An attack occurred at 22:33 BST on the 22nd at -2.2 longitude where 22 people died.

275  2017-05-23 by chrisolivertimes

Carried out by a 22 year-old.

How many "coincidences" do you need before you accept that there are no coincidences? Seriously, pick a number and start counting. It's simply a matter of time before you find them.

We're quietly told again and again, "they're just numbers." Meanwhile, TPTB plan and pull events like last night's bombing to coincide with all these parallels. They're practically flaunting it in this article:

It is the worst terrorist attack in the UK since the 7 July bombings in 2005, in which 52 people were killed by four suicide bombers.

7th day of the 7th month in 2005 (2+0+0+5=7) where 52 (5+2=7) people died.

We throw around the term 'TPTB' quite liberally here because it's an easy way to create an undefined, shared enemy. But who do you think The Powers That Be really are? Who could possibly coordinate these events to such detail that they control not only the when, the where, and the what but also how many victims there will be?

Do you think terrorists can do that?

How about our governments?

Masons? The Illuminati? Do you think they're that coordinated?

What about aliens? You want to blame all this on extraterrestrials?

Or might TPTB be a part of something far more cosmic?

Society will provide you with a never-ending list of boogeymen. It's time to come out of the cave and see the metagame being played around you. Someone symbolically-predicted this would happen through their dreams. People are waking up, be one of them.


That's a lot of 22's, shit.. Is there any specific meaning behind 22? I'm not really familiar with numerology

22 - The number 22 is a double 11. It is also a reoccurring 2. It is the number of the Master Builder.

Damn, two is the number of division and 11 is the number of destruction. Thanks for the link

I would almost be worried if it weren't for the fact that numerology is a load of horseshit.

Some people definitely take it too far but numbers are far more significant then you realize.

In this context they aren't significant at all. Numbers do not have magical, mystical powers.

Nobody is saying they do, stop detracting. People put significance on certain things, is that simple enough for you?

What the fuck did you just say to me?

According to all known laws

of aviation,

there is no way a


Beedrill shines in the UU metagame thanks to its Mega Evolution, which, by way of amazing Attack and Speed stats and Adaptability, grants it the strongest U-turn in the tier, letting it pummel offensive and defensive teams alike. It can grab offensive momentum with very little trouble thanks to the aforementioned qualities, which makes it one of the best offensive Pokemon in the tier. However, Beedrill has a somewhat shallow movepool aside from its STAB attacks, and it only has access to Knock Off and Drill Run as offensive coverage moves. It also has pitiful defensive stats, as well as a mediocre defensive typing. It also is forced to run Protect so that it can Mega Evolve and get the Speed boost without taking damage, as its Speed before Mega Evolving is decent at best. Despite these flaws, Beedrill is still a fantastic Pokemon, and it should always be considered when making an offensive team.

Don't Stand So Close to Me

Beedrill @ Beedrillite Ability: Swarm EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - U-turn - Protect - Poison Jab - Knock Off


U-turn is Beedrill's main STAB move, as it nets Beedrill offensive momentum with little trouble and is useful to get some chip damage. Protect is used so that Beedrill can get the Speed boost from Mega Evolving without taking any damage and is also useful to scout for foes' movesets and potential Choice items. Poison Jab is Beedrill's strongest attack, as well as its main Poison-type STAB attack, and it has a fairly high chance to poison the target, which works well in conjunction with Protect to rack up damage on the foe while scouting for its moveset. Knock Off hits Ghost-types such as Chandelure for super effective damage and also cripples Pokemon reliant on their item. Drill Run is mainly used for coverage, as it hits Poison- and Steel-types that resist Beedrill's STAB attacks, such as Tentacruel, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, and Lucario, for super effective damage.

Set Details

A standard EV spread is used to max out Beedrill's offensive prowess, with the remaining EVs in Defense so it can maintain an odd HP number. A Jolly nature is used so Beedrill can Speed tie with other base 145 Speed Pokemon, such as Mega Sceptile and opposing Beedrill. An Adamant nature can be used instead to give Beedrill a little extra power.

Usage Tips

Protect should be used the first turn Beedrill is sent out if the opposing Pokemon is faster, as it lets Beedrill safely Mega Evolve and attain the Speed boost without taking damage, scouting the foe's moveset in the process. Although it has poor defensive stats, Beedrill's decent defensive typing gives it 4x resistances it can use to switch in. However, some powerful physical moves such as Mienshao's Reckless High Jump Kick have a shot at 2HKOing it, although Beedrill can use Protect to scout and potentially make Mienshao take crash damage. Beedrill can grab momentum with little trouble thanks to its strong U-turn and high Speed stat, so pairing it with entry hazard users is a good idea. Keeping entry hazards off your side of the field is appreciated, as Beedrill will be switching out more than often due to U-turn and can be KOed by priority users after Stealth Rock damage.

Team Options

Entry hazard support is appreciated, as Beedrill can force out a good portion of the tier and grab offensive momentum easily with U-turn. As such, entry hazard setters such as Swampert, Roserade, Froslass, and Chesnaught are good partners for Beedrill. Spikes in particular also works well with Beedrill, as it weakens most of Beedrill's grounded checks. Entry hazard removers also work well with Beedrill, as it is weak to Stealth Rock and will be switching in and out very often, so Empoleon, Donphan, and Gligar, the latter forming a nice momentum core with Beedrill, are good partners for it. Other U-turn and Volt Switch users, such as Crobat, work like a charm when paired up with Beedrill, as they can pivot out to Beedrill with little trouble and keep up offensive momentum.

Other Options

X-Scissor can be used over U-turn if you feel that keeping up offensive momentum is not necessary, as it hits for more damage. Swords Dance can be used to boost Beedrill's attack immensely, but Beedrill usually does not have the room to run this and finds it difficult to set up. If it does manage to set up, it can still get revenge killed easily by priority and Choice Scarf users, so running Swords Dance is not usually worth the loss of coverage. Toxic Spikes can be used to wear down some of Beedrill's switch-ins, such as Alomomola and Porygon2, making it easier for Beedrill to deal with them later in the game. Pursuit is an option to cause significant damage to fleeing Ghost-types and Psychic-types, such as Reuniclus and Chandelure.

