What's up with all the posts from r/T_D being reset to zero?

9  2017-05-18 by MaGiiKStudios

There has been three posts in the past 24 hours that have reached 8000 upvotes, and within an hour is sitting at zero with 50% upvotes. Seems like the Admins are overstepping their boundaries



Maybe they know that the russian bots are upvoting them.

You ever see how much karma people get there with just a few posts?

If anything theyre using bots at these anti-Trump subs that make All with a fraction of the subscribers of T_D

The Russians!

Geesus, it hilarious.

it's a fuckin mental disease XD MUH RUSSIA

Its called High Energy.

If it was the admins it would be super stupid to set it to 0 and not to 3k or something.

it was totally blatant, one post was a picture of trump and titled 'admins won't set this to 0' or something to that effect, it reached thousands of points (don't remember exactly how many), was sitting at the top of t_d and then poof.. 0. the larger problem with this is that they are obviously swaying what makes it to the front page, maybe even with bots, to fit their narrative. this entire site is now the definition of 'fake news'

My guess is that once it reached frontpage of /all even the T_D users started downvoting in addition to normal users to make it hit 0.

This is my guess as well considering I downvoted it immediately, so it would only take a few thousand people like me and the conspiracy here is easily explained.

I bounce between specific subs and r/all. Almost never downvote posts, not even from the donald, but I always downvote their annoying shit like that, whether begging for upvotes or whining about downvotes.

Who gives a damn?

Well, if you don't care about this site or it's integrity then Yeah you shouldn't care too much. Reddit calls itself "The bastion of free speech" yet will censor anything they don't agree with

There's always such a concern for T_D over here...Christ to be honest im honestly tired of fucking hearing it being mentioned.

try r/pics or r/food to soothe your pain.

Sure, right now the only sub being hit by the Admins is T_D, but who knows in 5 months this sub could be the next target

This sub is already a target, the comments section is laughable at times, as are some of the posts.

Normality always returns though because of the subject matter needed to stay on point.

Thing is, you're pointlessly trying to correct the record here in a place that has ousted censorship and media manipulation since the beginning.

Sure, you have what looks like spikes of success every now and then in the comments section that look obviously paid for or brigaded by muppets, but the regulars just come back and turn your bullshit around, or avoid said dumb thread.

Trying to 'turn' r/conspiracy is the dumbest project shareblue, CTR and the libtards have had yet. What you stand for is the the complete opposite of what the average conspiracy theorist stands for.

OP of this comment thread is using a Classic shill technique. Divert away from subject without it being noticeable. Topic went from "Admins are messing with posts to keep them off the front page" to "Why does anybody care about T_D!!!"

Reddit calls itself "The bastion of free speech"

Does it?

You obviously care enough to come on here and lie to us that you don't give damn.

So I'm going to say that you give a damn.

Liberal admins like to abuse their powers to silence opposing political views, and also artificially boost new anti-Trump subs to the front page all the time. Sadly in this case they're conflating Seth Rich with T_D, and literally helping cover up a murder by censoring talk of it.

Soviet counting system.

admins with nothing better to do

The admins are taunting the_D. Probably because the users there made it their mission to flood Reddit with Seth Rich posts.

But if you notice, conspiracy posts often start at 0 (or even lower for all I know) for no discernible reason.

Posts a thread that is purposefully antagonistic and basically says "downvote this"

Post gets to front page because of quick upvotes from t_d

Once on front page it gets downvoted to hell very quickly because it's literally asking for it.

Posts don't calculate downvotes and page spot at the same time, so a post can be downvoted to hell (quicker update) but stay on the front (slower update).

I've literally downvoted every stupid post like that, and it's clear so have thousands of others.

If they wanted to silence the mouth breathers in their safe space they'd just secretly remove their posts from the front page but not change the karma.

While this may be the case, that wouldn't explain why the posts are at 50% upvoted the entire time. Literally for every upvote, there is a matching downvote. It will stay like this for hours

Have you ever seen one showing less than 50%?

Fuck TD

But not the website that is astroturfing with bots to keep undesired content off of the front page... Right

This is /r/conspiracy (duh), not donald trump circlejerk. Fuck that guy and fuck everyone who voted for him