Pay attention and guard your energy carefully.

516  2017-05-21 by cholera_or_gonorrhea

Incoming wall of text:

There's the saying, "energy goes where attention flows."

Energy is the single greatest commodity: if you're of the opinion that TPTB are running a giant energy factory, then our attention is what generates it.

If you take a more practical approach that TPTB makes us all debt wage slaves, then they do so by keeping our attention captive in the pursuit of their self-made money. In this state, we act like zombies with little time left to pursue self-actualization. We remain unaware of our true strength. Our energy is given away for what's karmically pennies on the dollar.

Mindfulness is the process of focusing our attention inwards and paying ourselves instead. We receive energy--currency--in the form of wisdom. It gives us the ability to create our own roadmap rather than wandering down a generated path in a sleepless state. It is the path to our sovereignty.

Indeed, attention is precious because it's our time. Something we can never get back. Think of the phrase itself, "pay attention." The word pay is used precisely because attention itself is of value.

Now, what have we been paying attention to these days? Personally, my attention has been focused on things that have made me feel a sense of anxiety and hopelessness. Yet these are the emotions prized by those in charge because they can be exploited quite easily. If you're into the esoteric, it's this negative energy that serves as the fuel for the archons, reptilians, whatever.

While these negative emotions are an unfortunate byproduct of being informed of the man behind the curtain, they are only useful if they act as a springboard to choosing a more positive path and ultimately, future. This negativity is best used to actualize, "this is not how I want the world to be. I want a peaceful, compassionate world."

The second part of this statement is one of the most important parts, and unless it's integrated, we all lose. The energy vampires win. If we remain in the negative, we will always be ceding our control by expecting those at the top to change their behavior for the sole reason we are mad at them. Hint: they eat that anger for breakfast and embolden themselves. They only become scared when that anger gets channeled into creation of ideas that cause their demise.

For example:

  • Get mad about Seth Rich... but use that anger to reform the political system.

  • Get mad about the usurpation of our privacy... but use that anger to switch to platforms that give a shit about it.

  • Get mad about GMOs... and use that anger to buy organic or grow your own food.

  • Get mad about debt slavery... and use that anger to get out of debt and start your own business. And buy local.

The powers that be only run scared when the second part of action follows.

One of my absolute favorite quotes is from Buckminster Fuller:

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

The good thing about positive energy is its well-studied ripple effect. There doesn't need to be many of us to make a sizable impact, and the Maharishi effect point to as much. When you activate your light and act with positivity, it's a game changer.

We're all just nodes of energy connected to the other. You have the power to grab it from source and use yourself as a conduit to pass it around to others. You are your own printing press. When you tap into source, it can light up the world and elevate humanity outside the reach of those who feed on negative energy. It renders them obsolete on a spiritual and practical level.

And never, ever let anyone convince you that being cheerful, happy, or compassionate are synonyms for gullible, ignorant, weak, or stupid. It is no accident that our society has been conditioned to think that snide cynicism is what's needed to feel accepted by our peers.

I can imagine countless books that I've had to read about the Art of War, Saul Ailinsky's guides, and 48 Laws of Power. Far fewer books (probably none) were on my curriculum that related to compassion or collective empathy. We are primed to be negative energy machines... and that has to stop.

I love you guys.


You are right! And I love you too!

Thanks bro!

Thank you for this post. ♥️

Yes, thank you OP!

Thank you for posting this! I have been using this sort of approach when red-pilling friends and family, as there is definitely a psychosomatic illness effect that often occurs. The truth of our enslavement turns your stomach. So I try to focus them on getting outraged, and galvanize them into taking back control of their dollar and their attention, the two ways that we all fund TPTB.

Your post is brilliant. Sums it up quite nicely!

I love you too.

Best thing I've read in a while,and all of it true. Thanks for this post.

Here's some music therapy for everyone, too. One of my favorite redpill songs.

You da man!

I am a miracle made up of particles

And in this existence

I’ll stay persistent

And I’ll make a difference

And I will have lived it

Medicine for the people :)

Love Nahko and Trevor Hall.

Sometimes when I'm wallowing in darkness, this song helps bring me back to center.

Right on! Everyone should harness the power of music therapy. It's amazing.

wow, i didnt know what i would be clicking on here, but its the exact song that can pull me out too friend. happy to see it here :)

"Build a new model."

Exactly. Their systems will crumble is we don't use them.

Really, really nice post, and timely as well.

Thank you.

Timely indeed. The level of anger and divisiveness in the world has approached the point where it feels orchestrated. It's almost satirical in how blatant it is.

Time to turn away and inward. It's the only way through.

Amazing! Thanks, OP.

Why are people mad about the GMOs?

Seems like a pretty expectable reaction to a new technology.

Could be. But back in the day, Bayer especially pushed opiates, cocaine, and a host of other poisonous products under the pretext of health tonics. Very Irresponsibly.

So I wouldn't necessarily trust that they are the ones who own Monsanto.

Hm do you have a good link for that? I'd try to dig it myself, but if you have it handy I'd like to check it out.

