Why does everyone overlook the fact that John Podesta admitted that there was a leaker in the DNC?

438  2017-05-23 by [deleted]



Because we know the context, which was an email chain about folks who interviewed for the campaign to remake Hillary's image who went to the press afterwards telling journalists that Hillary is trying to remake her image.

And we now know what Podesta's remedy is for a suspected leaker..

And that email was about something meaningless. What would he do to someone that leaked all of the dnc's emails?

Doesn't seem as though anyone who interviewed for the job died, so are you saying the remedy is to vent on email then do nothing?

You read that and all you took from it was that he was venting?

I'm not sure how slow you read but there weren't that many emails in the thread.

Pretty slow but my reading comprehension is decent. It did not seem like he was just venting..

But since no reporter has asked him to explain any of his emails, even the code words he used, I guess we will have to keep on speculating.

What did it seem like he was doing? Planning a murder on his work email? lol.

It seemed like that he was all for making examples of suspected leakers.. Just as he wrote it.


lol a lot of verbosity and no actual argument.

too much other evidence for pizzagate - there was the time that alefantis called a guy and threatened his life and families and knew that "they" were taking down a bunch of youtube videos - then there was the guy who found CP on the actual server for cometpingpong, not to mention Majestic Apes "You're downstairs from subway - i hear jerry comes here often" Implying pedophilia and laughing "we all have our preferences" and a weird laugh - lots of known pedophile symbols all around that place - and the hacker who got into the website which was encrypted and you needed passwords to download it - reported it to the police and was then harrassed with his car n shit broken - not to mention podesta's friendship with Frued - who raped and groomed girls as young as 10 - who shared a work room with Cyril Smith who is now known to have over a 100 child victims - who was repeatedly arrested and let go because of the power of the queen and her satanic army... Did i mention a 3 year old went missing when john and podesta were in portugal at Frueds Vista? where the PARENTS went afterwards... I reread the email though - not as damning as i thought - still shows he's willing to make an example of a leaker - even though he's refering to firing them or yelling at them in this case - but that's for leaking to the press for limelight - if you leaked the entire DNC email thing - i'm sure you'd have quite a bit of heat coming down on you - lets not forget Assange pretty much has confirmed this for us - that seth was the leaker...

I like how you pivoted from one thing and went off on a tangent.

See.. this is why answering questions is a no-win situation. You said "explain the [alleged] code words." I stated it won't matter what he says unless it was "i rape boys," then you perfectly prove my point by going off on a tangent about 15 other things and totally ignore your first request about code words.

That is why people don't necessarily take questions about a witch hunt. No win situation. "Prove to me you don't beat your wife"

I just saw this comment and decided to provide an argument to it - as for the code words in the emails - it's really bizarre for someone to say "hey I have your black with white handkerchief" then it gets forwarded to someone saying "I have your handkerchief that has a map that's pizza related with on it" - i don't see how she can - without seeing the handkerchief - go from saying it's black w/ white to it having a pizza related map on it - you know this because she says the realtor can mail it to them still - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/32795

If it doesn't make sense, it has to be enslaved child sex.

Not what i'm saying - there's plenty of other evidence for that - I'm just saying that the handkerchief code is known, and that a MAP is a minor attracted person, and pizza is child porn, literally, you go into dark web sites and they say they want a cheese pizza baked for 10 minutes 15 minutes 9 minutes - these are all ages - then you go to abromovic who's twitter handle was 666 before it was changed - i wonder why - not like she cuts pentagrams into her body - or has studied the occult her whole life and many different spiritual practices - and pours blood everywhere and paints with it on walls and eats human cakes... right... nothing to see here... oh wait john did this personally with her? omg at her appartment? oh wow that's soooo cooooool. Not like Crowley said a blue eyed white boy was the best sacrifice and to draw a circle to collect the blood and energy to harvest, not at all, nope nothing to see here folks.

Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A, right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will have the power of life and death over you.


Oh wow is that the same person from this email

Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.



Right I sure must be an idiot for believing this stuff - give me a break dude

Yes, I think you are an idiot for believing this stuff.

