What is the relationship between Zionism and Freemasonry?

20  2017-05-24 by mastigia

I was under the impression these 2 groups didn't mingle, actually that jewish people did not participate in Masonic things at all. Then I read this and am just more confused where I got that idea.


What's the truth here guys?


Great find, OP. I've often wondered the same. Hopefully this spurns some good discussion sans the usual Jew hate and racism.

The Bible calls it Mystery Babylon, or the Synagogue of Satan. It's got nothing to do with Judaism, it's a reversal.

What about the Sabbatean-Frankist messiah cults and Sabbatai Zevi? Supposedly half of all Jews believed in them at one point back in the day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabbatai_Zevi

"I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

It all goes back to Babylon and Nimrod. Modern Judaism is really Babylonian Talmudism, an esoteric religion. It's what the Christians call Mystery Babylon. The Freemasons continue to practice Nimrod's occult teachings.

I was looking into Babylonian Talmudism when I came across this actually. Awhile back I suggested there were probably lots of jewish masons, and I forget the response, but I was basically told that is a ridiculous idea.

Definitely, at least one of the Illuminati bloodlines descend from Nimrod, the Rothschilds. I have been researching all about Nimrod lately. I think the Freemasons practice the occult teaching of Nimrod, but the Illuminati descend from the Annunaki bloodlines.

The key to understanding all of this is that the mysteries were originally good. Nimrod (Babylon) begins corrupting it for power, and thus the battle between good and evil after the flood begins.

Well I think the ancient knowledge that Nimrod had, called Gnosis, goes back all the way to Atlantis before the Flood, where the Annunaki used it to create the Nephilim. The Annunaki came from Mars or the planet that was the asteroid belt, and a catastrophe caused them to come to Earth. If they were on Mars, Saturn would have been their black sun. Anyhow in order to survive they created hybrids with the life here, homo sapiens which were called the Nephilim. After the Flood, I believe Ham mated with a daughter of Cain, and by doing this was cursed. His son Cush would become the father of Nimrod, and Nimrod would go on to marry his mother and have a son.

That's my conclusion as well, but we don't have hard proof. I've not seen evidence the Annunaki/Nephilim are extraterrestrial in origin. Christians believe they were demons, others believe it's a metaphor for the Mystery Babylon system.

I believe demons are aliens. I believe that Cush was what the Greeks called a Titan. You can see that ancient civilization like Egypt and Greece have depictions of Giants, which I believe are the Nephilim. We know that Goliath is said to have been large too, and iirc the Philistines are from Ham. Although Mizraim is the father of Egypt, it was Nimrod who father the first Pharaoh, post-babel.

I can't discount the possibility. The important idea here is understanding how Mystery Babylon currently controls people, through secret societies, hiding knowledge, media manipulation, false flag terrorism, and controlling the money.

and the destruction of the tower was done by whom and why?

what kind of langues did humans speak before "god" scattered them

whats up whit the giants? are there just some genetic mutation?

All good questions that could be answered if we started doing real archaeology. Check out Graham Hancock.

Whoa. How does that factor in with christians?

Well the Vatican still openly worships Nimrod! In fact the Pope dresses like him. The dove in the sun is symbolic of the phoenix, which is the solar deity dragon. Check it here.

I also want to add that Catholicism shares many things with Islam, they both worship Nimrod and Samiramis his wife mother. The Egyptians called them Osiris and Isis. Osiris father Horus, and Horus is the embodiment of Atum and the Pharaoh. Horus is Tammuz.

Regurgitated Babylonian sun cult under a "new" banner.

These religions are perversions of sun worship according to Bill Cooper. Check out what he writes in his Mystery Babylon series:

You see, the Mystery School was the original college run by Nimrod in the city of Babylon, and the college was a college of priests who practice the religion of the sun. The college, the adepts, the initiates, the priests were scattered all over the world when Seth, the son of Noah, came with an army and defeated Nimrod, and this is where the legend really comes from because Seth chopped Nimrod up into little pieces and scattered him all over the land. In the legend of the Osirian cycle, Osiris was chopped into fourteen pieces. Isis came to put him back together again and bring him to life. She could find all the pieces save one, the phallus, or the generative force. It is now known as the Lost Word of Freemasonry, and the phallus is represented by the obelisk, the monolith. It is the penis of Osiris, the generative force. It represents the Lost Word of Freemasonry, it represents the Luciferian philosophy. It represents the light, the sun, Lucifer the intellect.

This is making a bunch of things click into place.

Remember, that the Jewish spirit is Communism.

I just said the exact same thing above. Perfect summary.

Bill Cooper's series on Mystery Babylon is good, he just doesn't realize that not all of the mystery schools are corrupted.

Watch Unto Prayer is a good resource if you want more of a traditional Christian perspective on it. Very well researched, lots of connections to Bible prophecies that will make sense of it for friends who might not like Cooper because he dogs Christianity.

Also Marching to Zion is good.

The British created Zionism and control the Grand Lodge.

You should start by googling Lord Palmerston and all the mayhem he created around the world through British Intelligence and Freemasonry.

They were behind the US Civil War, largely through the B'nai B'rith (still in existence) which is a Jewish secret society.

