Ray Kelly and Joe Lieberman are both good friends with Hillary Clinton. If Trump chooses one of them for FBI Director you can be 100% assured then that Hillary will never ever be indicted, arrested, or prosecuted. Friends don't let Friends go to Jail.

39  2017-05-19 by [deleted]



Not only the excellent points that you post but a large percent of his support base will throw away support for him faster than Hillary can throw back a White Russian.

Trump was digging around in the garbage can......

Look what I found!!! Joe Lieberman!!!!

Muh FBI Director!!!!!!!!!!

Deep Dish Pizza at Dominos tomorrow night? YES PLEASE!

Cool those jets turbo

Not a fair comparison, she makes them a liter at a time.

I Lieberman not Independent and disliked by the democrats for not voting with them? I doubt anyone really likes the Clintons.

Comey was a corrupt p.o.s. and needed to go. That said, given the rampant corruption in Washington there aren't a lot of good choices. Chaffetz or Gowdy, but i believe they're both unavailable.

Trump will pick Lieberman tomorrow.

If he doesn't I'll never post here again.

But, Trump will pick him tomorrow cause he was his Lawyer.

Could be worse, but Liebermann ain't exactly a shining beacon of integrity.

Liberman is an FU to Trump's supporters.

A big FU to Seth Rich.

Yeah, well at this point nobody expects Trump to be a good guy, do they?

You have his naive fanbase who thinks it's a 5D Chess move. I feel sorry for them how disillusioned and brainwashed they are. They are under cult mind control.