Be vigilant... no matter your leanings.

90  2017-05-20 by cholera_or_gonorrhea

First they came for /r/SandersForPresident, and I did not speak out -- because I was not a progressive.

Then they came for /r/Pizzagate, and I did not speak out -- because I didn't agree.

Then they came for /r/The_Donald, and I did not speak out -- because I am not a conservative.

Then they came for /r/Conspiracy, and there was no one left to speak for me.


I wish they would come for the shills.

That's part of the "they," unfortunately.

Right. Anyone who is ok with censorship of people they don't agree with needs a history lesson. Whatever happened to "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it?"

75% positive score, over 400 points, removed by a conspiracy mod in less than two hours. It was number 1 on the subreddit for over an hour.


I understand the concern trolling issue tho...

Me too.

I support the mod's decision on that one.

This is ironic as shit.

Nothing like approving of the removal of posts that don't play to delicate feelings in a thread about being against censorship.

Flat earth censorship

Flat Earth going viral is why /conspiracy is being brigaded. They are using politics to forum slide any discussion that goes too far from mainstream.

Flat Earth going viral is why /conspiracy is being brigaded.


Whatever happened to "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it?"

Does this really apply to shitposts, though? I'm half-joking, but I don't object to any of those subs posting their ideas, but their spam and shitposts fill up the front page. They have a right to say their ideas, but do they have a right to scream them in my ear all day?

You don't know how to not click on a thread? Or filter a sub?

I do know how to filter a sub, but I browse reddit on 5 different devices, and filtering them all on all five devices is tedious. And besides, I don't want to live in an ideological vacuum and filter out all the actual ideas. It's all the shitposting that's tiresome.

ideological vacuum and filter out all the actual ideas.

But that's the point. That's what your frontpage is for. You subscribe to the subs that interest you and avoid the general circle jerk trash that is Reddit. e.g. I subscribe to /r/eagles and not /r/cowboys I don't live in an ideological vacuum I'm an Eagles fan. People need to work out how Reddit works​, use it appropriately and stop whining.

Or we can work to make the site the way we want it to be instead of just accepting that there are some shitty elements to it.

Also, fuck the cowboys.

Right. Anyone who is ok with censorship of people they don't agree with needs a history lesson.

Yeah, the strange thing about /r/conspiracy is that, unlike the other subs mentioned, this sub gets attacked by extremists and whining lickspittles from both the "Left" AND the "Right".

That in itself bears a fine testimony as to the true value of this sub.


Agreed! That's why I like this sub. It's one of the last subs where people on all over the political spectrum can still have a conversation without being banned for having a view not in line with their party.

T_D literally shut down their own sub.

A sad day that will be.


That's what you get for the genevan internet.


They can't shut down this sub, it doesn't promote any particular doctrine.

You can make a loose argument that a conspiracy theorist is either this or that, but in reality, there's many users here who believe in a vast array of different things.

All they have to do is have a shill account post a thread doxxing someone and that is what the admins will use to shut this sub down.

so we move......

thousands of subs.....

It may sound silly, but flat earth discussion is what caused this recent brigading of /conspiracy. It's a viral topic and it threatens the plans of tptb. It's obvious that moon landings were faked and all we get is composite images as "proof". We believe we live on a ball because we are told so at a young age and you get ridiculed for questioning it. Let go of your ego and consider the possibility that you have been fooled.

Freemason theories

Flat Earth Psyop

Brace Yourselves

Space, the final frontier

Its a big lie

It may sound silly

Because it is, Euclid back in his day figured this shit out.

I've not looked into flat earth, but I am alarmed by the number of people who get hostile and offended towards those who post about it. Very few topics do that, and I always question the underlying motive.

I have just one conspiracy that gets me outright annoyed: the Russia/Trump connection, because I think it's driven by ulterior motives and is toxic. But even then, I downvote it, RES tag, and move on.

Flat earth, though? Benign. I don't even buy that "it makes the community look bad," because being fringe is a label that we should be used to by now. They also don't flood the sub, so who really cares.

Might check out a few of those links and form my own opinion. Thanks!

we don't live in universe......

we live in multi-verse.

and yes some of those worlds on different vibrations are different.....

As long as we stick to the rules, we'll be fine

T_D set themselves to private. No one forced them to.

*T_D mods. Mods aren't chosen by community. I'm pretty sure that they are controlled by Kushner and now admins banned them, so they set sub to private

So true.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. "

That person copied me, actually.

Move to voat

First they came for fatpeoplehate more like it.

Or some sub that was called "racist".

Me too.

I support the mod's decision on that one.