To the T_D refugees
15 2017-05-20 by bubbajojebjo
You are welcome here BUT we do not support blind following. We are anti-power here. Trump is the power and he's not on our side. Before you start blasting this site with pro-Trump news and theories, please realize that this is only welcome if you think critically.
If you think critically, you'll realize that Trump is just another puppet for TPTB.
Please don't turn this sub into another shitposting sub.
n/a western_red 2017-05-20
Too late. At least there is the caps lock rule here.
n/a Emerald_Triangle 2017-05-20
WhAt AbOuT tYpInG lIkE tHiS?
n/a Meep_Morps 2017-05-20
Have... have you been on /r/conspiracy for the past year?
n/a bubbajojebjo 2017-05-20
Yes of course. I've been here for a while, I've just only recently got brave enough to start posting.
And yes I've seen all the pro-Trump posts and general shift to the right, but the events of last night has pushed a huge amount of these supporters to us. It's do or die time now. Either we make sure this influx of supporters are willing to play fair (i.e. Think critically of Trump) or we're gonna become a farce of ourselves.
I hope it's the former because we have a great opportunity here. These people have a critical view already of TPTB, but they think that their man is against them. We just need them to take that one more step. They can be great allies, or just another psy-op.
n/a OrangeCladAssassin 2017-05-20
If you think more users from the_donald will lead to critical thinking, I've got really bad news. Just look at the sub right now. Everything is either Seth Rich or about The_Donald itself.
The_Donald is a rally subreddit where the president is referred to as god emperor. A slimy businessman is somehow seen as the bastion of honesty and anti-corruption.
I expect to see a lot more garbage on the sub, more keks, cartoon frogs, people calling each either pedes or shills.
n/a hsjskeichrneic 2017-05-20
The absolute best part about this, is that T_D seems to constantly talk about pedophiles and think every politician they disagree with runs a satanic pedophile ring and their nickname reads like it's short for pedophile. It's just so ridiculous it feels like they got tricked into using it and just never realised.
(I know it's short for centipede)
n/a bubbajojebjo 2017-05-20
Then report it. Those that want to shitpost will leave and those who want to learn the truth will stay.
I hope.
n/a hoe___moe 2017-05-20
dude have you not been keeping up? trump isn't corrupt, he's so far not corrupt that he's backing the powers that be into a corner
n/a OrangeCladAssassin 2017-05-20
Or maybe Trump is just a hipster and any corruption is ironic
n/a hsjskeichrneic 2017-05-20
75% positive score, over 400 points, removed by a conspiracy mod in less than two hours. It was number 1 on the subreddit for over an hour.
n/a segamastersystemfan 2017-05-20
I am not surprised to see who was involved in that decision.
n/a justaponyfan 2017-05-20
This shouldn't have been removed.
Also interesting they removed the post he said it was his 50th account in.
n/a bubbajojebjo 2017-05-20
Goddamnit. I refuse to admit defeat yet.
n/a nottheoretical 2017-05-20
We're going down just like them. I'm tired of seeing people here attack T_D posters instead of joining with them to stop this. This is 100% a reddit created problem, not a T_D created problem.
n/a jafbm52 2017-05-20
The Donald got Trump elected. They are NOT welcome here.
n/a bubbajojebjo 2017-05-20
They are if they realize their mistake. If we can help show them the way, which i credit this sub for doing (sometimes, at least it used to). If they refuse to change, then I'm gonna tend to agree with you.
n/a joe_jaywalker 2017-05-20
Yeah fuck them for allowing the less shitty candidate to be elected instead of overthrowing the government while they had the chance.
n/a VonnegutWasRight 2017-05-20
Less shitty? At least with Clinton there was the illusion of helping us.
n/a joe_jaywalker 2017-05-20
Maybe that illusion was convincing for anyone who couldn't be bothered to check the bar mitzvah guest list that is Hillary's top campaign contributors.
n/a VonnegutWasRight 2017-05-20
haha. I didn't vote for the wretch, but I certainly am not racist or bigoted enough to think that a globalist would actually do something helpful for the people.
n/a joe_jaywalker 2017-05-20
I voted for Trump because I thought he would end the wars in the Middle East, stop the TPP, and enforce border laws in other words I'm a racist bigot.
n/a VonnegutWasRight 2017-05-20
So did selling those weapons to Saudi Arabia help the wars? Did bombing Syria? How about net neutrality? Was losing freedom on the internet worth the TPP?
