Dinosaurs: real or scam?

0  2017-05-17 by princessprettypetty

How many of my fellow conspiracy theorist believe that many of the dinosaurs "found" are fakes? If some are fake, how do I know which were real and which are make believe?


Jesus Christ...

(real, or scam?)

You've never heard this theory before?

Oh, yes. I've heard of it.

It approaches flat earther levels of stupidity, but it doesn't get spammed nearly as much.

There's lots of things about dinosaurs that you could call a "scam". Incomplete, fabricated reconstructions, speculating a on how they lived, what they are, sometimes even what they looked like, etc...

But to say that dinosaurs, as a whole, are a scam... Yeah... That something I only hear from dimwitted fundamentalist religionauts.

No, I'm not saying all dinosaurs are fakes. There are so many unanswered questions when it comes to what dinosaurs really looked like and behaved like. I guess I just always thought that it was fact when I would read about dinos. Then I find out how little is really known. It kind of mind fucked me I guess.

Yeah. There is alot of mystery there. I even have my own "ridiculous" theory on what actually killed them off, too, so I'm not at all opposed to "unconventional" ideas.

I was responding to the way you phrased your OP, implying that even the existence of dinosaurs was a scam. They're pretty confirmable, obviously :)

Oops it did sound like that. So what do you think was the extinction event?

I don't think there was an "event" for most of them. Lots of species go extinct, all the time, even in modern times. Over millions (billions?) of years, lots of them are just going to die off naturally.

But with that being said... Something killed off the large dinosaurs very thoroughly. I suspect it was an increase in Earth's gravity :)

Look up expanding earth, Neal Adams on YouTube for a nice little graphical presentation on it. It's about 10 minutes long. He sounds like an ass often, when he talks, but he's made some good animations on an interesting idea. If you find "expanding earth" to be worth a closer look, James Maxlow does an excellent lecture on it, which is over an hour long. He's written books on it too, but I haven't got around to reading them.

Now that I've put my "quack" hat on for all to see, I'll see myself out ;)

No that's ok! I like hearing new ideas. I've heard of expanding earth but haven't read up on it. I have read about flat and hollow earth.

I always though Jesus rode around on dinosaurs on a flat earth before his reptilian ship was repaired and left (or was he killed by hillary??)

Yeah. He was battling Megatron on his dinos back then, before Optimus Prime came along and made it "cool". Jesus won, of course. He always wins.

It was definitely hil

Real as the dirt you stand on.

When I was a kid in Dallas Texas we used to dig up fossilized sharks teeth in creek beds all over.

I still wonder who took the time to plant all of them...

Ok I'm not saying all fossils are fake. There are quite a few people that believe many of the larger dinosaurs never existed.

skeletons have been put together wrong on occasion. Other than this, all I have ever seen on this subject is wild speculation and things like this which is clearly wrong in the second sentence. I cannot lend much credibility to the rest after that. I issue you challenge, change my mind.

Ok I'm not going to lie, u/western_red this (the link) was something along the lines of that which I was referring. I clearly need to step up my dinosaur game, beyond having read Jurassic park several times. u/MiltownKBs, I don't have definitive proof of this theory. I hope dinos are real tho.

Fair enough. I enjoy conspiracy even if I do not always think they hold water. But enough of them have been proven true that I feel it often warrants further investigation and an open mind. Even if it is sometimes for my own entertainment. Cheers!

I work in museums, and have worked with many a fossil. No, I don't believe them to be fake. Fossils themselves are pretty common. What isn't common though is finding complete skeletons. So many of the fossils you see in museums are actually casts made from complete or nearly complete skeletons.

Do you think that any of the "real" bones look like they could belong to a human of extreme proportions?

No, I've seen that conspiracy theory (about the giants?). I have never - or anyone I've ever met - has seen any skeletons like that. I don't believe that one to be true.

I've been reading about the giants as well. Very crazy and interesting

So one thing I read says that many of the larger species that have been found were only tiny pieces. How can they know what a complete skeleton looks like from a single bone. I'm not sure if this is true, but another article was talking about how only one or 2 people have found the majority of the larger species. Sorry if I'm not putting this very clearly.

They don't know what a skeleton looks like from a single bone (and to be clear, I'm not a paleontologist, I've just worked with them). One issue is that a single bone is sometimes used to indicate a new species - this is controversial even in paleontology (the discovery of a new species is a big deal, there are definitely some later found not to be new species because a researcher jumped the gun so he could get his name out there).

Bones are not just found in tiny pieces. I'm sure that happens sometimes, never in any of the cases I've seen. Many, many more than just two people have found the larger species. What article are you talking about?

I will try to find it. Thanks for answering. I've always loved reading about dinosaurs and new discoveries. I just wish there was a way to time travel and see what they really were.

there where some fake one,s though XD :)
And many skeletons in museums are using fake part to make the skeleton look whole

A lot are fake. But you have to keep in mind what museums put on exhibit is not typically part of the research collection. That's just for show, so of course they want the big complete ones. What's in storage is a whole other ballgame.

no need to tell me this.
I have explored a storage one,s there is way way way more ( and better more beautiful shit ) in storage then on display

I think dinosaurs were a scam to prove the theory of evolution and to cover up the discovery of giant humanoid skeletons.

I have been thinking a lot about this theory. If giants were real, your theory could be true. Very interesting to think about


I do know the people in charge of finding/putting together dinosaur bones have in the past made dinosaurs that don't actually exist...

Exactly, I feel lied to on the scale of NASA like proportions.

They're fake. The first dinosaurs are complete fantasy. They found 3 teeth and then imagined the rest of the animal.

At one point there were two 'scientists' discovering over 100 dinosaurs per year.

That's what I remember reading. I need to see who those 2 were and see if it is legit

My understanding is they were basically having a competition with each other. All fake of course.

I believe they were Freemasons too - if you're into that kind of stuff.

I'm open to either side. I really just wish there was a complete skeleton. To my knowledge there isn't one that's even close.

I'm fairly open minded. Just look at my posts, but I'm finding this theory rather hard to take. The earth is thousands of millions of years old so who knows what might have been?

I guess I just wish there was more evidence

real. but how they looked or how the bones are connected is up for discussion

Real, but just a cover-up for dragons.

Never heard this theory before;)