Hehe. Fuck an a. It's funny because I had to wade through a bunch of pro Monsanto search results just to find that.

Personally, I'm not as mad about GMOs as I am about pesticides that are used with the knowledge of their toxic effects suppressed from the public.

This is a very smart post and one that we all would be wise to heed. Ultimately, most of us are here to gather information and discuss issues that we care about changing. Despair is never a good mindset, so when dealing with depressing topics it's important to have a goal-oriented mindset.

In the research studies I've conducted it is clear that humans do not benefit from major "wins" but rather small, consistent forms recognition. Daily reminders that you're doing something to make a difference are critical. Stay sane and consistently hold the belief that you can make a difference!


"It is no accident that our society has been conditioned to think that snide cynicism is what's needed to feel accepted by our peers" Yes!

I would totally have coffee with you, OP. +1

Great post and that Buckminster Fuller quote is the key to it all - let's get over this partisan shit, accept that we're all capable of anything if we work together, and start building the future we want to see!

Thanks OP. The flow of energy and information are the primary drivers behind everything else.

The Schumann Resonance has been in a state of powerful union for a while now. It's sound signs of collective consciousness being more unified, more powerful than ever before.

Personally, I've spent the last year coping with the crumbling away of my dated perception of reality. Alan Watts opened my eyes, my intuition started questioning the nature of things, weed and LSD helped open my mind, and after several months, I concluded that there is no self. Now that the schumann resonance frequency has raised, I can feel these intellectual realizations (about our external world and about our inner world) becoming experientially fundamental to my state of being. In other words, we're at a point in 'the game' where things are really starting to pick up. The world is really changing. Our perception of reality is going to change, fundamentally.

After the realization that we all believe we are our own thoughts, rather than the consciousness in which the thoughts have arisen since day 1, I looked back into the world to try to understand it. Knowing, factually, that there is no self, I couldn't fathom why we have such a negative, struggling, suffering, hateful, cruel world. But it's because we're trying too hard. In truth, love comes when you stop trying to feel it or give it. True love comes when you stop trying, completely.

If we all remember the simple things in life, the really, authentically beautiful things, and stop trying to figure out life, it'll come to us. We all, as a species, need to let go of the ego, let go of desire, of attachment, of demand, of judging anything and anyone, of feeling that our lives need to be other-than-what-they-are. Then, we will begin to live through the heart, rather than through the mind. We will come together in a more unified, compassionate banding of brothers and sisters than this universe has ever seen humanity do. The world is changing, and we're going to be here to see it and do it.

All we have to do is let go of the ego and remember simple beauty. Laugh at the negativity, because now we understand where it's coming from, and the most powerful thing we can do is love the cruel ones back. They cannot defeat love. As corny as it sounds, love trumps all else.

Amen. Everything is everything.

As above, so below. As within, so without. Everything is unique, but fundamentally the same. Everything is everything! :)

Let this be.

Wow excellent reply to an excellent post this threads are why i love this place even when the shills are strong this place pulls something like this i love all you guys i love this place as its the only place i can be honest and not feel crazy! Thanks to all of you for being awsome!

More people think like you do than you can probably imagine. We've felt isolated for a long time, like we're crazy and don't fit into this world and its demands, but that's only because the world has been foreign to truth. And it's going to change because of people like you.

R/c_s_t is pretty cool too

This would for sure pt 2 of the larger truth I've written above. :)

True love comes when you stop trying, completely. TPTB gave us the psychological paradox through which we've based our lives on in America, known as, "The pursuit of happiness." Yet, happiness is only truly experienced when the pursuit of it no longer exists.

~10 years ago, I welcomed a group of college kids into my home to relax and reflect after they had spent the night at a rave under the stars in the Arizona desert.

The energy they brought was amazing. One young fellow opined:

"You know, you can never become happy... you can only be happy. It happens in the moment... Happiness is a state of mind - it's a conscious choice"

That gem of wisdom has reverberated many times through the years.

Can we "choose" to be happy? Well, we can certainly choose to be unhappy, can't we?

You know, I believe he may have been onto something.

Beautiful and wise words for sure. words abd thoughts that for the most part come with age. the afterthoughts of the battles hard fought abd seldom won. And so remains the question of how to imbue the virtuous life and selfless teachings upon the parents of our future. It is they who shoulder this change of Id and Ego. For without their participation, our real future is headed down a path straight yet not true. so straight that far into the distance can be seen what may come to pass; like the image of a mirage, it is left more to our imagination only from what we have seen in the past. Si then, how do we change our paths? it is easy to say stay happy and positive yet to the minds of the young, surrounded by the machinations created to counter that very notion, it is a struggle indeed. The thought of just letting go is fine if one is alone and certain of resolve. It is much more difficult when protecting and leading a family. I myself have cut away the television and have done my best to teach my son the pitfalls of advertising that absolutely surround us every minute of every day. It is the strain of constant want that is like an ocean that drowns whoever stays in its water too long. I have also tried my best to keep teaching all I know to him about anything I know outside of his schooling. The history they fail to teach in school is appalling. i do my best to show the kindness and giving without expectations so by example and explanation isn't necessary. i keep the communications honest and open since he was young so they stay open as he gets older. all this and more even as I struggle to keep sane and stay positive. I hope he will keep these lessons in his heart. Even so its impossible not to notice the influences of the world around him having their way. This is where I say the fight must still come if we want change. the peaceful and disassociated will otherwise be overrun. The only way the meek will inherit the earth is in its ruin. Let us hope for their sake it is a ruin free from the evils whose chains we leave useless and broken.

