PSA: This is a reminder to myself and to others in this sub: make sure you are balancing out all the negative shit you see in this sub with the positive stuff. Eating, breathing, and sleeping Conspiracy related content is not good for your mental health.

315  2017-05-20 by KarmaPolice777

/r/aww /r/wholesomememes /r/AnimalsBeingBros /r/GetMotivated /r/babyelephantgifs /r/HumansBeingBros /r/MadeMeSmile /r/eyebleach /r/art /r/funny

And keep up the great work.

“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.

~ J.R.R. Gandalf


Sure is dead in here tonight. It's almost as if people have a life on a Friday night.

I would be out too but all my friends smoke and I have a drug test coming up for a job. :/ Legalize that shit already.

Ugh. It was passed for legalization here in California during the last election, but I still have to stay clean because it's still illegal at the federal level. We need to legalize that shit at the federal level already.

Agreed. Hang in there. It's bound to happen sooner or alter.

I can smoke which is great, but I just hit a deer with my car on the way home and now I'm depressed :/...

I'd rather trade you a non-deer damaged cat and the stress that I have to deal with to get it fixed, than be able to smoke

I just got a bunch of work done on my car because I hit a deer a while back, feels good to finally have it fixed. Don't get too shaken up and don't hole yourself up with smoking like I did while waiting to get my car in tip top shape again. Use this time to really think about how you can relax and focus, there's too much going on right now to add more stress and strategy. Learn to breath and let it go for a minute or two, those small windows of peace will add up to your overall perspective.

If you feel like it's ever too much, shoot me a PM. No need to act rashly when we've got each other.

Wow. That made me feel extremely comfortable reading that.

We really are all in this together.

Thanks buddy.


Any time, friend. I think the curse of all this knowledge discussed here can have a deepening effect on normal life trauma, so it's important to remember that the heart behind it all is to create a better life. I like to ask myself what it would be like if things theoretically went our way with a collective harmony rather than collective force? If things were great already, there would still be things to do and matters to attend to.

This type of thinking keeps me hopeful for what our future can be. We just have to stay connected to each other and continue to discuss these ideas in order to see them manifest. We can play their game, these elite and questionable individuals merely had the advantage of the timing of their birding of this knowledge for themselves. Now we know. Now we can act in a way that can be a part of intelligent discussion while still having impact in our own communities. We may not be able to command entire fleets as an individual power, but collectively, we are the fleet.

They can't stop us because they are us: weak, human, and vulnerable. They know we are coming. It's the only reason they keep us satiated with the free flow of entertainment and junk food.

The many ideas floating around on any given subject can make someone confused and lost at times, so that is why it is important to stay focused. We have to remind ourselves by talking about these ideas with others, otherwise we get lost in the torrent of thoughts about all the possibilities behind the idea of it all just ending in one big showdown of something big or catostrophic.

Truth is, we are the weapon. We are the reason why all of this is going on. If we didn't exist, they wouldn't even be in power. This whole system is reliant on us following their agenda to believe we are powerless and weak, when that is only true when we are alone.

We are never alone.

Thank you so much my brother ❤️✊✌️

I feel you. Hang in there.

Even if it was legal everywhere, employer's Still have ability to say no pot, an an drug test you. Hell some places say you can't even smoke cigarettes if you want to work for them.Shitty but that is the world we live in

It's not the end of the world for me if I can't smoke(although the quality of my sleep definitely suffers quite a bit.) I think there's pride in choosing to be responsible and taking care of business.

good on you man, that's awesome. I hope your sleep clears up, you might be surprised to find how much will stabilize if you remain off the drug for a more extended period of time.

Absolutely. Thanks for the encouragement.

looking at the bigger picture buddy

Through no conscious efforts of my own I have found myself smoking way less than I used to and I have started dreamin' like a demon.

Not "bad dreams" just lots of them. Way more than when I smoked more. Some pretty bizarre ones, tho…lol

Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about.

You're melatonin is rebounding. Cannabis makes the brain flood with melatonin during daytime which has an effect on the recall and clarity of dreams. Everything returns to normal fairly quickly after quitting, but heavy smokers often get a week or so of intensely vivid and strange dreams.

Heh. I'm on probation for a year subject to randoms for a paraphernalia charge. Fuck America.

I won't lie. I have to take breaks from here regularly. The pizza gate stuff really gets to me in a bad way. It just puts me in a really depressed state so a month off every now and then in good for me.

That's kinda why I've stopped really paying attention and looking up conspiracies in the past year or so. I didnt need anymore depression or anxiety in my life

The stuff involving children is the absolute worst. Take as many breaks as you need. You are wise for doing so.

I get you: That one is hands down the hardest red pill I'd swallowed.


The worst pain a man can suffer is to have insight into much and power over nothing


I wish I could give you more than one for this.

Thank you.

u/KarmaPolice777 shared this with me in response to my comment. Rather profound…if it's true. I fear I have a long way to go to find out :)

Just remember you have power over yourself.

Makes me think of this image. Don't lose hope! You have more power than you think.

And your image reminds me of this quote:

It reminded me of this quote (paraphrased)

This is not the end…it is not even the beginning of the end…but god willing it is the end of the beginning

I like it and I think I agree with the quote.

Here's one by Shakespeare.

I had never seen that one before. I really like it and hope it's true.


Omg I've been trying to find this image forever, for the life of me I could not string together the right words to do so :).


Thank you for this. It helped.

My pleasure.

You have made my day!!!!!! I love elephants, I have a huge collection of elephant related stuff. I didn't know there was a baby elephant gift sub! Thank you

:) Elephants are so awesome.

I drink r/conspiracy too... you forgot that one.

Wait, I drink with r/conspiracy.

I drink because of r/conspiracy.

...just trying those out to see which fits.

haha cheers, my friend.

Man, he looks like he's been doing that for many nights in a row. Hell, I probably do too.

Everyone NEEDS to hear this and often :)

You know what? You're right. I need a couple days off. Haven't been feeling right and I think all the anger and paranoia is taking a toll. Thanks OP. See you guys soon.

I recommend nature. I started taking more walks around my local park. It's the best place to unplug and rejuvenate. Mother nature got your back.

That's a good idea. There is a park by my house I could go check out. Cheers thanks again

My pleasure.

when your consumed by this content 24/7, it just makes your view of the world a hundred times scarier and very little seems to break you out of that mindset once you're sucked in


Nietzsche warned us about that:

Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.

You're a beautiful human person! All of you!

As the saying goes, it takes one to know one. haha Thank you.

The world is full of suffering but it's also full of overcoming it.

Folks can start by lessening the overt hate and condescension towards folks who support our legally elected President.

i've been lurking here for some time now and in no way do i welcome the front page of r/conspiracy turning into how the_donald looked like pushing all the interesting non partisan stuff far off to the back.

i've also been lurking on the_donald, since my approach to life is to judge nobody and to always try to understand the other ones perspective, so i know how that front page looked like all the time and thats the last thing i want to see here.

I don't like any of those subs I just want to know when the draconians are coming and what's going on in Antarctica

Yes, view the rest of the site so clicks aren't as damaged with their most visited sub now set to private. This is becoming more and more obvious.

My pleasure.