I propose we just talk about Bigfoot..

124  2017-05-20 by RecoveringGrace

and only Bigfoot for at least a week. Submit and comment only about Bigfoot until those that are here to spam politics on both sides of the aisle get bored and leave. Maybe some ufo stuff, too, just to mix it up a bit.


I am down to talk about some Samsquanches. I can squanch to that.

The mystery of the samsquantch has already been solved. Turns out it was a dirty ol caveman named Sam Losco. Used to be a vet I heard.

you boys have loaded up a hair-trigger, double barrelled shitmachinegun, and the barrel's pointing right at your own heads

Just be careful not to step in the samsquanch poop.

When you plant shit seeds, you get shit weeds

You feel that? The way the shit clings to the air...

Yes I used to drink but I got the shitmonkey off my back for good.

Cops and dope don't mix, do they Mr. Lahey?

Like shit and strawberry shortcake Ran

I am the liquor

LOL caveman Sam

Hell yeah!

I saw an article about how the earth is hallow and full of giants and tiny stars. Was lovely

He sure smells like Sam Losco...

What's a samsquancher?

Samsquanch is what Bubbles from The Trailer Park Boys calls Sasquatch. Squanch comes from Rick & Morty.

cryptozoology subreddit

thats tiny

I'm a big fan of yours Joe!

Bigfoot, aliens, lost history, real proven conspiracies from the past even? We could do like a shark week, but instead of sharks it's things like the USS Cole, and the burning of the Reichstag.

And Operation Paperclip, MK-Ultra, and Northwoods.

Those are all great ones.


This list has a few that will make you really mad.

Please can we? :D

Please God YES!

What was the Cole? Was that the supposed teleportation experiment?

man i really miss this sub before the 2016 election

I'm all for UFOs. They're easily my biggest interest.

I'm not sure if I believe in bigfoot, but I'm totally down for squatching if anyone would like to organize a trip.

This bloodthirsty monster was my biggest fear as a child. I grew up when network TV would have specials devoted to him (+Loch Ness Monster and other things to fear) – and I lived in a house in the woods. That bastard was always outside my window when I was trying to fall asleep.

Has there ever been a report of a Bigfoot attack? I always think of squatch as a big, hairy, harmless lug.

Have you not seen the beef jerky commercials? Sasquatch does not like to be fucked with!

True, but I still doubt Squatch would attack without provocation. How could such a large limbering beast survive for so long, shrouded in mystery, if it had a violent tendency?

Apparently, no one had placed his hand in warm water while he was asleep until recently. He doesn't take kindly to childish pranks...especially ones that make him wet the bed.

His domreddit it back lmao

Oh, you must be around my age! I'm 49 and remember all this too!

Yes, we're born within months of each other then. Remember "In Search Of" with Leonard Nimoy? Loved to sit in front of the set and let that shit freak me out.

I'm not sure I remember it, but I'm sure I watched it. I remember watching all the Loch Ness Monster stuff and getting freaked out! And, of course, all the Bigfoot stuff too. LOL!

Oh, I remember when we all thought killer bees were coming to America too. Scared me to death! Now, of course, we have no bees at all. Sad.

I had forgotten about the killer bees, and you're so right. The lesson is all that stuff they told us to be afraid of was bullshit, and all the stuff they're telling us not to worry about now (dying bees, e.g.) should keep us up at night.

I realize now that whatever they say, then I know the opposite is true.

Sad, isn't it?

Bees we're legit though. I was attacked as a teen

I was attacked by Killer Bees! They made a hive in my electrical box and fucked me up when I was skateboarding in the driveway as a teen. Shits no joke.

If they were killer bees, you would be dead.

All that aside, I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm sure it was a very terrifying experience.

They were killer bees and I'm not dead because my dad dragged me inside the garage

This really sounds awful and I'm sorry it happened to you. What year did this happen? And did it happen in the USA? If so, which State?

In AZ it is still a thing, although not common.

I wanna say 2007 +- a few years.

Well, I guess you do hate them! I would too, after that experience. (Thanks for the links too).

Not everything is fake, sometimes it is just sensationalist lol

Yes, I guess you are right. :-)

The episode on Bigfoot was the only thing that scared me as a kid. Freaked me right out!

I love how the star-trek actors narrate conspiracy shows. Like Jonathon Frakes narrating Alien footage videos as well.

Good idea, except the people who are here to spam politics are on the modlist.

Is it true that Bigfoot has really tiny hands and isn't afraid of people or is shy. They're so elusive because they think that they're better than us humans. F'n elitists...

No, they're big hands. The biggest even.

I saw a yeti tied on a roof rack going down the highway a while back.

I regret not following.

My uncle was a bow hunter. Traveled all over the U.S hunting. this guy is the most non conspiratorial guy out there. He swears to this day he saw bigfoot while in the backwoods of Arkansas.

