I feel terrible about what happened to those children in Manchester, but does it annoy anyone else that the west has been bombing the Middle East for two decades and it seems like no one gives a fuck until it happens to them.

372  2017-05-23 by [deleted]

This isn't conspiracy related really, but I don't know what other community to turn to. Everyone else is blindly patriotic.

People are people. Children are children. We need to stop murdering each other and start having more empathy. Fuck.


It is conspiracy related. The neoliberals and neocons share the same beliefs on one thing: bombing the shit out of brown people. They've done it for decades. This combination of foreign policy partisanship has helped them do two things

  1. They've destabilized an oil rich region

  2. Been able to oppress us here

They were able to get the patriot act passed by magnifying the problem they created and instilling fear. In turn, they were able to control us even more.

I don't condone these attacks. I feel like they aren't much different than our military interventions though.

Why do they keep reproducing if its so awful?

What? Who keeps reproducing? What I'm gleaning from your comment is that if people in Arab countries stop reproducing, the US will stop bombing a problem they created?

Why would you keep reproducing if your country is war torn and/or in poverty? It's stupid and selfish. They would rather cling to archaic belief systems and turn to terrorist organizations for support rather than fix their problems diplomatically.

Bombing them or installing dictators (like we have) isn't selfish? Where do you think this hatred towards western culture comes from?

Bombing them was the result.

Why isn't Venezeula getting bombed?

Their hate comes from their belief system. Islam is third world for a reason.

You are ignorant to Islam. It's a shame we are in this country together. PLease leave. You make me feel unsafe. I am going to link you to this and then I am going to block you. Thanks for the talk. Faaart.


Islam can go fuck itself. You can too.

You think you can talk to people like this because the mods are compromised and won't remove the true cancers from this sub. Just like you, they puff their chests out when liberals make witty jokes about your hero who is a rapist, pedo billionaire.

I think you're an uppity douchebag.

Why? Because I can convey my thoughts without swearing or calling people names? You are a real prince, you know that?

Because you're snarky and put out this holier than thou attitude.

/u/mastigia is there a reason you are allowing this guy to harass people on at least two threads today?

Harrass people? Lol

Heaven forbid someone isn't in your echo chamber.

This pandering to the mod is pathetic.

Read the rules.

You're sniveling because you don't like my opinion. Get the fuck over it.

I have no problem with opinions unless they attempt to marginalize people, which you did. Your hate and rage is misplaced. Go to stormfront bro, they'll love you.

Hilarious how you use all the liberal buzzwords to justify lunacy.

It's your archaic way of thinking that allows bullshit like Islam to have a place in Westernized society in 2017.

It's funny how all you Trumpets talk shit and then project. To say a religion doesn't have a place in westernized society is part of our downfall. If anything, they should ban the radical Christian fundamentalists from America. They are the real issue

First off, I am not Christian.

Secondly, I agree that organized religion needs to go away.

But, guess what? Christian fundamentalists do not believe in killing infidels. In fact, the worst I see them do is hold signs that says "God hates fags".

You know why? Because Christianity is seperate from the state.

Islam is not just a religion, it is co-opted with sharia law.

Sharia Law is barbaric and stupid as fuck.

If you think its so wonderful, go live in Afghanistan for awhile and report back.

Never said you were.

The US installed a lot of those leaders or their dictators. Can't believe I have to explain to someone on a conspiracy sub. What a time to be alive

We removed dictators who didn't wanna play ball and put in dictators that would. It's not our job to police the world. But, it is our job to make sure other countries do not prevent us from remaining a superpower.

You're still going on about this?

I was at lunch. Every comment in this sub is not my exclusive responsibility. I have removed 2 of his comments today though. Not sure what you expect, I have a job haha.

Just wondering because you removed one of his comments about 3 hours ago, but left the rest. He should be banned. "Warnings" aren't going to do shit

We work from reports. If it's not reported, I'm not going to know necessarily. And I just started, I'm not banning anyone without consulting other mods yet. But I'm also super busy right now at work.