Checks and Counters

Stealth Rock: As Beedrill uses U-turn often, it generally does not stay in for long periods of time. Passive damage from Stealth Rock wears down Beedrill quickly and pressures it to stay off the field.

Choice Scarf Users and Faster Pokemon: Because Beedrill has a very high Speed stat, Choice Scarf users such as Hydreigon and Darmanitan can take it on. It should be noted, however, that Beedrill outspeeds Choice Scarf users that aren't above base 80 Speed. Mega Aerodactyl outspeeds Mega Beedrill and OHKOes it with its STAB attacks.

Priority Attacks: Beedrill's pitiful defenses make it extremely susceptible to priority, such as Lucario and Entei's Extreme Speed and Fletchinder's Acrobatics.

Bulky Steel-types: Due to their huge physical bulk and defensive typing, Mega Aggron, Doublade, and Forretress scoff at all of Beedrill's attacks and can OHKO it with their Steel-type STAB attacks. However, Doublade doesn't like having its Eviolite Knocked Off.

Bulky Pokemon that Resist Beedrill's STAB Attacks: Pokemon that can tank Beedrill's STAB attacks and recover the damage, such as Gligar and Crobat, make for good answers to Beedrill and are a pain for Beedrill to face. Tentacruel also resists both STAB moves and has decent Defense, but it is vulnerable to Drill Run and gets worn down fairly easily.

Physical Walls: Pokemon with high physical bulk like Alomomola and Suicune can tank Beedrill's STAB attacks and heal off the damage taken with Wish and Rest, respectively, while forcing Beedrill out due to the chance of a Scald burn.

should be able to fly.

Its wings are too small to get

its fat little body off the ground.



Beedrill shines in the UU metagame thanks to its Mega Evolution, which, by way of amazing Attack and Speed stats and Adaptability, grants it the strongest U-turn in the tier, letting it pummel offensive and defensive teams alike. It can grab offensive momentum with very little trouble thanks to the aforementioned qualities, which makes it one of the best offensive Pokemon in the tier. However, Beedrill has a somewhat shallow movepool aside from its STAB attacks, and it only has access to Knock Off and Drill Run as offensive coverage moves. It also has pitiful defensive stats, as well as a mediocre defensive typing. It also is forced to run Protect so that it can Mega Evolve and get the Speed boost without taking damage, as its Speed before Mega Evolving is decent at best. Despite these flaws, Beedrill is still a fantastic Pokemon, and it should always be considered when making an offensive team.

Don't Stand So Close to Me

Beedrill @ Beedrillite Ability: Swarm EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - U-turn - Protect - Poison Jab - Knock Off


U-turn is Beedrill's main STAB move, as it nets Beedrill offensive momentum with little trouble and is useful to get some chip damage. Protect is used so that Beedrill can get the Speed boost from Mega Evolving without taking any damage and is also useful to scout for foes' movesets and potential Choice items. Poison Jab is Beedrill's strongest attack, as well as its main Poison-type STAB attack, and it has a fairly high chance to poison the target, which works well in conjunction with Protect to rack up damage on the foe while scouting for its moveset. Knock Off hits Ghost-types such as Chandelure for super effective damage and also cripples Pokemon reliant on their item. Drill Run is mainly used for coverage, as it hits Poison- and Steel-types that resist Beedrill's STAB attacks, such as Tentacruel, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, and Lucario, for super effective damage.

Set Details

A standard EV spread is used to max out Beedrill's offensive prowess, with the remaining EVs in Defense so it can maintain an odd HP number. A Jolly nature is used so Beedrill can Speed tie with other base 145 Speed Pokemon, such as Mega Sceptile and opposing Beedrill. An Adamant nature can be used instead to give Beedrill a little extra power.

Usage Tips

Protect should be used the first turn Beedrill is sent out if the opposing Pokemon is faster, as it lets Beedrill safely Mega Evolve and attain the Speed boost without taking damage, scouting the foe's moveset in the process. Although it has poor defensive stats, Beedrill's decent defensive typing gives it 4x resistances it can use to switch in. However, some powerful physical moves such as Mienshao's Reckless High Jump Kick have a shot at 2HKOing it, although Beedrill can use Protect to scout and potentially make Mienshao take crash damage. Beedrill can grab momentum with little trouble thanks to its strong U-turn and high Speed stat, so pairing it with entry hazard users is a good idea. Keeping entry hazards off your side of the field is appreciated, as Beedrill will be switching out more than often due to U-turn and can be KOed by priority users after Stealth Rock damage.

Cool, more mental illness. This is what you guys are defending. It's incredibly unhealthy.

You're speaking in absolutes, hahaha

Yeah, I am. I absolutely do not believe in magic. I'm pretty comfortable saying that with absolute certainty.

That's like your opinion man. ;)

There are some things that just aren't opinions. If you can use the scientific method to conclusively prove that your numbers have magical powers, I'm more than willing to listen to you. Until then I'm not going to waste my time studying and learning or even caring about something that has just as much credibility as Alchemy or dowsing rods.

Let me play devil's advocate here. I do not believe in magic or numerology either, the numbers have no physical power for they are not physical constructs(all numbers are imaginary). What if the numbers are evidence of something greater, perhaps a pattern. THe numbers just act as a constant by which to measure an effect. Let's say that pattern shows up at a rather infrequent rate on important historical dates or tragedies. Is that coincidence or some type of evidence?

I would be open to that discussion if that was what was going on here. But unfortunately the majority of people seem to be drawing conclusions where there are none and thinking that numbers actually have mystical powers. That's what I'm arguing against. That's what throws people off when they look up conspiracy theories and see this shit.

The scientific method is a means by which one attempts to exclude magical influence. By definition it looks at general trends, and that cancels out all magical anomalies, which only act specifically.

From my perspective, you are applying pressure in a magical sense to cause your world to conform to a model wherein whatever it is you consider magic to be remains hidden.

I used to be a scientist (organic chemist), and I can tell you that the rigidity of that worldview rapidly falls away as soon as you embrace another.

Sounds like you've got something to prove

No, I just don't have any life and love to argue on the internet

No downvoted for being closed minded on an open minded board.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes!

It's not about having "magical or mythical" numbers. It's about telling the truth in plain sight. Whoever runs this world "TBTB" OBVIOUSLY use symbolism whether you want to believe it or not; THEY DO. Now carry on and continue consuming my friend.

