The Great Game
50 2017-05-24 by UnknowknU
Thousands of years ago during the last ice age, mankind was divided by a wall of ice.
Existing Near the Equator, the Earth maintained the perfect conditions for life.
Within this Paradise there was abundance amounts of food and water.
Humanity was at peace, as our consciousness emerged from our Harmony with nature.
We began asking questions.
Eventually realizing that there was more to existence, then just surviving.
Our awareness allowed us to evolve beyond our primal instincts.
For it only requires a few generations of extreme growth.
Until there is no reason to consume endlessly in order to ensure our survival.
Its this wisdom and understanding, that we as a collective found peace.
The evolution of mankind is from within.
However during the earliest days the world was divided, by walls of ice and a endless ocean.
Humanity evolved separately for thousands of years...
The ice age ended and a great flood consumed our ancient cities.
The knowledge of the past was retained by the descendants of the ancients sages.
These descendants rebuilt civilization.
Due to their vast amounts of knowledge they formed an upper class.
It's from here that they rebuilt the mystery schools.
Educating the elites and preparing the initiates to rule over society.
The majority of the populace was displaced, as scattered tribes of hunters and gathers struggled to survive in the harsh conditions caused as a result of the great melt.
It's this division became the foundation of our modern civilization.
A group of educated and spiritual being using the ancient knowledge to declare themselves the descendants/messengers of Gods.
With their advanced knowledge, no mortal being dared questioned their divine authority.
However what began as fidelity and piety, evolved into slavery and servitude.
As absolute power became corruption, it's the practice of slavery that consumed and permeated the culture of our ancestors.
The once free, noble and proud beings of Earth became pawns within a great game played by corrupt aristocratic families.
These families raised vast armies, to protect, enslave and maintain control over vast city states that eventually became great empires.
As time passed the conflicts between these families, resulted in many wars.
The victims of war where then enslaved by the conquering empire.
A never ending vicious cycle of greed, war and slavery.
However once humanity began to revolt against slavery a new method to maintain power was introduced, indentured servitude.
That evolved into our modern day debt based fiat currency system.
The principle of every dollars borrowed plus interest must be repaid in full.
However since the interest of every dollar is never created, the principle of scarcity forces the population into indentured servitude.
As we are forced to constantly borrow money to pay the interest on loans that can never be repaid in full.
The monetary system is totally dependent upon a societies ability to perpetuate endless growth.
Once growth peaks, the system collapse, and the middle class is forced to default as the upper class buys our debt for pennies on the dollar.
The next generation then burrows money from the elites, to sells us back our defaulted assets at a profit.
Enslaving every generation of society, to a constant endless cycle of perpetual debt.
The Great Game is played by the most powerful, wealthiest and influential members of society in order to maintain their positions of power.
As the rest of humanity is far too busy climbing the imaginary ladder, fighting amongst ourselves we fail to see beyond the illusion created by the principle of scarcity.
While our Masters play a game...
There will be a day when the system collapses.
The Masters will buy back all the accumulated wealth, as a depression forces the majority to default on their loans.
It's at this moment we will realize that endless growth is unsustainable, the results of this moment will determine the future of humanity.
If enough are awakened, a single truth has the potential to free humanity.
With so many questions, and very few answer.
The populace will be susceptible to this truth, only when the veil of their illusions are finally broken.
It's within this panic, that we expose the greatest secret
A single truth into nature of the Universe, that all things are connected.
In order to achieve this outcome, we must learn to control our fears.
To embrace the moment and break free of our sub conscious barriers.
Thus at the moment of truth, we stand united.
That without them.
We as a collective will maintain the common good.
Rendering the Elites powerless.
For it's only Wisdom that has been lost.
Hidden from masses, it's our only key to unlocking mankinds true potential.
Once enough beings are wise, only then is humanity free.
n/a AutoModerator 2017-05-24
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n/a snowmandan 2017-05-24
Wow, really speaks truth, thank you, great post.
n/a KarmaPolice777 2017-05-24
That was awesome.
n/a KarmaPolice777 2017-05-24
n/a KarmaPolice777 2017-05-24
n/a UnknowknU 2017-05-24
Thanks, feel free to post any resources to my sub reddit or pm :)
Ill add it to the collection.
n/a KarmaPolice777 2017-05-24
I just checked it out. Really awesome collection of info. Keep up the great work.
n/a jewdiful 2017-05-24
This was beautiful, I was glad to read it today.
Can't help but thinking it would make a wonderful children's book (with slight adjustments to the vocabulary used). It reads like poetry :)
n/a klemonstrate 2017-05-24
This is fantastic. Capitalism is essentially the only universal doctrine. Think about that. This principle of scarcity is the only thing that unites (divides) humanity. We are more than this fucking system...