Removed Rule 4

Removed Rule 4

First Warning.

One comment I have to make is that authoritarian regimes aren't necessarily all bad (as contradictory as that sounds). I noticed Paul Kagame is on the list and is definitely an authoritarian president in Rwanda, but the people of Rwanda love and support him, and, more importantly, they trust him. The people in Rwanda have needed a unifying figure that they can all support and trust to move their society forward, and Kagame has made only good decisions and has the interests of the country in mind.

Obviously it isn't the case for most places, but there are certainly 'benevolent dictators' who truly are beneficial for the state being ruled over.

Please don't think all people who voted for Trump are as ignorant as him. I voted for Trump because it was better than Hillary and I had a sliver of hope for him. Granted he is better than Hillary, but I can admit I was wrong in having hope that he would be different he works for the (((tribe))) just like everyone else. I wish people would stop the divisive shit over who people voted for like it matters all it is doing is dividing the people further while the elite continue to fuck us while we fight against ourselves Far Right wingers hate all Muslims and Far Left things they are all peaceful when the answer is in between. Everytime you take a stance you do the puppet mans dance :).

Islam is a place? Where is it?

You should look up why the middle east is the way it is today. The most recent stint all started when the Ottoman Empire lost world war 1 and was broken up by the victors of the war.

Now that may sound bad, but you should at the same time look up the atrocities the Ottoman Empire carried out across multiple continents. Slavery being totally legal for starters. They were evil and were crushed.

Yes because before the the allies collapsed the ottoman empire, the middle East was a nation of friendly, peaceful neighbours.

So you are saying we should have allowed them to continue slaving raids on multiple continents?

LOL. That's pretty rich. Do you know what "fix their problems diplomatically" means under current American rule? Do what America says or get your leaders killed and your country bombed.

I think you're in the wrong subreddit.

A lot of countries exist without problems.

Why can't the Arab countries do that?

Because their ass backwards when it comes to religion.

Christianity and Judaism is any better?

I'd take my chances with Christian nutjobs before Islamic ones.

Good luck because we are all going to need it. The next global war is only going to end one way.

I like how he has 13_bloodlines in his name, whilst typing like a neocon Dick Cheney copy. So woke man.

You sound like a garbage human being. More Reptile than human that's for sure.

People reproduce to ensure their bloodline; its an evolutionary impulse and in tough situations, that is often all one has, as opposed to rationality whilst living safe in their mother's basements.

Who gives a fuck about a bloodline when its going to be embroiled in war And malnutrition?

Its called hope. People always think its gonna get better at some point; that's what these parents hope for their children. Its a chance they're willing to take to further their society and allow eventual progress. Its also ingrained in the psyche. Its not a controllable impulse when the world around you is turned upside down.

You don't understand human emotions so I don't know why I am bothering.

Armchair rationality. Loving it.

haha I am pretty someone with dark skin cut him off in traffic this morning.

Either that or he got friendzoned by a cute girl in high school and Muhammad - captain of the basketball team - fucked her.

So sad. That is true suffering. Your child being torn to shreds by bombs? Nah. That's kiddie shit. /s

Do you have kids?

Nope. Not yet. And I never would if I couldn't provide them a good upbringing.

Oh so when you can gaurantee the future? Let me know when you can do that!

You don't need to guarantee the future. Look at the present. If you're broke, don't reproduce. Unemployed? Don't reproduce. Live at home still? Don't reproduce. It's not hard.

I'm happy for your contribution towards strengthening our gene pool

People aren't going to stop fucking just because they're at war, invaded, or super poor. While you think there is a huge difference between "us" and "them", there really isn't in the scheme of things. Oh they treat women shitty and have archaic beliefs from the middle ages?? So do we to this day. Go back a few decades and things were even worse.

