When did this sub become a fucking political circle jerk?

11  2017-05-18 by [deleted]



When the recent election had a bunch of conspiracies to unpack

Except the inundation of this stuff on this scale started like 2-3 days ago?

Seems normal due to recent conspiracies gaining steam

But almost every post in Hot? Seems like overkill...

The more people who come to r/conspiracy to post the better. Can't change the course of a river

Good point. The more the merrier I suppose. Think I should take this post down?

I can't answer that Dave. This sub takes a lot of shit from dissatisfied users so I have compassion for the beleaguered mod crew and the health of the sub in general. In essence you're showing the same concern.

Onward Together started 2-3 days ago

Just a little after it became a place for constant whining about the sub.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

You're telling me you haven't noticed the obscene increase of political posts in the past 3 days? It's honestly ridiculous

I have, and you're right about that. The antidote available to us is the downvote. Any other remedy is dangerous to the premise of open discussions.

On the other hand the complaining I see here far too often, invites problem reaction solution type fuckery. I'm a bit leery of excess boat rocking. No offense.

No worries and you make fantastic points. I apologize if my concern is unfounded. I have come to value this subs discussion in my short time subscribing to it and my boat rocking is simply defensiveness towards perceived fuckery. If I'm out of line I apologize and would be happy to take this post down.

Leave it up. Your point is valid. It's the possible solution that fits a perceived agenda to change the moderation parameters that I'm trying to prevent.

The mods want to add new members to presumably do more things. That can't be good. I'm on the side of not changing anything that could go badly.

I've been here for years, and in one way or form it's always been political. Most if not all conspiracies, revert back to government. Now, I should ask... When has this sub become a concerned circle jerk of nothing to see here?

Fair enough, I'm just concerned about the legitimacy of this forum because I've come to value its content so much. However my concern may be based in ignorance since i haven't been around here for long. I didn't mean to imply there's nothing to see here. If I did I apologize. There's definitely a lot to see here

I'm a rare breed. Just read in between the lines, and seek /new. Participate. If you actually care. We get brigaded, that's fine. That's /hot. The community is in the /new. If only people knew this.

New has less manipulation.

The community is here, at least. I've been here for some time, you mother fuckers keep me coming back (fun fact I fact a prego chick - unwittingly - kinda like the CIA and your data)...

Yea, I am CIA. LOL

Nah, mate. I actually like you :(

It's interesting because conspiracies have always been somewhat political: JFK assassination, CIA drug trafficking (now human trafficking), WACO, etc.

What we're seeing are three things:

1) political conspiracies happening in real time thanks to the internet

2) people vehemently disagreeing over these theories and

3) a vested interest in protecting certain theories from becoming well-known facts.

After r/videos banned politics

Basically pizzagate had huge amounts of /r/the_donald posts directly linking to this forum and one of the favourite tactics of the american right is to make up conspiracies so you will see endless debunked DNC conspiracies like seth rich here but almost no anti trump ones, its really sad i used to come here to see what the american govt was up to but now its all pro trump govt shills.

Well after the Russian trolls took over and the bots, that's when this sub went to shit.

There does seem to be a right-leaning, pro-Russia bias but that may just be because the Russian narrative is total horseshit. I could be wrong though. I often am

See that's the thing that's where you too have fallen for accepting the Russian narrative as false.

Just a distraction from a few of your local wal-marts closing ...

conspiracy,s are about those in powerful positions conspiring over things.
How can it not be political >?

when we started to get close to the truth :)


Since people started getting paid to push a narrative.

Removed. Rule 12.