
77  2017-05-20 by [deleted]



What happened?? It was the only reason I even came to reddit

Same! It was such a positive community. Some are saying it is banned others are saying its been made private.

This is insane. Someone did an AMA in TD today before going onto infowars. He was specially talking about Reddit censorship of TD. Wonder if this is some sort of repercussion

My guess is that it's in reaction to the Seth Rich investigation that's been on fire there.

Hey guys have you heard about Seth Rich?!!? Seth Rich!!! Seth richsethrichsethricsethrichsethric. Seth Rich. SETH RICH.

Guy...just to be clear...Seth Rich.

Says it's private but who knows. https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/

Same! It was such a positive community.

Lol. Every other post was fuck this guy! That religion sucks!

Just enjoy the refugees while it lasts :D

3 of the top mods were removed by reddit admins for wrong think.

Oh for fucks sake

It was actually the TD mods that set it to private

In protest after that happened.

This brave protest will be remembered alongside the labor strikes and sit-ins of the past. Truly a momentous occasion.

Don't act shocked when this site domain takes you to a Kekistani flag waving in the wind, with Shadilay playing in the background. Pucker up that unassuming poop hole and stay strong, friend. It is time.

So how do they even choose who has access to it?

I don't think anyone but the mods have access. Its some kind of protest or something after 3 of the mods got banned for encouraging the sub to break rules

You're right. I just saw the message when I tried to access it. I was on mobile earlier and didn't see the message. Thanks for the info

wait you're saying t_d is being censored, not that they censor??

"Free speech is important. It doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are saying, no one is making you sit and listen." Yet the sub bans anyone who says anything remotely disagreeable. Beyond irony. 'Sad' would be a good word for it I guess.

No one gets censored! I've debated liberals on t_d without them getting banned and had thoughtful discussions with them. We only banned trolls who came from other subreddits to try to get reactions from us! Don't take it the wrong way /:


You have very strong opinions and stand by those opinions no matter what! I respect that and hope you will continue to share those opinions with everyone.

They even censor their own. Remember when Trump supporters were against attacking Assad and Syria, but Trump then decided he was for attacking Assad and Syria? T_D required all members to also change their opinion immediately or they were banned from the sub.

That is true; really crazy couple of days. I got a 24-hour ban. I think they just didn't know what to do and thought we were being overrun by trolls, which we were. On that day, they still saw the sub as a Trump rally. Many of us came together for support from one another because we are a family.

Sounds more like a cult if they want to control what your opinions.

lmao, thats blatant bullshit.

just go to /r/BannedFromThe_Donald and see the numerous screen shots showing that you are wrong.

I stand by my own integrity and my own anecdotes. I'm not going to defend some rogue mods.

The message they got was that certain mods were removed because they let their users harass other users. Nothing was censored.

Those same mods were getting death threats, doxxed and brigaded by other subreddits and reddit refused to do anything about it.

Hey bro I know you want an argument but I support your opinions and I will defend your right to share those opinions no matter what.

I don't want an argument, it's just not true that t_d is (was?) an open place for discussion. Plenty of Trump supporters were banned for disagreement over some issue too. I respect your passion for free discussion but you deserve a better platform than t_d, where real debate is possible without the looming threat of being banned.

The problem is that in areas without ANY moderation, liberals always end up buying all their comments! And it ruins all the fun!

Drop liberal from your thoughts and vocabulary and focus on the larger evil. They are all working to distract together.

You are the victim of a charade. Learn all you can from this sub and realize that labeling is moronic when the entire establishment runs deeper than the labels they've created to distract.

Ive been browsing this subreddit for over 4 years, im using my alt because I don't want anyone knowing im a trump supporter because then thats all people focus on.

I was a hardcore hillary supporter until like this past february and I slowly saw what trumps movement was doing.

can I ask what specifically you saw that made you want to support him?


I think you'll like this place.

Drop liberal from your thoughts and vocabulary and focus on the larger evil. They are all working to distract together.

You are the victim of a charade. Learn all you can from this sub and realize that labeling is moronic when the entire establishment runs deeper than the labels they've created to distract.

This guy fucks. :)

It's all a strategy of tension.


There are no other alt-right places in reddit. They've been all banned.

I guess your subhuman mongrol IQ is lower than an average Somali, T_D was always a pro-Trump subreddit safe space, just like the bernie sub and the fake CIA ops hillary sub. If you go on T_D and shit on Trump, you have to be a subhuman to think you're not getting banned, if you go to a so called "neutral" politics sub but only one side gets banned all the time, then that's called hypocrisy and literally retarded, which is kinda like normal for a leftist.

Your casual racism is an excellent way to win people over. You don't sound like a raving moron at all, if you were worried about that.

Removed. Rule 4.

It goes against the purpose of the sub. The_Donald was never intended to be a place for debate, and it's not because they were afraid of dissent. They would have been totally overrun by brigaders and concern trolls if they didn't have such stringent rules.

They had an entire sub dedicated just to discussion: r/AskThe_Donald.

We never supported hate speech or racism! Our community was diverse and we stood for common sense and hypocrisy! We didn't follow the agenda Reddit had for us and they banned 3 of our mods and than we were banned.


Also just a heads up: I dont mind if anyone argues with me in the comments but I'm not gonna argue back, im just stating my opinion, you can state yours but I will never convince you and you will never convince me so lets just both do us.