You can fuck and not reproduce.

Teenagers do it all the time.

Because unwanted teenage pregnancy is a thing that absolutely, 100% never happens.

Not a single incident in history, no siree.

I banged countless women as a teenager. Never had a kid.

It's called the pull out. Or you could use a condom. You mean to tell me smartphones and AR-15s are readily available, but not condoms?

Or maybe the analogy is using blanks on your guns.

you obviously aren't a parent or aren't even close to becoming one mentally. smh.

Being a parent does not have to mean being a fucking moron.

It's pretty simple that you're uninformed on a lot of topics, so I'm just gonna stop engaging with a "fucking moron"

How snarky and pompous of you.

"You don't agree with me, so I'm gonna take my ball and go gome."

no its more that I saw how you spoke to everyone else with your inflammatory comments and harsh attitude and realized that I don't need that bullshit in my life, so bye.

Nobody asked you to join in the first place.

Now go to your safe space.

lol you don't need permission to have public dialogues smartpants

You're right. But, you're the one acting like I seeked you out to hurt your little feelings.

my feelings haven't been hurt and if they were whoopity-do..

you're just angry man, go take a walk or something. Internet convos don't have to be this intense.

I'm not angry about anything.

I doubt birth control is a viable option in the middle east.

Maybe it should be? Hell, even the pull out works.

more importantly, it destabilized all of Israel's neighbors clearing space for Greater Israel.

By brown people you mean Russians or are you just confused about reality?

Arabs are Caucasians that live in the general are of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and Algeria.

So, yes... he's very confused.

Arabs ain't Caucasian lol and Iranians are Persian. Why? DNA.

Not sure if serious or just refusing to take required meds.

Hold up. Now, I agree with your stance that they are indeed VERY different from your norther European, but technically, back when science was racist, it was determined that there are only three races. Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. Everything else is a mix of some or all of these three.

Are you standinh in front of a mirror

Of course people care. Western aggression creates terrorism.

And sweet sweet profits off of weapons and fear.

I mean, I am not at all happy with what we've done in the Middle East, but there is a world of difference between attempting to bomb known terrorists and intentionally targeting a bunch of kids at a concert.

"All those innocent brown children we've blown the legs off of might grow up to be terrorists. We did it for freedom!" /s

When you see a video montage put together by jihadists of it all, like the one where they burned the soldiers, the armchair experts and Western media call it "propaganda".

Pretty sad that the only ones reporting on this stuff is largely the terrorist organizations. Why don't any Western media report on civilian casualties?

collateral damage

How much different from drone bombing a wedding party and killing 80 innocent people and later finding out the terrorist they sought wasn't there?

whoops didn't mean to

Just wait...America will start bombing their own soil. Americans will blow up a school in conneticut if it means taking out 1 terrorist who may or may not be there. See to Americans its ok to murder innocent people so long as there is a slight chance you may get a "terrorist" and so long as they are brown skin color.

I find it disturbing how little Americans care about what their government is doing abroad. The moment anyone who isnt brown gets killed Americans flail their arms in the air like it is such a tragedy yet you see none of those same people speaking out against the atrocities America is carrying out across the globe.

What are you referring to? I tried googling it and while there were a couple wedding drone attack stories, none of them report 80 dead and no terrorists present.

Um, yeah. I'm aware that the U.S. has killed a lot of innocents. I think they should be held accountable for it. I was asking about this specific strike you mentioned that killed 80 people and no terrorists, cause I can't find any reports on it.

I was not being literal. I apologize for stating it in such a way that would cause someone to take it literally.

My message was intended as a general example of the incompetence/indifference in the use of drones, which have attacked weddings and other festive events where many innocents have died.

Instead, I will reiterate my apologies for being unclear/misleading, and remind readers here of one particular attack upon a wedding party where 12 died, including the bride and groom, dozens injured, and the US military refused to apologize.


