I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

16  2017-05-18 by [deleted]



But how will everyone know you're not false opposition? This is the most suspicious sub in the world.

You haven't studied the Flat Earth. Would you like to learn a few things, or do you want to rant?

The vaccine issue is about ensuring a safe and quality product from a corrupt industry virtually immune from the consequences of its actions. It's not that most of them don't want any vaccines, they are concerned about their safety and want better oversight for big pharmaceutical companies.

As far as the flat earth thing. It's a troll theory meant to feed other trolls so it should be banned from the sub and never discussed again.

As far as the vaccine thing goes, people should have ultimate authority over what goes into their bodies. It's a sticky situation because I realize how dangerous it can be with certain diseases and the need for preventing them from spreading to others, but the Science argument only gets you passed the Jenny McCarthy housewive anti-vax fad. You might consider that:

A) although something may appear to be medically safe, the tests are not definitive or 100% guaranteed safe and the long-term effects are difficult or impossible to predict. If someone is more afraid of autism than a potentially life-threatening disease, they should reserve the right to choose for themselves.
B) At some level we are trusting that the contents of whatever vax we're given is what they say it is. Corporate Cost-cutting, marketing of unnecessary or ineffective medicines, under reporting of adverse side effects, even simple human error. It's reasonable to believe these situations are quite rare, but they should be acceptable factors in someone's personal risk equation. C) MNC's (less) and governments (more) cannot be expected to restrain themselves from using vaccines to achieve some desired result unknown to the recipient--past, present, or future. It doesn't always have to be an elaborate mind-control plot, the objectives could be much simpler but equally as dangerous on the larger scale. If we even start to lean toward mandating a certain vaccine schedule, which is already growing continuously, it's plausible that a gov or corp might introduce something that serves their own purposes. Just because the measles vaccine is legit, doesn't mean every other vaccine is automatically safe. You shouldn't have to coerce someone to vaccinate if it's genuinely in their own best interest, you should have to convince them.

To me, this anti-vax label is the same song and dance they've done with climate change, the holocaust, and conspiracy theorists in general. Anyone who slightly disagrees or critically questions the official accepted narrative is bunched in with the extremists and ridiculed for this wrongly assumed association.

For example-- if you agree that the climate is changing, agree that human activity is a significant contributing factor, agree that pollution is bad and that a cleaner energy system is more desirable than the status quo, BUT you disagree that humans are the singular or predominant driving force, or disagree that these trends can be reversed through policy reform and increasing regulation, or disagree that "climate-friendly" industry is preferred at any cost. Congratulations, you are a Climate Change DENIER.

If you agree that the jews were systematically persecuted in WW2 and were subjected to unspeakable atrocities, but you disagree and think the number of those killed was ANY number less than 6 million-- Yep, you are now a Holocaust DENIER.

It's intentional, it's fucked up, and it absolutely works. Same way Flat-Earthers are used to shape public image of all conspiracy theorists, someone who is cautious of any foreign agents entering their body are represented by the Jenny McCarthy Club for Choosing Measles Over an Autistic Son.

You're not crazy, you're in the middle of a psy-op. This is the goal.

The best thing you can do is ignore the obvious low-effort trolling shit, tag accounts, ignore them and seek truth.

You literally know nothing about this person. They could absolutely be mentally ill. Just FYI that's a flippant thing to throw around.

I identify as as psychologist. Fuck off snowflake.

Snowflake? But you're the one offended right now. Do you need your safe space? So ironic.

Oddly, or not, already have you tagged. I was young once too. I don't remember how many people told me I would "understand when I got older", but now I do.

Frankly, you need to understand that Linux Mint is a shit distribution and you need to find something with better scruples. That applies to your politics too.

Sure haha. I just don't go to the trouble of tagging people. Also Linux mint brought a laptop I use everyday back to life. And I like Bernie. I don't like Hillary. My politics haven't changed in years. Your point?

Your point?

You probably shouldn't use linux mint.