Free speech

I don't think you know what that phrase means. You have no right to say whatever you want on a privately owned website.

/r/the_donald was one of the last subreddits that was accepting of all races and views as long as your views werent paid for.

They why do they ban everyone?

On my alt I was there for a year and said tons of stuff that could be considered 'critical' of trump and asked tons of questions and was only ever welcomed with positivity.

It is (was?) a place for supporters. Non-supporters are welcome to ask questions and discuss issues in r/AskThe_Donald. Brigaders and concern trolls can fuck right off.

It was a place for cowards and trolls. Non-supporters weren't welcome, but were constantly talked about derisively in posts sent to r/all. Anyone at anytime, even Trump supporters, were wrongfully banned if they didn't swallow the current days talking points for how Trump isn't a oligarch politician as bad as the rest.

Yeah, some people got caught in over-hasty bans, but with the amount of brigading and concern trolling that was going on, it was bound to happen.

As for the derisive posts in r/all, forgive me if I'm not overly concerned about mean words on the internet.

This is beyond fucked up.

Oh the irony the donald bitching about being censored !?!?!? LMAO!!!!!!!

As a trump supporter I support your right to free speech.

As someone who loves America ...Trump is the biggest threat facing our nation today... are you tired of all this winning yet ?

Not even close my friend! The trump train goes onward! I love my country and will support your right to have differing opinions no matter what!

user name checks out too

Wow and I thought liberals couldn't read!

Actually, it's Trump who can't read. Or at the very least doesn't. Maybe if it's in 24 point font in 8 bullet points double spaced.

I wish we had that train bot. No brakes.

You're on the side of the people wearing all black, masks, waving communist flags, telling us all are equal but we need affirmative action because I guess we're not all equal, you need to censor ideas because your subhuman following can't even win a rigged election? The solution to commie cucks like you is a wall or a necklace.

Removed. Rule 4.

you're in /r/conspiracy, the biggest threat to our nation has already hi-jacked it decades ago

Not only Trump supporters support free speech... Why can't you just say "as an American"?

Because not all Americans do.. but all Trump supporters do.

I can tell you, not all Trump supporters do.... Trump himself does not. If anyone says anything he doesn't like, he's on Twitter bashing them or having a fit. That's a great way to represent the American people and OUR country

You only get to hear about the trolls who got banned from there. I swear on my soul liberals themselves have came on to t_ and laid out their beliefs and they themselves asked what we believed in and we found common ground sometime! We aren't the community you think we are! We are actually pretty tolerant compared to subreddits such as politics who drown out any and all conservative opinions

They had to ban concern trolls and brigaders or the sub would've been unusable. It was meant as a place for supporters. They made a separate sub for those who wanted to debate: r/AskThe_Donald.

It's totally disingenuous to say that T_D was afraid of differing opinions. It just wasn't the place for it.

So are you all actually going to emigrate to voat this time? thick how echoey a chamber you could make over there

Thanks for your opinion, I support Donald Trump therefore and I support your ability to share that opinion! Keep going friend we need that energy!

This is what a MAGA stroke sounds like.

Were going to emigrate to here, with 50 accounts. Enjoy.

Lmao 😱

~20,000-30,000 fresh active users spreading the love.

Nope, I'm staying right here where I can continue to be a thorn in ShareBlue's side.

Even if what Reddit accuses those mods of doing is true, this is highly hypocritical as Reddit well knows that many paid posters from many sides do the same things and worse.

Mommapede (multigenerational classic liberal), here.

Two years ago when I first joined Reddit, I left one neutral comment on T_D and was instantly banned from r/politics. T_D took me in and loved me anyway.

Tonight, T_D suddenly went private. At that instant, I received this message;" You have been banned from participating in r/TwoXChromosomes." It's no loss, let me tell you; I subbed two years ago and never went back. It can't be comments I made, there are none.

Megafuckery afoot me thinks

It's really weird how things go on behind the scenes on reddit. We need an alternative and voat is not the answer. Glad to see another pede in here.

Prove it.

Transgendered leftist muslim black here, r/politics hates me and my people, but I was able to find love and support in the_Donald's tolerant arms!

Forgot to add Martian

Goodbye reddit.

This site has gone down the tubes inch by inch over the last decade. It's a husk of its former self. It used to be a wonderful free-for-all of opinions and thought. It made me a better person. Now it's just commercials disguised as posts and non stop political astroturfing garbage. If there was a better aggregator site I would leave in a heartbeat like I did from Digg.

My biggest problem with Donald is the censorship they do to dissenting opinion. Kinda karma. I think they should be allowed to exist but reddit needs to do something about their harassment and bargading

but reddit needs to do something about their harassment and bargading

Harassing and brigating? You are not even allow to mention other subreddits in comments or post. If you post a screenshot user names and subreddit names must be blacked out. Whatever possible brigading there was, ceased after the Reddit Admin applied their "special rules" that only apply to T_D.

What defines harassment? Something like trolling? Receiving threatening PM's? Getting DOXXd? Getting banned for no reason other than your comment history shows you post on a specific sub.

T_D users have experienced all of the above.

Or does 'harassment' mean hearing a different political opinion than your own?

"we wouldn't have stood for fascists shutting down free speech."

They're marxists, not fascists.

You're right. I just saw the message when I tried to access it. I was on mobile earlier and didn't see the message. Thanks for the info