I would almost be worried if it weren't for the fact that numerology is a load of horseshit.

I agree with you. But Christine Lagarde doesn't.

Lagarde says seven a lot, and a couple of bloggers picked up on it at the time. The (completely harmless) context she’s making the references in is that she hopes 2014 will be a magical year for the global economy.

She was making a joke. You really have to be legitimately mentally ill to believe she was giving a public speech exposing some sort of grand conspiracy centered around numerology and the Illuminati.

Oh and this speech happened 911 days before the Nice massacre.

And?! Jesus Christ you can find coincidences like that wherever you want to if you look hard enough and suspend disbelief. You're only perpetuating the myth that all conspiracy theorists are insane.

Thank you for the effort your reply must have taken. I realize you've reached the pinnacle of your capability here. Your refutation, which boils down to "you are mentally ill and here is a link from business insider that agrees with me", might seem irrefutable to you at first.

You seem unable to understand that you don't need to be superstitious yourself in order for others to be so. I know the distinction is subtle, but try giving it some extra thought. Anyway I'll spare myself the trivial demonstration that the central planners are superstitious fucks indeed.

I'm not going to waste my time engaging an actual argument against people showing one of the most common signs of paranoid schizophrenia. Case in point, the OP of this thread is internet famous for making long rambling posts about how demons are literally walking the Earth and trying to control him. His criteria for determining if someone is a demon is if they don't support him or question his mental health. Literally a self-sustaining vicious cycle.

There gets to be a point where calling someone else insane stops being ad hominem it starts to be calling of people showing severe red flags.

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Yikes, you certainly are not kidding. I feel bad for him. He says that Imps, the dumbest type of demons, can be recognized by their use of the word "ur" and "bro"...

to be hones,yees! you are absolutely right about the numbers stuff just being bullshit.. but in the end of the day this stuff is very important to the masons. so we cant not just rule it all out

Are you 12? Everything around you is maths. Everything around you is numbers. How stupid are you?

You have no idea what you're talking about do you? Go walk into any math department and tell them you're a scholar of numerology. They'll laugh in your face.

I also have it on good authority that two is the loneliest number since the number one

Yup, two can be as bad one

Was just about to write this but wanted to add that i believe that master number is tied to manifestation.

That is worth the read but isn't exactly accurate. Someone cant understand these numbers and their significance​ without basic understanding of geometry. For example 7. Take 6 pennies notice how they will fit perfectly around the 7th? Do the same with bowling balls and you get 13. 12 bowling balls fit around 1. 13 is the 3D version of 7. The 13 bowling ball shape can represent unity and is one reason why the United states flag has 13 stripes. Anybody feel like calculating the size ratio to make 32 circles or spheres to make them fit around the one larger one?

Have you looked into sacred geometry yet?

Isn't that what I'm talking about?

Yeah for sure, the way you worded it I wasn't sure if these were ideas you had learned through something else

Yeah that was a bad wording

Well I wouldn't call it bad, using the term sacred geometry might turn some people off of the idea before they have a chance to know what it really means

I generally don't use that term. I just like math, geometry, and the concepts that come about when analyzing them. I found this thread interesting even though it seems a lot of people who I respect are dogging it. I guess it is because it is not actually useful information. As in what the hell do you with knowing some 22 year old kid managed to kill 22 people on may 22? Also, I did not see any sources for the coordinates having 22 in them. Maybe I should ask OP.

Sounds like you'd enjoy r/holofractal.

And I got the coords from a map. You can verify 'em up if you want.. with a map.

Oh yeah I already did, Thanks bro.

aug 21 total solar eclipse....aug 22 shtf?

11, 22, and all other repeating numbers are considered "master numbers" in numerology. I'm not an expert but from what I've learned the energies of these numbers vibrate across the multiverse. 33 is said to be the highest level of compassion a human can hope to obtain.

My theory is that these "terror" events are staged at these times and locations in order to add fear to the vibration of these numbers.

That is a very interesting theory.. So basically they're trying to corrupt certain frequencies/vibrations with terror and grief? Great post, btw

It's about perception. These terrible events can be seen as a way to bring about compassion, but too many people aren't negative.

You've got it. Nothing happens for just one reason, every little bit is part of plans within plans. TPTB are using our reality to try and disrupt something beyond it. Keeping us blind and afraid keeps their machine turning.

(Certain) parents do this all the time to their children, it´s a form of so-called toxic parenting, and it most definitely does alter the vibrations of the child´s life.

As above, so below.

So do you see mysticism/hermeticism inherently evil or just a tool that can be used for good or evil depending on the one that wields it?

I would assume the latter but am certainly no expert there.

Ever read Hermetica? Good stuff.

Yeah it is truly fascinating. Had a professor in college that loved talking about Hermes Tresmegistus, Egyptian Magic, Plato's Cave allegory, Hyperboreans and Apollo, the "furious horde" and the battle over Nuremberg... Really amazing class. I wish I could find my notes from it

Dude that's a professor I'd keep in touch with. Even just over email that guy would be worth some gems

He was very much off the grid and was let go on short notice... But you're right I really should've kept in touch with him. He was a Cebsus worker before he was a classics professor. One of the nicest guys I've met honestly

Do what now?

Good question, but unfortunately I'm not Freud.

I meant, what exactly are these parents doing to fit into the 'toxic parenting' label.

They impart a toxic vibration that is later replicated by the child become adult like a winding virus across the generations, entire cultures are grievously plagued by this, see Mexico, Central America.

I have to say, I do think the numerology thing is a bit of a reach (no offence btw). However... When the 7/7 bombings happened here, what I thought was that it was a date that had a certain significance in that it complimented the American way of writing dates. Obviously you know 9/11 would be 11/9 to British people and I thought it was kind of convenient that it worked for both sides of the channel.

Not all other repeating numbers. ijs

Which coincides with a 33rd degree mason

33 is important in all religions (I would suggest 77 and 88 are as well).

33 vertebrae in the human spine. Jesus was 33. Water boils at 33 on the newton scale. "Elohim" was mentioned 33 times in Genesis.

Numerical representation of the Star of David, and AMEN: 1+13+5+14=33.

All elements of Satan. Free Masonry. Duality, Master and Slave. All false doctrine. All well suffer under the Anti-Christ.