To add to this, the Khazarian Mafia hired Oliver Cromwell to kill the king of England and allow the Jews back into England. They then established the Bank of England, which led to the British Empire. They created America. However iirc George Washington realize these people were Satanic and declared war on them in the name of God Almighty! The Russian Tsar blockaded British ships, helping the colonialists. As punishment the Khazarian mafia displaced the Christian Monarchy in Russia and replaced him with an atheistical dictator who would kill the priests and many Russians. This was also revenge for Russia going against the Khazarian Empire, which forced them into Western Europe.

I think I understand what you're saying. As long as you have a broad understanding of what the "Khazarian Mafia" is, and realize that it goes a lot further back into Babylon, that may be a good description.

The takeover of England goes back to Venice. Cromwell wasn't a bad guy. Washington and Franklin planned the Revolution decades in advance.

You're correct about Mystery Babylon replacing the Tsars as punishment. Russia has long been one of their main enemies, including today.

Probably also why the Russian narrative is being pushed so hard these days by the media. iirc, the British parliment at the time of Cromwell was corrupt and bought out, those in favour of the king were not allowed to vote, and those against made the decision, I think they were called the Rump. But yeah the Khazars have been killing off the Christian Monarchies of Europe in order to achieve their NWO.

there NWO happen like 100 years ago

username checks out

is that a good thing ?

very much, keep the mind bullets coming

Have a good link for the Washington planning the war in adcance stuff?

How The Nation Was Won PDF

The answer is kabbalah .
Zionism is complex , and sort of overblown by conspiracy theorists. Although they are partially related - Zionism has a lot to do with Israel more than it really has to do with worldwide power.

Kabbalah 's secret scripture and its interpretation is at the heart of Masonry as well as various sects of Jewish culture. It deals with how the world should be lead while also being a bit of a puzzle that can put people in the highest seats of power without really knowing the answers.

You should read about Sabbatea Zevi and his teaching on Lurianic Kabbalahism. Kabbalah is the combination of two Arabic words, Cube=Kabba, and Allah=God. The Black Cube is a sign of Saturn, and Saturn is Nimrod.

Speaking of Kabbalah, I just came across this article about Ariana Grande's experience with it.

Maybe this is a reason why her concert was chosen for the scene of the recent bombing?

She is one of them. Check out the key she uses in the spaceship. It's blatant. The quote about cemeteries is also interesting.

Watch Connolly's JFK to 912

The first and most profound hurdle you have to get over (other than conflating Zionism with Judaism) is the fact that there is no Freemasonry.

Freemasonry is a label. You could (and many have) go off tomorrow and start "Mastigia's Grand Lodge of Masons on Reddit" and that would be Freemasonry.

What we generally call Freemasonry, though, is a loose association of hundreds of Grand Lodges around the world which have a complex web of mutual recognition. But even there, these Grand Lodges are not the same. The Grand Lodge of Sweden is deeply connected to the Lutheran state religion. The Grand Lodge of Georgia (US) thinks that Freemasonry must enforce the Mosaic Law, but only the parts that American Evangelicals like. The United Grand Lodge of England thinks it's fine for Women's Freemasonry to be a thing. The Grand Lodge of California has embraced a new wave of "Traditional Observance" and related revivalism in Freemasonry, establishing special Lodges for these, which other Grand Lodges think smell like deviation from the core of the Fraternity.

Being a Freemason, I can tell you that I sometimes wish it were all as simple as conspiracy theorists want to paint it. It might be easier... but then a good deal of what we are about is doing what's right, not what's easy.

I am not one of those that conflate Zionism with Judaism in the least bit. And I was in DeMolay as a kid, I had positive experiences with the Masons. This is actually how this question came up in another forum, I was just under the impression Masons and Zionism were far removed from each other, and this wasn't as true as I was led to believe.

I think the top of everything is evil and corrupt though. So, Masonry would be no exception.

I am not one of those that conflate Zionism with Judaism in the least bit.

It seemed you were, since you asked, "What is the relationship between Zionism and Freemasonry?" and gave a link to your source of confusion on this issue which spoke exclusively of Judaism...

I was just under the impression Masons and Zionism were far removed from each other, and this wasn't as true as I was led to believe.

Again, do you have any reason to think this?

Judaism is an aspect of Zionism, but the reverse is not true. Does that make sense? So, where one goes, I may question if the other follows, but that doesn't mean I believe it has to.

It's quite the other way around. Obviously Zionism has nothing to do with being ethnically Jewish, nor has it anything to do with being spiritually a member of the Jewish faith. It has to do with one very specific sort of interpretation of the Jewish religious scripture (e.g. that individual Jews have a mandate to re-establish the Jewish mandate, actively, as opposed to waiting for the time to arrive that it is inevitable).

So, no Judaism is not an aspect of Zionism. Zionism is a subset of Jewish religious tradition. There are many non-Zionist religious Jews and many non-religious Jews who do not fit within that category.

I don't think I conveyed that properly, we are in agreement though.

The Bible calls it Mystery Babylon, or the Synagogue of Satan. It's got nothing to do with Judaism, it's a reversal.

there NWO happen like 100 years ago