[Just for fun] What first red-pilled you? Or at what age did you realize, "All is not as it seems" and what made you realize it?

20  2017-05-18 by TheHighBlatman

Thought about many personal things but none was more clear than I had been lied to about marijuana and psychedelics.

Also I was probably only 11 but had my doubts about the moon I think very early. I remember a teacher in 6th grade saying that there were people that believed they faked the moon landing. I asked, "why?" and my teacher told me about the cold war and the space race, and the rest is mandela effected, alt-right, history.

What Red-pilled you?


Religion red pilled me.

Username checks out?

The Matrix followed and what seemed shortly thereafter 9/11.

9/11 Road to Tyranny

Should have expected this. I was like very young when 9/11 happened. My interest in the subject actually started cuz an episode of south park.

Always had my doubts, started on 9/12 when the teacher told us they attacked the USA because of their freedom and that made no sense to me.

Always anti establishment but believed in government, even worked for them, then they fucked our pay and I couldn't get my ADHD pills so didn't go to work as much and started reading cuz the Syrian war was fucky. Then the pipeline, then nwo, illuminati, magic, aliens, reptiles, demon, Hollywood weirdness, .. flat earth... my face -> 😮

Been a weird year.

when the teacher told us they attacked the USA because of their freedom and that made no sense to me.

My teacher said the exact same thing, I wonder if there was a memo or something that told them what to say.

It was on the news. Teachers watch that too, you know?

Watching the first zeitgeist in middle school. That showed me there was more to christianity and 9/11 was sketchy as hell.

My first acid trip at 15 years old made me question everything. The subsequent 150 trips confirmed I had every reason to question my reality.

i think it was always in the back of my mind. was that kind of kid that ask questions all the time and teachers would always get irritated.. so when litel me got his first computer,stuff like Bigfoot, ghost was pretty interesting. after that aliens.( yea i know, but it was an evolutionary process ) then i started to get into history ( gold treasurers was the main thing ) and slowly i built up my library in my head and here i am now :)

Ironically, I thought the whole Pizza Gate was a hoax until the false flag shooting at Comet Pizza made me look into it more. And the whole slow motion watching of Hillary robbing Bernie while all of the MSM turned a blind eye.

I went to high school that didn't sugarcoat history, so when 9/11 happened we all KNEW what was going to happen next. We were absolutely ignored when we expressed that concern to the teachers. ("Hey teach, didn't X, Y, and Z happen before in the past? Isn't this just a repeat of these other things you forced us to learn about?")

Every single teacher said "They hate us for our freedom" and that "No the US isn't going to go to war. This is a terrorist group, not a country, don't worry. The rest of the world is on our side."

Bush stealing the 2000 election. I knew 9/11 was bullshit pretty fast after that and it snowballed ever since.

I googled "What Really Happened in Benghazi"? I had read the Ambassador died of smoke inhalation in a fire, I then saw pictures of him beaten black and blue being dragged through the streets. I then found out not only was he beaten but raped. The pictures contradicted what I was reading from the MSM, I figured out from there that they were bullshitting on just about everything.

This was in 2012 and I haven't believed anything the MSM or the political establishment has said since.

Watched 911 as it happened. As the first tower exploded I thought controlled demolition. Nothing presented since has swayed my belief from that initial impression.

The lies of the media and the Gov about 911 and WMD's in Iraq, caused me to completely lose any trust I ever had.

Always been into conspiracy. I did a lot of research into the murder of all those SEALs that were shot down in Afghanistan 3 months of Osama was "killed" and seeing just how fucking carless and corrupt they were with the investigation was sick. It's like they weren't even trying to cover it up.

I think after researching a conspiracy theory that wasn't that well known and coming to my own conclusions from the evidence was what redpilled me.

Plus, I recently found out that my Step-Grandfather's family were a bunch of Nazi supporting, Illuminati wretches. So all that got proven to me.

If you think you're red-pilled, you're probably not red-pilled.

My grandfather that was in the Navy in the 1950's

Anything in particular he say to you?

A lot and he was right about most of it. Specifically a couple programs he mentioned in the early 90's when I was a kid that could actively trace and find you on computers or over the telephone and how they worked. I turned 18 and found through a personal experience how true it was. It's why I never had social media and never will.

I never experienced any major epiphany like this... more like constant little epiphanies about this and that. Just a gradual process of re-evaluating things over and over and refusing to trust authority (btw, that includes the gatekeepers, limited hangouts and general nutburgers/charlatans that try to curry favor with conspiracy theorists). I've seen people label themselves "conspiracy realists" and that's kinda how I've always felt.

Woah. So using that next time I am labeled a "conspiracy theorist" Bitch I'm a conspiracy realist.

Podesta emails

Wow. Pretty new huh?

That's just reassuring that people can still think, and stray from the pack.

Im not knocking you buddy. No offense. Welcome aboard!

Are you familiar with Operation Mockingbird? If not do so now because it's getting thrown around more and more.

It's a big relief.

Right? We might win the war AND be on the right side of history. That's probably never happened before.

Indeed. This year has been a big one for myself.

Salvador Allende dying in a hail of CIA bullets and then around 20,000 Chileans died you know, "for freedom".

This is giving me tons to read.

I've always, since I can remember thought things were weird. I even wrote a letter to President Reagan when I was 8 about the bombing on one of our military bases(that I'm embarrassed to say I can't think of the name at the moment..in the 80's lots of our military were killed) He wrote back to me too explaining how sad he was about it! Of course, after reading it, I had to be a jerk and scoff at his signature being a stamp and not real lol

I questioned anything that in my gut felt off. However, I was brow beat into believing that the Government wouldn't lie, anything that looked liked a bunch of coincidences was exactly that.

