Update. Israel tries to do another 9-11 scale false flag

248  2017-05-17 by LightBringerFlex

From Jim Stone:


Just in case Israel does this anyway, this was posted on May 17 at 7 AM cst. I believe this leak is highly credible.

Israel hatched another new 911 terror plot, and Trump shut it down. Here is how the story line was supposed to go Terrorists were going to board a U.S. bound plane from Europe, with laptops. They were going to hack the plane with their laptops, and do a second 911. When Trump mentioned terrorists with laptops to Russia, and to get them off of planes, and then Trump banned laptops on flights to the U.S., he shut down the Israeli terror plot.

The plot was obviously as fabricated as 911. I do not know who leaked it to Trump, but Kushner is close enough to all of it to do it. And even if Trump did not know it was Israel (highly probable he did not know) even if Trump thought it really was an independent terror plot, the end result was that him telling Russia to get laptops off their planes, shut it down.

SO THAT is the HUGE "Trump Russia intelligence leak" and Israel is PISSED AS HELL ABOUT IT, because they had a whole new plan, and now it will not go forward.

This is why everyone's on Trump. He basically stopped a false flag and alerted the Russians about the weaponized laptops.

Original post:



The totalitarian "no laptops on planes" thing sounds like the intended result of a false flag and not the clever way of preventing it.

Why not both?

I mean, total is in the word totalitarian, and yet there hasn't been a total ban; just European.

Why would he choose Europe and nowhere else??

connecting flights from mid east usually go through europe?

Could you expand please? I'm interested.

I'm just saying that seems like a goal that a police state or NWO or whatever you want to call them would be trying to implement. Like to me it seems more likely that banning laptops to "save people from terror" is just a semi-clever way to ban the laptops which was what you had intended to do in the first place.

But why do you think they want to ban them?

Good question, which I don't know exactly. Seems kind of like the TSA increased security since 9/11, totally unnecessary and probably not saved a single life since its implementation but is just a way of systematically degrading people's freedom every time they fly.

Now it's laptops, next it could be phones, next you have to change into a jumpsuit to fly, who knows where this is going.

That's the part that doesn't make sense. Why would you go through all this to ban laptops with the sole purpose of creating an annoying inconvenience?

I just said it's incremental and gave an example of where it has happened already in the past, i.e. 9/11 is the direct reason people have to take their shoes off and get groped at the airport now.


So someone else already posted this, then you reused it. And they cite fbi anon and jim stone ------ all because those two made up something with no proof and you like what they made up?


I'm the one who made both posts. I was just giving an update on what I found.

The first thing trump did was record a speech saying how much he loves Israel. And he made 2 announcements with the same message. "Israel our greatest ally"

Netanyahu's jizz was also found on Trump's blouse.

Super edgy, brah

Also super figuratively accurate.

True true, here's the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm5Je73bYOY

Technically Netanyahu leaked the Lewinsky tapes to David Brock to try to force Clinton to release Jonathan Pollard.

What if that is all backwards talk? You know, keep your friends close but your enemies even closer. Trump is an old school guy and this is a motto I'm sure he familiar is with but now he may be applying it on a bigger scale.

Keep the hope alive, friend!

So he's lying?

Keep your enemies so close that you vacation together and call them son!

Let the enemy bang you dayghter!

Because he got bailed out by the Rothschilds, and his AIPAC speech said in no uncertain terms "we will insure a future for Israelis"

https://youtu.be/670ZGMBjrPI An animated summary of the 48 laws of power. Interesting to think of the way trump behaves with some of these in mind.

That's the smartest thing he could say while undermining them and playing the fool.

Googled 'Trump banned laptops on flights to the U.S'. The first three 'Top Stories' are:

Trumps laptop ban on flights could lead to 'catastrophic fires


Laptop ban in Europe could cost airline passengers $1 billion


Laptop ban in Europe could spur economic tsunami


He banned laptops from airplanes, after he received classified information about laptops being used as explosives on airplanes. Media: Dick move!

Can somebody please tell me, what, the fuck, is going on here? Because all I see at the moment is the media going 'Look! We told you! RUSSIA!'

Zionist media is butthurt.

(((everyone))) I know is butthurt.

The election campaign and the total MSM bias for Killary told me the minute he was sworn in, and as backwards sounding as this is, 'the louder the roar in the media for him to be removed/impeached/declared too mentally stable/belittled etc gets, the better his work actually is against their disrupted little agenda they've had operating with impunity for past 16 years is going'

If the Zionists control everything, including the election process - how did Trump become president?