Arkansas? I thought they were in the Pacific North West?

I'm in SW Colorado. Lot's of squatchers here.

Damn, I used to live in AZ. I didn't know squatching would have been so accessible.

Yup, you can squanch at any time too, I just recommend doing it in private.

Apparently there are sightings in Arkansas too.


There are sightings all over the place.

If they really are bigfeet, there may be some subspecies out there.

But who knows? I sure haven't seen one... Yet

It's plausible. But after watching some squaching shows where all they find are broken sticks my dreams are being crushed.

Heh yeah, those shows really are bogus.

But honestly, they really do nothing to disprove it.

If Bigfoot is real, they can probably hear and smell those camera crews from miles away, cause we all know they are probably being laughably loud and obvious.

So I still have hope :p

Me too. I'd believe a squatch could outsmart Rogan.

Either that, or John Marston truly killed the last one.

Hey now, I think Rogan could have a chance. He is an avid Hunter after all and buddies with Les Stroud.... Who is Survivorman and believes in Bigfoot as he has had several encounters.

That would be the show to see... Then feel disappointment probably cause they didn't get anything concrete

I'm in.

Well, he's big, he's hairy, and he smells bad. He has some kind of psychic sense that allows him to never be around when anyone has a camera that self-focuses. When he dies, his body evaporates leaving no bones behind.

By temperament, he's mellow and cheerful, but he does have a habit of raping feminists on hiking trails. The terms "man splaining" and "patriarchy" drive him into a killing rage.

He's highly intelligent, but somehow never got around to inventing fire, or the rock.

Some say he has shape-shifting abilities and can pass as human ... LeBron James, anyone? Others claim that he is an alien from another dimension.

Bigfoot has infiltrated our media and gained partial control over it -- Harry and the Hendersons was blatant pro-Bigfoot propaganda.

Bigfoot is a tireless practical joker. Sometimes, to freak out other Sasquache, he will put on tiny Oxfords and walk around the forest, leaving tracks, then claim they were made by a little hairless biped wearing artificial pelts. This never fails to arouse barking screams of amusement.

This made me laugh hard dude. :)

Hahaha yesss

I've heard about bigfoot since the 1970s. So he is 40 years old or older now! How long do bigfoots live?

Averaging human and other primate life spans, it's pretty realistic that he's still alive. Chimpanzees can live 40-50 years I think.

Then that means he is still around! Yikes!

Maybe they live forever! We haven't found a dead one yet, right? Or they bury their dead. That's what I believe anyway.

Then he is still living! Yikes!

Yeah that one is made up, sorry

Why do they call it Bigfoot?

All the research I have dived into states that this creature has two feet of the similar sizes.

It does not have one foot humorously bigger than the other.

It should be called Bigfeet.


But if its feet are proportional to its body-size, is calling it "Bigfeet" really justified?

Hi Dad

I once saw Big Foot at the County Fair.

It was a monster truck.

IMO, Bigfoot is connected to ET in some way. I don't think it's a mutant from lab experimentation.

Bigfoot sightings after seeing orbs,

"Some researchers and eyewitnesses report seeing strange glowing orbs in the area of their bigfoot sightings and encounters. Is it coincidence, or is there an actual connection between the two? Here's a recent video uploaded by Dr Squatch, where he believes he may have caught both on video. We're fairly certain we've figured out a more logical explanation"


Also, Bigfoot & railroad tracks,

"Have you ever noticed there seems to be something special going on with railroad tracks and Bigfoot?

For anyone who reads the hominological and cryptozoological literature, you will be quite familiar with the notion that railroads keep popping up in sighting accounts. Cases like the Enfield Monster of Illinois, 1973, mention the railroad tracks almost as if they are being used as the avenues of movement for the creature. In the midst of a series of Bigfoot sightings, on January 15, 1980, near Manchester, Iowa, railroad engineer Cyrii O’Brien, who was on a train at the time, saw a strange creature on all fours eating a carcass; weird six-toed tracks were found in the area later."


A lot of good content on /r/bigfoot. Tons of videos youve probably never seen before.

Great sub, wish it was more active.

Nobody ever believes me when I tell them what happened to me. Only if a dead body is produced and anatomically and genetically analyzed in a University will Bigfoot be socially acceptable to discuss without being considered a nut or ignorant anti-science clown.

I confess to being curious - what happened to you? (If you don't mind my asking, that is... am new to posting here, not sure about the etiquette yet.)

make big foot great again

Conspiracy is politics. Always was, always will.

Bigfoot is blue beam psyop confirmed

Big foot is a ancient creature which refers to his penis as a foot.

It's a foot long.

Or maybe just have a sub called "political conspiracy ".

Or maybe just talk about actual conspiracies including political ones here and leave bigfoot and ufos and other stupid shit that aren't conspiracies for their own subs.

