Remembering: Susan G. Komen the largest cancer charity scam still running today!

1181  2017-05-22 by 52NUKE


The thing is, this charity ISN'T EVEN THE WORST. Even the legitimate ones are often scams (morally, not legally). That's why I hate when people suggest charity can replace government services for the poor. Charities are yet another way rich people stay rich.

Ah, true. Thankfully we can turn to the moral leaders in the NGO's and think tanks.

What think tank is government? The only ones I know are private.

I was joking, as they are extensions of government.

The think-tanks are influencing the governments, not the other way around.

Club of Rome is one example of such an think-tank.

All this environmentalism garbage is coming from such organizations: carbon emission tax, global warming, polar caps smelting, ozone(ass)hole getting bigger, take a pick it's all fake anyway.

Fun fact: The same algorithm which predicts global warming is used to predict US. unemployment. Hillarious.

OP is correct, almost all charities are total scam. You give money/currency to an organization which faces you've never seen, to support people/animals you will never see.

The only sensible solution is to use your money to help your own community locally.

Don't even get started on the frauds of UNICEF, or W. Gates III vaccine mass murder.

"Fun fact: The same algorithm which predicts global warming is used to predict US. unemployment. Hillarious."

guh?? any source for that?

Whenever someone starts their own "foundation", I immediately know they're a scam artist.

"Foundation" = "Way for wealthy to pay less taxes"

Although there ARE some that are good. They aren't the majority though.

There are legitimate charities out there, but I don't think we should rely on them too heavily regardless. The government has an obligation to serve and protect the people.

except it's filled with people who are taught since birth that every other race and religion is sub-human filth.

I stopped donating to American Cancer Society when it became clear they have zero interest in finding a cure. It's all about maintaining the billion-dollar-per-year organization (a cure would virtually bring an end to it overnight), and working hand-in-hand with the pharmaceutical industry to create and sell insanely profitable cancer treatments.

There are already cures, even developed by low-tech countries such as Cuba.

The chemo-therapy is designed to suck all money out of you and then actually kill you, as part of the depopulation agenda.

Woah, any links on that? I want to learn more please!

Even the MSM reports on that some times, just use a search engine of your choice to find results:

Cancer treatment in Cuba:

Chemo Kills:

A vaccine is not a cure.

That's a technicality regarding cancerous tumors.

How would you define a "cure" for cancer ?

It can be removed by surgical operation or the cancer cells killed by therapy.

Once you have cancer, it can't really be "cured", like having lost and arm or an leg can't be "cured", only removed to prevent further damage to the body.

Please, tell us about these cures and explain why the nation's wealthiest people are still dying of Cancer. They of all people would surely have access to these miracle treatments.

Wealth doesn't automatically get you a cure.
You have to be on the inside or admired/favored by someone on the inside.

Steve Jobs wasn't important enough? I dunno, I struggle to buy that one...

Don't forget the lizard people and how they sometimes fuck up and chemo actually cures people!

Imagine how corrupt these charities would be if everyone was forced to pay them. Better yet, imagine if these charities got to decide how much they could steal from your paycheck before you even got It! Now let's give them nuclear weapons, standing armies..... That's what you are advocating for in government.


It's amazing that even in this sub people think the institutions of power, doing all the horrific shit they do, will somehow provide for the poor, care for the children, or protect or liberty. They have had hundreds of years to indoctrinate people and refine their techniques, but God damn people.

But muh democrocy, (which is a puppet show).

I don't know what people find so virtuous about the majority imposing their will on the minority. 9 out of 10 love gang-rape.

Except,they don't realise that.

Many charities get government grants.

You are missing the most important point - private companies are profit driven, government is not. Even in "non profits", those CEOs are raking it in.

Profit drives human action and innovation. There's millions of people right now trying to figure out how to solve people's problems so they can profit. People go to work for profit. Profit is not bad. Do you ever visit a grocery store? Do you know every moving part required to get your food on that shelf? Do you know that profit is the grease on every single piece of that moving part? Do you think Safeway would offer a better product or service if people were all forced to pay them 500 a month? Why do you think it's any different with any other product or service?