Spooky! But I suppose you've got access to the "One true religion"?

Religion is bullshit. YAHUWA said, all you have to do to reach him, is come through the son YAHUSHA! Do you know what we are supposed to tilde? Food! For the poor. Not money. Religion is 3rd dimensional thinking. No man can be the gatekeeper for the Creator. Every religion has lied to us. I was a cross wearing Christian because I was told about pagan things like wearing the Egyptian cross. And the trinity bullshit. They didn't tell me Jesus was hung from a tree. I use to think we were here on a small speck in the cosmos because we are insignificant. They didn't tell me YAHUWA made us the center of the universe. They didn't tell me who the Hebrews really are. I was made to worship a false image of the Messiah and to hate myself, I was made to feel worthless in your Egyptian land, descendant of slaves. I was told and show over and over how worthless I was over and over. It was just shut the fuck up and know your place nigger. If they church told me who I really was, perhaps I would not have hated myself for almost my entire life.

How did you come to this conclusion?

It was a lot of crying, meditating and praying and after I basically broke myself down to nothing, I built myself back up. it's important that you never let someone else break you down and build you back up, that's what keeps cults in business. And it was also finding teachers who were doctrinally correct. And you may be asking how do you know if someone is doctrinally correct...

Use the 10 Commandants. If anybody tries to teach you about God and they don't follow every commandant, they're false!

a lot of crying

this is how I make all of my important decisions too

Very interesting. Any further reading you would suggest?


You're not going to now say that black people were gods are you?

No. There is only the Father and the Son. Even my skin is black I love anyone as if they're my own flesh and blood if only I can be loved back in turn.

In "the pyramid code" on Netflix there was a segment in which a local mystic (for lack of a more appropriate term) described how at one time everyone in that area was enlightened and lived in peace. Over time, some of the more influential in the spiritual community used the fear of death to manipulate people into giving them money/things to ensure their soul would be safe. It's all part of the great cycles of time, there are periods of enlightenment and periods of darkness. Organised religion has been used as a tool of control for millennia, plus people feel better when they are part of a group.

I may have seen that. I use to wonder why I was so interested in Egyptian history. Now it makes sense, since AMURKA is the new location of Egypt. We even have the pyramid on our money. They don't even try to hide it. And just like Ancient Egypt was conquered by the Greeks and Romans so are we still beholden to the Roman Empire to this day.

new location how so?

In "the pyramid code" on Netflix there was a segment in which a local mystic (for lack of a more appropriate term) described how at one time everyone in that area was enlightened and lived in peace. Over time, some of the more influential in the spiritual community used the fear of death to manipulate people into giving them money/things to ensure their soul would be safe.

thats the beginning of the mystery schools.

Let me guess, Jesus was black/African? Blacks/Africans were the real Hebrews?

Jesus is Hebrew. Not African. Hebrew.

And the real Hebrews are black? Jesus was black?

I ask this because I'm a direct descendent from an indigenous ancient middle eastern civilisation that has a history that surpasses the Hebrews and Egyptians and a bloodline that has the least amount of mixing amongst the entire Middle East. We are not black, I've seen Black Hebrews claim our ancestors are black when genetic testing and one of the most widely recorded histories in this world show clearly our ancestors were never black.

Not that I think colour matters, but it's ridiculous when people want to claim others history as theirs. Everyone wants to feel like they are the chosen race, enlightened and elevated by Dieties, this has been the case since the beginning of time.

I believe based on biblical scripture and anthology that the ancient Hebrew looked very similar to present day Ethiopians.

when you say our? who do you mean?

but hate to break it to yaa.. most of the people in ancient times where black.

No, they were not.


as an example: alexander the great to the left and aristotle (the black dude ) to the right.

example 2: Manuel I Komnenos emperor of the Byzantium empire

Have you been to the Middle East? Have you seen the wide array of shades humans come in depending on the terrain they originate from? Obviously there was dark skinned as well as light skinned people but to say that they were all black (African black as is being claimed) is incorrect even using your sources.

noo dude, most of the ancients where black( not african ) evolution teaches us that survival of the fittest right. how long can you stay on the beach in the summer before you get a sunburn? lets reframe that question, how long would you be able to work on the fields or hunt outdoors under a burning sun? and dont say that white evolved because of cooler climates in the north. if that was true then the Eskimos would all be blond and blue eyed ( they have shorter arms and legs to preserve heat, they are built for cooler climates )

you cant look at people today and say ohh gee i bet they looked like that a couple of thousand years ago. and if we say that most of the ancient where black, then where did white come from? the answer is in the runes boy.. learn a litel bit about the runes cus they are thousand of years older then Odin and his viking death cult

I don't want to go back and forth with you, you can see from the previous links you sent there were pale white people as well as darker skinned people living on this earth at the same time in the ancient world. To say the entire ancient world was black is incorrect as even within a country terrain and temperature varies and one single skin type would not 'work' from an evolutionary standpoint, not all ancient civilisations worked the fields in the sun.


I don't know. Research what you believe is true. If you know the entire world is lying to you, than you can't be fooled.

I'm kidding i know what actual enlightenment is - the ones that will fall under the alien they might bring out at the satanic vatican isn't the Light - just go watch NDE experiences of the light and watch people cry their eyes out for hours experiences a love so intense they they dissolve entirely into it - and become one with absolutely everything in existence - i've worked with ayahuasca shamans and know what demons are and their energy - etc - it's all a dream - light is the answer and is always here - ok i'm done now :)

There's a reason this fella is held in such high regard online.

Huh, I don't see any trips. Guess it failed this time..

The whole Cult of Kek thing is it's own kind of weirdness.

Any repeating digits. Originally used for dubs.

Wow, fascinating article. That record cover sent a chill through me.

Just gonna have to wait and see what Sept. 23rd brings.

What does he have to do with all of this? Sorry if this is a dumb question and I missed something obvious

He checks dubs

Sorry I'm still lost haha. I'm honestly curious about all of this. What does "he checks dubs" mean? Double numbers? If so, what numbers? Of his name or something? Or am I way off haha?

Haha its a 4chan meme. Posts have a number attached to them in the order they were posted, and people would post that pic of Bale pointing to the post number hoping it would end in repeating digits, usually with a caption like "check 'em".

