I really hope this sub doesn't get invaded by T_D.

6  2017-05-19 by showmeurboobsplznthx

If you're TD don't come spread your shit here unless it's founded and not a set up. We know the alphabet agencies have a long history of using agent provacateurs to infiltrate and destroy movements and forums that go against the controlled narrative. Please don't bring them here.


I agree completely, but I'd say the same to any partisan actors. Please let this site remain a place for conspiracy theorists to discuss conspiracy theories, not a circlejerk for politics (be they left or right).

Unfortunately, if you look at the posts on this front page most of the authors are posters on The_Donald too... it's already over. :(

And yet all the conspiracys posted are directly political.

The nature of modern conspiracies is that they originate from, and perpetuate as a result of; political biases and opinions.

Can we talk about how Trump is controlled by Jews and that he is playing a "role" to destroy America?

New evidence: Lieberman.

I'm drunk, so take this with a grain of salt (I will probably be horrified tomorrow when I read what I wrote). I think we hate you Gentiles because of the holocaust. You all knew we were being murdered and treated horribly, and you didn't give a shit. In fact, you thought it was funny. I don't really feel this way (well, sort of). In any fucking case, you Gentiles are going to have to pay for the the holocaust. That is how life works. Who lives; who dies: I have no clue. But I think billions of Gentiles are going to die. They are fucking everywhere.

I agree, I think that is the ultimate agenda. Don't worry about the horror, I've seen your posts lots of times, and you're cool. There are too many humans, it is true, to the detriment of all life on earth. We've spread like a virus. I wasn't born yet though, and I believe wholeheartedly that the numbers of dead are vastly inflated. I do believe it happened though, atrocities happened, and they were work camps not death camps. Toward the end of the war, people in those camps were neglected and suffered things beyond our ability to comprehend. I think the Palestinians have now suffered in a very similar way, and it's time to do something about it.

Great post!

Thank you for not hating me for being drunk. I shouldn't be posting. But, so what? I like you guys, I really do. All you want to know is the truth. That is all. Yet, you are all ridiculed and made fun of. Please don't ever quit your quest for what is reality; for what is truth.

The holocaust? It is my religion. That is what identifies me. Can you believe that? Everything we Jews view in life is compared to the holocaust. Why? I have no fucking clue. But in my heart, I feel terrible; in fact horrible, that so many Gentiles have to suffer because of the holocaust. I wish, in my heart of hearts, that I could apologize. But my apologizes would mean nothing because I am a nobody; a nebach.

All you want to know is the truth. That is all. Yet, you are all ridiculed and made fun of.

You really get it. Thank you so much for saying. That truly is all I really want before this ride is over. Wait no, I want some revenge also.

Move you and your family to Uruguay. I mean it. Get the Hell out of the U.S.A.

I would gladly move to New Zealand, I'd leave in a heartbeat if I could, but there's no money to do that.

Dude, the people that you're talking about are old or dead. We shouldn't have to pay for something we had no part of and if we do according to your God then he's a fucking lunatic. No shit, absolute fucking lunatic.

I like Gentiles; I really do. I have had the privileged of knowing some very fine human beings that we refer to as "Gentiles" ( I hate the term "goy". It is truly derogatory). But I have been brainwashed by the same shit Bibi spews from the podium.


Yeah well, being "brainwashed" isn't a good thing man. Most people aren't racist or anti jew in civilized countries. I'd love to see the source of the laughing thing. I really wished I wasn't fucking drunk, this discussion would be so different. Anyway, sober up and realize that alot of fucking people on the planet are tired of all the shit. We're tired of hearing stories of the middle east. We just want to live our lives in our own fucking countries without trouble and if you need me to describe "trouble" I can. Fuck you. Fuck you if for no other reason than you use the word "Gentile". I honestly wish your kind would die off...then perhaps we as a civilization trying to live might be able to.

Maybe this will make you feel better...

In the middle ages, whenever a town or European city ran into a bit of trouble...

They would storm the Jewish quarter and slaughter everyone they could.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strasbourg_massacre

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 69814

Maybe this will make you feel better...

Ah, come on. I don't feel that way. I love many Jews. Why would you say that?

