there is a coordinated effort to protect Hillary.

258  2017-05-17 by facereplacer3

Where are the Bernie Bros? Why is everyone so afraid of Russia? I talk to people here, and they laugh at the hysterics of our country and how clearly corrupt it is. I made a video on how dumb it is to suggest Podesta was hacked by Russian secret hackers. Where did all you morons who believe that come from? Between DNCLeaks and Podesta, we have our answers. Podesta should not be allowed near National Security information and Seth Rich was pissed about the DNC. Occam's razor.


What does being out of the country have to do with anything?

people with weak and shallow arguements will always bring up unrelated points or topics.

"Man I hate that Hillary Clinton so much, she is complicit in the unethical and Illegal rigging of the DNC primary to make sure Bernie doesn't get the nomination, she is having a secret lesbian affair"

rigging of the DNC primary

Dude the DNC's in a lawsuit right now and their defense amounts to "we're a private organization so we have no obligation of a fair process".

Because when you get out of the country you realize how the rest of the world sees the United States now, and how horrible the media coverage is compared to many other places.

You ever wonder why people from over the world say "Americans are stupid"?

Do you think it is because they think we can't count?

Or do you think it is because, when on the outside looking in, it is very obvious that we are a conquered people living under a brute force regime that takes what it wants, when it wants it, and leaves the people blinded by propaganda?

Its a lot easier to make an assessment of a fish bowl when you are on the outside looking in, rather than being on the inside looking out

They should look to themselves. The NWO, as it was, controlled everything. When America saves their ass, they'll think differently. If not, could care less.

No, see, apparently globalism is good and the NWO is a right-wing conspiracy theory.


Everybody is oppressed, but we are all looking at eachother going "whoa, at least I'm not THAT guy over there"

And the NWO is the OWO - the way its always been with a small group of people controlling the masses - if you want a way out, i suggest you start here: r/new_american_system

Doesn't look like anyone has control of anything. Least not in America.

I disagree - people are still arguing over Trump or Flynn or Comey or Seth Rich daily, no? As long as the majority is focused on that, and not space elevators and hyperloops, the OWO is still doing its job correctly

Well ya, it's a war. They want him impeached and cnbc is talking about a coup. It's not a show. Did the same with Reagan according to Buchanon. He would know.

Name one country America has saved in the past 50 years.

Japan and Taiwan. Once Japan had to be a little bitch and take being shit on. Can you say fukushima? Now they have their own military. Ask the Japanese prime minister how much he loves their new army. Hell, he's already said it. He loves it. We're selling weapons(now) to anyone who wants their freedom. And Taiwan? You think they like their new military? Big fucking difference. A nation is nothing without a military. There, got you 2, and the list is growing.

Yeah all those Taiwannese girls who sew our clothes for pennies on the dollar must really love American capitalism and exceptionalism.

You think the real seat of power was sitting in Washington? Cute, but no.

This has nothing to do with what I said.

Doesn't it? I've got nothing against your point, just where it's directed at. Fyi, America was screwed by the globalist as well. Screwed big time.

Doesn't it?

No. It doesn't.

Ok, believe the POTUS had real power if you want. Didn't think anyone here still felt that way. Now I know.

How high are you right now?

I wish. Why, got some on you? Now kindly fuck off.

Check out Corbett's China NWO episode. That's who had the real power the last 30 or so years. That's why the weapon sales are so crucial.

The prosecution of a currently unemployed politician isn't at the top of my priority list right now. I agree that the DNC rigged the primaries and it was clear as day to me as it happened, but the past is the past and we have bigger fish to fry right now.

Lol, by your logic if I robbed a bank last week, I shouldn't be investigated or prosecuted for it. Cos bygones are bygones and the past is the past, bro

No, I'm not saying that she shouldn't be prosecuted. OP stated: "Where are the Bernie Bros? Why is everyone so afraid of Russia?". I'm answering.

Did you watch my video? Did you see the Seth Rich evidence? This is why the media needs to maintain this narrative and grow the lie bigger.

If you robbed a bank last week and right now some other dude was in the middle of committing a different bank robbery, I would find it pretty bizarre if anyone said "hey, lets talk some more about what agentfoxx did last week, this current robbery is clearly just a distraction!".

This is premised on "Russia did stuff." They didn't.

We don't know that. All we know is that the evidence supporting the Russia allegations is laughable.