I'm retarded haha

energies of these numbers vibrate across the multiverse


Just go with it man. You need to retroactively alter your future spirit harmony flow dawg.

How does shit like this make it to the front page?

Schizophrenia is a hell of a drug.

Hell is a drug of schizophrenia

Because it makes things like the Seth Rich conspiracy and pizzagate look sane by comparison.

My birthday is 2/22/88, time of birth is 02:22 AM, so I guess I should be our leader?


Praise SuperFestigo, our new Lord and Savior!

What do you mean when you say the "energy" of the numbers?

Everything that exists does so as a vibration or "energy". You yourself are a vibration unique in the whole of existence. Numbers are no different. They too have a unique vibration that permeates through spacetime.

The key difference? Numbers have a set vibration where your vibration can change. Meditation, among other things, will help you raise it.

Numbers aren't made of matter, though. They're concepts. You can't touch a "one," it is an idea that has to be expressed through some medium whether it be a singular object or conveyed as a symbol. I suppose you could argue that the electrical impulses that encode for these ideas vibrate at different energies.

Through alchemy, any thoughts or concept can be transmuted into reality.

And numbers are the language of existence.

One easy way to observe the manifestation of numbers in reality is the golden ratio/Fibonacci sequence (phi)

Concepts are made from thought.

Thought is made from energy.

How does one achieve a level of vibration that has a numerical value such as 11, 22, or 33 attached to it? I know 33 is the highest degree of Freemasonry.

Meditation, love, compassion, and progressing on your own spiritual journey. There's no one right path, just a shared goal.

Yea, it's a fucking number and numerology isn't real.

7 is the number of completion, 2 is one of the numbers of deception and division. The final 7 is the same: completion. 727: complete deception, complete.

Just kidding, but that demonstrates how if you have a set of numbers associated with something, you can come to any conclusion you want.

Oh shit, you got some access to some real shit, speaking in absolutes like that.

Who did you talk to?

Who did we talk to to stop believing in numerology?

A psychologist.

"We" never started believing in numerology.

But keep putting undying faith (and it's faith, sorry) in things that have to be redefined every few years

The 22nd of the month in horoscopes (lol) is the cusp day where the person could be either sign or a combination of the two.

Def has some numerology meaning.

Highly doubt it was planned that way.

I think the guy probably picked the date deliberately.

If you can link 322 it's the symbol for Skull and Bones.

The emergency phone number in the UK is 999, turn it upside down = 666.

9+9+9 = 27

9×9×9 = 729

9÷9÷9 = 0.1111

Pick some random numbers from those above and make 22. Divide by the square root of zebra = illuminati.

I'm being a bit harsh, but this number stuff is a red herring. You can make any event seem significant if you look hard enough for the right numbers.

On 9/11 a lot of people in US called 911.

Normally I'd probably agree but 22 deaths at longitude -2.2 on the 22nd at 22:33 is just fucking weird.

No it's not. Why choose longitude, date (but not month), hour (in 24-hr notation) and minute to go with deaths? There are literally a million things you can scout around for. The problem is that a particular tragedy like this will spit out a 1000 statistics. Number of police. Age of people dying. Ariana's Nth concert. The Nth parliament. Manchester is the 2nd largest city (2 again!). It's been N months since the last terror incident. And so on and so forth. Literally hundreds of things to dig up. The fact that these 4 or 5 statistics line up is meaningless. The human brain is wired and often desperate to seek out connections where none exist. Notice that these random connections are never the same across different events. You've got 5-6 coincidental things about this attack but 5-6 different things about some other attack (such as 9/11).

I said it was weird, not necessarily that I believe it means anything. But to play Devil's advocate, the two videos here are really interesting whether you believe in numerology or not

And our American emergency number is a blatant 911.

You're welcome to think the numbers are a red herring but I can't help but think TPTB take these things very, very seriously and thus I should too.

I agree that all the 22s are weird, I'm just saying, if it hadn't been for this numerical coincidence, you would probably be able to find another if you look hard enough.

So, what's your "coincidence number"? Seriously, I want to know how many it'll take for you to change your mind.

Did you know the bombings in Madrid on 3/11/2004 occured 911 days after the 9/11 attacks?

I just checked it on wolfram alpha, its 912 days. Check Here

Heh, that used American formatting for the dates when I loaded it and was way off.

So you're right, 1 day after 911 days then.

So it doesn't fit this pattern you're suggesting - I don't believe 912 is a number anyone is talking about.

One pattern down, many more to go.

Indeed but it was less than an hour ago you were stating it as a fact to back up your argument, saying to me you've not truly checked all your sources.

You caught me. I'm off-by-1 and my game is over.

Pack it up, gents.

True its only one, but that one takes it from a pattern in possible coincidence to nothing - makes a big difference.

I'd have to dig up as much numerical data as I can on the event - the number of ambulances, the number of casualties, the number of songs in Grande's set, the number of seats in the stadium, the number of tickets sold, the number of days/months since other significant events etc etc.

Once I dig up all that info and more, I will be able to make almost any number seem significant.

I look forward to your r/dataisbeautiful post.

Ha. Good one.

If you ever crack a code that ties everything together, I'll gladly eat my words, but for now, I'm still convinced that these are all coincidences.

That just happens to be the mission that's consuming me right now. This data-geek is on the job.

Stay tuned.

The 911 telephone number was invented in 1968 though...

I'm with you. When you start adding dates together to get certain numbers, it's kinda reaching to me.

It's not important the it makes sense to us. It's the fact that the people who murders other people, believes this. Learning their pattern could save lives.

If it's any consolation, I'm mostly-certain they're only hurting their own. That's the only way I can explain the coordination of the number of victims.

It's all a mindgame to keep you scared.

My first thought is that you can easily confirm your bias if you try hard enough. But on the other hand, these are some absurd coincidences. In a different thread a guy linked like 15 articles detailing incidents where there were 22 dead.

So when op says:

How many "coincidences" do you need before you accept that there are no coincidences?

It really makes you think.

And now that the thought is in your head, you're going to start looking around at your own life and see how there's no coincidences there either.

Time for clean undies, you're going to have some oh shit moments. The Universe will poke and prod you with synchronicities until you accept it as true.