Let me ring a bell again - John Kerry and George Bush were both in this cult https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD-JttocUzk

Ring your bell as much as you want. I think you are an idiot for believing this stuff.

I find you scared as shit to see the abyss that lays before you


Explain to me, after all of the evidence I've presented, your side of the story - go ahead and refute every single one of my points - prove me wrong - give me logical explanations for each and every single last point of mine and you'll win - sound fair? good

Removed. Rule 10.

Remove your edit with the personal attacks and I'll reapprove the comment.

You showed no evidence of pedophilia or child porn and "occult practices" isn't child porn or an indication of it.

Right abromovics Twitter handle was 666 and she studied spirituality her whole life, and now cuts pentagrams into her body, along with spilling blood everywhere and painting with it on the walls... riiight "no evidence" my ads

Yup. No evidence of child porn. But nice pivot to the irrelevant "occult"

Lol your pivot from a point you of saying no evidence of the occult is hilarious

Can you quote where I said that?

You showed no evidence of pedophilia or child porn and "occult practices" isn't child porn or an indication of it.

I did all of these lol literally all of them

Occult is a distraction because its not child porn and, if you know how to read, I said there is no evidence for pedo or CP and that occult is not cool, which is not the same as showing no evidence.

Regardless, I continue to state that the notion that "occult" is evidence of CP is ridiculous, as you know.

Lol yes I have


You're what I call willfully ignorant or an active denier lol I'm done here :)


Rule 10

Removing both of your comments where you called the other user an idiot.

His name was "Freud", as in grandson of Sigmund Freud and brother of Lucian. If you gonna go there, at least go there with Correct Spelling.

lol really?

Really. Details matter....

Diluting the conversation down to a misspelling while ignoring the entirety of the message is a much much bigger deal - details like that type of a misspelling do not matter

I assure you I am well versed in the narrative you laid out. But around these parts you may get taken more seriously if you spell the name of Sigmund Freud's grandson correctly.

continues to focus on wrong thing is so pedantic that me speling shit wrong gets under there skin ;)

You must be young....

I get wrapped up in details on certain things - a lot of hidden tensions... it usually is a lot better if i don't drink so much coffee - i catch one thing and i'm off - it's like the blinders go up

You said you were well versed, i took that to mean that you comprehended the nature of the satanic pedophilic networks involving the elite, am I right or wrong here? I also reviewed my statements and find no need to change anything - i thought i did - but recant my statements - pretty amazing how easily your mind sways if you believe in the most subtle thought that your mind finds uncomfortable - pretty amazing - it moves worlds - literally

You and I are All Good, friend. I saw you drop St. Francis on readers elsewhere. And Padre Pio. God Bless ya.....

Om Namah Shivayah! :) lol i read You and I are God haha - that fucking seraph man - i've almost been there! ahhh - maybe i should go get some dmt or fast - i have some weed... but a job - but i don't need any of it cause it's all here - the satguru within is always shining - the kingdom - thanks brother - all of love is here - never not - thinking you have something you don't want and wanting something you don't have are the driving cause of ignorance - because it blinds you to that kingdom now :) - thanks man this post makes me really really happy :) here's this as a token of my appreciation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igsoFGv-Dw0

Much Obliged. Peace.

You're painfully obvious in that you're focusing on a minute mistake and not the intent of his message. Try harder.

Good Luck.

Is that meant to be a threat?

This is some high quality tin foil express shit right here boys. You left out Hillary raping kids and bathing in their blood while ordering pizza hut. 🍕

Call the truth what you will, platos cave must be cozy

Are there some super secret 4chan code words that would make it easier to read the "real meaning" of the email that you can share?

Good question. Why not go to 4chan and ask?

Retracting the job offers? Because that's what the email chain proposes.

Why does everyone overlook the fact that John Podesta admitted that there was a leaker in the DNC?

Probably because troglodytes who keep pushing this "email" fail to even read the context behind it.