Sure there's always a chance that a story wasn't the real story, but where's the proof? Gut feelings don't mean anything...yadda yadda.

I still read up on things, researched everything I could. Trying to find something. No matter what info was found, people shot it down as faked, misunderstood etc. etc.

9/11 I watched the whole thing live. I didn't question anything I was so freaked. I JUST had my 1st kid, so I was soooo mad that I had a new born and figures, the world was gonna end. Then I watched the news on Flight 93. There was NO WAY it crashed. That thing was shot down. That's protocol. They know planes are being used as weapons. How can the news and everyone around me not see that?! In the days, and months after, if you questioned anything about it, people would flip the fuck out. WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA?!?!

That's when I kept ALL my thoughts on things to myself. from then on.

Message boards really messed me up over the years because almost every time a conspiracy was mentioned, you were either called a fucking idiot, or someone would go through each detail and explain why it meant nothing. I didn't know people actually did that on purpose. To discredit, misinform, etc.

Fast forward to last October 17th. I'm looking at Reddit and see a post about some fuckery happening around the dude who ran Wikileaks. Well, it was interesting. Oh look! Hillary Emails? Who the Fuck is Podesta? Things are hazy after that.

After reading for hours and hours those emails, I was just shocked. You hear about those types doing shitty things, but hear I am reading their thoughts and plans about the shitty things they did! It was eye-opening.

Then the bombshell head explode. FBI Vaults released Vince Fosters revised FBI files. There was A LOT there. That was a story I knew about. I knew the official story, and I read the theories on it. That was one that seemed wrong, but theories are just that.

That file read like a damn thriller Novel. It was really really long, but so freakin worth the time to read it. After I read it all, everything is in it. So you know what really happened. that to this day fucks with me. but it proved to me once and for all that there really are shady horrible people out there, and there really is mystery agencies that cover bad peoples shit up and lie right to your face about it.

Sorry so long! I don't talk about this type of stuff anywhere except here, and I hardly do that. So thanks for reading/skimming lol

This is what I miss about this board. :)

Read it all my man. Thanks for sharing.

9/11 I watched the whole thing live. I didn't question anything I was so freaked. I JUST had my 1st kid, so I was soooo mad that I had a new born and figures, the world was gonna end.

I was eight months pregnant with my first on 9/11. Just wanted to say that I had a similar reaction. Like, this is the world I've chosen to bring a child into? You've got to be kidding me!

To expand on an earlier post I made:

For me it began with the Nevada democratic primary. I was a big Bernie guy back then. A part of me still is... Anyway it ended with a wall of cops in front of a ton of tired Bernie delegates who were completely fucked over.

One guy picked up a chair. The people around him quickly made him put it down and gave him a hug.

The next day, NPR is reporting violence! Didn't they do an ounce of fact checking? There was TONS of love video!! Why would they report something so completely untrue?

Questions that point to a single answer. THE answer.

"Food Inc" and t2je book "They Rule in Secret" by Jim Marrs got me.


Flat earth.... I joke, it was actually hollow earth, and 9/11

Discovering 4chan.

9/11, specifically tower 7.

The election. I voted for Hillary. I was STUNNED when Trump won. Then I started investigating why.i read the Podesta emails and went down that rabbit hole. Some days I wish I didn't know how awful and corrupt our politicians are. Unfortunately, now I do.

Had you not really known about the Podesta emails or the other controversies surrounding her? Did you believe like the MSM and Hillary had claimed that is was a partisan witch hunt? I am not being snarky I am really curious.

Had you not really known about the Podesta emails or the other controversies surrounding her? Did you believe like the MSM and Hillary had claimed that is was a partisan witch hunt? I am not being snarky I am really curious.

I am embarrassed to say, since Pizzagate. That was a damn hard bitter pill to swallow, how could I have been living blind all this time? What has been extra baffling to me is this number synchronisation that keeps popping up after I have been red-pilled. This repeating sequence of 1111, 2222, 3333 so on, so forth. Any of you guys experiencing this too?

For me it was The Battle of the Beanfield in 1985. The Miners Strike had finished at the start of March and Margaret Thatcher had already stated that she was going to break 'The Love Convoy' and did so with a savage attack on 'New Age' or 'Krusty' travellers. It was quite close to where I lived and the impact was dramatic. I went on to become a 'krusty' and lived on the road - it was a physically demanding, hard life.

The Battle of the Beanfield was the moment that I began to question the legitimacy of the press and government.

Oliver Stone's JFK was stage one, Sandy Hook was stage two, and Pizzagate was the final frontier.

9/11 road to tyranny and Pizzagate the final frontier. This is the best thread I've ever made. My next book titles.

I was a youngster, about 11 or 12, at the height if the cold war, the Rooskies were going to nuke us at any time. The Rooskies were the evil empire..until there was a 'Police Exchange' sponsored by Coca Cola, where some American Cops would go to the Soviet Union and some Commie Cops came here to learn. The even got what I thought to be alot of coverage at the time, and it always struck me as weird, that our two nations were a knife edge away from nuking the shit out of each other, yet the mantra of 'cops are cops the world over' was being repeated, along with the Soda Sponsorship. If we are almost at war, yet cops, who hae bosses are cops all over...it made me think all the bosses are the same.

I started with the food industry and learned usda and fda are shams years ago. Then I learned about the Royal Family and the Vatican and Satanism within, then I read about Cern. All of this just dumbfounded me.