Mohamed Atta & 9/11 Terrorists made a "mysterious trip" to Maine the night before the attack... seen at a few pizza places... locals report FBI covering up "a pattern in their orders for pizza".

160  2017-05-22 by Ninjakick666

I live right near here so when the weird itinerary pops up in the news every once in awhile... I started to notice that there was always a Pizza Hut mentioned... The joke writes itself. Q: Why did they come all the way up here for one night then right back to Boston. A: That must be some damn good pizza.

These few articles talk about how the FBI was keeping people all hush hush... the first one is just a nbc article for a little mainstream media flair... the next 2 are Portland Press Herald... local paper up here... not some tabloid thing. After that a couple sites that showed up in google... they seem to try to dissect the situation but I can't vouch for how credible they are.

"Financial records and bank video show Atta and Al-Omari made two ATM withdrawals in Portland, and the men were reportedly spotted at an area Wal-Mart, as well as in the parking lot of a Pizza Hut restaurant."

"As recently as Saturday, an FBI agent visited the International House of Pancakes on Maine Mall Road in South Portland, next to Pizza Hut"

"The FBI called Pizzeria Uno in South Portland..."

After checking into the hotel, Atta and Alomari were seen or photographed at four businesses in South Portland: Pizza Hut, a KeyBank drive-up ATM machine, an ATM machine at an Uno Pizzeria & Grill, and at the Jetport gas station.

Forum post that says locals said "hijackers involved in the Sept. 11 attacks found a pattern in their orders for pizza."

Bonus fun - Saw an old forum post about a paperboy from my town that remembered seeing the guys the morning of 9/11/01 with a huge pile of suitcases... They told the newspaper about it... then rescinded when the FBI showed up. I went to see what he's up to now... fuckin' running for senate.


Thanks for reporting as is without speculating. +1

Agreed, there's something to be said about raw, concise facts. It's very refreshing.

Do we know what their orders were?

Certainly wasn't a pepperoni pizza

Nope... Seems like everything they purchased and their ATM withdrawals were all kept pretty hush-hush after the FBI got up to Maine... I'd like to see if I could find the old newspaper article from Dr. Larry Ponemon... he was up to some sort of analysis of their purchases... but I don't have a lot of context as to the extent of the "pizza code".

They will probably find out that Atta was picking up his last CIA paycheck and was just signing over his 401K.

Didn't see anything about a 401k... but he did print off a copy of his will...

I've heard about the will but never read it. Thank you for that.

TLDR - No chicks... and if a guy has to touch my dick then make sure he wears gloves... #NoHomo4evar

He also expected his body to be fairly intact....

Insert mrw gif here?

What the fuck, the paperboy is now running for Senate? That's odd

Hey man, this seems like he's been affected by that event and maybe wanted to make real change for his town and country.

Yup... that is entirely possible. Just wanted to toss it in there cause I thought it was interesting.

Maybe he's trying to infiltrate. The coverup first hand might have triggered him to fight back.

I'd watch that movie

Devil's advocate as someone from Maine: at the time of 9/11, pizza would have basically been the only palatable food at the time. No, I'm not really exaggerating. Pizza and chain food (McDonald's, KFC, Taco Bell). To the point where I'd give less weight to there being some deeper meaning on code.

But fuck, who the fuck knows.

I'm from Maine too... I know Portland didn't have the foodie scene back in 2001 and that it has now... but I have a feeling Pizza Hut and Pizzeria UNO aren't hallal... but there seems to be a lot of conflict about exactly how "muslim" Atta was... seemed to like booze and strippers a bit too much to be truly devout.

Still confusing though... why even come to Maine at all? They were in Boston on 9/10... drove up to Maine that night for pizza and boxcuttters and then flew right back to Boston early the next morning... almost missed their flight... they could have just stayed in Boston and scored Pizza Hut. Why endanger the operation with a quick roadtrip to Portland and back?

I'm from Maine too

I know. You know, what I've always been confused about was... Maine was like +98% white back then. How was that supposed to be low profile?

I have to presume it was to be in an area of lower surveillance, but that wE always odd. I don't find the pizza part odd. Even if you're going by "halal", there's still ways to eat pizza without pepperoni. Just doesn't taste as well.

One theory I heard was that Atta didn't actually die on 9/11... he bounced off to somewhere else... and wasn't involved in the execution of the plan.

They why the came up to Maine... to make sure they stuck out extremely well... make sure they were spotted buying boxcutters and remembered later... same reason they made sure the luggage didn't make it on the flight... to leave behind an orgy of evidence... including his will... which would have been pointless to bring on the flight... unless it was printed on the same jetfuel-proof paper the other guy's passport was made out of... so it could be found in the streets beneath the WTC.