Again, I apologize for any misleading communications about the number in a single attack who died. The number of dead innocents in any one single attack on a wedding party is much smaller than 80. Thousands of innocents have died by drone attack in the recent past, however.

Oh I understand. Another commenter repeated that same claim so I thought I was missing something. I agree that far too many have died, and its absolutely stupid to think that bombings that kill innocents will do anything but add to our problems in the Middle East.

Fair enough. I find the civil constructive criticism and polite exchange a breath of fresh air in this sometimes nastily combative climate. Thank you.

This argument is so garbage.

Like how many hospitals and innocents have died from drone attacks? Think a little.

And this whole human shields nonsense has very little evidence behind it. Its just an excuse to rape, pillage and murder people in the Middle East.

Far too many. Im not condoning that at all. Just saying that intentionally targeting kids who aren't even in a war zone just for the sake of killing them is not comparable to collateral deaths while trying to fight actual terrorists. I have a major problem with indiscriminate drone bombings and I want the U.S. to be held accountable for them. But it's not the same as purposefully murdering a bunch of kids at a concert.

not really no. So you are sayings its ok to blow up a wedding killing 80 innocent people just because "There might be a terrorist there"? You might as well tell us how you really feel: "Bombing innocent people in Syria is not nearly as bad as bombing innocent people in America."

Yeah that's not even remotely what I said. You really beat that straw man though.

To the people who lose family, there really isn't a difference.

Collateral damage is a bullshit argument and can be used to justify anything.

Yes! Annoys to me to no end.

And the same people who are crying for us to let in every single refugee have no problem with us drone striking the countries they're originally from - forcing them to become refugees.

Drone strikes don't even come close to being the reason there are so many refugees. They happen a lot less frequently than you think. The number of people affected by drone strikes is in the low thousands. A drop in the bucket.

I'm not sure why you're downvoted? That's completely true. The real reason for refugees is the destabilisation of nations through outside manipulation of governments and the removal of leaders stability in these countries. Hardly any of this happens with drone strikes it happens in a far more direct fashion, quite scary to be honest.

They happen a lot less frequently than you think

Obama was averaging around 40 per month during his peak year. That's pretty fucking frequent.

The number of people affected by drone strikes is in the low thousands.

Define affected. Someone blown up by a strike? Someone who was injured? Someone who just saw the strike? Yeah, even seeing a bomb go off is traumatic. A story about big bad America you can take home. The families and friends of all those people? Are they affected?

millions of refugees from that part of the world.

Every single one aware that America drops bombs on their country from unmanned aircraft.

Obama was averaging around 40 per month during his peak year. That's pretty fucking frequent.

not relation to the absurd amount of violence happening in the Middle East from other causes

Define affected. Someone blown up by a strike? Someone who was injured? Someone who just saw the strike?

Yes to all of them. Even if you took every drone victim's family and counted them as people affected by drone strikes it's still wouldn't amount to a drop in the bucket

Every single one aware that America drops bombs on their country from unmanned aircraft.

Why is the fact the aircraft is unmanned relevant

Why is the fact the aircraft is unmanned relevant

its seen as terrorism and cowardice, no different than a car bomb.

even professionals warriors and history experts will concede this.

terrorism by pencil pushers.

Why are you determined to ignore what we've done via Drone strike? Does it really matter? FFS.

I'm not. I'm putting it into perspective for you.

drone strikes are symbolic of the destruction of that region rationalized by the "clash of civilizations" ideology.

whether it's drone strikes in yemen and pakistan, war in iraq, libya and afghanistan, funding jihadist mercenaries in syria- it's all part and parcel of a philiposophy which is displacing people from their homes and driving them towards a fundamentalism which is difficult to integrate with western culture.

war in ira

Lmao he still thinks the "refugees" are fleeing for safety and not free government hand outs

We've been talking about wanting to stop bombing and interfering in countries around the world forever now. Trump's message of not being the world's policeman played a big role in getting him elected.