For them, right? Like... they have to move, not us.

I like how Lloyd Pyle tells it:


"Bigfoot Kills Campers: The Bishop, California Bigfoot Campsite Killings" https://sasquatchchronicles.com/the-bishop-california-bigfoot-campsite-killings/


The Ra material talks about Bigfoot

Pretty much though, the native hominid bipedal beings were the original "humans" and the aliens genetically modified their DNA with the bigfoots and created the modern Homo sapiens

What happened to all the Sasquatchs?

Bigfoot is real


Great idea. I'd like to mix a little cadborosaurus and orang pendek in to the mix. I personally think those are the most likely to exist cryptids. Thylacin news is hot right now too.

This whole Seth Rich thing is playing out like a well planned distraction while tptb are likely planning an event. Gotham shield was prevented because it was a slow news week and the conspiracy crowd got ahead of it. I also find it interesting that it's impossible to discuss flat earth here now.

My 2¢

I'd like to offer an alternative Subreddit. Hope it gains traction. If I shouldn't advertise subs, I'll take this down. /R/AluminumHats

Bigfoot brings UFO and UnFO together the best.

Not a bad idea! Did you know the Patterson/Gimlin film is real? After 50 years it has stood the test of time and remains the most amazing wildlife footage ever taken. The only reason it is still debated is that some people will never be able to accept it.

I used to love Bigfoot and wanted to be a cryptozoologist growing up. I wanted to go hunt them with people lol. I saw a bunch of evidence and heard legends from the Yeti to Native Americans. Then later on I heard stuff about them being extraterrestrial. Interesting subject.


This is one of my favorite stories

Let me know when it's Nessie Week!

Let me know when it's Nessie Week!

I watched a video where a guy proposed a theory that the race of beings we call Bigfoot is actually Neanderthal man and they never went extinct. One point the person made was that most of the areas in the world are actually unexplored wilderness and its in these places where they live. There is a cool story a guy told about the time he went hiking and was kidnapped by a Bigfoot family while he was sleeping. It's well worth reading.

I'm going to need for you to provide a reference here so I can read this. I'm on the last few pages of The Last Neanderthal, so.. chop chop ;)

We can tie in bigfoot with pizzagate if we want:


Can we also discuss Yowies?

I got a Yowie the other day. My mommy kissed it and made it all better.

Different kind of Yowie, but that is nice of your mummy. :)

Big foot is just the last remnant of a race that flourished in North America until the comet strike of the Younger Dryas.

This sounds like fun. Tell me more?

Can we at least add aliens? I don't know a single thing about Bigfoot. Maybe Chupacabra? Or just mythical beasts? That'd be good.

Big foot is a psyop ivented by Russians

I think Big foot has been pushing the flat-earth narrative from his home under the ice in Antarctica. You can't prove it's NOT true!

Bigfoot is actually a species of extra terrestrial. They come here to study and gather resources here and there. They try to avoid any contact with humans so that's why they appear so elusive.

Lloyd Pye has an interesting take on Bigfoot.

He claims that Bigfoot is what we know as a Neanderthal and they're still alive.

There are numerous sightings every year of Sasquatches and Yetis and Lloyd Pye gives a compelling reason on why Bigfoot is the missing link and that humans were created, not evolved.

Neanderthals made fire, campsites, tools, and possibly art. Their is no evidence of this occurring in the pacific northwest in modern times. If Bigfoots exist, they are more animal than a Neanderthal would be.

Neanderthals made fire, campsites, tools, and possibly art.

You don't know this for sure. You just read this in an article.

I'm not sure that yellow sky disc is the sun, I've just been told that's the case...

You have to be told the yellow disc in the sky is the sun?

This just goes to show your intelligence level when someone else needs to tell you that the hot yellow thing in the sky is the sun.

I'll give you a hint. You're not that intelligent.

I have seen two UFO's in my life. Never seen bigfoot though.

Everything mentioned in this thread; I have a place for it. Seek us out.

I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. There's a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside...

An episode of Ancient Aliens said that the Samsquantch was actually the wizard Merlin.

No lie, they actually said that.

i'd believe that.

sees grandpa joe heading into the woods with his rifle

Cops and dope don't mix, do they Mr. Lahey?

Like shit and strawberry shortcake Ran

I'm not sure I remember it, but I'm sure I watched it. I remember watching all the Loch Ness Monster stuff and getting freaked out! And, of course, all the Bigfoot stuff too. LOL!

Oh, I remember when we all thought killer bees were coming to America too. Scared me to death! Now, of course, we have no bees at all. Sad.

The episode on Bigfoot was the only thing that scared me as a kid. Freaked me right out!

I love how the star-trek actors narrate conspiracy shows. Like Jonathon Frakes narrating Alien footage videos as well.

I'm not sure that yellow sky disc is the sun, I've just been told that's the case...