Can't you see? We're being torn apart by the oldest trick in the book: divide and conquer.

109  2017-05-21 by [deleted]

Whether it's the media saying the Seth Rich online investigations are "right wing conspiracies" or whether it's the blatant information war between /r/The_Donald and other left wing subreddits, or whether it's the right calling the left libtards, cucks etc. It's strikingly obvious what the elite's real agenda is: divide and conquer.

Why do you think BLM and LGBTQ are being pushed and funded so heavily? THEY WANT US TO SEE EACH OTHER AS OPPOSITION. I don't care if you're black, white, Asian, native, gay, straight, bisexual, trans, etc. If you are a decent person with good morals I will treat you as such!

We must come together, disregard our political, racial, and sexual natures and fight for justice! Justice isn't black, it isn't white, and it sure as hell isn't left or right.

I'm sick of being misrepresented, I'm sick of seeing the propaganda, hate and lies being spread by the mainstream. I'm sick and tired. We must come together and defeat the war on information, and justice!


Implying that there ever was unity among conspiracy theorists

That's the problem. There should be.

I think the divide is alot worse now.

It's all about keeping the working class in disarray...

“Crowned heads, wealth and privilege may well tremble should ever again the Black and Red unite!"

  • Otto von Bismarck after the split between Anarchists and Marxists in 1872”

"We must come together and defeat the war on information, and justice!"

Lol. Meanwhile, you respond to [my genuine addressing of literally all your points](We must come together and defeat the war on information, and justice!) with misdirection, dodging memes and, then ultimately running away to try and rally people with a self post in /r/conspiracy.

Good luck.

What the fuck are you talking about dude?

A main instigator of the division of which you speak is Georgy Schwartz aka George Soros coupled with a complicit intelligence community. Sharing "secrets" with another governments is a daily occurrence because they're acting "globally" yet the spy agencies permit it. No arrests, nada.

Soros is an evil man, just listen to him speak!

All they need now is a false flag operation to coalesce their frustrations...

Why do you think BLM

If you want to come together, the first thing you need to do is support -- or at least not ridicule and oppose -- good causes.

The main purpose of BLM is to stop THE STATE FROM KILLING PEOPLE. While the movement is led by black people, it is one that would benefit us all.

Those who understand that reform to reduce police killing of black people is reform that benefits all people (as black people aren't the only ones being killed) will bring us together. Those who oppose BLM are the problem. We should all know this because it is very basic. :)

The real issue isn't police on black crimes (although it is an abundant issue), it's black on black crimes. The numbers are staggering, it would take over 40 years for the amount of police on black deaths to equal the amount of black on black deaths.

But people don't talk about that because it's "racist" I guess

Thank you for illustrating exactly the "divide and conquer" you claim to oppose.

It's explained here.

The video isn't available in my country, and ok if the facts in the article are incorrect can you provide me with correct facts? The number of black on black homocides in the US is outstanding and it's a real issue to overcome if we want to achieve peace between all people. The same goes for law enforcement on black crimes as well.

they have to address the real, important issues at hand.

Among other things, the video shows that black people are working on "black on black" crime. There's your factual error.

I fully support the BLM movement, but

No, you don't. You prefer a police state over BLM. That's what the "but" means in your sentence. It's called deflection (or trolling) and it indicates divisiveness and conquering -- which you claim to oppose.

Put it this way. Whatever your cause is, I can say "but .. the real issue" is ... :)

you prefer a police state over BLM

Are you kidding me? You're using ad hominem to put words in my mouth. Since when does addressing black on black violence insinuate I support a police state? That makes absolutely zero sense. Police on black crimes ARE a prominent issue, but according to factual evidence a more important issue, which is seemingly less addressed is black on black homocides. Those are the facts.

Dude saying black on black crime is a bigger issue than white police on black crime is like going to an AIDS benefit and saying YEAH BUT WHAT ABOUT BREAST CANCER THOUGH. Why don't I ever hear the people who bring up black on black crime ever talk about the epidemic of white on white crime? Is it because it only matters when trying to discredit a movement?

OP I like your main post, you're coming from the right place, that of love and respect. But if we are going to tear down the divisions society keeps enforcing on us, we need to acknowledge the problems different groups of people have. BLM is used by the Democrats to divide and conquer, but the group itself is filled with real grassroots activists who are doing a lot to help their communities. It always bugs me when other anti-establishment people speak poorly of BLM, because hating BLM is what the establishment wants.