Doesn't mean we can't still condemn this attack and make common sense recommendations like "hey, let's stop bringing in millions of immigrants who hate us".

The ones that carry out these attacks are funded by third parties.

Normal immigrants don't want to and have no interest in bombing little girls, even if they don't ascribe to Western ideals to the letter.

even if they don't ascribe to Western ideals to the letter

When we have realities like a third of French Muslims who support ISIS, or two thirds of Canadian muslims who want Sharia law, I think that's a little bit more than just a letter off. And those are the westernized ones! The slave owning way of life is alive and well in many Muslim countries today.

Those who are pushing mass immigration are doing it to destabilize the targeted countries. We can't compromise our safety because of twitteristas who can't think beyond the next tweet, let alone think years ahead.

If we could ever regain control of our governments, we might be able to stop bombing other countries and help them improve their own countries (mostly by not interfering).

I'd be careful about those kind of 'polls'. Lot of times methodology is flawed.

There's so much more, but the media does their best to hide it, or the government stops collecting the stats on it. But at this point, with a new islamic terror attack roughly every 2 weeks in Europe, you cannot ignore the re-ocurring theme.

I don't need polls to notice that when an attacker makes it away alive, they're always protected by friends and family.

We're under attack from terrorists and demographically as well - they're even boasting about it openly.

Erdogan: Have 5 kids not 3 - You are the future of Europe https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/17/world/europe/erdogan-turkey-future-of-europe.html?_r=0

At this point apologists are verging on aiding killers and abusers.

Well I don't like it when the far-right use fear and division especially when they make out a quarter of the world population to be boogeymen. I agree that extremists are a concern but they just tend to scream louder because of those attacks. Our Muslim community does the best to not allow any preachers that make homophobic or anti-western comments.

I like how we're skeptical of news stories, articles, books, religion, history (as it has been told to us), yet POLLS are somehow arbiters of truth.

POLLS never lie. They're NEVER used to serve anybody's agenda. Absolutely NOT. I trust POLLS more than my own mother!

I agree with the rest though. Just be mindful of polls.

Wait wait...elections have been fucked around with for decades...and suddenly polls are a bastion of truth?!

Confirmation bias right there.

You want to hate, and so you'll go along with anything you read even though you know it's a crock of shite.

Have some self respect man.

What if I told you I care about ending the bombing and sensible policies to prevent terror.

It annoys me and it doesn't. Its reasonable, as humans are tribal. Europeans see Middle Easterners as "them", the same way Middle Easterners view Europeans.

Europeans see other Europeans as "us". Its normal to think that way, though I dislike it.

I don't think it is normal though. I think that's as a result of decades of media brain washing.

It's a mob mentality and they stirred up by mass media bullshit.

It's hard to want to kill a group of people when you actually know some of them.

No one has to be best friends or even agree on everything. They just need enough to understand that violence is almost always unjustifiable.

Its normal within the context you discuss. Its what I would expect, considering the brainwashing done. TPTB have spent billions on making various groups the "them". Ever since 9/11, its been the Muslim world. During the Cold War (and very recently) its also been the Russians.

That's why I say I don't like it, but I do expect this to be the reaction.

It's bloody insane. This method of thinking is called Victorian for a reason.

We have advanced so far in some fields and devolved in others.

Apologies, I appreciate I'm preaching the choir. It's just...frustrating.

Of course its frustrating.

For now all we can do is tell everyone to remain calm and not give into fear.

9-11 was a false flag

it is known

It's absolutely conspiracy related.

Yes, it is fucking disturbing how quickly Western people ignore the massive causalities their governments, USA in particular, do overseas.

It was really bad under Obama, with drones being used to bomb weddings, funerals, etc. Justifiying the killing and wounding of dozens of innocents to get one 'bad guy.' It is unclear how badly it is going under Trump.