(no matter if i know better than to rant, i cant help myself once it gets late. My path to Hell is lined with good intentions. Good night, and I do so Love you all)

Great post. I feel very informed and stay positive every day. One thing that helps is the No Agenda podcast, which kinda laughs this off, or you could try our podcast, where we talk about conspiracies, and other crazy stuff.

Get mad about Seth Rich... but use that anger to reform the political system.

I'm mad at how the GOP is letting Trump get away with colluding with Russia, throwing our elections, kowtowing to Russian interests, and in general making a mockery of the office of the President. How do I re-channel that energy?

God, grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change;

the courage to change the things I can;

and the wisdom to know the difference.

Meditate. The answer is in you.

Re-channel it in the same way that those who disagree with it re-channel that energy. I have to accept that you believe what you do and likely would disagree with many of my convictions, and likewise I probably feel the same way about you. But that's ok. I have faith that truth and justice will prevail.

Fix the party that lost sooo bad and the media that allowed the masses to be so misinformed for so long.


Good stuff.

In addition to what you've mentioned about feeding/energizing the unseen vampires, if they appreciated how their thoughts are constantly contributing to what they experience and the effects a direct though has on another person (including those they don't know), some time spent in contemplation about what runs through their mind unconsciously and/or habitually, is time well spent.

Some of the most influential programming we experience doesn't come from the media or the television; it comes from within and warrants inspection so it can be changed if it's determined it isn't in one's best interest.

That Saul Ailinsky reference is sticking in my teeth and bugging me like a popcorn kernel.

I love you right back. And love is an inexhaustible resource. Infinite, I love you infinitely!

What a great post thank you!!!

Good advice, OP. Thanks for the encouragement!

stay strong guys, i love you all

Well said. Our energy is a tangible substance, and that little fact has been kept from us for millenia. Vibrations, frequencies - it's all true and plays a much bigger role in our reality than we realize.

Think of the phrase itself, "pay attention." The word pay is used precisely because attention itself is of value. Quality post, thanks for this mate.

-and use that anger to buy organic

he fell for the organic meme

Great post. Its so easy to become negative knowing what we know, and seeing so many others around us completely unaware of how they are being manipulated. I'm certainly guilty of getting frustrated and lashing out from time to time (really only when I'm anonymous online, which is still just as bad). I'm going to try harder to remain positive.

The genuine feels.

the only power that something has is the energy you give to it in thought.

100th monkey time

You are a true light in the dark thanks for posting friend! I love you all!

I don't always almost never read long OPs,

but when I do, it's usually only to those I think are worth it.

This one was.

Thanks for putting this out there, OP. Well-said.

Love love love :)


This is great. Thanks ❤️

Man, I really wish we understood energy better. We know how to unlock it chemically and transfer it very inefficiently, nowhere near as efficient as our body harnesses it.

We are primed to be negative energy machines... and that has to stop.

Have you ever stopped to consider that that might be because the natural balance to your (primarily male) energy is largely missing from conspiracy forums?

You need more free thinking females to balance your perspective.

If you see females her on /r/conspiracy, please encourage them. We need them to balange the energetic duality.

I'm female. 😌✌️ We out here.

Aside from the blatant pigs, It doesn't cross my mind whether a comment is from a male or female. Sometimes I have assumptions but I never really know.

Good post OP!


I must say this topic has been on my mind for weeks. Several events have occurred in my life and even specific reddit posts have led to understand what it means to have power, and how ultimately what humans seek is it. We may often see power as a selfish thing, because that's the kind that seems to rule the world, but power can be gained and had without taking away the power from others and that's what humanity needs to get in touch with. Power is, in a sense, a lack of victimization. Whenever we feel like victims to our circumstance, it means we feel powerless/helpless. Just like fear, they feed off it, it keeps them on their thrones and does nothing but solidify their places. But having personal power and taking charge of your own life, your own choices, and being aware of the desires we may think make us free, but in reality make us slaves, is the first step to understanding true freedom. True power and freedom is always here and now. You don't need things or status to know what it feels like to be in control of your own life.

username checks out!

I hope yours doesn't lol!

I have been a lurker for sometime now. I never comment because that just isn't my style but this is the best post I have seen on this sub in weeks, and for that I say thanks.

Come hang out more often!

What level of incompetent buffoon do you have to be to be a "wage slave" in the USA ... unbelievable.

I highly recommend the book "the girl who drank the moon" it's children's fiction, but it's marvelous and the villian is a sorrow eater. The sorrow eater creates sorrowful conditions to survive. It's similar to our real life world in that way. Totally agree that how we spend our energy is crucial. Energy doesn't die, it is just transferred. What we put out there matters.