Just some revenge fuel.

I thought you were a Jew bemoaning the date of the gentiles?

Just wanted to reiterate that we have it coming.

I have no control over what people think. In the beginning, while I never liked Trump, I liked his son-in-law, Kushner. I thought he was a really, really good person. Man, was I proved wrong. You can't judge a book by its cover.

That's a bit of a non sequiter but to go along, he always struck me as a bit of a weasel

A Jew and a Gentile go into a bar......mitzvah!!! Best drunk conversation I've heard in a long time you two.

You're probably right, nobody gave a shit. And now people try really hard to pretend like they give a shit, and they still don't. And that is probably even worse. Sorry man, never really thought about it that way before.

Thanks. Please don't hate me. (I don't think you do, but I feel good asking that :)

I don't hate anyone man. You don't even agitate me.

nah man we good.

Okay. I've nabbed a Jew here. How in the Hell are you and your family going to survive the insanity that is going to take place?

I'm not a jew, don't let the _____stein throw you off.

I just think love conquers.

How well would this post go if it was about how all Jews must die? just curious.

Are you a Jew or just a troll? The holocaust is just another story the Zionists are using to drive wedges between us. Lots of people died during WW2 but there was no mass extermination program that resulted in the deaths of more than 6 million Jews alone. I know it's hard to believe when you were told otherwise pretty much your entire life. But unless you are willing to entertain other perspectives, you will never learn what's truly going on. You need to get the full picture by entertaining both sides.

I don't buy the Jew alternative. You didn't understand what I was saying because I was drunk. The Jews have lied about the holocaust.

Even though we live in different worlds I appreciate that you post. I'm interested in people that have a unique perspective to offer to the conversation. Thanks Mr. J.

He's not.

Why is role in quotes?

Why is role in quotes?

Why is role in quotes?

Why is role in quotes?

Why is role in quotes?

Why is role in quotes?

Why is role in quotes?

Why is role in quotes?

Why is role in quotes?

Good point. We use quotes to emphasize the point of our claim. Is he really playing a "role"? Or, is he a dupe who is unwillingly playing a "role"? In either case, the label "role" is controversial and is the highlight of my comment.

I hope they do, just to piss of reddit.

I don't know why r/conspiracy wouldn't be completely on the side of anyone who gave Spez a hard time.

r/conspiracy isn't about whatever stupid petty arguments the donald and admins get into. It's about discussing ACTUAL conspiracies that involve the public. Only brainwashed TD users think anyone outside their sub cares about Spez's views on alt-right subs.

No, it is about being anti-censorship though. It's about standing up to corporate corruption. The site is rigged, full of a single narrative, shuts down opposition, the CEO EDITS POSTS and admits it. I definitely see a reason to not be divided from anyone standing against all that.


First they came for the...

Censorship (sorry, 'filtering') should concern us all.

Your brainwashed. I've posted TD. That doesn't make a bad person. Guilt by association is lame.

I really hope posts like this stop getting spammed....

I'm gonna shoot myself if I have to read the phrase "T_D2" again.

They will eventually scatter as soon as jared kushner realizes daddy don't love him anymore...make no mistake he is the push that makes td move...

Shoo shoo Trump goblins

I'm really hoping this sub does not get invaded by shills.

I just don't want people posing as T_D come and start posting personal info and get this place controlled even more

since about 6 months before the election, this place has been hit hard.

I wish politics were not included but usually the conspiracy involves the government and thus politics are unfortunately part of it.

I really hope you use birth control

Uhhhh???? They invaded awhile ago. Unless more are coming here because thier special snow flake mod had a melt down.

Every day and every controversy more and more come trying to build up their support, but most daily users call them out but yet more and more come. If you look at people posting personal information, it's always T_D cross posters

Already done

Just read the worthless shit they spew over there - they outright call for brigading subs with dis-info, calling companies to ask if someone works there, etc and so on.

You see a narrative on here then it suddenly shows up here all over the place and mass upvoted (compare upvotes to comments) while opposition posts are heavily downvoted.

Apparently this sub allows brigading which is why they come here, most other subs don't.