Now that Seth Rich conspiracy is officially fake news (like pizzagate), what theory will the alt-right latch onto to deflect from Trump?

0  2017-05-24 by [deleted]



There's an awful lot of people trying to scrub evidence for it to be fake.

Nice try shill. No bonuses for you this quarter.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

You got your work cut out for you. Check out every other comment. Happy trails.

Define "Officially." Because CIA-owned WaPost says so? Almost never trustworthy Fox has backed off, following the decimation of their executive and on-air staff? Not sure you're in the right sub, pal.

Ok, what evidence or statement from who would convince you?

Well, they could produce the video from the CCTVs in the area that nobody talks about. If there was more discussion of the CCTV, I'd feel like reporters were doing their jobs.

Somebody could talk to Podesta about who he was referring to as the "leaker" who "needed to be made an example of." Seems like that might be a critical piece of info, and not just for the Seth Rich murder but the Russia "hack" as well.

There's more, but that's a good start.

If I'd accuse you of child molesting and asked to hand over any recordings of you at home and all your online and offline communications you'd be reluctant to cooperate. You are not the one that needs to be convined. The proper authorities are.

Bizarre response, considering you were the one who asked me what it would take to convince me. Extremely strange.

I'm defending the behaviour of the accused party. If you're accused of something you think is utterly rediculous, you wouldn't want to participate in the following citizens investigation.

There is no police camera at that intersection. There is no evidence the convenience mart had a camera that faced the incident area. There is no evidence there is CCTV video to release.

We already know the context of the "leaker" email, which was about someone who was interviewed for a campaign job to re-make HRC's image who leaked it to the press that the campaign was trying to make over the campaign. Like 6 months before SR was in the picture.

What about the list of cameras provided by a Reddit user who's either very familiar or lives in DC? He provided a detailed list of specific cameras at specific intersections & businesses that could've captured footage of what actually happened. If I'm not mistaken, he listed at least 10-15 cameras so I'd be willing to bet at least one of them caught something that could help explain what really happened. Although the probability at this point of actually finding any of that footage is slim to none, if it is a coverup, I'm sure any traffic cam footage has been edited or wiped as well as business owners "relieved" of their security footage by G-men. I don't think you can honestly say that there's either something definitely fishy about the whole thing or it's one of the biggest coincidences in recorded history. I agree some people stretch things a bit to far to fit into what they want it to be but that doesn't mean that the whole theory is baseless.

Why about it. Without seeing it I can't comment. All I know is that this is a residential neighborhood with one convenience mart on the corner. No DC police cameras. No evidence other videos or cameras exist. It's a stop sign at the intersection with no traffic camera.

So, as of right now, there is nothing to suggest a video or camera exists.

Until footage is found obviously nobody can comment on it, that's kinda the whole point of this is to find out if there's any camera footage that contains evidence. I'm just curious are you from D.C. Or live in D.C.? You seem pretty confident of your knowledge of security camera locations in D.C. (Public and private) I'm just curious as to why you apparently know more than the rest of us do.

Police camera locations are listed on the PD's website. Stop sign intersection was from google streetview.

The only private camera that I have heard claims of existence are from a convenience mart catty corner to where the incident took place, but there has been no proof of its existence.

The existence of other private videos is speculation which haven't been confirmed even exist.

I appreciate you providing facts. If other private cameras existence is speculation, that's all the more reason an exhaustive investigation needs to be conducted to find out. Even at that things can be covered up but at this point it doesn't seem like they're doing much at all as far as investigating goes, hell the internet seems more on top of it/ eager to find the truth regardless of what that is than the authorities. I can think of several people who don't want it to be investigated or the truth exposed. If people dismiss this without a second thought and don't think it needs to be investigated, theyre likely terribly naive to not believe some shady shit goes on at the highest levels of government and that things are often covered up using the vast resources of people in power and the government.

The internet seems more eager to prove a conspiracy than do an honest investigation. Too much CSI going on with the sole basis of the coverup based on one detail.

Internet sleuths won't be convinced of anything from their investigating unless it proves their own conspiracy.

While I agree with your first statement, I think there's more information pointing to some sort of cover-up than there is suggesting it was just a mugging gone wrong. Also what is the "one detail" you're referring to that in your opinion the coverup theory is derived from?

That SR was the leaker. If this wasn't a theory, then the whole internet sleuthing would be the same as for all the other unsolved shootings that happen in the US every week. Meaning the internet wouldn't care or spend time thinking they are doing vigilante justice.

It's not just the intersection. There are cameras all around the area, presumably tracking where people came from and would've fled from.

As for the "leaker" email...who is it that's told us it's from a job interview? Somebody inside the DNC?

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"All around the area" is subjective. Even your Reddit link admits there are very few cameras in the actual vicinity of the murder. The other ones are lists of cameras like 3-4 blocks away but looks like they cover about 10% of the area.

Leaker email context is from the actual email thread. I guess people only bother to read one sentence in the thread.