How many "coincidences" do you need before you accept that there are no coincidences? Seriously, pick a number and start counting. It's simply a matter of time before you find them.

if you know you're gonna shit, shouldn't you wait for the clean undies until after?

Mathematics is the language of the universe, but numbers hold no power.

Seems legit!

The Israeli barcode number is 729 which is also 36 or 666.

9+9+9 = 27

And 2+7=9

9×9×9 = 729

Along with 7+2+9=18

where: 1+8=9

Checkmate Atheists!

LOL. Square root of zebra

They are at the core Satanist. They infest every religion. Every country, every industry. We are surrounded and outnumbered. They love their numbers and signs.

They're not "their" numbers. Numerology is just a tool. Tools obey the will of the one using it. A hammer is a tool. It can build a house or crack a skull.

Le Holy Bible is basically a rewrite of ancient Sumerian myths. The entity you know as 'Satan' is really Enki, one of two brothers fighting for control.

Bonus trivia: Enki's number is 40. Whenever you see this number in Le Holy Bible, it's being used as a metaphor for him.

That's duality, pretty standard 3rd dimensional worship. The 1st dimension is the realm of the many Gods. That's where you hear about legends like Zeus and Beowulf. The second is the realm of the master and the slave. Anything you read or watch is from this dimension. 3rd Dimension is duality. The Ying Yang. Man vs Woman. The realm is devoid of magic and has trillions of planets. Here in the 4th Dimension magic is real. It is the center of all known creation. It's where the one true God lives, YAHUAH, and his only begotten son, YAHUSHA!

Where can I read more about this

You may not believe but from the Holy Bible.

I believe you, but is that where the whole dimension thing is described?

The entire bible. That includes the parts the Roman Empire and Christian's are trying to hide from you like the Book of Enoch, Giants, Jasper etc.. because the truth is We are not supposed to go to any church ran by man. Can you see why they try to hide this from you?

I do, thanks for the help

Anything that explains this for dummies? Preferably in video form?

Thank you

The post currently has 22 upvotes and I now don't want to touch anything..

I'm skrrd.

Hold me.

Comment made 22 minutes ago! Oh fuck

This has 6 points, 3 hours ago, and this comment made me stop doing the verb in front of your name.

6 x 3 = 18 + 4 (L U R K) = 22

21 + 1 = 22

23 - 1 = 22

1 + 1 = 2

23 - 21 = 2

It's almost like numbers have natural relationships with each other!

Are you a wizard, or are you connected to this?

Confirmation bias is a magical thing.

Pretty interesting. Allegory of the Cave is trending.

Look into freemasonry, Allegory of the Cave is at it's core.

Parallels of Freemasonry and Plato's Allegory of the Cave (PDF)

That was a great read! Next on my list is Allegories of the Cave and Allegories of the Bird.

22-05-13 lee rigby 22-03-16 Brussels attack 22-07-16 Munich attack 22-03-17 London attack 22-05-17 Manchester attack 22-07-17 ???

Can you see a pattern?

Seen this being reposted all over fb

22-11-1964 JFK assassinated
22-11-2016 Fukushima disaster 22-03-2017 Westminster attack

Not coincidences.

3/11/11 was the original Fukushima EQ and that date reminds me a lot of 9/11/01

Ex-freemason Anders Behring Breivik committed the Norway attacks on 22 July 2011(2x11=22).

And there were 77 casualties. (Another master number.)

Interestingly, several eye witnesses on Utøya reported seeing more than one gunman. This was reported by every major MSM outlet in Norway following the attack (and the articles were still online the last time I checked). But it didn't take long for the police to go with the fabricated solo terrorist narrative.

Behring Breivik is coincidentally also the son of a high-ranking, shady diplomat associated with the Norwegian Labour party.

Damn I just checked the date of the Madrid bombings and surprise surprise 11th of the month. Wow.

London bombings... 07/07/07... 9/11 11/09/01... Chilean Miners... 33 of them trapped from 05/08/10 until ...13/10/10...69 days. French Toulouse and Montauban shootings in 2012.... 11/03/12 until 22/03/12, so lasted 11 days.. 12 total injured. It never ends!!

Brussels attack 22-07-16

You mean the Brussels Bombing? B being the 2nd letter of the alphabet.


Germanwings Flight 9525, something about the symmetricality of the 525, either way it adds up to 7, has always caught my attention.

I had brussel sprouts the day of the attack. Coincidence, I think not!!

I had brussel sprouts the day of the attack. Coincidence, I think not!!

I see what you did there.

The attacker was 22 years old also.

Not to mention every single month is an odd number

Speaking of 3, 5 and 7

3,057 people were killed on 9/11

World Trade Center: 2,823 presumed dead (including plane victims) Flight 11: 92 people on board Flight 175: 64 people on board Pentagon: 125 (not including plane victims) Flight 77: 64 people on board Flight 93: 45 people on board


Note that the World Trade Center statistic includes the >victims on the flights whereas the Pentagon statistic >does not.

my good, TPTB really likes this rpg shit, doesn't? i can just laugh, like, the pedo psychopats that run the world realy need this... hahahahah. because of course this can't... can't be just a false flag to make sure that the may cunt will win. like the other that was for the french nazi

The 22 May falls under the sway of June, the very cusp of it, yet it is a Gemini: the twin, the duplicate, the 22.

You, sir, make a good point...

"If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla

..... Carried out by Salman Abedi, 22 years of age......

Nice catch.

It becomes more obvious when you see the numbers pushed frequently as a focal point.

For ex NYT headline mentions the number and the lede immediately mentions this same number right away. They want our energy focused on that number.

This is a bit reaching though isn't it.

It happened on 22/05/17...does that mean anything? Or are we only analysing dates if they fall into a pattern which we've created ourself?

it only works if you arbitrarily cherry pick the numbers

2+2+0+5+2+0+1+7 19 1+9 = 2

2+2+0+5+1+7 13 1+3 = 4

Funkyyyyyy Both come down to 2 or two depending on whether you include the full year or not.

I don't know anything about numerology, I just know you gotta keep adding things together til you get a single number.

eep your comment has 22 points =/

So I noticed something similar after the disappearance of flight 370 when the 37's started piling up.

Even though I only mentioned it originally in passing and didn't put too much weight on it, it somehow was picked up by and then mentioned on the Colbert Report which was just bizarre.