Here's an email for John Podesta that's hard not to interpret murder or making someone disappear, especially in context... talking about a republican trying to pay to hide having sex eith young boys. Sounds to me like Podesta knows the meaning of that sentence well enough for it to be written to him, and that they are unhappy Dennis Hastert is making their paedophiliv activities public with his stunt.

"Might be time for Denny to vanish to an indisclosed japanese island".

like the person who fails to read the content of the post - i thought about deleting it but had some good comment threads going

That wasn't the DNC, that was the organizing committee for HRC 2016.

I don't get that can you explain that clearer, how can you make an example of someone who doesn't work for you? Just by not hiring them? How would they know? How would that make an example? Seems like they'd have to be established first, then be made an example of, see what i'm saying?

Not hiring him and cutting him off from the campaign. That is all he was planning on doing. Approximately sixteen orders of magnitude away from murder. The person would know he was being made an example of because he was not hired.

Hiring someone just so you could make an example of them is something a psychopath would do. John Podesta is not psychopath. The worst thing he could come up with doing to someone was not hiring them.

He is a psychopath, but asides that, they already HAD a leaker, so they couldn't not hiring someone they already hired... or wait, i think i see what you're saying, that someone affiliated with the campaign but not hired leaked something and that they didn't hiring them as an example, gotcha, totally get that now. Yes i agree that the email has nothing to do with murder, that's why i had an edit, do i think they murdered him though? Hell yes.

They leaked the fact that Hillary was starting up a campaign, and hiring marketing people to rebrand her. She had not announced yet. They probably told people being interviewed to keep it quiet, but maybe didn't go so far as to make them sign an NDA. Being cut off from the campaign would be a big deal for a democratic operative. Even back then she was probably the favorite to win the democratic nomination and the presidency, so it could be as much as six years of being cut off from one of the most powerful people in the party. Stuck working in a Senator's office rather than the white house. Working for a presidential campaign is the big leagues for people like that.

Ah, glad she lost at least lol

It was from over a year before the dnc leaks.

Plz read the edit real quick - i kept the post alive because of comments in here that i wanted to keep going

Everyone? It certain provides the motivation for what happened. Now, we are seeing connections between Podesta and the people that work at the hospital and treated Seth.

connections between Podesta and the people that work at the hospital and treated Seth.

Source on that? How close a connection? I mean, Podesta has been working in DC for decades. He's probably two degrees of separation away from half the city.

Look at my reply - as for the people in the hospital - George Webb, on youtube, is going around talking to police, witnesses, talking about the blackberries, 100,000's of emails, really good stuff, that's where i got the info that he was cordoned off and pretty much left to die from a non-fatal gunshot wound, where the doctors never seen anyone die from it

George Webb is spewing nonsense. None of those people would ever talk to him, especially about any specific details. At best, he found a random doctor and asked them a bunch of hypotheticals.

He's been in the bars and talked to them, you know where seth rich was before he died, Your response "OH NOES HE DUN NEVER DUN GOES IN DAR DAR DAR" - no i'm not kidding that's what you sound like - you know the teacher in peanuts? wah wah wah wah wah wah wah

Removed. Rule 4.

George Webb seems like an insane person or someone doing some bizarre performance art stream of consciousness thing.

I actually really like him and admire him a lot - he's got a bunch of interesting people on there - and he's really putting peices of the puzzle together - awan brothers - blackberries that were special - non gov blackberries - that automatically synched up with servers - hence why weiners laptop had 650,000 emails - dudes got it down

I agree. It seems like all the people in DC are closely interconnected. The whole conflict between the Democrats and Republicans is just for show. It is to keep us from understanding how it all works.

I think someone else answered your question regarding the connections between Podesta and the people that work at the hospital that treated Seth. If not, then let me know and I will get you sources.

I agree. It seems like all the people in DC are closely interconnected. The whole conflict between the Democrats and Republicans is just for show. It is to keep us from understanding how it all works.

I don't know about that, but even if it isn't, he would still know tens of thousands of people in DC, even if he didn't agree with them. The only connection I've seen between the doctor and Podesta is that they both went to the same party once. Based on that people have decided that he could call him up and ask him to let someone under his care die as a favor. It's ridiculous.

