The Manchester Bombing

30  2017-05-23 by mrjohnnyp

Two possible reasons for the bombing:

  1. To stop the sudden rise in support for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

  2. To use the attack as an excuse to push through the Conservative Government's plan of greater internet control.


Or you know.

Terrorism. Radical Islam.

wrong sub

Or you know using radical islam as a means to an end.

Nah. You just only give possible reasons. Just pointing out holes. Like we do here in the sub. It's not all just circle jerking and yes men.

I'm sorry what? I didn't post anything at all about "wrong sub".

And as you such a dedicated member to this sub you would know TPTB use radical Islam to achieve their goals.

Really interesting timing, what with Labour (led by anti-establishment leader) catching up in the polls and the Tories floundering.

Exactly, 16 point swing to labour in Wales yesterday too

Is Corbyn really catching up?

The man is useless.

Yep, Independent was reporting Labour are only 9 points behind in the polls.

Useless but at least he seems honest....better than that witch may, and if you need me to give reasons why she's evil can do.

I have voted Labour all my life , Blair, Brown even useless Miliband, i won't be voting for Corbyn.

This makes me sad.

I have an absolute detest of the Tory Party but i think they are the only ones capable of delivering a successful Brexit and this is really the only issue that matters in this election.Brexit will decide the direction and the success of the country for decades even centuries to come.

Least you have a track record for voting for the wrong people.


Well say good bye to the NHS.

May's recent interview performances and her inability to deal with mild questioning make me think she would be a disaster as chief negotiator

I'm not judging you, I'm genuinely just curious as to why you think he is useless?

At first I was excited by Corbyn ,a genuine anti establishment leader of the labour party.So its not like I didn't give him a chance.

Why do I think he's is useless?

Firstly he failure to unite the party.If he can't come to a deal with !members of his own party how is he ever going to negotiate with the other EU countries.This is just the first of a long list of concerns about Corbyn or any of his favoured team handling Brexit negotiations.I think Corbyn in charge of Brexit would result in a no deal and remaining in the union.

I disagree with his stance on nuclear weapons.

I disagree with his stance on the war on terror.

I disagree with his stance relations with America under Trump.

I think nationalizing the trains and the royal mail is a waste of time.

Even if Corbyn is elected what would stop the labour MPs from trying again to oust him.

I could go on and on.

I refuse to vote for a cult of personality or out of loyalty to a dying party.

That's fair enough, however I think just because you don't agree with his policies, doesn't mean he is useless. I think it is impossible to unite a party, no matter who you are, you can't please everyone.

Source on useless? U-turn on dementia tax? Bringing back fox hunting? Increasing the war on 'terror'?

Nothing wrong with a u turn on the dementia tax.

She listened to the public an opinion and changed her mind.This is good.

We should increase the war on terror, especially after last night. Its time to drive this vile shit from the face of the earth.

We should increase the war on terror, especially after last night.

I guess it served it's purpose then.

I'm mean I didn't need any extra motivation to support the war against ISIS. I was all in when they started taking little girls as sex slaves and burning Christians in cages.

Better to look to who funds, trains and directs them then.

It is, but isn't it pretty easy to spin this? All Jeremy needs to do is come out and say that this atrocity happened on Theresa May's watch?

Corbyn doesn't have media control, even The Guardian isn't backing him.

Supposed ISIS member tweeted 4 hours prior to the attack hashtag Manchester bla bla bla

No thinking like a good bombing to keep fear levels up. Also, the possibility that Ariana's concert was chosen because she needed to be kept in line. DISCLAIMER: I don't know of anything that would make the elite want to keep Ariana in line specifically, but I could see her maybe not doing what they've wanted her to do to some extent.

I have no clue what this planet is coming to but the first thoughts I had when I heard about this attack was false flag to push the torries internet agenda to the masses after loosing a huge chunk of support to labour.


It seems too coincidental that "terrorist" seem to haver done this etc. etc.


Its also crazy crazy sad to think the government could do such barbaric things like this. Sucks so much :(

You know who benefits from this?


Big anti Islamic manifesto.

Not really, they got what they wanted independence for the UK. All their voter base will now go back to Conservatives/Labour respectively

This bombing could have a big impact


Not really, they got what they wanted independence for the UK. All their voter base will now go back to Conservatives/Labour respectively

Not really, they got what they wanted independence for the UK. All their voter base will now go back to Conservatives/Labour respectively

Not really, they got what they wanted independence for the UK. All their voter base will now go back to Conservatives/Labour respectively

"ISIS has claimed responsibility" is being reported on the news here in the US. As soon as that phrase is said, you know it's complete bullshit.