When I heard that 22 people reported to have died, I automatically had a feeling it must've been on the 22nd of the month (I had to check...I didn't remember the date briefly). I then thought to myself that there probably was going to be one male perpetrator, and I would be surprised if he wasn't 22 (I shit you not).

There's a pattern to these things. These are rituals.

Like 9/11, these numbers are ritualistic in natural and riddled with occult significance.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe in it, they do. It's a signature.

If more (or less) than 22 people end up dying as a result of this, it still doesn't matter...what matters is what is reported.

It becomes more obvious when you see the numbers pushed frequently as a focal point. They want our energy focused on that number.

I agree completely. Fascinating stuff.

And I just saw a headline that the terrorist was 22yrs old.

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People need to read the master game.

Are you referring to this book?

I really to learn more (that is, something) about Graham Hancock. You'd think I'd already would be, but I came about all this backwards.

This isn't about ancient civilizations(we'll maybe creating the lost one). Weaves quite the web though of history and occult societies. Helps paint the picture of how and why the world is the way it is. People just love to call false flag when there's a lot more at play.

I'm so glad I'm seeing a few of these posts today. People are so easy to shrug stuff as a coincidence because for these things to be planned and orchestrated it would mean people would be tin foil hat nut jobs, seriously HOW MANY COINCIDENCES DOES IT TAKE

Scientism doing what it was intended to do.

And if anyone wanted further evidence of Anonymous being a psyop; 22's all over this vid, and it's 2:20 long.

Not to ruin too many surprises today, but it's all propaganda. Snowden, Assange, FBIanon, all of it is a controlled opposition psyop. We're being played from both sides.

Everything/everybody that is pushed on us as news/foundations/financials is all a big scam, in my opinion. Be questionable about everything and everybody being pushed on you.

Lmao this is some special retard shit.

24-2=22 222-200=22 22+2-2=22 22x square root of zebra = ILLUMINATI.

All of the universe is energy, and we are part of that energy. Our consciousnesses are literally part of the universe itself.

This is why the occult so highly values control over thought.

This will all be covered at tomorrow's meeting at the docks. :)

That's creepy.

Jesus fuck this is dumb.

Don't you use my lord's name in vain like that! I will not stand idly by while you casually blasphemy the good name of Fuck!

I am ashamed of how many comments I had to weed through to get to someone who doesn't buy this crap.

I cannot agree more if I tried. This is some basement-living drug-using tinfoil-hat wearing level of dumb right here.

Certainly. But this is also the old r/conspiracy feeling many of us have missed. This is so fucking weird, it's certainly a breath of fresh air from particular partisan trends that have otherwise dominated it for the past two years. Don't get me wrong, I think this is fucking out there, but it's also why I come to this place.

Are youu gonna blame it on the Jews, like everyone this sub does?

No, I recognize scapegoats when I see them.

That depends, do you consider the Egyptians imposters who wars with the world from Israel, as real Jews? If you do than yeah, its their fault.

the synagogue of satan, i believe someone once said.

well the globalist at least, that is like 65% jews. So I mean not only them, but percentage wise, Yes.

Yup, those sick fucks love to play with numbers.

Jay-z has a song called "22 2's".


I just looked up 22 on Spotify and the first song that popped up was 22 (OVER SOON) by Bob Iver and what the fuck. The album or song art are these weird ass symbols and the song is so weird..

The whole album is weird (it's experimental) and most of the songs have numbers in the titles relating to numerology in some way. Not everything is conspiracy.

Also 22 by Taylor Swift

Bon Iver have an album titled 22, A Million, check out the track listings

And it occured with 223 days left in the year... Flip that number and you get 322 which is the number of skull and bones

You can find reoccurring numbers to any event or links to it.

Well if you disagree... say any event... I'll give you plants of the same numbers

OK, I was just messing around with the list of terror attacks on Wikipedia.

Khobar: 22 dead on 5/29/2004 (5 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 4 = 22)

Berlin Christmas Market Attack on 12/19/2016: (1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 22)

Madrid Train Bombings 3/11/2004: 3+1+1+2+4 adds up to 11, day of attack

Brussels Bombings were on 3/22/2016

2005 Tentena market bombings in Indonesia kill 22 on 5/28/2005: (5 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 5 = 22)

I'm sure there's more.

For some reason, the July 14, 2016 2016 Nice truck attack is not on this list.

Welcome to the rabbithole.

Radical Islamic Terrorism.

Renegade Igloo Terriers

Republican Idiotic Tantrums

Why is it that the only post on the sub about this event is talking about numerology and the illuminati? Wouldn't the real conspiracy be that western governments staged this attack as a pretext to war?

Innocent people were killed, this is seriously messed up, and we should all be taking it very seriously.

way more than 22 are going to be dead, once the "missing" start being identified.

What matters is what they report for the ritual to "work".

Clue 1: Bohemian Grove

Ariana Grande concert too, Disney kid, entire established music industry, Hollywood, occult satanic as shit... gonna drop the reptilians exist bomb too, 200 trillion galaxies, if 1% of galaxies alone produced 1 intelligent species, we'd have 2 trillion intelligent species in this galaxy alone. Hate to say it, don't wanna say it, on the verge of disbelief, but look at the amount of missing kids in the USA alone. 400k per year... yep

Is this a satire of r/conspiracy?

Yup. Nothing to see here, move along.

its just a bunch of disconnected numbers that dont mean anything, its so obviously a coincidence. The idea that TBTB killed exactly 22 people in order for that number to line up with the date. WHY?? This is like charlie day in the basement and pepe silvio. Are you being serious because this is a hilarious satire of conspiracy people who have their brains fried. There are conspiracies but a bunch of coincidental 22s is not one of them

Yup. Nothing to see here, move along.

Ok so why would tptb precisely coordinate this attack to randomly include as many 22s as possible?

They wouldn't. It was terrorists and a bunch of coincidences. Don't you listen to what your TV tells you?

My question was: What do they gain from including so many 22's?

Things far beyond what you know as reality.

Or nothing at all.

Thanks for the laugh, brings me back to the 9/11 numbers stuff everyone was making fun of ten years ago.

In times of confusion you can always bet on /r/conspiracy to bring only the choicest of completely retarded and bafflingly implausible versions of events.