I think someone else answered your question regarding the connections between Podesta and the people that work at the hospital that treated Seth. If not, then let me know and I will get you sources.

I haven't seen anything saying what the exact connection is. I've looked and all I've seen is they both attended a party along with 110 other people once.

How much do you know about Freemasonry?

I imagine DC is very localized, if you know what I mean. An outsider would get noticed by the others.

I think it was this I was reading, which discusses the connection. Of course, nothing is verified. I interpret all this information as being data points.


How much do you know about Freemasonry?

I'm not a freemason, so not much. Secret society that a ton of powerful people supposedly belong to.

I imagine DC is very localized, if you know what I mean.

No, I don't know exactly what you mean. It's a small community and they all sort of know each other?

An outsider would get noticed by the others.

Who is the outsider you are talking about? Seth? Podesta?

I think it was this I was reading, which discusses the connection. Of course, nothing is verified. I interpret all this information as being data points. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6czhve/wikileaks_ties_podesta_brothers_to_wife_of_doctor/

That's the same thing I read. They invited that doctor to a fundraising party. That's not much of a connection. There were over 100 people there. You invite rich people to fundraisers. Many doctors are rich.

Besides that, where did the information that he worked on Seth at the hospital come from?

And the fact that Heather Podesta is somehow in a position on the DC police - his sister is on their board - fucking hell http://www.dcpolicefoundation.org/board-members.html

then this is their link - click on the target/ eye in the top left and read what the fucking sign says - then right behind it "obey this signal" - fucking classic psy op bullshit - we represent workers - no you fucking represent slavery

All these people are interconnected. We need a software program that graphically illustrates all the connections.

Url link to Posesta admitting it?

It's the wikileaks email where he was saying "i don't mind making an example of a suspected leaker" or something like that - either way he was talking about a WP article that they didn't like or something

Well shit, we can't all be social butterflies, pal.

wah wah wah - wah wah wah - wah wah wah wah wah

Removed. Rule 4.

I agree with you so hard. Thanks for joining us on the rational side of things.

I had comment threads going on inside of it

Sure bud


ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ

Pretty slow but my reading comprehension is decent. It did not seem like he was just venting..

But since no reporter has asked him to explain any of his emails, even the code words he used, I guess we will have to keep on speculating.

I like how you pivoted from one thing and went off on a tangent.

See.. this is why answering questions is a no-win situation. You said "explain the [alleged] code words." I stated it won't matter what he says unless it was "i rape boys," then you perfectly prove my point by going off on a tangent about 15 other things and totally ignore your first request about code words.

That is why people don't necessarily take questions about a witch hunt. No win situation. "Prove to me you don't beat your wife"

His name was "Freud", as in grandson of Sigmund Freud and brother of Lucian. If you gonna go there, at least go there with Correct Spelling.

If it doesn't make sense, it has to be enslaved child sex.

Not what i'm saying - there's plenty of other evidence for that - I'm just saying that the handkerchief code is known, and that a MAP is a minor attracted person, and pizza is child porn, literally, you go into dark web sites and they say they want a cheese pizza baked for 10 minutes 15 minutes 9 minutes - these are all ages - then you go to abromovic who's twitter handle was 666 before it was changed - i wonder why - not like she cuts pentagrams into her body - or has studied the occult her whole life and many different spiritual practices - and pours blood everywhere and paints with it on walls and eats human cakes... right... nothing to see here... oh wait john did this personally with her? omg at her appartment? oh wow that's soooo cooooool. Not like Crowley said a blue eyed white boy was the best sacrifice and to draw a circle to collect the blood and energy to harvest, not at all, nope nothing to see here folks.

Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A, right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will have the power of life and death over you.


Oh wow is that the same person from this email

Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.



Right I sure must be an idiot for believing this stuff - give me a break dude


Removed. Rule 4.

This is some high quality tin foil express shit right here boys. You left out Hillary raping kids and bathing in their blood while ordering pizza hut. 🍕

ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