I tried.

19  2017-05-24 by facereplacer3

This sub has become so binary and insipid. There's far more evidence the DNC had Seth Rich killed than Russia hacked the election. I'm so disappointed.

Not everyone who wants Hillary and Bush and the deep state held accountable is an alt-righter and the mods should police that just as they do "shill," because that's the new term.

I find it hard to believe these were the same r/conspiracy people here 3 years ago.

See you on Voat.


See you on Voat, check out my /v/conspiracy posts today

Username the same? Nothing on the front?

Nah I'm blackguard19 over there

Ha! Fun post history. I can go to v/all and not want to throw my computer across the room (RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA)

That's fun

They arent the same people my friend.

Peace dude. Sorry there were people on this sub that disagreed with you. That must have been super rough for you.

Nice straw man. I heard Putin funds voat, so obviously, I need to be there. This sub isn't hysterical and brainwashed or lacking in curiosity at all. I pay all my bills in Rubles, so...

Have fun with that. Nobody cares.

Bye. You're gong to have a rough time in life if you always run off because someone doesn't agree with you.

It's always worked before.

But it got you here

I though about giving up for some time, but that's exactly what those trying to drive you away want. When r/politics pulled a 180 after the convention, I left, as my comments and posts that would receive a positive reception in the months before were now being downvoted and ridiculed. Afterwards I found other subreddit communities to join, and eventually made my way to r/conspiracy after the events of mid October surrounding Wikileaks. Now that r/sandersforpresident is up and running I've been back and reading daily, however there are new mods and there is a heavy hand developing gradually on certain discussion topics, with entire comment threads with many upvotes being removed. An example would be a comment thread on Comey and his treatment of Hillary's server investigation, which was silenced despite 36 upvotes. I argued with the mod over its removal, and discovered on the same night that some of my comments, even from a month ago, had been removed without notification, but I refuse to give up now like I did then. Don't care about the downvotes, don't care about what people are pretending is normal. If you're getting downvotes for stating your opinion in a sub that would have happily received that opinion months prior, realize that you are fighting manufactured consensus. The vast majority of those subs users still agree with you, but they don't have the money or time to hire shills to guard the new que and against threatening discussion all day.

All of this is to say that you need to fight NOW. Even something as small as commenting despite the downvotes and stating your opinion is a worthy contribution, regardless of your politics. In the words of the German pastor and poet Martin Niemoller: " First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialists, then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist, then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew, then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me"

Comment, accept the downvotes, and don't let them drive you away from the community you were a part of long before they decided to try and destroy it.

Thanks, dude.

I dont get how words on forums have such profound impacts on some people.

It's not words. It's mods who police "shill" but everything that isn't a Soros narrative is alt-right. No curiosity. No real questioning. Ideology has infiltrated this place.

It was the grey areas that this sub used to thrive in, once upon a time... Now you can't get into any nuance, context, hypothetical "what-if" discussions or anything that's a little more subtle.

Despite all the mental armor we thought we had, it looks like the election divided and dumbed everyone down anyway.

It seems better in the evenings. Daytime, the siths slither.

I'm getting to a tipping point, myself mate. I miss the days when this place was like a local pub on a cold winter night. It's changed so much. You may want to check us out at /r/AlternativeHistory if you haven't yet.

Will do

Check us out... I can only take so much. I've rubbed shoulders with all of the mods here (over the years), mod with some - in that sub, been [removed], been banned numerous times, stalked, harassed, threatened, even invited "inside". I do not play by the rules.. Some are my "mates", but this shit has gotten out of hand, and I will speak out...

I'm tired of this. I've been here for a very long time. I love the actual community here, and am always in the /new, participating... I'm one pint away to say: "Fuck all". What's the point? I'm a Jew shill Monday, a Russian shill Tuesday, a Nazi on Friday, and a raging lunatic on Sunday....

Fuck Trump, Fuck Hillary, Fuck Bernard, Fuck Putin.. How about we self rule? Fuck the government, and fuck rulers...

Be vigilant and diligent, brother. It's only going to get worse. I'll see you around here and in r/alternativehistory. You've helped show me Truth if it's any consolation

Will check it out but you need to relax.

This sub has become so binary and insipid. There's far more evidence the DNC had Seth Rich killed than Russia hacked the election.

For some reason these two sentences together are amusing.


There has literally not been a single piece of evidence that Seth was the leaker. Not one besides the feelings of those who wish it to be true.

If we're going on circumstantial, there's more publicly available evidence he was the leaker than PUTIN HACKED THE ELECTION (even though John Podesta lost his phone, fell for a phishing scheme, and has a password of p@ssw0rd). Stop being stupid.

Post said evidence. Why wouldn't you post it?

This is the 9/11 debate with /conspiratard users all over again. Why are you even here?

Why are you here? To get you opinion validated?

To talk about conspiracies. Not call people who criticize the DNC and their cohorts alt-right.

Don't forget deflection and straw men. Your clearly very good at that.

Go the fuck away.

Ahh. The final gasp of someone who's way out if their depth. A 'go away' with an expletive. Nice way to round it off.

You ain't alone. I have been slowly checking out of here for a while. People can't seem to disagree anymore. This sub has lost it's previous sense of balance. This last election seems to have brought in a certain vitriol and people can't seem to get over themselves like before.

I actually get the sense that people are literally angry when they engage with people here now, something that I never, ever felt here before, even in previous elections it wasn't like this. I still don't get upset or angry with people, but the vitriol is a lot more pervasive lately.

Before, it was like people had their favorite conspiracies and even though all people did not buy into all conspiracies, you could at least engage and ask questions and allow yourself to consider all the evidence and appreciate the efforts put forth. People used to allow themselves to be persuaded by a good case..

It is just too tense and political here now, people seem to even dislike people simply because they do not agree with them, that NEVER used to be the case here.

I think this last election and the large influx from T_D has changed the culture of this sub.

Russia hacked the election dominates r/politics pretty much daily and r/news almost as often. This sub doesn't usually operate as an extended arm of those subs. Feel like that should be obvious.

Seems more obvious there is a swath of people here who believe Russia hacked the election and that r/T_D has just moved here to talk about Seth Rich. Oh, and we're all alt-right for pointing out the coincidences surrounding the Rich thing.


how is it better? Have you heard of Patriot Act? Can you give me a rundown of what it does? What enables the intelligence agencies?

and secondly, i don't buy this whole russia thing. it's a cold war all over again and the only reason is money and power. it has shit all to do with wars, threats or fucking election.

I see 0 motive for russians to hack usa elections and i see dozens of proof cia has capability to do just that

so which is more probable?

I've been in this a long time. Been coming here for years. I know The Patriot Act, it's origins, NDAA, repeal of Smith-Mundt... all that. This sub is becoming r/politics and all the mods care about is saying mean words and "shill" when we are obviously being shilled.

Have fun with that. Nobody cares.

Be vigilant and diligent, brother. It's only going to get worse. I'll see you around here and in r/alternativehistory. You've helped show me Truth if it's any consolation