OP not even 2 week old account, shilling must be a priority. Seems legit /s

Removed. Rule 10.

Did my comment get deleted or a response to my comment? -sorry I'm still kinda new to reddit, thanks.

Yep. I removed your comment.

Oh ok. I'd seen it used around and assumed it was ok, could've read the rules first though. Is that a new rule or has it been around from the beginning?

Been around as long as I have.

So according to the rule did you view my use of the word in question as an attack or is any use of it outright banned/censored?

If it wasn't an attack and more of an off-handed sarcastic comment, I do apologize for any inconvenience.

Intent is certainly taken into account.

Ok I understand now, I appreciate the explanation. I'm trying to remember how I worded it so in the future I can be sure to avoid it but I can't. Is there anyway you could PM me the comment in question for that purpose?

What makes you think it's fake news?

CIA told him, err I mean he read a WaPo article.

He heard about it on CNN! :)

Absence of anything resembling actual evidence.

I've watched people on this and other subs building this theory the past week. False assumptions that were suddenly undisputed facts 24h later. "Smoking guns" that were actually loose connections. All while the initial assumption that there is a connection between Rich and Wikileaks is supported by... I guess the word of Julian Assange. Who is appearently protecting his source by spreading the theory that he's his source.

It's ok if you aren't interested in his murder. But lots of people would like to know what happened since there are lots of holes in the official story, in addition to a myriad of strange coincidences with DNC higher-ups. If you don't care, that's ok - no hate - but some of us would like to know more, and every new lead is very interesting

It's ok if you aren't interested in his murder. But lots of people would like to know what happened since there are lots of holes in the official story, in addition to a myriad of strange coincidences with DNC higher-ups. If you don't care, that's ok - no hate - but some of us would like to know more, and every new lead is very interesting

Look into it all you want (except please leave the grieving family alone). It's your time, you can do whatever you want.

I watched this unfold under the assumption that it's completely made up, and all the leads until now have strengthened that theory more than weakened it. (With theory I mean the Wikileaks connection, there is an unsolved murder after all)

when it comes to Seth Rich and Pizzagate, the smoking gun is usually nothing..

that's how you know

What do y'all think you are accomplishing with these lame posts?

Even at 0 upvotes (35%) it's the number 3 rising post right now, the shills really are trying to control the narrative here. There cannot be any narrative other than the MSM and Shareblue approved one!

I've never seen anything like it. This group is so far out of touch they aren't even aware of how obvious they are.

they're scared.....the fall of the empire of pizza is the end of they're lives.

the next theory the alt right will latch onto is the massive conspiracy of astroturfing in various subreddits and messaging boards on the internet. Eglin Airforce base, Shareblue, Media Matter, Correct the Record, all will be exposed and we will learn how much you get paid to push your bullshit.

Is this post real?? My god, you're gonna have to try harder than that. Holy shit this is a low quality attempt. You're not fooling anybody.

So, Redditor for 12 days, you are a purveyor of Avril Lavigne MK Ultra clone theories, but consider anything that is actually threatening to the government to be "fake news."

Checks out.

Geez we can see you with your 12 day pants down my friend. We are SMARTER than you shill billies! You think because of this post, we're just going to up and stop investigating #pedogate (which is what it's going by now, but you would know that if you were actually apart of this community) and Seth Rich's MURDER!

Good Day Sir! Please see your way out!

Removed. Rule 10. First warning.

Thanks for keeping me straight!

i love that people think that the right is the only group interested in seth rich or piZzagate. a lot of us left leaning folk want the truth as well

note: first troll/shill i've seen use the full word "pizzagate" and not just refer to it as PG

Removed. Rule 10.

Haha even the people who hate trump can smell this shitpost from miles away

People aren't falling for these bullshit tactics anymore. Give it up.

CIA collusion with Main Stream Media. Basically CIA anything. That's why I come here.

Maybe they'll remember Aaron Swartz

Kill yourself.

Rule 4

Trump doesn't really have much to do with the Seth Rich story. He's like tangentially related. The MSM just says that because they're trying to make this story seem like it's one political group vs another. You'll find plenty of liberals who are skeptical of the "robbery" narrative.

Wait, Seth Rich isn't dead?

he could be a crisis actor......

So they found who murdered Seth?

Hahahaha nice try loser.

nice try, shill

Removed. Rule 10. Only warning.

No suspects, arrests or motive established, but case closed? Weird.

LOL you guys are trying so hard to get us to stop talking about Seth Rich. WONT HAPPEN!

Why are you posting here again?

Pack it up boys! Looks like they've solved the case!

Last time I checked, Seth Rich's killer has not been identified or caught. So I don't consider following all leads as fake news. I call that investigating.

what... are you for real?

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"All around the area" is subjective. Even your Reddit link admits there are very few cameras in the actual vicinity of the murder. The other ones are lists of cameras like 3-4 blocks away but looks like they cover about 10% of the area.

Leaker email context is from the actual email thread. I guess people only bother to read one sentence in the thread.