I'll remind you what they did to Ron Paul in 2012

To people that actually threaten the status quo, they treat you like a ghost - they know that even shitting on you constantly is still publicity - and Trump is the perfect puppet to adhere to "any publicity is good publicity".

He wasn't meant to become and now they're trying to impeach him ASAP.

I'm starting to think he was Plan A.

In the past decade, reality TV has become a juggernaut in the TV industry and continues to keep people occupied with mindless drivel. What do the TPTB want? An unaware and compliant citizenry. How do you keep the couch potatoes in place then? You get one of the most controversial reality TV stars ("businessman") to become president so that people are glued to the TV watching this kabuki theater day in and day out.

Meanwhile, the MIC and friends are still murdering people all across the planet with impunity- but look over here! Trump is eating KFC with a knife and fork what a fucking travesty!

If the Zionists control everything, including the election process - how did Trump become president?

Have you ever watched a cat play with a mouse before it kills it?

At the beginning he sucked Israel's dick at AIPAC and he gave the impression of being a useful tool that could be easily influenced. Also Hillary was just so fucking bad.

You don't have to directly control the election process to sway an election, just the media coverage of the candidates.

I read that the laptop bombs were undetectable by any means, scary fucking shit technology if real.

This makes sense if the anon was real about the enemy being Israel, I hope that's the truth, but that's just hope.

Where internationally don't laptops go by themselves through x-ray, with someone looking at them. Theirs a reason shoe bombing didn't catch on, they get x-rayed

A laptop you can just force the battery to explode.

I could see a potential malware forcing the battery to explode. But even if it was a piece of malware they could just put a timer on it before stowing it in the luggage compartment... Or it was just a bomb that could slip past x-ray.

Maybe there is some truth to the remote hacking to control the plane. Because if it was simply a bomb putting it the luggage compartment doesn't stop it from being an issue.

LiPo's dont explode, they catch fire.

Yeah, here's a video of LiPos being overcharged and exploding. That much smoke would probably be a problem and would probably force the plane to land, but there are oxygen masks on airplanes so I don't know if it would result in casualties.

That wasn't an explosion, it was a runaway fire.

Shoes don't go through x-ray internationally. Only US bound shoes.

No you're wrong, I've taken about 30 international flights throughout Europe, Middle east, Asia and Australia with none going to the the US and on every flight, myself and everyone in front and behind me were required to put there shoes through x-ray.

I have flown between Australia and Europe many times and never taken my shoes off maybe you flew with a US airline. Or had to do that bullshot US pre check in thing Jim jeffries Freedum has a routine about this weird US thing of x raying shoes why would it be the subject of observational comedy if it wasn't observable.

Maybe you've gone through a full body scanner or been manually scanned with a wand which isn't an x-ray but serves the same purpose, but they have definitely been checked, whether you were aware of it or not.

Fair enough I thought it was just a metal detector that I walked through but could be anything

Israel also came out in the news after "Trump leaked to Russia." Claiming that his leaks endangered an Israeli spy within ISIS. I find it fascinating that Israel played the victim in response to his "leaks." especially when you take into account the OP...

an Israeli spy within ISIS

I thought every member of ISIS was an Israeli spy.

Well, technically I agree; there are also plenty of brainwashed fucks in ISIS, but I just was posting about the statement Israel made. Not trying to comment on it's validity...

The leadership. The rank file are just your average useful idiots.

Interesting considering ISIS appears to be allied with Israel.

And Russia wouldn't have known about that unless someone leaked to the media that the source of the city name was an Israeli spy embedded in ISIS.

Funny how the MSM is literally reporting that ISIS is the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service and are mad that Trump told Russia a city name.

If the leaker really cared about safety of our allies, they'd have gone to the senate IC instead of the press.

Another interesting point that can be made is that Trump is working to make Russia our ALLY. That means a certain level of trust must be given (and expected) by both parties. Trump didn't give Putin our nuclear codes; he didn't give them unfettered access to the information collected by our NSA. He named a fucking city; what a TRAITOR.

I just hate how the media has been pushing this cold war era bullshit. There will never be peace if we keep looking at world superpowers like they are world supervillains. It will never happen, and our first step to creating peace is going to be creating trust!!

Turnbull is banning laptops on international flights according to Australian media.

so if i wanted to visit the states, i cannot bring my laptop?

Holy shit that article about the laptop ban causing catastrophic fires is fucking ridiculous. If laptops catching on fire was that big of risk they wouldn't even be allowed. This article is basically trying to say that laptops burst into flames regularly.

This would be just one more thing on a list of things. Sounds plausible.

