The Institutions Must Go.

14  2017-05-19 by notjaker44

It's the only way out of this mess. Our institutions are rotten to their very core. There has been a lot of useless protesting going on, and I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing even if they are funded by George Soros. However, protesting is fucking useless. It's a glorified Facebook status. It makes us feel warm and fuzzy when we express ourselves and our peers like it. We form common bonds with our fellow man through struggling against a perceived common enemy. As far as I can tell, the only enemy we are currently facing are institutions and bureaucracy. Nothing is going to get fixed unless we demand it. There is no politician that is going to save us. No one is going to save you, except for you. Now there are plenty of ways to go about revolution, but if we want one that will last it needs to be peaceful. With all the protesting of Trump going on all we really have to do is unite under one banner, and march on DC. And not just march, but arrest the politicians. All of them. At this point we will suspend all activities in the US until we come to an agreement about how the way things are going to work. We need a new constitution written. I like the idea of healthcare as a right. Housing and food as well. Ya know, the things you need to live. I know some people will say how are we going to pay for it, but maybe, just maybe we should stop thinking about money. The elites want us to think like that because they control the money supply. I don't have all the answers, nor would I ever claim to. I have a lot to learn, we all do, but the one thing I do know is that we are running out of time. Do you think soldiers would shoot at their own fellow citizens who are trying to take down the same people who don't pay them veteran benefits? Maybe, but some of us will probably have to die if we actually want change. Of course, the elites will still have some tricks up their sleeves, but there are good people inside of all institutions who will hopefully make the right decision. The elites attempted a coup when they thought FDR was going to smash facism in the 30's, but General Smeadley Butler ratted them out. There is no future on this planet unless we act soon. Thoughts? Have I communicated this vision clearly? We can do this, we all just have to choose it together.


Also, perhaps we could have an ideas for revolution sticky thread? Let's start bouncing ideas off each other!!!

We can do United social blasts. I saw a good redpill rap song that we can post to our social networks in unison to spread whatever message we need spread.

Yes, music is very important. I have a good idea for a song right now my friend and I are working on. The only thing that worries me about social media is the rampant censorship that goes on there. I get tons of likes on Facebook if I post a snarky quip about something, but anytime I post a news story from Project Censored it gets no love. I've asked my friends about it, and they just looked at me confused and said that they have never seen me post anything from Project Censored. But I suppose it's always worth a shot.

We are too divided as a Nation. If anything, we should have various regions secede from the Union.

What happened to becoming pirates?

That would make our pirate endeavor easier, grass hopper ;)

Well, sir, I don't remember inviting the nation. 😏 Plus, should be fairly straightforward with appropriate strategy...

True. But, there are uninhabited Islands owned by the federal government. Remove their claim to them, we claim one, two, or three, bingo-bango: the United Republic of Putin Loves Cats and the I Choose Jiff North West Islands :)


You can be a pirate if you want! You can be anything you want to be! :-)

Yeah, I'm gonna. Thanks.

Yaaay! Post pictures!

Yeah...I seem to remember talk of an island.

(S) plural.


I'm not sure if we are that divided. I think for the most part Americans are realizing that they getting a raw deal. We just don't agree on how to fix that raw deal.

Clean water, flushing toilets, cheap fresh food from around the world in refrigerated trucks, cheap video games that cost $150million to make, air conditioning, free speech, no www3 for 80 years, doubled lifespans, less 50% childhood mortalities, no global epidemics, porn hub.....oh how miserable I am living like a king of the past, lets burn it all to the ground boohoo

I'm not talking about those things. I'm talking about the military industrial complex. Profit from war. Corporate influence in congress at the expense of the planet. I'm not saying we have it bad. I'm saying things could be a lot better. Do you think that we can survive as a species if we keep consuming the shit out of the planet? The oceans are polluted, the rivers are poisoned. Can you actually afford a house with your salary or do you pay rent?

Where you getting clean water from fam?

As a former government employee, I agree and disagree with you. Most of the government are seriously just regular people. The ones that you are railing against - the ones that have the most power - are the ELECTED and APPOINTED people. That has seriously become animal farm and some people are more equal than others - they make a shit ton, and they are all corrupt (this is what I know from the news, I have no personal experience with this).

My point is not all institutions must go. Do you really think your local post man is part of the deep state? That is the majority of government. But the corruption we have allowed in Congress, the DoD, etc. is what we need to focus on.

you are not understanding what the 'deep state' is. The 'deep state' are the people who don't change every 4 years, but they hold a huge amount of power. Life-long agents and operatives, people in Washington who curate certain lines of communications... the Deep State is exactly what you are saying isn't there. It's both - you have 'regular people' but you also have compromised 'regular people'.

I think your not understanding my point. "All institutions must go" means most of the regular people. It's people in Washington you are talking about. And I also just wanted to say - working in government - those were some of the most dedicated people I ever met (which I wanted to say as government is so demonized in this sub). Destroying everything we have built to get rid of 1% of the higher people who are corrupt isn't the greatest idea.

Nazis where just following orders as well.

Yes, those Park Rangers in NPS are exactly like the Nazis. How dare they take care of some of our greatest national treasures.

If your working for a corrupt system, you're corrupt. The federal government should not own that land. In fact, they were never suppose to own the land outside of DC.

It makes me proud that it is nationally owned. That means we ALL own it.

No, that mean the government owns you. The people don't own shit.

That makes zero sense..

Makes sense. Because you've been brainwashed (we all have).

You still aren't making any sense to me. If it isn't federally owned (outside the park system), what is OK for you for them to not be Nazis? Privately owned? By a mysterious philanthropist that somehow you trust more than the Park Rangers?

How about the citizens via property sales, or a new homesteading act?

Wouldn't that make it all privately owned?

Yes, as it was intended to be.

Yea I should have clarified. I meant the political institutions. The federal reserve, congress, executive, judicial, and the CIA. The military needs some restructuring as well. Private contractors are getting rich off arms deals, and that's not okay.

Yes, that is what I was trying to say. Also - I gotta say - government does come with it's pitfalls since often Congress sets idiotic rules we have to follow and have no chance of changing (which is not true of private businesses). But generally speaking, when they get rid of government employees - all that money goes to contractors and you get less for more. Those fuckers are pretty corrupt too. Probably their company gets hired because they're buddies with some Congressman.