Halal pepperoni exists. It's made of beef instead of pork.

Yeah... I looked into Halal after posting... the dietary restrictions are pretty loose... I assumed it was something akin to being Kosher... Kosher restrictions super complicated and weird... halal is more like... "no pork or booze".

Bbq chicken? Not sure if that was a thing back then...

I know this. I also know in was not likely to be an option in Portland, Maine, circa 2001.

why even come to Maine at all?

Anthrax manufacturing.

Where do they do that at in Maine?

thats the puzzle.

The thing about pizza places is that it's easy to launder money through them. A lot of cash flows through them but is more expensive than, say, Taco Bell. It wouldn't be hard to cook the books (or bake, as it were) and bring in 1000s a day in cash without looking suspect.

The world is a smarter place now and has only YOU to thank

Is this sarcasm or nah?

So what's the conspiracy?

Spoiler Alert - These same men reportedly smashed a hijacked passenger plane into the side of a building the very next morning.

pfffft- i just spit up my fluoridated beverage. best answer to the "how is this a conspiracy?" comment i've seen

Atta &co were deep into the Anthrax business, not 9/11 planes.

Great thread, refreshing new ideas I like it

Suitcases of cocaine/heroin most likely

What's the connection to MadCowProd?

You could look yourself...Dan covers Atta's hijinks in Florida and connections to trafficking, Abramoff Cia etc

Your previous comment made it seem as though you were insinuating MadCowProd was responsible for the suitcases of cocaine/heroin, not that the information related to the insinuation could be garnered from the site.

Probably wanted a last night of fun that didn't involve booze or pussy.

If he wanted fun... he should have gone to the Chuck E. Cheese's!

"I want to do something fun before I die. Let's go to PizzaHut!"

Seems legit.

How much rationality to we want to apply to these guys? It was the night before they suicide crashed.

From the area myself and was always curious about those two.

Never forget that the Republicans were in charge during that time, and Georgey Senior coined the term 'New World Order'. You remember the Republican Party? That's the one Trump represents and who own all sectors of government thanks to many people here.

You want to make ridiculous leaps to connect the Partisan Pizzagate theory with 9/11 and the Democrats, then NEVER FORGET it was the Republcians pulling all the strings.

How about this sub wakes up now and look at what Trump is doing in Saudi Arabia, instead of this stupid fucking pizza shop theory.

Whoa whoa whoa... No one here is talking about pizzagate... except for you.

You guys so Pizzagate in everything. That's how obsessed you are. Blinded by your own fantasies.

Slow your roll there, buddy... no one here aside from some loony partisan is saying anything about pizzagate... and he's getting downvotes. Why is it every single time guys like you see the word pizza they think it has something to do with pizzagate. You sound pretty obsessed to me... Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside of heads like yours... ya think they wanted their 72 virgins ahead of time so they just swing by the ol' Pizza Hut? Daaaaaaamn son.

It's not an assumption when this subreddit is littered with dozens of headlines every damn day with something related to pizza in it.

It's okay if ya are one of those "pizzagate" dudes... I know how you guys can get... but try not to instantly link everything you see with the word pizza in it to "pizzagate"... cause they might need to up yer meds if thats how your brain works... We're talking about 9/11 here.

You're projecting. You are the one who made an usually long headline with the word "pizza" in it twice. Care to explain?

Whoa... it's gotta be an interesting life you lead when every single time you see the word "pizza" your brain automatically conjures up images of sexually abused children locked in cages. Poor guy... yer like pretty much the only one on this sub all day to bring it up... Just don't go storming into Little Caesars with a gun demanding to know what their "Pizza! Pizza!" slogan really means.

Second time: explain your unusual headline and why you used "pizza" not one but two times.

Cause it is fuckin weird that they made a special roadtrip all the way to Maine to visit a couple pizza places and then turn around and head right back to Boston after ordering pizza in code... thats weird... like what the heck is going on there?

But yer tinfoil hat might be on too tight if you just think everything mentioning pizza has something to do with little kids in cages... the guys at the mall's food court must hate you... like... how many SBarro's are you banned from? Up yer meds.

Tin foil hats....says the guy posting in a conspiracy forum.

you guys get paid overtime for after hours posting right?

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Pssssh... Tinfoil and Aluminum foil only serve to amplify the government's mind control signals... a real conspirracy fan knows to make em out of waxpaper... DARPA agrees...

Atta wasn't even on those "planes", he may have never even existed.

Don't fall for the bullshit hijackers story.

Yeah... them planes weren't hijacked at all... they were sentient like the planes in Planes... and a few of em were undercover jihadis...