How in the hell can you say government isn't profit driven? What do you think taxes are? Congress votes themselves pay raises. Government unions strike and lobby for ridiculous salaries and benefits. Civil asset forfeiture, private prison contracts, military industrial complex, the drug war, probation funds, politicians being bribed, fines for victimless crimes, lawyers making more laws...... I could sit here and type for hours on all the ways that government extracts profits by force from its subjects. Why do you think people spend millions and billions on campaigns? FOR FUCKING PROFIT! What do you call congressmen leaving office as millionaires. Look up the net worth of the government power brokers. Look up government employees raking in 500k a year in salary and benefits.

Why do people, especially in this sub, have such a hard time seeing the difference in what government is supposed to be doing, in contrast with what they actually do? Yes, government is supposed to be there to protect liberty and serve the people. I understand that is the theory. In practice government is a monopoly that steals money (profit) from people.

I get that the brainwashing is thick. But how can you not see all these fat cats are just concentrating wealth (profit) through violence? How can you not see that government is just a giant business that operates to gain more power and money for itself? Every time government taxes and increase taxes they are profiting. Every time they pass another law they are profiting. Every time they force us to buy services (obamacare) they are doing it for profit.

Not sure if I like your comment or your name more

Thanks. You don't have to pick though. I wanted a username people could taste when they read it.

I smell it more than anything. Smells like lice and swamp dick

I'm going to go eat the cottage cheese I've had marinating in a hot car for 2 days.

I tried using milk for my cereal this morning. The milk expired in 2007

I tried using milf in my coffee and got pepper sprayed.

When profit becomes pure greed, and fleeches the populace with fractional reserve banking it is no longer simply 'profit', it isa a scam. You only have to look at all of the absurd bs charges banks make up. Companies pass on their banking fees to the consumer, so it all adds up.There was a reason Usury was forbidden until the 14th century, and is still forbidden in Islam.

Are you advocating giving a monopoly on money, use of force, and protection services? It's not the profit that is bad, it's that people working with government force you to pay them.

No I'm advocating the abolishment of the current banking system, and their Usury scam, and return to the gold and silver standard.

Thank you for the clarification.

Depends on what government some are for debt and yes most are for profit.

meh, id rather i have a choice in getting scammed(charity) than getting scammed at gun point(govt).

Non-profits are not above the law like the government.

For the record, the former CEO in question stepped down in Nov. 2016.

I agree Komen is somewhat of a scam, but that doesn't mean they don't spend anything on research, or treatment. My ex-wife, mom of my son, received a great deal of treatment from them at no cost after she was fired from her job for having cancer. In the end, it only prolonged her life another 6 months or so, but the effort was still there, and for that much, I have to give them credit.

Thank you for your story.

That treatment apparently doesn't count as charitable activity because it's not ”research."

Susan Komen is a big charity, and that isn't everybody's cup up tea, and that's cool, but that "only 20% on research" claim falsely implies that they spend 80% on overhead. But they're not a research-only charity, they also do education, treatment, lobying, family services, etc. It's cool if someone want to donate to a smaller organization that doesn't do as much fundraising, or doesn't have those corporate relationships, or that focuses exclusively on "research", but it's not as cool to make shit up, imply falsehoods, or lazily believe "everything's a scam" as a way to justify their selfishness and anger at the world.

As a side note, perhaps we have had the cure for a long time.

I had a really difficult time trying to understand this. Would you mind offering your thoughts on this article?

He's a snake oil peddler whose "treatment" didn't work on his wife, and he got an operation to remove HIS cancerous tumor, even though he claims the only ACTUAL cure is his therapy.

But I'm sure he has a good reason for that.

Would you mind offering your thoughts on this article?

Lemme ELI5 what his ideas are:

Cancer is caused by a Dirk Hamer Syndrome ('DHS') which is a

very difficult highly acute, dramatic and isolating shock

The experience of shock is simultaneous or virtually simultaneous on three levels:

  1. the psyche
  2. the brain
  3. Organs

He goes on to talk about how all modern medicine is wrong.

Ok it did seem really hokey, I thought from your initial comment it was something you supported. I do think there are some fundamental problems with Western medicine, ie the over compartmentalization of systems and the refusal to treat the whole organism, but to throw it all out the window is horseshit.

In functional medicine we recognize that most cancer cells are rudimentary and cannot utilize many types of molecules as fuel they almost exclusively use sugar. If you starve the body of sugars and carbs then many times the cancer starves too.