Let's not start treating speculation as fact, that's what the MSM have been doing.

Yeah the bigger fish is the deepstate corruption which allowed Hillary to get away with so much. Trump getting money from Russians is not a fish at all

The whole Russia hacking nonsense is a smokescreen to divert attention away from wrongdoings by Hillary and the DNC.

can both sides not be corrupted?

Sure they can.. with evidence. We've known Hillary is corrupt since the 70's. The recent red scare was so random and so heavily pushed by MSM that you have to question the validity of it if you have any sort of independent thought running through your own brain.

There's zero evidence that Russia hacked the DNC, unless you believe word salad that falls out of Hillary Clinton's mouth. There's zero evidence that Trump is some Russian plant.

There's maybe circumstantial evidence, if you believe in conspiracies- that Trump, Tillerson, and Exxon could be working with Russia to get the U.S. in on the Syrian pipeline deal.. but that's about it. I wouldn't put it past them to do that, but I also wouldn't care if it were true. The idea that Russia is our enemy is absolutely preposterous.

The Donald is a globalist as well as a nationalist. They can't go after him on that, because it would be shooting themselves in the foot. Pretty damn funny when you think of it.

I'm not here to defend Donald Trump, but I do feel the need to explain to people that the Russia story is 100% fabricated bullshit. Trump is complicit in the Russia story. He wants to look guilty to distract everyone from the fact that he's sailing us right into the biggest war in history. No one seems to realize this cause they're all tuned to Mother Russia, but our military movements lately seem to suggest that we're about to fuck the whole goddamn world up, fast.

StormCloudsGathering does a nice job of putting the info together.

The greater Israel project? Don't think that's on the plate. Not that they're trying.

In his own words, he is the greatest friend of Israel! Just what we asked for. /wrists

He's a republican and politics is shadow play. Might also want to look into Syria being a false flag of a false flag. With that meaningless missile launch he woke up millions of centipedes to the neocon agenda. Also stated they'll take out Assad AFTER they take out ISIS. That's called kicking the neocon rock down the road.

In his own words, he is the greatest friend of Israel! Just what we asked for. /wrists

To be fair, if I was running for Prez I'd say the same exact thing considering (((they))) own the media, banks, infrastructure, etc

You know what? Bernie Sanders was the only person that skipped AIPAC. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it?

You know what? Bernie Sanders was the only person that skipped AIPAC. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

It does make sense, he was busy helping his wife commit bank fraud:



Don't take that as my endorsement of Bernie Sanders. I'm aware of the bank fraud. Wonder if anything will ever come of that.

Dudes got mad dirt on him too, I'm guessing all sorts of shady israel connections, banksters, federal reserve, and other skeletons in his closet

More hit pieces from the DNC who can't stand that the most popular Democrat is an independent.

bernie sanders for years, who praised venezuela's socialist system, which is now in shambals with no food and forced to fight/kill each other and eat cats/dogs?

deep state would utterly destroy bernie, and if not, good chance he's already in bed with Israel on several fronts

Venezuela is clearly because of US manipulation. Not ideology. But yeah, deepstate would eat him alive. I'd still vote for him though.

Venezuela is clearly because of US manipulation.

US is because of US manipulation, same as M.E.

Not ideology

Socialism has many points of weakness, many black swans

But yeah, deepstate would eat him alive.

Oh yea

but our military movements lately seem to suggest that we're about to fuck the whole goddamn world up, fast.

I can agree. I was out in my yard pulling weeds, and I saw 2 F16s flying lower than I ever seen, performing practice drills around my neighborhood. They were only several hundred feet up, and were circling around the area for a good 20 minutes or so.

There's definitely something suspicious going on.

I have also seen more fighter jets and helicopters doing drills in the past month or two than the entire year prior.

That Storm Clouds Gathering video is an embarrassment. I usually like the guy. But he repeated about 6 DNC propaganda talking-points that have been definitively debunked, and he served them up uncritically for his viewers. It really made me lose respect for him.

I cringed when he repeated the DNC "Katie Johnson" narrative that the Clinton camp manufactured to create a smokescreen to hide Bill Clinton's decades-long rape accusations. It was the most definitively-debunked story I've ever seen and Storm Clouds Gathering included it in his list of "Trump accusations" hoping his audience wouldn't fact-check it.

That video of his scores an F.