I said this yesterday and nobody seemed to care lol

So any sources besides fbi anon?

And he is credible enough to turn this claim into a fact?

JS is extremely credible yes.

This is interesting.

Your entire narrative is negated by the fact that ISIS already has downed one Russian plane.

Ya, FBI anon did mention that.

Not the real FBI Anon. Only the first one was real - you can tell by how many non-answers are actually given in terms of "predictions".

How does that effect anything.

ISIS already has the capabilities, so there's no point to this conspiracy.

apart from (allegedly) thwarting a specific plot.

I find it very hard to believe that trump is the good guy here. I think I have given him more than a fair shake but he resembles an incompetent bumbling idiot not president. Maybe this is all 'spin' but I find that extremely hard to buy. I think this 4chan post is bs I bought into the ones before the election and how did they turn out...

Here is an idea, neither of the fighting sides are good. They are both fighting for their own benefit, not the peoples.

Well you should have known before the election that this was going to happen. Both trump and clinton gushed over israel at the aipac convention. It was only sanders who said anything that wasn't unrelenting praise for the terrorist state. Meanwhile dem politicians betray their voters by biting their tongue and they do that because they know they won't get the support of the media if they go after israel.

How does one "hack a plane" exactly?

Mossad found a way to do it.


Maybe the same way you do a car.

How does one "hack a plane" exactly?

ask CNN and their two week previous flight on MH370 before it vanished.

Huh? Say again...

There was a story recently where a guy pried open his seat cover (where they put the TV controls for your entertainment device), and was able to log onto the plane's internal systems through that, and briefly control the engines. That was just one insane guy, imagine what a nation state could do.

Thats not how any of this works.

This is true.

Hack this or a similar onboard system possibly?


No wonder pilots are drunk all the time, they don't have to do the hard part anymore.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good morning everyone uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

It all makes sense now.

Boeing uninterruptible autopilot. Developed by boeing and honeywell as the story goes. Abeldanger and Field McConnell bang on about that one all the time. Interesting chaps but they break it down to patent numbers and shit dating back to the 90s. Germans flight lines Lufthansa (sp) found out they boeing planes they bought had a 'backdoor' in them and had to ground them all and remove them. Quite a rabbit hole. No lizards and shapeshifters either @_@

This makes a lot of sense.

1) the first one to claim damages from this "leak" is an Israeli spy, it fits the narrative.

2) Israel orchestrated 911, or, played a heavy hand.

The Israelis always say they're the ones in danger or cite the number of Israelis killed (they claimed 400 died in 9/11, even tho that's provably false). This is a big sign.

That's a huge endorsement.

Not sure I can trust Stevey P, but it is kinda mind-blowing that he retweeted this.

What is the motivation for Israel to false flag the US right now? Israel already has US ass deep in Syria, and we just toppled Iraq and Libya for them. Trump has stuck to the Greater Israel script exactly, continuing the plan in Yemen and Syria. Trump is directly tied to both Soros and Netanyahu.

Full scale invasion/overthrow of Syria/Iran?

Step 1: False Flag Step 2: Invade Syria/Iran Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit

Good point, Israel could be trying to force the Syria issue, to speed things up. If Al-Qaeda aren't even terrorists anymore, then I guess anything can happen.

The bad guys just trade off who gets to be good. Next thing ya know Nazi Jesus

Debt. Step 3 is force massive debt.


But that's what ISIS is already working toward.

They want to be invaded... That's the end of the (((prophecy))) isn't it?

So many prophecies... I want a handy reference guide.

He hasn't been willing enough to get rid of Assad.

Now in an hour they're gonna post a "why don't you all hate Trump already, you idiots? Is this the /r/CONSPIRACY #THATIKNOW?!?!?!"

Right? I am actually starting to get used to it.

Lmao or "oh this is convenient to be pushed out on a day when big news about Trump is released. Why aren't you all talking about what Trump did today? Even though the Independent has a new "Bombshell" on Trump every day but never really seems to be anything of much substance. Just basically Trump did a thing and this is why you should be mad about it.

I know, right? "Trump prefers vanilla ice cream. Why does this have today's top psychiatrists up at night?"

if there was another 911 planned it would have happened and the news would have reported what is to have happened. those planes on 911 were remote piloted. Not a chance in hell guys trained on cessnas could have flown commercial jets to the targets its not apples to apples. The hijackers were never trained on how to use the navigation equipment yet some how managed to find the targets blindly without even knowing where they started. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of if not all of the stories of 911 were pure fiction, clearly not what we saw on tv and in the newspapers. Instead the hijackers, boxcutters, phone calls, lets roll..etc.