I should have said "overlook" racism and bigotry, my bad. Because you certainly did that in order to vote for him. Don't worry, the mods here will make this your new Donald safe space soon enough. The mods who lean liberal are too afraid of their overlords.
n/a joe_jaywalker 2017-05-20
So you don't vote, you just virtue signal about how not racist you are. Cool.
n/a VonnegutWasRight 2017-05-20
I write in my candidate- always have. I vote in every single election in my area.
I remember my first vote, too.
n/a joe_jaywalker 2017-05-20
Yeah I bet you remember your first vote for a minority, that sweet dopamine release.
n/a VonnegutWasRight 2017-05-20
I voted for obama zero times.
I bet you remember not voting for him simply because he was black.
n/a meditation_IRC 2017-05-20
Go back to /r/politics. Most of us don't want them because they are still supporting trump. Not because they voted for him.
n/a Yuri_Is_Master 2017-05-20
lol Hillary will never be president.
n/a VonnegutWasRight 2017-05-20
Both sides have become weaponized.
Stop calling them refugees. It's another way they can push their false marginalization narrative. Refugees are people who have been harmed by their government, actually marginalized due to religion or beliefs. They have no home, sleep in tents and wander. We won't let them in our country anymore, so why should we accept a bunch of pizza eating pedes.
n/a bubbajojebjo 2017-05-20
You're right. Refugee is a bad word for this. It's the word I've been seen being used so I copied it. Probably a bad move.
Im one of those you describe in the last paragraph, I'm as awake as I'm capable of being at the time.
Great comment.
n/a VonnegutWasRight 2017-05-20
They keep using it. They are acting like they are now nomads in a country they allowed to slip away by projecting, instead of protecting. They've been voting republican so long, they don't realize they've been voting against their own interests. Neither do the democrats and this is where the problem lay.
We as proles need to unite and take it back. There are literally billions of us. It doesn't matter if we are gay, black, poor, etc. The only teams are us versus them.
I used to be big on listening to liberal podcasts, but over the weeks I have realized that they are neolibs and coulnd't care less about anything other than pushing their narrative to more and more listeners to make more and more money. This helps them sleep. Meanwhile, I am up, not sleeping but reading. Vonnegut, Marx, Salinger, books about hegemony, conservatism, liberalism.
People stand outside abortion clinics shaming people instead of talking with them or pushing for legislation to make birth control available which has shown that it helps reduce pregnancy. Reduced pregnancy reduces abortion. People would rather bash their heads into a wall and argue.
n/a bubbajojebjo 2017-05-20
Brilliant work.
Have you read Robert Anton Wilson? Some of his stuff is crazy nutty (almost certainly satire) but a lot of it is really insightful. I would also recommend Sartre, Camus, Derrida, and of course Nietzsche.
Nietzsche's genealogy of morals (if you can ignore the blatant anti-semitism) spells out exactly how TPTB control us. Brilliant man.
n/a VonnegutWasRight 2017-05-20
I LOVE Camus and Derrida. I haven't read Sarte, nor Wilson, but I will now. Let's keep a discourse going. It seems like we have too many fleeting relationships and while we still have free and open internet, we should use it to connect with people, even if they aren't of the same mind.
n/a RedPillFiend 2017-05-20
How about you let the mods do their jobs and report anyone who breaks any of the rules instead of trying to control what other users post? This place is ridiculous today.
n/a bubbajojebjo 2017-05-20
I'm not trying to control. I'm asking them to think critically. They've been duped
n/a Mrexreturns 2017-05-20
They want to associate this sub with a pro-donald trump sub. Don't worry, sooner or later they know who to kill both in the internet and real life....US, PEOPLE OF CONSPIRACY.
n/a ring-ring-ring 2017-05-20
It's no fun, being an illegal alien.
n/a bubbajojebjo 2017-05-20
Oh they're just trying to make a living! Aren't they welcome?