White on white crime is an issue as well, so is police on white crime as well, but it is statistically proven the amount of white on white crimes is significantly less than black on black crimes. Those are facts, and I don't mean to sounds racist. The article above explains it well, although it groups the "left" and the "right", into specific catagories of people

In the end all I want to do is achieve worldwide peace, unity and equity, and grouping people into specific categories isn't the waycto do that✌️

What does black on black crime have to do with police crime? Black on black crime is a result of social circumstances, and has little to do with skin color. If the poorest people in the country were white and were generally concentrated in areas consisting mainly of poor whites, then we'd have a problem with white on white crime instead.

It's a socioeconomic issue arising from centuries of oppression and injustice perpetrated against blacks by whites, and the entrenched attitude of a society that until recently counted racism as one of it's core tenets.

There's a lot of black on black crime because there are a lot of poor black people. There are a lot of poor black people because wealth tends to be passed from generation to generation, staying within families or at least communities.

So you should really call it poor on poor crime, not black on black crime, because it has little to do with skin color. And think about that for a second, how could skin color factor into this? If you believe "black on black" crime is a problem, then how do you suppose the "black" part factors into it?

That being said, police crime is a much bigger problem, because it's crime being perpetrated by the very people who are charged with protecting citizens from crime and upholding the law. Police crime is perhaps the very worst kind of crime.

You have some good points regarding wealth and crime correlation

You don't sound racist. Those are facts.

But BLM has no direction. To correct what they seek to correct, we need to look at root causes of some of the major issues while concurrently making specific demands.

BLM should have one demand: hold officers responsible for killing civilians in unwarranted situations. How do we do this? Demand an independent external oversight agency. No more internal investigations, no more police protecting police. That is step 1.

Now the root. Why is the black community having internal issues with violence and crime? There are a. unch of roots, but one major one is the war on drugs, breaking up families, putting fathers in jail for stupid reasons. Correct that and we're on the right track. And de-privatize prisons. That's essential.

Education is next. And community. And correcting perceptions of rap culture and gang glorification. Hyper-masculinity and violence. People like 50 Cent are not role models. Ben Carson, politics aside, is a role model. I don't know how you fix these things, but if we stop putting so many non-violent fathers in jail, I think that role models will become fathers rather than media figures and gangs won't be so attractive (with a full house)

Maybe then issues of police-on-black (or anyone) violence could be cut back. Black-on-black and black-on-white violence could be reduced. And internal racism would in turn be reduced. Prejudices won't be fixed until these other things are fixed. I believe it's mostly born out of fear, and it's not something you can just turn off when one realizes the state of most urban black communities.

Agreed a lot of it has to do with the deeply stemmed roots of societal history

TRumpTrain riders are much like die hard Berners: the man sucked them into the movement. I wish both camps could face the reality that their man turned out to be another con job, move on and unite together. I have been involved in both camps and there are so many issues we can join forces on. Both perceive the Globalist agenda to be a clear & present danger. The majority of Trump & Bernie supporters are "un-enrolled" that is, neither Dems or Repubs. They are passionately opposed to global trade deals like NAFTA, TPP. They share a deep fear & loathing of Hillary Clinton. They are red-pilled and know humanity has one common enemy, the Ruling Corporate Elite who are hell bent on depopulating the planet before we run out of resources. Trumpers say Drain the Swamp and Berners wanna reverse Citizens United but the goal is the same: get the corruption OUT of D.C. We all want to see justice served.

Why do you think BLM and LGBTQ are being pushed and funded so heavily

I recall being about 12 and starting to watch the news with my dad. Every night there was a story about abortion, and a story about gay rights. I remember thinking "Great! It's so cool this is an issue right now. So many people are talking about it - We're going to find a great solution for everyone. What a time to be alive."

Then a few months went by and I started wondering why we hadn't found a solution yet...

Divide and conquer only work when the people aren't aware of it being used. More and more people need to understand the 99% are not the enemy.

Or for those who can't find the right info when googooing, "divide and rule". It goes back to roman times as a way to control the people.

fight for common justice not 'social justice'