England is not at war

They were the provocateurs along with France that bombed the shit out of Libya just a few years ago along with bombing Iraq and Syria. Not at war my fucking ass you knob

I'm being sarcastic. Like ironic. Because we started all the wars. Then we don't care because they are just casualties of their own war.

Have you noticed when American news talks about casualties they only list dead Americans

terrorism is part of the political wing of islam, and has little to do with their theological underpinning, which forbids suicide. arab and middle eastern nations would like to unite into a cohesive block, this is against the interest of the rest of the oil consuming nations of the world which already hates dealing with OPEC.

the anglo-american establishment is left to do the dirty job of destabilizing these countries, but they tag in russia every now and then. It's been going on for over 50 years. to answer your question directly, people in power need to give a fuck about maintaining and growing power above all other things, human rights are a distant concern especially in an increasingly integrated, complicated and resource starved world.

"we" are not murdering each other, our political structures are murdering to maintain their own international coalitions and national stabilities. do you want your country to become a third world failed state with high crime, poverty and corruption? no? it's classic carrot and stick, leaders are as trapped in this scenario as anyone else. you can either attempt to understand the world how it is, or complain about how you'd like it to be, how did marx and that little experiment in utopia turn out for the soviet block and chinese people, not so hot, it's okay let's do it with computers this time, no thanks.

Terrorism isn't part of any "wing" of Islam. Seriously. No debate. It stands totally outside of the scope of Islam. I understand what you're getting at but it's this common misunderstanding and confusion (very deliberately repeated) that has effectively made discussion impossible. The foundation of understanding is missing. Terrorism has many causes but Islam is not one of them. People may claim that Islam justifies terrorist acts, and both terrorists and anti-Islamic groups have a common ground there, ironically. But the reality of what Islamic theology both teaches and accepts from a moral point of view is extremely easy to find out. So it's very easy to verify that Islamic teaching puts terrorist activity in a very dire light, in fact it takes its place among the worst sins. It's not just semantics either. It's really important that "Islam" isn't used as a term for an "entity" or a "thing". Islam is a rich religious tradition which is very well defined both historically and theologically. The fact that a religious tradition is used to justify this or that act isn't new. But the belief that somehow religion inherently causes people to act in violent ways is almost indelible and is seen as so self evident that it's difficult not to feel confused for a lot of people when the above is pointed out. So it's all being used to divide us. "Religion" as it's presented, is now used to control and divide us. Same with politics and the whole game is control, confusion and fear. That's why social media is such a win for TPTB. Notjing more powerfully confuses people that throwing them together and telling everyone that their opinion is as equally valid as everyone elses. Reasoning and critical thinking is a skill. It takes practice, it takes impartiality, it takes openmindedness and a sense of detachment from emotional reactivity. Very few have this ability although all are easily capable of it. Let's thank the schooling system for that. And by schooling, I mean TV and the media in general.

War is a racket. Terrorism is an even bigger racket.

The cycle of bombing other countries only enriches the pockets of the Military Industrial Complex. The MIC is comprised of sick demented psychopaths who have no fucking empathy towards other people or animals. They are sick fucks who would love to see the world under their heel.

Bomb other countries, and those surviving family members join a movement to strike back. An incident happens, and the Government scrambles to buy the latest tech & hardware. Rinse & Repeat.

Fuck the system, it's destroying the world as we know it.

the west claims that it is attacking enemy combatants. isis claims to be attacking children.

It's all a huge scam, to make us do their dirty work for them. https://twitter.com/TGSNTtv/status/864344979933609984/photo/1

It isn't possible to feel bad about both? because I sure do

That's the natural response.

Man, right now if I had a gun and several politicians/bankers and media moguls in a room, I cannot say for certain that I could avoid taking life.

I cant understand bombing anyone. How are these scum running countries. Its time to end this childish behavior. If you cant tell Im speaking about the US government.