What a vaccuous comment. Why? It works absolutely flawlessly for me as my everyday distro. Like. You know nothing about my computing needs. Most Linux people would find your comment laughable.

Thus is the problem with youth. I've been 'linux people' since the .98 kernel. I'm not a darpa hacker but you're dumb potatoes to anyone that has accomplished something.

The best lesson you can learn is to stfu and listen sometimes.

No. Like I said any Linux person would laugh at you. I'm a regular user who adopted Linux and you're literally comparing it to DARPA. You're literally against everything people who want Linux adopted widely want.

The best lesson you can learn is to stfu and listen sometimes.

Sometimes you just can't tell someone anything.

Thanks. When will you STFU and listen then?

Also I am too lazy to check but if you're going back and stalking my posts you're a fucking psycho.

Psyop makes the most sense to me at this point really. The number of comments about absolute anti-scientific nonsense I see here is rising on a daily basis. People talking about astronomy without having passed physics in high school. People talking about anrivax and fluoride and chemtrails without even going to college let alone having taken a single bio course.

Like I said before, more than 50% of the comments and posts here in the last year especially seem like they're specifically made to discredit the rest of this sub.

I guess they're really doubling down on the vaccine front.

throws flat earth psy op under the bus Yeah! We're on the "conspiracy" boat too guyz, look at us.

Perhaps this means that the Trump investigation against the vaccine, and related crimes that may have occurred, is making waves?

Science is the biggest lie. Half truths at best.

He's right^

Hang in there with us man.

Yeah, I mean for F-, I can see how there might be detrimental effects that haven't been fully researched. But the leap to mind control? How does an ion that incorporates into bones and teeth control your mind?

Well it does calcify the pineal gland ("third eye").

That makes you stupid and autistic which makes you easier to control (less capable of organizing a cogent plan action against an authority figure)

You shouldn't be wielding such an oversized scythe after taking those kind of crazy pills.

Six responses in the thread. Three by users labeled tagged as opposition. Guess which three made condescending or dismissive comments.

So you mean you tagged them as having an opinion and they stayed true to it? Or do you have better evidence? I've been here for years and the past six months have been almost unbearable. Completely taken over by Trump supporters. I don't tag them as opposition and don't usually even notice user names. But I certainly wouldn't rub my hands conspiratorially if they happened to still be Trump supporters in another thread. And for the record I hate Hillary. Am a huge Bernie fan. So I'm not a shill, I've been here forever and I can't even visit here anymore it's so one sided.

make sure you tag spoilers

Back in the 90's an online video and audio site had chat rooms, it was called Mplayer. Well one of the rooms was called "shout out", you would have lost.

Divide and conquer tactics

Well now you're mixing a real logical conspiracy with bullshit which is honestly going to confuse people on real vs fake even more

How can you tell the difference?

You had me until you brought up fluoride and vaccines.... Are you a scientist? Can you provide extensive peer reviewed studies comparing the overall health of highly vaccinated vs. unvaccinated persons? What about a study on the effects of fluoride on the pineal gland among other things?

You got any sources for your opinions? Or is all you have virtue signaling?

I mastered in biochem with a minor in physics at MSU.. I studied for 5 years postgrad. Yes, I can link peer reviewed studies relating to Flouride and Vaccines when I get home in a few hours tho for some reason I doubt anything I send you would convince you. I work in a genealogy lab right now so yes, you could call me a scientist. What are your credentials?

You gonna link those studies or gaslight me? My post was completely reasonable. You shouldn't be upset.

Check his history, or lack of.

I can't use that argument because I use an alt due to all the creeps and spooks on r/conspiracy and other "fringe" subs. This guy just doxxed himself really hard though if he's telling the truth. Lmao.

Yeah true this is my primary account, but it's turned into my alt lol. I can't post in other subreddits anymore without getting brigaded since I wear a tinfoil hat.

Still, any information that is trying to be killed off and silenced should make us suspicious. Seth Rich stuff is relevant. Regardless of any opinion of /pol you might have, it was shutdown last night for 6-8 hours after they were investigating. The owner of the bar Seth Rich was last seen alive, visited the Oval Office for 12 hrs, 4 days before Seth was killed.