(I always thought he was better than promoting John Podesta propaganda.)

Hell, maybe they got to him. Offered him money to promote that garbage to the Alternative Media crowd.

Haha, that's a good point.

There's maybe circumstantial evidence, if you believe in conspiracies



*The_Donald 398,145 readers 18,983 users here now

hillaryclinton 31,009 readers 81 users here now

That is hilarious, pathetic, and troubling all at once.

Donald at his next rally, as he points his finger, boldly says "her socials are so bad." He then picks up a piece of paper and pretends to read from it, as he says, "less than one-half-of-one percent. Can you believe that?" He then shakes his head in disgust, as he says, "it's terrible, just terrible." He then goes on, angrily... "the handful of people there were paid for using a State Department slush fund. What's that about?"

yeah but not my side!

Anyone who thinks the DNC or anything Hillsry did is a real political scandal hasn't been following politics for longer than a minute.

Says the guy who's been sucking Hillary's dick for months

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Well, welcome back to: the chaos of hell.

There is nothing wrong with this country for the elites running it. That goes for the entire planet. Everything is just the way they want it. It only sucks for the other 99.5%.

It isn't Hillary they're protecting, it themselves. The Clintons have amassed a huge fortune and wield an ungodly amount of power and influence - entire countries have been laid to waste and the coffers looted because they made it so. They've been untouchable for decades, or at least appeared to be, so everyone got in on the action. If the Clintons go down the a large portion of the US government could very well go down with them. No one on the Clinton money-train wants it to end, or have their careers ruined by their involvement in it or (God forbid) actually answer for their crimes.

I expect there are a lot of people quietly wishing her and her husband would just die quietly so they can get on with their lives and the regular wink & a nod corruption that's they know and that's safe.

The will be replaced by others.

Back from the super secret field trip? Looking forward to hearing about the motherland. Dude knew you were active on /conspiracy but first time seeing a post. Forget all the bulltit people say about less politics on the show, I for one agree with all of your views 100%.

You listen to Our Big Dumb Mouth?

Yeah man every episode. Ditched NA for y'all about a year ago when I discovered it. The hook for me was the AJ Clips of the Week (welcome to Austin btw. Another side note I too moved to ATX from ATL where I went to college, been a while tho but I like/get the comments on local stuff from both locations) but then gradually realized I was smiling through the entire shows on my commute, guess it just matches my sense of humor & politics to a T, or something. Y'all turned me on to Anthony Brian Logan and Roaming Millennial too. Should get more guests! But I know you're trying with DP and that wacko Bigfoot guy, Caine?. Keep trying. Anyway man I hope you, The Clowny One and The Young Jizzer keep it up, keep expanding like with the Saturday show. But whatever you do, if you do end up quitting your day jobs and living off donations, please please don't start guilting people if money is slow one week like John on NA. So fucking distasteful. Man I cite that as a main reason for curtailing my listenership to them. SO tacky. Like, how about a Thanks for making shittons for doing something you enjoy? Very few people can say they do that in this life.

I hear ya. Well, thanks for the kind words. Keep in touch and hooodalooo.

A whole deck of cards could potentially collapse.

Ctrl+f "Wheeler"

Huh. Nothing.



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The funniest thing I noticed was the insistence on bringing Russia into the Seth Rich issue, either by claiming "it's a distraction" or, "Russians killed Rich." I wondered why and remarked that two conspiracy theories can exist side-by-side.

But in this case, they can't. The entire Russia theory hinges on Seth Rich not being the Wikileaker... because then, the "Russia hacked the election" falls apart. Not to mention, you open the can of worms because now there's a murder investigation (or at least, there should be).

The establishment has to stifle the Rich thing with the exact intensity as they're promoting the Russia line, because the storylines are dependent on the other in some way.

I actually don't know why I didn't piece this together earlier. I feel kinda stupid for ever doubting Rich was killed by anyone other than camp DNC/Clinton.

The Bernie bros are split between woke and unwoke. I'm a berner, but I can understand how many would confuse me as A Trump supporter. It's clear to me the deep state is the greater evil.

Glad we can agree! I'm a libertarian, but let's build bridges (without taxation ;)

we need to build a space elevator. it'll take care of both those problems; bad relationships and taxes


There are no better russian comrades than Hillary Clinton.

Doesn't look like anyone has control of anything. Least not in America.