Of course most sensible person would NOT want their government to drop bomb or drone strike killing innocent people as collateral damage in foreign countries.

It's just the way the MSM reports on the atrocities committed by the West (aka US/UK/Saudi military consortium) aint the same way the MSM sensationalizes terrorist events happening on EU/US soils.

Remember, you don't see the MSM and world leaders (US/EU.. etc) being this reactive when the terrorist bombing happened in Russia last month.

Also, we relate more with people who are like us, and we're kinda not as sensitive/sympathetic to those who hate us, call for the destruction of our society, and terrorize us on a regular basis.

ever heard of world war II ? many cities in england were carpet bombed back to the stone age. Collateral damage has always been part of war, not quite comparable to leaving a nail bomb at a concert for little girls

Personally, I have always been against the US policy of total war when it comes to civilians. That's the stance we've taken unfortunately, that civilian lives are expendable in the name of completing an objective. Most of the United States operations in the Middle East have been for corrupt purposes as well, from securing oil and opium fields to playing world police to protect wealthy Saudi interests. Regardless of how you feel about 9/11 and whether it was a staged event or not, I think we can all agree that the way we went about it was fucked up, and we entirely ruined the infrastructure of Iraq under the guise of fighting terror in Afghanistan. GWB was just itching to finish the job that poppa Bush couldn't get done.

That being said, I feel it should be pointed out that these terrorist groups aren't exactly in response to US intervention. It's an ideological struggle, which has been greatly aided by the destabilization of the region, but not necessarily caused by it. For years, Saddam and other dictators of the Middle East were brutal tyrants but they were efficient at suppressing these types of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and the precursors of ISIS. It was in their interests to keep such groups from gaining power. When the US toppled Iraq, then Egypt, Libya, Syria, and the rest of the powerful warlords of the Middle East, it created an opportunity for fundamentalist terrorism to really take root and gain power. ISIS is the newest incarnation of that, and unlike Al Qaeda, who opposed the US because of events in the past, ISIS opposes the entire West because of ideological differences. They even despise any of their fellow Muslims who don't fall in line with their particular sect. While the US certainly paved the way for ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Nusra, and similar terror groups, they didn't really cause them. The ideological hatred was there all along, simmering beneath the surface, waiting for an opportunity to take their jihad global.

The powerful don't get that way by stopping to consider others, or by feeling empathy and compassion. They get that way by being ruthless, cruel and unwavering.

This isn't you and I we're talking about. These are monsters. You aren't going to appeal to their sense of decency because they don't have one.

Some of us in the west care.

Speak for yourself.

I agree with you, but I also can't really blame people for having a stronger reaction to things happening closer to home. I know personally that an attack in, say, Paris doesn't really make much of an impact on me, but the attack in Manchester did (because I've been there recently, and because my sister was almost there - she got tickets for Birmingham instead). It's a similar thing writ large.

In the same way, I'd expect the Middle East media would be more focus on attacks there rather than this attack.

I agree with your point of proximity, that is a valid factor.

But then again America has very little proximity to some parts of Europe, yet they scream the loudest when an atrocity occurs.

The other side of this coin is dehumanization of those they want us to see as "baddies". It's ok to kill children in a school because we got the badguys. It's only american generals and israeli politicians who say this publicly.

Collateral damage sounds good or justifiable. We have bigger and noble aims, collateral damage is inevitable. And we're very sad about that.

But that's extremely disturbing because then any act of political violence can be justified this way, no matter who the perp is.

If they truly humanised every person who died due to violence the end result would be extremely disturbing. I don't think the majority of any society would stand for that.

I'm patriotic as fuck. But I completely agree with you.

We've been killing innocent people in their homelands for years. Yet we have the audacity to ignore us killing them and them killing each other. Then we scream tragedy when it's them killing us.