This is a really good point that I for some reaosn have never pondered. How exactly would the hijackers be able to navigate so well to their destinations when they never used any navigation equipment like it?

Flat land huge ass buildings? Clear day could see for miles flying a plane is really not rocket science I have flown flight simulators and taken some lessons. once you know how to plane you just kinda go. I'm not saying it's easy I'm just saying it's not so difficult as you are making it out to be. The one that blows my mind is the pendragon. That was some expert level stunt flying skills that guy had.

Even the buildings would be hard on a flight simulator unless you have practiced. You would have to know the approach vector. I agree with the Pentagon. Having played alot of flight simulator, my first thought was how the hell they managed to hit that.

Plus air pressure at low altitudes makes aiming hard probably

buildings would really not be that hard you got a long run where you can see the buildings. look out the window drive in that direction step on the gas and try a barrel roll!!!

I thought, "they have fucking dragons now?!"

want something else to ponder? Flight 93 was flying northwest when shot down not southeast towards D.C. As reported. Here's the dots to connect. Check out the debris field and reports of the playing flying over lake Indian Marina. How did people report hearing a giant boom followed by hearing the plane fly over them if they were southeast of the crash site?

The latest version of the story is that ISIS is about to use laptops for bombs to attack without warning, and Trump shared that information with the Russians, who apparently already knew about that tactic.

It is a non-story.

The real story is that Jews and their traitors are desperate to stop Trump from beginning to drain the swamp.

In order to drain the swamp Trump had to replace the head of the DOJ and the head of the FBI, and now that he is doing just that, the Jews are in meltdown!

Treason is a hanging offense.

Enough with the draining the swamp bullshit.

I expect when the shadow government starts to go down, Israel will use it's nukes hidden in America card. Scuttlebutt was some of the original nukes that Israel and south Africa built got sold around, passed through iran, north korea, lost in shipment, recovered by the Israeli intelligence service, and moved to america. This is why everyone sucks israels balls, cause israel has got them by the balls.

If i was going to plant a nuke in the USA, i'd plant in on the new madris fault line, the san andreas fault, and near a nuclear waste disposal facility somewhere near the source of either the mississippi, or the colorado river.

My guess is Texas.

Ain't nothing but steers and queers in Texas.

Exactly. A false flag that won't kill many but they can fabricate the number and it's a conservative state that would want a world war. And blame it on Iran

You really believe that Trump prevented something? So Trump is the hero here right?

In other news: the world is flat and nobody dies of not having health care....

Gorsh, he's an hero

This is dubious because Trump HAD indeed pledged to serve ISRAEL.

Trump and Hillary are two sides of the same coin. They both serve only 1 master and that's Israel.

Arguing who is better is basically like 2 puppets controlled by 1 puppetmaster arguing whose master treats them better.

Is it possible trump would betray the Zionist?

Along the same lines, my question was: Why would our ally have a problem with us sharing info to stop ISIS terrorism?

Israel is the terrorist. They control Isis.

Ban laptops? And yeah, phones are not computers, so no issues with that logic

I do not know who leaked it to Trump, but Kushner is close enough to all of it to do it.

So you think Kushner leaked this plot to Trump? After all of the researcher I've read on here about Kushner, I'd assume he'd be the last person to leak a plot of this magnitude to Trump.

Here is an idea, neither of the fighting sides are good. They are both fighting for their own benefit, not the peoples.

Well you should have known before the election that this was going to happen. Both trump and clinton gushed over israel at the aipac convention. It was only sanders who said anything that wasn't unrelenting praise for the terrorist state. Meanwhile dem politicians betray their voters by biting their tongue and they do that because they know they won't get the support of the media if they go after israel.

Flat land huge ass buildings? Clear day could see for miles flying a plane is really not rocket science I have flown flight simulators and taken some lessons. once you know how to plane you just kinda go. I'm not saying it's easy I'm just saying it's not so difficult as you are making it out to be. The one that blows my mind is the pendragon. That was some expert level stunt flying skills that guy had.

want something else to ponder? Flight 93 was flying northwest when shot down not southeast towards D.C. As reported. Here's the dots to connect. Check out the debris field and reports of the playing flying over lake Indian Marina. How did people report hearing a giant boom followed by hearing the plane fly over them if they were southeast of the crash site?

I'm just saying that seems like a goal that a police state or NWO or whatever you want to call them would be trying to implement. Like to me it seems more likely that banning laptops to "save people from terror" is just a semi-clever way to ban the laptops which was what you had intended to do in the first place.