But once he brought up flouride, it was obvious.

Well I think it's not about the mind control, that's just a fancy word for the perpetual maintenance of the status quo by the MSM. Fluoride it's just an expensive industrial residue to get rid off. A lot of European health organizations have banned fluoride from being in the water for being unhealthy. That's not a conspiracy, that's a fact.

The vaccine conspiracy is real. The question is not whether the principles of immunization or vaccination work or not. They do work. The questions are rather, are the vaccines safe? They're not. Whose making all the taxpayer money with them? Giant pharma corporations. What else are they putting in these vaccines? Possibly dormant viruses to be triggered by certain catalysts.

Flat earth is one of many psychological operations (probably pushed by intelligence agencies) that attempt to discredit places like this that offer real discussion and dissent. After all, who would believe information from a place where users believe the earth is flat?

You've been here for several years?

  • "Anti-vaxx" is a concept the media loves to misrepresent. 99% of "anti-vaccers" aren't against vaccines. Some oppose some vaccines, such as ineffective flu shots, but the main concern are vaccine additives that are known toxins and neurotoxins.

  • Sodium fluoride has a very interesting history, which you can look into for yourself if you're curious. But it doesn't take a shill to believe that calcification of our pineal gland is undesirable - something that we know fluoride does.

As I see it, there are different layers of conspiracies. The ground level ones have more concrete evidence, like 911 or JFK.

But the farther "out" you go, the harder it is to prove and one has to rely more on anecdotes and even straight-up gut instinct: this includes conspiracies like aliens, astral projection, etc.

People posting here come from all levels of the spectrum. Some believe just the lower-level "provable" stuff while others believe that aliens are battling for human liberation.

I frankly don't care what people choose to believe. I care about maintaining honesty, integrity, and civility in discussions. Especially because the conspiracy you adamantly believe is wrong today may actually turn out true a year from now. So, keep an open mind and let's be good to one another.

Flat earth is a psyop in purpose to keep us from finding info and truth about ETs, planets, entities, etc..

...or vaccines and fluoride.

My problem with this sub since the last year or so...

Redditor for 9 months, equating Flat Earth with real problems.

I've used Reddit since 2010, this just happens to be the account I was logged into on my phone.

I was the same as you a couple years ago. And I am still mostly with a couple considerations.

I think there are some extremely unsafe vaccines, enough that I will at least discuss acquiring the most safe formulations with my doctor should the need arise. But the whole antivaxxer movement is a little over the top.

I was an environmental chemist for 20 years, primarily in drinking and waste water. So, I don't think fluoride is bad per se. However, I find it highly suspicious that the big push for fluoridation came around the same time some industry had a huge fluoride waste disposal problem. I forget the specifics. If you're really curious google it up.

But I'm 100% with you on flat earth. I am also a moon landing heretic, I think we actually went there. Please don't let my mom find out.

But seriously, disregarding 90% of the shit around here as a paranoid fantasy, the 10% you are left with is still totally unconscionable. I'm up to about 30% that I believe, and another 50% I wouldn't put past the fuckers. Bad people do bad things, and they make a ton of money doing it. Our world is run by gifted psychopaths.

Is it over the top tho? Mercury in the vaccines they even tell you... Would you give that to your child ?

It's fact that vaccines have "acceptable" levels of mercury? It doesn't take a bio major to know any Mercury is horrible especially for the children they mainly give them too... Makes you loose your mind and the younger generation is pretty fucking dumb if you ask me.

Flouride calcifiesyour pineal gland that's the difference between being able to recognize your being oppressed vs being blissfully unaware. You're either one or the other.

You gonna link those studies or gaslight me? My post was completely reasonable. You shouldn't be upset.

Your point?

You probably shouldn't use linux mint.

The best lesson you can learn is to stfu and listen sometimes.

Sometimes you just can't tell someone anything.