Why on Earth would they want to do this? It makes no sense. It's purely coincidental.

Let's assume I'm part of some NWO org and want to do this to do whatever false flag. I can wait 2 minutes, I can wait 2 hours. Why would I need to do it specifically at this time? The effect I want occurs regardless of the time.

Secondly, let's continue to assume I'm some big baddie orchestrating something and I know there's communities across the world and the internet who are on to me, know that me and my friends all use crazy numbers just to gloat to ourselves and trick the sheeple, wouldn't we ya know, stop doing shit to reveal ourselves like using numerology? Now they have even more evidence it was us! Oh no!

I can't follow the logic here at all.

you are using human logic and assuming they share that logic with you. You would be surprised how little in common you have with the rothschilds for example.

So they're genius enough to orchestrate some global takeover and fool everyone but they don't follow simple logic? got it.

Lol. I think they the elites think they are not human like you and me. They think they have some special bloodline that dates back to ancient times. That is a big deal to them. Royals consider themselves decenedants of the gods. That was their belief not mine and though it is not widely accepted anymore. I suspect the elites of the old bloodlines still hold the belief that they are descendant of the gods. What I was saying is just because you use common sense does not mean that the elites use common sense.

It's almost like the advantages outweigh the obviousness of it. Like there's far more than stake than you may realize. Besides, didn't your TV tell you numerology is fake? All coincidences here.

Say hi to Enlil for me.

33 degrees is all i see...

I simply search d on duck duck go the number 22 meaning:

"The number 22, which is double eleven (which symbolizes disorder and chaos), can represent a concentration of disorganization." There might be more sources but thought I would share.

Now this is a post I can get behind! Good job bringing all this up, they really do plan attacks to happen with specific numbers involved. Take 9/11 for example, the square of 9 is 3, and multiple 11 by 2 and you get 3/22....322 the number of the Skull & Bones society.

This is seriously so stupid.

Freemasons and jews communicate with eachother via those numbers across mainstream media publications. That's how they signal 'it was us, it's all going as planned' without dropping plausible deniability. Seriously. Gematria is related to this.

Because if there's one thing that the Illuminati or NWO or whoever loves, it's number puzzles.

It's not a puzzle. It's a mathematical way to generate energy. They count souls as sacrifices for specific deities. They're definitely trying to game a system, but it's not just for thier amusement.

The gov sure love their little mind fucking dumb mysteries for the conspiranuts

The Queen held a minute's silence at Buckingham Palace at 16:00 BST.

my fucking ass

I'll bet you that 33 has some meaning to it too.

This month has 31 days. 31 + 2 is 33. So June 2nd.

June second is the end of the Prauge music festival in the Czech Republic.

Convenient isn't it?

Ive wondered if we just find patterns in nature, and it just happens that way. If it does, there would have to be a way to find out why or solve them.

whenever there is kids being pushed hard from an attack, something is always fishy

I find it hilarious that you are commenting on this subject matter using that icon [eYe Khan].

Anders Breivik, event 22 July 2011, Killed 77.

A pattern seems to be occurring for May, June, July in the 2010s, also potentially involving the number 7: Omar Mir Seddique Mateen June 12, 2016; Sousse attacks 26 June 2015; Anders Behring Breivik 22 July 2011; Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel July 14, 2016; Cumbria shootings 2 June 2010; James Holmes July 20, 2012; Sagamihara stabbings 26 July 2016;

perhaps related to this:

Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water melt their skin and bellies." Koran 22:19

You seriously think that they specifically tried to kill 52 people cause 5 and 2 add up to 7? Madness.

The only difference between myself and a mad man is that I am not mad.

Also...22 Special Air Service Regiment

22 - The number 22 is a double 11. It is also a reoccurring 2. It is the number of the Master Builder.

11, 22, and all other repeating numbers are considered "master numbers" in numerology. I'm not an expert but from what I've learned the energies of these numbers vibrate across the multiverse. 33 is said to be the highest level of compassion a human can hope to obtain.

My theory is that these "terror" events are staged at these times and locations in order to add fear to the vibration of these numbers.

I'm skrrd.

Hold me.

All elements of Satan. Free Masonry. Duality, Master and Slave. All false doctrine. All well suffer under the Anti-Christ.

This isn't about ancient civilizations(we'll maybe creating the lost one). Weaves quite the web though of history and occult societies. Helps paint the picture of how and why the world is the way it is. People just love to call false flag when there's a lot more at play.

Ha. Good one.

If you ever crack a code that ties everything together, I'll gladly eat my words, but for now, I'm still convinced that these are all coincidences.

Yea, it's a fucking number and numerology isn't real.

The 22nd of the month in horoscopes (lol) is the cusp day where the person could be either sign or a combination of the two.

Def has some numerology meaning.

Highly doubt it was planned that way.

Dude that's a professor I'd keep in touch with. Even just over email that guy would be worth some gems

Numbers aren't made of matter, though. They're concepts. You can't touch a "one," it is an idea that has to be expressed through some medium whether it be a singular object or conveyed as a symbol. I suppose you could argue that the electrical impulses that encode for these ideas vibrate at different energies.

I'm not going to waste my time engaging an actual argument against people showing one of the most common signs of paranoid schizophrenia. Case in point, the OP of this thread is internet famous for making long rambling posts about how demons are literally walking the Earth and trying to control him. His criteria for determining if someone is a demon is if they don't support him or question his mental health. Literally a self-sustaining vicious cycle.

There gets to be a point where calling someone else insane stops being ad hominem it starts to be calling of people showing severe red flags.

I may have seen that. I use to wonder why I was so interested in Egyptian history. Now it makes sense, since AMURKA is the new location of Egypt. We even have the pyramid on our money. They don't even try to hide it. And just like Ancient Egypt was conquered by the Greeks and Romans so are we still beholden to the Roman Empire to this day.

Welcome to the rabbithole.

In "the pyramid code" on Netflix there was a segment in which a local mystic (for lack of a more appropriate term) described how at one time everyone in that area was enlightened and lived in peace. Over time, some of the more influential in the spiritual community used the fear of death to manipulate people into giving them money/things to ensure their soul would be safe.

thats the beginning of the mystery schools.

If you can link 322 it's the symbol for Skull and Bones.