I completely agree also. If anyone is to blame for these attacks we shouldn't look past our own selves. 22 kids dead in Manchester and its a tragedy all over the news for days and days. Kill 400 kids in Syria and no one bats an eyelid. If we stopped killing them, maybe, just maybe, they'll stop killing us.

It's a joint effort.

The governments and media have us terrified and suspicious/hating each other.

The last thing they want is humans talking to one another and actually sharing meaningful interaction and information.

It's not even a case of there only being two sides. That's a gross simplification of this tapestry of violence.

It's a vicious fucking cycle that we unfortunately started. I'll never condone the killing of innocent people. Life is precious.

I understand what these twisted fucking suicide bombers are doing. They are spreading the war and death that we sowed in their countries back to us.

I would like to point out, it's because you're patriotic that this bothers you.

Every country should value human life.

You have to have a truly fucked up view to see any loss of life as a mere statistic and "collateral damage".

My patriotism has nothing to do with my respect for life.

Everyone should value life. A bug,a tree, I respect everything. Except for bed bugs. Those things are the devil, Bobby!

Collateral damage is what modern day inner city warfare is all about. I understand it, strictly from a military perspective.

Would be different if British civilians were going over and killing people in the ME. Or even if the British army were targeting civilians in the ME.

The truth is civilians are a casualty of war, more civilians died in WW2 than fighting soldiers.

The differenc being, those people are purposefully killing our civilians. Those animals and all of they're sympathisers can rot in hell.


We have to create the terrorist somehow. If we didnt bomb there families and destroy there land who else would would there be that wpuld be mad enough to blow themselfs up.

not just 2 decades ...

I was thinking about this yesterday. War is hell. Do you think we'll recalibrate our failed war on terror? Nope. We'll stick to what we know. We'll bomb cafes full of their kids with expensive missiles and call them "collateral damage". Then we'll freak out and call it "pure evil" when they strike back.

I'm not positive Labour would have won but there was definitely momentum building. It seems logical that this attack will benefit the Tories and the corporate warmongers who back them so I'm assuming we're only going to get more of the same going forward.


This is the most important post of the year. You see on the TV May talking about the innocent children who were killed, but she does not mention the innocent children that the UK has bombed in the ME. You cannot just talk about half of the story and expect to understand it. Of course, before they could rely on the media and distance and the language barriers to prevent the truth from coming out, but it is becoming more difficult for them now.

daily, we probably kill more kids than died in manchester

Perp was British.

And people still don't think they're racist... oh it's normal over there, omg British people?! 22!? 1 fucking million Iraqi civilians makes me sick

Bombing terrorist camps is not even close to bombing a concert full of children. You are a shitbag for even suggesting that the two are comparable.

You think you can talk to people like this because the mods are compromised and won't remove the true cancers from this sub. Just like you, they puff their chests out when liberals make witty jokes about your hero who is a rapist, pedo billionaire.

Removed Rule 4

First Warning.

How snarky and pompous of you.

"You don't agree with me, so I'm gonna take my ball and go gome."

Never said you were.

The US installed a lot of those leaders or their dictators. Can't believe I have to explain to someone on a conspiracy sub. What a time to be alive

Far too many. Im not condoning that at all. Just saying that intentionally targeting kids who aren't even in a war zone just for the sake of killing them is not comparable to collateral deaths while trying to fight actual terrorists. I have a major problem with indiscriminate drone bombings and I want the U.S. to be held accountable for them. But it's not the same as purposefully murdering a bunch of kids at a concert.

I completely agree also. If anyone is to blame for these attacks we shouldn't look past our own selves. 22 kids dead in Manchester and its a tragedy all over the news for days and days. Kill 400 kids in Syria and no one bats an eyelid. If we stopped killing them, maybe, just maybe, they'll stop killing us.

I would like to point out, it's because you're patriotic that this bothers you.

Every country should value human life.

You have to have a truly fucked up view to see any loss of life as a mere statistic and "collateral damage".

I'm not. I'm putting it into perspective for you.