In functional medicine we recognize that most cancer cells are rudimentary and cannot utilize many types of molecules as fuel they almost exclusively use sugar. If you starve the body of sugars and carbs then many times the cancer starves too.

But doesn't the body break down all food into sugars anyway?

You are incorrect sugar is a carb. The body does not turn all things into sugar. It uses different metabolic pathways for fat and protein


Damn there's a lot of shitty side effects with Keto.

I mean, if I had cancer I'd give it a try, with help of a dietician or something.

What shitty side effects? Make sure you aren't conflating Dietary Ketosis with Diabetic Ketoacidosis, not the same thing at all.

The worst part of the Ketogenic diet from my perspective is it's hard, especially because almost all processed foods have added sugars. The whole diet industry has been so afraid of Fat thinking it makes people fat when in reality it's the other way around.

The worst part of the Ketogenic diet from my perspective is it's hard,

It isn't that bad once you get the hang of it.

From what I was reading it seemed ketoacidosis was a worry for more than diabetics. Also kidney stones and diarrhea

If you're eating low carb, then you probably aren't eating sugar - including fruit. Fruit isn't being replaced with anything.

Aaaah nevermind, I was looking at a keto food recommendation website and it was recommending a bunch of crap. Thanks!

Carbohydrates are basically a long chain of glucose molecules. Sugar is a fructose + glucose. Glucose is what is used keep your brain running.

Ketogenisis is a process that turns fat into glucose. If you don't have enough glucose, ketogenisis kicks in to take over.

Sure, it is an interesting idea. In my understanding, the tumors are growths that arise due to a specific type of crisis or conflict within the mind. For example, if there is a fear of death, then there may be an increase in tissue within the lungs as a way of absorbing more oxygen into the body. If the conflict is not resolved, then the growth will continue until the patient dies. If the conflict is resolved then the extra tissue will be eliminated by the body. There are different types of conflicts that result in different types of cancer.

I'm gonna have to read that later but thanks for posting.

we have had the cure for a long time.

Dozens of cures for a long time.

Why There Can Never be a Cure for Cancer (video)

(Bill Henderson and Ty Bollinger)

There are some degrees to truth w/ this.

However a country outside of the US that does not have corporate strongholds could find a cure - in theory.

There's far more medical freedom in Mexico, compared to US. That’s where most of the alternative/real cancer clinics are.

People like this are just fucking evil scum rats. This is I never do ate to charity. And it sucks because I'd like to help someone out but not if it's for a new watch for some asshole to look better raising "awareness".

I'd rather give a panhandler a few bucks for some food or even beer than to donate anything to a "charity" where maybe 10-20% of my donation actually goes to the cause.

Giving money to charities takes a lot of work. You can never give your money to anything or anybody and expect them to take care of it in the way you choose. That's why volunteering time is often better than charity.

The rich figured out long ago that they could look good, avoid taxes, but still control their money if they started "Charitable Foundation".

Cure for cancer:

If you want to understand how/why cancer and your immune system works:

If you're reasonably healthy and just want to understand what to eat and why:

holistic medicine

Most cancer cells can only use sugar for energy, they cannot use protein or fat. Ketosis diets often times will starve cancers. You don't repair cancers, you apoptosis them

"Holistic" just means whole body. Keep your body clean and healthy, and cancer won't be an issue.

Cancer is simply your body stuffing away acid the best it can when you've overloaded the eliminative system, largely with acid-forming foods (meat, dairy, grains, processed crap). Eliminate the acid-forming foods (and other inputs), replace them with alkaline-forming fruits and vegetables that we're meant to be eating, and work on the elimination (light-mid exercise, various herbals). Even better, you can follow this regimen to stay healthy to begin with.

Shit's not complicated -- they've just got a massive PR army, including Susan G Komen's crew, deployed to convince that the cure for cancer is a big crazy futuristic goal.

acid-forming foods (meat, dairy, grains, processed crap)

You're lumping together some very different things.

Here are some general guidelines for eating alkaline:

Focus on eating whole foods, like vegetables, root crops, fruits, nuts, seeds, spices, whole grains and beans (especially lentils).

And, of course, if a medical doctor dares to stray from the chemo/radiation/surgery doctrine, they'll lose their license. Keeps a lot of mouths shut.

And that's the truth.

eating healthy can make you feel tons better but it doesn't cure cancer

Eating healthy is the only thing that can cure cancer. Also not eating (calorie restriction/fasting) can play a big role.

Caffeine and heroin make you feel better but it wont cure aids

So are you opposed to anything that might make you feel better?

Are you saying caffeine and heroin are good for you, or ignoring my counter to your illogical argument?

Are you saying caffeine and heroin are good for you

Coffee (in moderation) has numerous health benefits, as the informed people do know.

Heroin is something that doctors prescribe in some cases. So obviously they think it does some good.

Two others to add to the list :

St. Judes : The research that they do is patented and sold to big Pharma. They only have 30 beds in the entire hospital & it's impossible to get in w/o a major provider of insurance.

All of the celebrities who do St Judes commericals are paid $$$$$$

KARS 4 KIDS : Major scam. Corrupt Auto Dealers get a used car for free. Radio stations get $$$ from ad buys. The small portion of the profits go to recruit secular Jews and convert them into Orthodox Jews. They buy clip art for their posters of non-Jews and try to sell the idea that the kids might be sick.

Not entirely true for SJ. There are more than 30 beds, but you are correct the majority of the heavy lifting is out patient treatments.

they have 78 beds total.
But only 30 of those beds are for overnight patients ( ie full time cancer patients) For a hospital that advertises itself as being the premiere hospital for pediatric cancer treatment... that's pretty shameful.

HIPAA laws won't allow it to be said , but of those 30 patients - about 4 of them are not covered by a mainstream insurance too.

For reference. BOSTON's Children's Hospital : 400+ for overnight for reference. Children's Hospital Philadelphia : 500+ overnight beds. Seattle Childrens : 375+ overnight.

This is even public info.

SJ does more than cancer FYI. And you again are incorrect with "only 30 bed comment". What about the ICU(s) and bone marrow transplant ward ?

You're preaching to the choir. I know the real side. HIPAA has nothing to do with bed allotments.

Source: i have public and PRIVATE info...

Sure but I'm talking about how they fundraise (which is the topic of this post)

A lot of their advertisements make it seem like they are a cancer only hospital and the finest in the country. I know for a fact that they pay their celebrities to do PSAs for them.

There's also the fact that they overshadow that it's a hospital in Memphis. I think some people assume that they are everywhere.

Khazars strike again!

FYI, there are charity ratings agencies that tell you what a charity spends money on. I use Guidestar. Lots of charities spend a ton of money on fundraising alone, meaning they are paying a third party a large portion of the donations, just to collect the donations.

Interesting stuff, but for the record the actual Susan G. Komen died of breast cancer in the 80s and the foundation was created by her younger sister to "honor" her.

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Cancer is and always has been a business. Finding a cure is not in the financial interests of big pharma and cancer charities focusing on finding a 'cure'.

A potential cure known as GcMAF has been found...but tons of doctors have mysteriously been found dead after raving about the potential cure:

they spend money on advertisements to boast how amazing they are. and you can be amazing too. just write them a check and walk a 5k. now you too are an amazing contributor to health and science. its so easy. FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF!!!!

Who, who refuses to wear the ribbón?

They closed down recently where I used to live for "financial" reasons. How hard is it to take money then give it to other people?

Every board member of this "charity" should be imprisoned.

I hate it when various supermarkets/stores/etc solicit for them or other scam charities at check out.

It's tough for me because I know this but my girlfriends mother who had breast cancer has everyone she knows funneling money to these people. And if I say something I look like the asshole.

when is charity not out to scam people for their money? quite a few of these organisations even pay their employees a generous salary for a job that essentially should be 100% volunteering. each country in the world should contribute money for issues such as cancer or poverty, hunger & so many more, instead of asking the public to donate pennies here and there to give them a "moral uplift". so many of the worlds problems could be easily solved if there wasn't so many greedy and selfish leaders armed with their own private sinister agendas....

I am amazed that the insurance companies don't fund the research. They are the ones with the financial incentive to find an actual cure.

Everyone wants to cure cancer. The elite uses this to destroy us. Goodwill and desperation is used for the fuel to destroy innocent people.


Aaaah nevermind, I was looking at a keto food recommendation website and it was recommending a bunch of crap. Thanks!

Even the MSM reports on that some times, just use a search engine of your choice to find results:

Cancer treatment in Cuba:

Chemo Kills: